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Separated By A Screen (Y/N X Suna Rintaro)

Class Representative?

What if we get sent into a world full of fantasy? A world our imagination sees? What if we fall in love with a person your not supposed to fall in love with? A person that doesn't even exist? What if in that world we start to question the difference between fantasy and reality?

Well.... Hi everyone I'm Y/N L/N and this is my story

Y/N's POV:

Time check: 1:30 AM

"I was so addicted to this anime called Haikyuu, damn I think I'm in love with Inarizaki's middle blocker "Suna Rintaro" I said to myself while trying not to blush and scream, cause who wouldn't? He's serious, cold but cute, hot, imagine if you were sent into that world, damn! I'll never leave.

Time check: 2:00 AM

I feel really sleepy, but I must finish the OVA, I need to finish it! I don't care if we had school tomorrow! I wanna finish the OVA!

"Damn Suna's really cute" I said while eating my cheese bar and looking at my wallpaper, he's so adorable I might eat him!

Time check: 5:30 AM

"Y/N! WAKE UP YOUR GOING TO BE LATE! AGAIN! I TOLD U TO AVOID THAT HAIKYUU ANIME YOU'RE WATCHING! GEEZ FOR PETE'S SAKE Y/N!" My mom shouted, geez calm down mother of mine, until I realized I fall asleep watching haikyuu again.

As I stood up from my bed I did my usual morning routines, I fixed my bed, get my things ready, washed my hair and face and went down for breakfast with my backpack on my back, I checked the time on my phone and it was going to be 30 mins until the school starts! Without hesitation, I grabbed my laptop, my phone charger and rushed to my car.

Time check: 5:40 AM

I parked my car inside the school grounds 'cause we're not allowed to park it outside, I check my watch while walking down the elevator to the 4th floor, I was about to enter the school elevator until the speaker from the school office started making an announcement so I stopped for a while and listened..

"Four representative of each grade must proceed to the Office, immediately" the speaker said and repeated it 3 times so I know I'm not going to be chosen as the class representative I just laid low and entered the room. When I opened the door I already saw my teacher discussing a topic, I was so embarrassed, I wish the floor would just eat me all up.

"S-sorry Ma'am" I said out of the blue

"Ms L/N what are you doing here?" My teacher asked

"Uhm class?" I responded

"You shouldn't be here, your the class rep for the school's new invention" My classmate shrieked

"Wait what? Is that what the fuss all about?" I asked again

"Yes, hurry now Ms. L/N, the office is waiting for you" My teacher replied

I bowed at them and ran to the elevator and processed everything when I entered the elevator, I was the class representative for the new invention called "The portal to the anime world" yeah yeah, cheezy right? I sighed

Time check: 6:05

I rushed down the halls, until I finally went to the Office and when I was about to enter the Principal's butler came unto me and opened the door, I smiled and thanked him then I entered the room

"Ms. L/N you're late" The school principal exclaimed, I looked around and I noticed that there were one class representatives for each Grade, since we can't let the Elementary get involved with this, the school president, me, decided that we, Junior High School students must test this invention ourselves.

We went to the Science Laboratory and already saw what the invention looks like. But before we enter, the Principal told us something..

"The anime world and our world has a different timeline, a year there is equivalent to a day here, but I'm warning you, there will be terrible consequences once you enter the anime world" Our principal stated

"Like what?" One of the representatives asked

"If one of the people in the anime world breaks your heart, you'll fade away"

Everyone in the room immediately went silent

"W-what do you mean "fade away?", c-can we still return here?" I asked, shaking

"Of course you'll return that's the reason why you faded away from that place, but once we faded we can't come back there ever again" the principal told us

I was shocked, "fade away"? So the main rule here is..

"Never fall in love? Is that what your trying to say Ma'am?" a third year representative asked

"Sad to say but that's a yes, you can stay there as long as you like but when someone breaks your heart, I'm sorry you need to go back" The Principal said

Still in shock, all of the representatives were sent into a large room that is filled with capsules, we went in our designated capsules and wore a helmet like hat that was supposed to bring us to a world that never existed, a world that only our minds made up, Yes we were being sent into the anime world, where all of that is just a imagination and non of it are real....

"Pfft, I would never fall in love, this will be a piece of cake" I said to myself cause only crazy people fall in love with people who never even existed in real life like duh?

