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My Adopted Brother And I



...“When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable. ”...


...This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual person, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental....

...This may include scenes and words that others may find uncomfortable. This may also include matured contents that are not advisable for young audiences but since the author is also underage then welcome to my newly published story....

...Plagiarism is a crime punishable by the law!...


...Author's Note...

I'll just remind you that everything in this book is fictional and is from the green-minded author's imagination and will soon be published in other platforms but this is the original rest assured. Don't copy anything that you read or see from this story because it's PURELY fictional.

Someone told me that I can right mature stories even if I'm still underage so I'll give it a try.

Photo in the cover is not mine, I only edited it a little and put the book's title so, credits to the owner of the pic.

You must be wondering, if not, I'll still say it anyways. Well, I have three on-going stories that are not completed yet (that's why it's called on-going) and as you can see or read all of them are written in tag-lish (Tagalog and English Language). Since, I thought that maybe there's only countable amount of Filipinos here I might as well make a Full English story so other people will understand and I'll be able to share the world my original works. Here it is, though this may contain grammatical errors 'cause I'm only a highschooler but yeah, I hope you still support.

I'm a highschooler with a wild imagination.

I'll be putting Obsessed Series: Helion MacKenzie and Rykiel Wilson on Hiatus or On-hold so as The role play world because I'm gonna focus on this one.

If you can't stand a lot of gramnatical errors and typos then please feel free to click out my story. I don't want toxic readers.

I'll try a daily update when I can but right now I won't because I also have my own life to live and studies too.


...Date Started//05.05.2021...

...Date Finished//08.20.2022...


...My adopted brother and I...


I once read an article about inc*st. Is it familiar to you? If not, then I'll tell you.

Inc*st is a s*xual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry. I won't call our relationship as one though because we're not related by blood but hey, we're definitely close.

I actually fancy reading that kind of stuffs and I also read novels about it but I didn't actually thought that I'll experience it too.

But before that, I'm going to tell you how WE happened. How it started or how we met yeah, whatever, let's just get this over with.


15 Years Ago...

"Are you not going to say hi to your new friend Hiro?" my mother said while raising one of her brows

Its not like he's my real friend anyway.

"Hi..." I said then heaved a long deep sigh

"This is Khaelles Kruss, the son of your mother's bestfriend. He'll be living with us until his parents come back from overseas, be good to him, ok?" my father said and I gave him a reassuring smile before approaching 'Khaelles'

He's hiding behind my mother's back while clenching a fist-full of the hem of his clothes.

I still remember the scared look on his face and his small hand. Even his cute chubby face and chocolate-brown eyes.

I was 8 when our eyes met and it took him one full year to finally get used of my existence.

His mother and my mother were best of friends that's why he was named 'Khaelles Kruss' and I was named 'Khaelus Cross', it's not my full name though. At first I thought it was annoying but when we finally became close I actually find it cool. NOT BECAUSE WE SHARE ALMOST THE SAME NAME. I have a whole new other reason why I find it cool but of course I won't tell you. I'm going to keep it to myself.

As I said, Khaelus Cross is not my full name, my parents usually call me Hiro as a short cut for my name. Akhiro Khaelus Cross B. Mexal, that's my full name. B stands for Brin, my mother's surname before marriage and my Akhiro is not pronounced as "Akihiro" but "Akiro". Not sure why they call me Hiro though.

Back to me and Khaelles. I'm one year—no, seven months older than him to put it simpler, I'm older than him. I'm also taller than him and of course more muscular if we're talking about the present. I won't say that we're richer than his family though 'cause my mother and his mother's motto is "What's mime is yours". Quite disturbing but I think it's fine.

After three months of his stay I was expecting him to leave because his parents are coming back but unfortunately, they didn't. He was abandoned at a young age. Not the literal abandon like they left them alone—on second though, yeah, I think they just did. The only difference is they're dead. On the way home of his parents the airplane suffered from a high turbulance and crashed—is it called crash though? I think it's more proper to call it “dive”. The airplane dived in the ocean and no one survived.

Khaelles' parents soon was buried leaving him alone. I saw how he smiled in the funeral and breaks down when bedtime comes. I was actually there for him and I think that's the reason why we became close.

After that incident he stopped talking to people or to put it short, he stopped socializing. He'd always distance himself to people and prefer to stay at home than go out with his friends—not like he have one anyway.

My parents were so worried that they asked Khaelles if they could adopt him and he actually said sure that left me dumbfounded. My parents immediately processed the paper and etc. and one thing led to another he's officially my brother.

15 years after that. He caught me watching one of those things while doing it to myself. I thought he was going to leave me alone but oh how wrong I was.

"Do me instead. I actually don't mind. You have two choice though, it's either you do me or I do you" he nonchalantly said and I actually gulped in anticipation

Tell me that he didn't just said that.

