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Ds Fighters

Chapter 0

Author: So welcome guys it's the Chapter 0, today I am going tell you some plot about this story and next chapter will be the start of the story

So as the story continues in a normal world where all are normal, they're living peacefully the society is still corrupted but average humans don't care about it, Poor people suffer from it and Rich people's are continuing it.

when all this going on there's a sudden news started appearing all over that there Super humans between they have super power Called DS, well DS stands for nothing but Death situation...well this power this humans got only triggers when they are in dire death situation.

Well...this power is super intelligent and super it will save you from your Death situation and it will you give powers you need... suppose you are getting snipped from 500 meter radius you are simply Walking through a street and that sniper goes for your head...when the bullet is about to pass through your head this power will activate and you will be able to avoid it by catching the bullet, your endurance might increase and that bullet won't have effect, pretty good right?

Well..this power has his drawbacks will after one time use it will consume most of your energy you might faint or you might get exhausted and can't use it anytime soon. And a human with this power is pretty rare, like very rare from thousand of people only 8 will have this power. why you might think how these guys die? well there two ways of these fighters to die 1) If they're getting natural death 2) If they're diseased.

Now let's get to the main part there's a school which trains these fighters they take out their potentials out, now you guys might think is necessary to join this school? Well..yes this power activates in a death situation only but you don't know when that comes? you might hurt your loved ones in that process, so better know of this power is pretty good idea

Well...these schools teaches the DS fighters and give them opportunities to join army, they can have a very good time there and if you're a DS fighter and you join army there are many rewards you will get.

Since this school sends DS fighters to army Government doesn't questions them and doesn't issue any search warrant and taking advantage of that they they ship DS fighters to many Gangsters, evil organizations, Various Industries and like that.

Now hereby I end the plot, tell you about the main character Main character name is Caine, there many side characters that I would show you in the next chapter.

Authors Note: Thank you guys/girls to read this chapter I hope you might got interested and want to read it, I will update this chapter after every third or second day since I am also writing my other story called THE DESTROYER LOOP, well it's another story but thanks for your support we will meet another time, see you

Chapter 1

Author : So hereby story starts thanks for showing your love and getting here the next chapter I hope you guys like so let's go ahead

Our main character was walking down through a rundown area where most of things were broken he was moving very quietly and all of a sudden someone throws a stick towards him, a very hard and strong wooden stick was about to struck him at his back of his skull but our main characters DS powers activates he pulls his hand backwards and Catches the stick.

Two police men's come running towards him he looks at them and says"Who threw this?"

One of the policeman says"Hey! give it back it's mine."

Our main character holds that rod tight and smashes that guys skull and later he faints down.

At the next scene when our main character wakes up he was with the another policeman and in front of DS academy. Main character was confused he didn't know what's going on? He says"Why I am here?" The police man says"You are a DS user now spend your life here!" Our main character says"I don't wa-" but policeman says"It's necessary if you don't wanna be there then you may go to jail."

Main character Don't say anything and goes into school, he walks through the whole campus to reach principal office..there he meets to the guy and Principal says"Nice to meet you! My name is Gaster!" Main character says"Oh..nice to meet you too, My name is Note and I am 18 year old..I don't have any parents or friends I live alone."

Gaster gets impressed he says"Aren't you smart kid? I didn't even ask for your Bio-data still you gave me!"

Note says" are the registrar guy, right? how does the admission thing?"

Gaster gets annoyed he goes"what? I am the principal of this school!"

Note gets shocked"Oh..I see but why are you registrar then? are you doing two jobs at a time?"

Gaster gets even more annoyed he says"Are you some dense guy? in this school we first take interview then the admission!"

Note says" that's how it is so you are interviewer, registrar and principal !! you sure are talented."

Gaster was totally pissed by now he says"Hey shut up and answer my question damn it. So, do you have DS powers?"

Note as calm as he can be"I don't know!"

Gaster says"Then why did you came here?"

Note says"I don't know a policeman brought me here saying that I have powers, I don't know exactly."