"Everyone, quick reminder when you are starting to feel sleepy don't resist it, just think about the anime world you wanna go, stay clam and breathe in in that way you can go to your desired anime world" The principal told us before locking the capsules, then some sort of gas started to go out on the capsules, I guess these were sleeping gas or something until I feel myself really sleepy, I remembered what the principal said and I just think of Haikyuu and then everything went pitch black.....

Successful Invention


I woke up suddenly at a small house, I sat up straight and wandered my eyes...

"This isn't the streets, so where am I?" I asked myself as my hold my head

"Finally your awake, ONII-CHAN THE GIRL IS AWAKE!" The girl said as she stormed out of the room with an excited look on her cute face


It's like I already saw her but I can't remember when or how I even got to remember her, like omg? Who is she? Until her onii-chan came to the door and my jaw went completely open when I saw who her onii-chan is..


"S-shoyo? Hinata Shoyo?!" I asked

"Wow she knows me!" Shoyo exclaimed

"B-but how? I was just sleeping in a capsule and, oh my god is that-"

"My jersery? I know, so cool right?" Shoyo cutted me off excitedly, geez tangerine slow down, my heart

"By the way, how did you know me? Are you some sort of stalker?" He asked

"I uhm, n-no, I saw you on the news" I lied, I can't tell him where I really from he might think I'm insane or crazy

"SUGOI!" Shoyo said and I just chuckled

"By the way I haven't got your name, what's your name?" He asked, since I can't give him too much info and just like I said he might think me as a cray-cray, I told him that my name is Althea

"Althea? What a cute name" Shoyo said with a smile on his face, damn ground eat me all up please! He's so freaking adorable!

"Onee-san Althea, my name is-"

"Hinata Natsu am I right?" I cutted her off

"Hai~" she said with a cute smile on her face, damn if only they were real, I said to myself

"How did you know her name?" Shoyo suddenly asked, I startled and I ran out of words! I simply coughed a little and Shoyo instructed his little sister to get warm water and so she did, I just did that so I could change the subject

"Are you alright Althea? Do you need anything?" He asked again

"Y-yeah I'm fine thanks" I stuttered, still had no idea on how I got here, all I remember is I'm wandering at the streets and yeah something like that

Cause who am I kidding?! He's the little giant of Karasuno! I mean compare to his height, I'm basically taller than him ಥ‿ಥ well beats me, I'm worst at volleyball I can't even get a receive up or get the block right, I would always get up injured, yup I've been weak but I still play one sport. Badminton. I just sighed, I know I can't be in Hinata's level, I'm too weak


"Hey you okay? You seemed pretty off just a moment ago" Shoyo shook me off

"Y-yeah I'm fine" I replied

"Onee-chan here's your water" Natsu said while handing me the glass of water and I just simply nodded and drank from it

"Come to think of it, me and Kageyama with Sugawara-san saw you lying and sleeping on the streets, what is a girl like you doing there?" Hinata asked, of course I already planned for this situation, and if that means I have to lie to hide my identity, then I have to

"My parents kicked me out 5 hours ago and I had nowhere else to go" I started "I was just stopping them from fighting until" a tear fell into my cheek "Until they told me that I was such a burden to them"

"O-ohh, don't cry Onee-san, our mother told us that we can take care of you" Natsu exclaimed happily

"M-matte, anata wa watashi no sewa o suru tsumoridesu?" I asked, my eyes still wide

(" Matte anata wa watashi no sewa o suru tsumoridesu" means "Wait, you're going to take care of me? in Japanese)

"Mhm, we will take care of you" Shoyo agreed and her sister nodded


T-they let me live with them... I-i'm so happy! First time in my life! My school made a successful invention!

An invention that will change a weeb girl's life like me, forever


"Althea, ALTHEA!"

"H-huh?" I looked at the one calling my name for a million times

"You were spacing out again, what were you thinking?" Shoyo asked me, I completely forgot I was walking with him to school, ever since his mother took me in and enrolled me in a school as same as Hinata


"M-me? Spacing out?" I sighed then looked up to the clear blue sky "Maybe, maybe I am"

"Cheer up Althea! Or how about this, let's race to the school, whoever gets to school the last will buy pork buns" Shoyo said with a smirk in his face which led me into fear, he cant' know I have asthma, and so...


