The Beautiful Doctor
Hey guys its the author here, I have decided to introduce the characters as you read
Name : Jin Yue
Age : 20
He is known as the Youngest and Most Beautiful Doctor. He is also known for his good eyesight, beacuse of this he keeps his eyes closed most of the time
Doctor Jin! Patient 21 is loosing Heart beat please come with me to the ER room!
Other Doctors
Doctor Jin! We tried our best to keep the Heart beat up until you came!
Other Doctors
Please help us cure the patient!
After the operation ( 1 hr )
Jin Yue
Who are the family members of Patient 21??
Doctor, please say he is alright!
Jin let out a smile and said
Jin Yue
Don't worry, Patient 21 is alright he just needs more rest
Patient 21's family let out a sigh or relief and said
Thank you so much Doctor Jin!!
Jin Yue
Ahh, finally able to go home!
Please ignore that he has short hair.
He went on the hospital's parking lot and went to his car
He went in and drove out of the hospital
While driving he stopped at the red light
Jin Yue
Ahh, so tired so tired can't wait to go home!
He turns over his left dside to see an old woman about to be run over a truck
and as a reflex he used his car to shield the old woman from the truck
his car. truck
----- | |
old woman
Hope you understand that weird thing
Jin Yue
what is.... this? ...... Blood?
Jin Yue
Its..... getting.... blurry?
Jin Yue
why is it so cold??
And that's all for Chapter 1!!
Hope you readers enjoyed!!
* * means the character is doing it
( ) means the character is thingking it
Jin Yue
[hah? what is this?]
I may have accidentally killed you..
Jin Yue
Shocked but doesn't know what to react 👉
How the angel thought Jin Yue would react
Jin Yue
What do you mean?!?!
Jin Yue
someone who adapts quickly to the situation 👉
( This human is not panicking?? )
Jin Yue
So gramps what is this place?
( Am I that old?? 😨😨 )
Jin Yue
( Why is his face like that? Weird old man )
This is a space between two dimensions
Jin Yue
So what do you want me here for old man?
I'll just get straight to the point
Jin Yue
why didn't you do it from the start then? 😐
( Does this kid know what he's doing?? )
So, do you still want to live?
( Why did he take so long to answer that? 🤔 )
( Whatever, better not say it or he will roast me again 😖 )
Ok I will reincarnate you but not in your original world
well, you just can't ok?
In this life, I will grant you three wishes
To compensate for my mistakes
Jin Yue
Are you a genie old man?
Jin Yue
But I have three questions
Jin Yue
Will I still keep my memories in my past life?
Jin Yue
Will my abilities still be the same?
(Talking about his eyes)
It will be adjusted accordingly
Jin Yue
I have made up my mind for the three wishes
hai.. ( Why do I have a bad feeling? )
Jin Yue
I want something that stores rare herbs for both my era and the world you sending me to
Jin Yue
Thats my first wish
Jin Yue
I still want to be a doctor ☺
Jin Yue
Oh, can you include the medical and medicinal tools from my era too?
Jin Yue
For my second wish...
( Its gonna be money 😎 )
( Or a big mansion 😎 )
Jin Yue
What do you mean what kind? 😶
Jin Yue
I want it to help me in medicine and be my bodyguard at the same time
Jin Yue
Innocent because never paid attention to these kinds of things 👉
Jin Yue
I'll just leave it blank and call you if I decided
👈Still frozen because of what he thought the kid would be
Jin Yue
So when are you sending me??
( Am I really that old?? 😨😨 )
Ok thats all for today byebye!!
New World
Jin Yue
* When open his eyes clearly, feels nauseous *
Jin Yue
Ahh! My eyes I need something to cover it with!
Jin Yue
( Damn that old man my eyes are even more enhanced!)
Jin Yue
Woah, what is this place??
Jin Yue
I think that old man also said something about magic?
Also, theres magic in this world
You just have to imagine what you want to create got it?
Jin Yue
Ok so he also said to take care of the egg?
Jin Yue
And the tools and herbs I asked for is in the necklace?
Jin Yue
What am I going to do with that old man? 😅
Jin Yue
Let's just explore this place..
Jin Yue
I want this whole mountain...
Jin Yue
Since I'm the only one on this mountain anyways
Jin Yue
I'll set up a whole barrier on the mountain!!
A two days have passed since he set up the barrier on the whole mountain
he also built a house during that time
Pleas ignore what needs to be
Jin didn't know there was people or more specifically a village below the mountain
Jin Yue
I feel so safe in here 😁
Village people's POV of the barrier :
pls imagine thats covering the whole mountain 😅
Oh no! there must be a monstrous beast living on the mountain!!
We should inform the guild immediately!!
Jin Yue
did I catch a cold?
Jin Yue
My life is so relaxing..
Jin Yue
But, when is that egg gonna hatch anyways?
Jin Yue
Its already the third day..
Jin Yue
* Gets out of the shower *
Jin Yue
Showers are always relaxing 😁
Jin Yue
* Hears cracking noises *
Thats all for today!
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