I'll be so dead if our parents find out but why did I still do it? One thing for sure, I'm so screwed.


...My adopted brother and I...


..."Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is growing up."...

...– James Baldwin...


...Khaelus Cross...

Sitting on the couch while reading one of those novels that, of course, has an inc*st plot while the It Girl song by Jason Derulo is playing on my phone with high volume. I don't know why but I feel connected to this kind of stories. Its not like I like someone who's related to me.

I would sometimes sing my lungs out while my mind is reading a wonderful masterpiece. It's a multi-task kind of thing.

I don't know how I still understand what I'm reading while singing the lyrics fluently. I keep on doing the same thing without even wondering but I guess it's because I got used to it?

"Hey, I'm home" I heard a faint voice behind me before feeling a light tap on my right shoulder

"Went back from work eh?" I asked him

"Yeah, right." he said and I chuckled

He's my brother. My adopted brother to be exact. He's the 'I'll do it on my own' and 'If I want it I'll work hard for it' type of person. A complete opposite of me. He's nice, kind, hospitable, charming, and other good things you could think of but he hates socializing. Always and will forever be the complete opposite of me.

I, on the other hand, would laze around and have someone to do it for me but it's not like I always do it. My bossy-ness just kick in when I want to finish reading something or doing somethin'. Not that bad right? I have many friends like— a huge circle of friends— and yeah, I'm not nice, kind, and other good stuffs but I sure am smart, handsome, and drop-dead gorgeous as hell.

Khaelles and I. We both have difference between well, except if you're basing on our looks and mind. We're both literally handsome and a f*ckin' young genius.

"Aren't you gonna find a job? You're already 23 but you're still lounging in the house and lazing around" he said while drinking cold water that I think he got from the refrigerator if not, then where? Pfft—

"You know I can't. Mom said that they can still handle it so they'll give me lots and lots of time to chill and I think they told you too, you're just so excited to work. Plus, I'll handle the company when dad retires, I've already finished business management after all since you don't want it" I nonchalantly explained while shrugging once in a while

"I've finished business management too ya'know. I'm still the heir of West Corporations." he said and I smiled at him before turning the page of the book I'm reading

This is the last page.

"Hey, can I borrow some of your clothes? Don't have anything formal to wear" Khaelles said while walking towards the stairs located on the right side of the living room

"Yeah, whatever." I exclaimed

Another difference between us. He likes borrowing clothes from my closet because he doesn't like to spend a lot of money just for a piece of clothing... While me? I have a complete collection of those popular brands like LV, prada, armani, and versace. It's not like I use it, it's just for my collection. I also have a collection of whiskey and alcoholic drinks but yeah, a bottle of Remy is my favorite.

Oh, and there's another difference between me and Khaelles. I always want my room to be spacious and extravagant because I need space for my collections while Khaelles likes small room that only fits his bed, closet, and lots of educational books.

He's the real f*ckin' bookworm.

"I'll go ahead" he said while fixing his necktie

"Where are you going?" I asked and placed the book on my stomach, I've finished reading the book for the third time

"Work." he briefly answered

"Again? Aren't you gettin' tired?" I asked him before reaching for my phone and changing the music

"I don't... See you later" he said and I just watch him walk towards the door

Before he successfully walk out the house my—our mother barged in and threw herself to Khaelles.

"My son! Where are you going and why are you dressed like an old man?" my mother excitedly asked

"Work mamá" Khaelles said while rubbing the back of his head

His work will definitely be suspended since mom is here.

He calls mom mamá while I call her mother or mom. A common call sign difference.

"No, no, no, mi hijo. We're going out to shop a lot of things" my mother emotionally exclaimed

"But mamá...."

"You're not going to work whether you like it or not"

"Mamá I need to"

"Ah, so work is more important now, huh?" mom said and shed tears

Yeah, the best actress indeed

"I—uh... Fine I'll stay" he said like he had no choice which is correct because mom will definitely not let him go to work today

"Where is dad?" I asked and she smiled sweetly

This old guys is still inlove. F*ckin' old people.

"He won't be coming home today. He has some business to finish" she said and I nodded in response

"Go change mis hijos, we're going shopping" she said in a sing-song tone

I stood up and went to my room to change.

Might as well buy a new book to read. Oh, and maybe a ring light. It's quite famous nowadays.

I hurriedly changed my clothes and reached for my earphone so I can vibe along the way. I know mom won't let me drive today so might as well chill in the car.

I walked out of my room and saw Khaelles pouting like a child.

"Sup bro" I said and gave him a light tap on his shoulder

"Can I not come?" he asked but I shook my head as his pout widened

"There's no escaping bro, you know what mom is like" I said earning a groan from him

I chuckled and descended on the stair.

"Let's go mis hijos!" mom excitedly said before beaming at us

Sheesh... She really is a lively old lady.


...My adopted brother and I...

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