My hard headness got the best of me


"Game" And then Shoyo started running, I tried to catch up

We were running a mountain and I think my legs couldn't take it anymore, I could feel my breathing get short


"S-shoyo! W-wait up! I-i can't-" I exclaimed while I'm trying to run fast so I can catch up with him, but no use, he's too far for me to catch up

"Hinata Shoyo!" I screamed but it's no use

"C'mon Thea, work those legs and feet of yours! Keep up!" Shoyo yelled back and started running faster

"H-hinata!" I tried to yell his name and then the next thing I knew my knees were touching the ground, my hand is at my chest, my eyesight were blurry and I can't feel my arms and legs


I only can feel my body touching the ground and the sunlight that is touching my skin




"Althea? ALTHEA! What's wrong? Why are you gasping for air?! D-do you have asthma?" Shoyo came back, while here I am, gasping for air and lying on the ground

"H-hi-hinata, I-i can't b-breathe" I managed to say between my breath

"Hold on! I'll call for help!" He took out his phone and started calling for help

I tried to keep him calm but the next thing I knew my head was lying to the filthy ground and everything went black...

Asthma attack

Shoyo's POV

I am at the hospital with Thea, I didn't knew she has asthma until now, she was lying in the cold hospital bed, looking pale and weak, for the past days she was cheery and happy, I looked at her in awe while she was still sleeping, lips as gray as the ash, her skin as white as snow, I feel guilty for having her around to the mountain

"I-i, Shoyo where am I?" Althea asked as she sat up at the bed

"Y-you should've told me you had asthma" I muttered enough for her to hear it

"I'm sorry for making you- wait why are you here?! You missed-" she paused for a moment to feel her phone at her pocket to check the time. Her jaw dropped when she learned we missed 3 subject periods already.

"You should've left me here! " she yelled at me that made me flinched

"This time on" I said as I hold her hand that made her eyes open wide

"I'll never leave your side Thea"


Thea aka Y/n POV

"I'll never leave your side, Thea" Hinata told me that made me look away from him

It's happening again... Those words... it's like it's all coming back to me, my rough past, everything

"T-thea you should get some rest" Hinata said as he gently lay my back on the bed

I just remained silent.. Shoyo left 2 hours ago and yet I was still silent, the words keep bothering me, I remembered my dad, on how he promised me he'll never leave me, but one day he took off, with his lover and new family and ever since then, I never saw them

I tried so hard not to cry but tears just burst up into my eyes, those tears I kept for years just suddenly tried to show up now


I stared so bad at the ceiling, like I didn't care about anyone in the world, Shoyo hasn't come here yet.. What's wrong?

I tried contacting him, he said he's already on his way home and informed me that he brought some of his friends if I don't mind, without thinking, I already said yes

I was busy scrolling through my phone when a knocked was heard upon my door, nervous, I stood up gently, walked to the door and opened it up. In my surprise, Shoyo came here with the whole team! Kageyama, Sugawara, Daichi, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Asahi, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Ennoshita, Narita, Kinoshita, Kiyoko, Yachi and Ukai sensei. They visited me after all.

"Thea are you okay?" Suga asked when he finally got a hold of me "Shoyo told us what happened"

"Oi! You should be resting!" Daichi said that made me laugh accidentally

Everyone looked at me with confusion as I am still laughing

"W-why are you laughing? Did we say something wrong?" Daichi and Suga asked me that made me stop laughing for a while to wipe my tears and catch my breath a little

"It's just, you guys are like my parents ahahaha, so that's why everyone in my world ships the both of you and even call you guys "Sugamama" and "Sawapapa" I said out loud that made them speechless

"W-what did you say again?"

"You're from another what?!"

"Thea stop lying, this isn't true"

"Stop fooling around"

The words that the team told me made me speechless, I just realized that I told them I'm from another world! Oh shit, I'm dead!

"Thea, stop fooling us around, you know we hate it when you lie like that!" Yamaguchi yelled at me that made me speechless even more

"Look guys, I think it's time that I have to let someone know my secret" I told them they started coming closer to my bed

"We're here to listen"

"Just tell us"

Some of them said that made me bow my head a little, I don't know how should I explain it to them, it's too early for them to know to be honest but I have no choice, the word just slip out of my tongue

I sighed

"Guys, I'm from another dimension"

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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