Gaster thinks for a bit he says"Oh...a policeman where is he?"

Note says"He's peeing!"

Gaster's face was red by now he was angry as hell"So, in this important discussion, the person who is important is peeing?

Note says"You got it all right!"

Gaster says nothing they wait for some moment and tries to calm himself down and few moments later The police man comes

Policeman comes and takes the sit he says"Sir this Kid has DS powers but he doesn't know about it I think you should train him."

Gaster was crying inside he says"So what he did?

Policeman says" used his powers ofcourse that's why I brought him here!"

Gaster says"how? how he used his powers!"

Policeman says"If I knew how they use their power I would have opened a school!"

Gaster was like what a unlucky day is today

He thinks 'I will get mad if I talk to these people!'

Gaster says"I will take this kid in so don't worry, and you Note take your luggage and come here to live, you will here from now on."

The End

Chapter 2


Our main character got admission in the school lets see what happens next.


A women looking into the mirror and getting ready for the school, the girl says"Wow...look at me, today too I am the number one beauty here, now let's barge into school!"

[ Note ( not the main character ) : This woman name is Naomi, the most beautiful character of this series, she is liked by everyone, everyone starts blushing at her one glance, this girl is a teacher at DS academy and her age is 21]

Naomi enters the school, all the crowd goes to uproar, now there are two types of people

1) Who have already seen her beauty and calling her beauty!!

2) who are watching her for the first time and stunned at her beauty!!

Naomi enjoys this show, she likes when she gets praised, well... Naomi has a thinking which says"Oh..gosh I am so beautiful is there anyone as much as beautiful I am, will I ever get a handsome man who is equally good at looks as me!"

Naomi is always disappointed she was going the class and suddenly her eyes stops at main character, she was shocked, she never saw a perfect guy like that, ( now guys let me tell you main character, our main character isn't perfect guy for looks he's just perfectly average )

Naomi says in her mind that is" god!oh

my God!! how?who? from where? this guy came? should I talk to him? oh no what should I do? and why I am so desperate to talk to him? Am I in love? no it's not that it's-it's just my illusion.

Note starts to move towards class calmly, and here our Naomi is total mess, she thinks"where he's going? is he going in my class? am I going to teach him? what if he falls for me? I can't have forbidden love!!"

Bell rings all the students goes towards the class all are sitting on the bench, Naomi goes in and gets shocked cuz note was sitting on the First bench right infront of her, he stands up and obviously all the class stands up, they greet the teacher"GOOD AFTERNOON MAM NAOMI~"

Naomi says in her mind "What should I do? he's infront of me! should I hug him? wait no, it shouldn't be like that! let's get it together and try to talk to him let's see how he is!"

Whole class was looking at her, she was somewhere inside of her mind thinking how to start conversation? suddenly the best method how teacher starts the conversation with students on first, was used by Naomi which is introduction, but Naomi is a creative type girl she won't just take introduction of 48 students, she says"How about we play game of interview? I will ask you questions!"

Whole class goes into uproar lifting their hand up and shouting"MISS ME!! MISS ME!! MISS PLEASE LOOK AT ME! I WANT A CHANCE!! PLEASE ME!!" And our Note he doesn't give a sh*t , he was looking here and there, Naomi says"I will select you! you look good!" Again she goes into her mind"oh shit did I just confessed my feelings? oh no I am the worst!"

Whole class was disappointed, well our Note too was disappointed, he stands up and says" Yes miss! what you wanna ask? ( he's not interested at all )

the conversation

Naomi: What's your name?

Note : My name is Note!

Naomi in her mind ( wow what a great name! )

Naomi: Where do you live?

Note : Well.. before coming here I used to live at a rental apartment!

Naomi : And before that?

Note : It's none of your business!!

*Whole class was giving a death glare to Note

Naomi was shocked too, she never heard such lines!

Note : Any other questions?

Naomi was shocked she says"Nothing let it be!"

later the period ends and so the school too cuz it was just the first day and start of it!

The End

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