I Will Never Love You Again
Sadistic 💝Author💝
Hi everyone this is my first ever story l made so l hop you like it
Sadistic 💝Author💝
Let me introduce myself
Sadistic 💝Author💝
lm Charlotte
Sadistic 💝Author💝
But l will use my friend name Sadistic
Sadistic 💝Author💝
But she agree with it anyway 😚
Sadistic 💝Author💝
So lets introduce the FL
Charlotte Lee
Age : 19
Likes : love her Adopted mother and Adpoted father and brother and love William
Hate : two face and gold digger and bitch and slut
🔒Other information is locked 🔒
William Jackson
Age : 18
Likes : love her mother and father and her sister
Hate : two face and bitch and gold digger and bitch and slut and (😢 Hate FL😢)
🔒Other information is locked 🔒
Sadistic 💝Author💝
Well he hate the Charlotte
Sadistic 💝Author💝
But in the future it maybe change or not 😔
Sadistic 💝Author💝
So lets start the Story
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Will William like it
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
l hope he will like my gift for his advance birthday gift ☺☺☺☺
Charlotte knock the door 2x but no one listen
she open the door and saw underware and breif and t shirt of girl and boy
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Ohh it must be the bestfriend of William
But Charlotte heard the name of William
🔞🔞🔞🔞 skip it if you dont like it 🔞🔞🔞🔞
Lora Lee ¤Bitch¤
.Ah.hh Wil..li.am sl.ow it. d.ow.n🥵🥵🥵🥵 * with a moan tone *
William Jackson ♡ML♡
I ca.nt b.aby yo.ur tw.o h.ot 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
Charlotte slam th door hard
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
how could you do this to me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
You said you love me 😭
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
But why did you do this 😭😭😭😭
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Anyway if you want to know 😏
William Jackson ♡ML♡
I dont love you Charlotte 😡
William Jackson ♡ML♡
l hate you so much 😡
William Jackson ♡ML♡
lm just playing at you 😏
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Cause your so naive 🙄
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Why do you hate me so much William l didn't do anything of you 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Cause your so pathetic person 🙄
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Your so useless 🙄
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Tell me the truth why you hate me so much 😭😭😭😭😭
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Okay let me tell you 🤬 *Shout*
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Do you remember that day in April 15 😡 *Shout *
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Yes l remember it 😭
Brother William
William (10)
Yes little panda
Do you like some 👉👈
William (10)
Hahahha Little panda
William (10)
Yes like someone 😉
😭😭😭😭 brother like someone else
William (10)
*She so cute l want to tease her more* She is more cute than you little panda
Im more cute 😤
William (10)
okay your cute☺
The house of William was been in fire
Butler: Is everyone here !
Oh no little master is in his room
Someone needs to be rescued him
Where is brother William 😭😭😭😭😭
master is inside the house
Now everyone is looking from him
Little Charlotte run to the house
Brother William where are you ! *Shout*
*cough* Br.other Will.iam whe.re are. y.ou ! *Shout*
William (10)
Im here *cough*
Brother William come lets get out now *Cough*
When Charlotte and William got out from the house
l got brother William *faint *
what a strong kid
Everyone send them to the hospital
William (10)
W.h.o s.a.ve ..m.e *in a low voice *
Young master the one who save you is ....
Someone interrupt the maid
Lora Lee (9)
Me who save you brother William 😊
Ashley Jackson
Wow lm proud of you Lora your such a strong and brave girl 😲
Lora Lee (9)
*Give a scary face *
Ashley Jackson
What leader maid ?
*What a bad girl *
William (10)
Yo.u sa.ve .m.e * in a low voice *
Lora Lee (9)
Yes brother William l save you from the fire 😅
Lora Lee (9)
If my sister save you 🙄, wont have many bruises brother William
Lora Lee (9)
She is just laughing at you when you are injured 😔
Sadistic 💝Author💝
What a bitch 😒
Lora Lee ¤Bitch¤
Yeah l know that lm a bitch 🤥
Lora Lee ¤Bitch¤
but lm pretty and sexy anyway 🙄
Sadistic 💝Author💝
Bitch Introduction
Lora Lee
love : Her mother and father and loves money of William
Hate : Charlotte
Lora Lee (9)
She is just laughing at you when you are injured 😔*Oh Charlotte your good days are over 😈*
William (10)
She wants to kill me 😭😭😭😭😭😭 *l like you alot Charlotte but why did you do this to me 😭😭😭 You hurt me badly*
Lora Lee (9)
lm sorry to tell you about this 😔 *l should kept acting so that in the future l will be miss Jackson 🤤*
Is brother William okay ? *in a low voice*
Thanks to you the master is okay but l have to tell you something *l should tell her what happen *
Do you know lora ?
Yeah she is my younger sister?
why are you talking about her ?
Your sister is become more slut
He one who save young master is you but she said that she is the one who saved the young master
My sister is very hard to control even mom and dad cant control her
If she wants it she will get it 😔
And now she want to make me a bad person 😔
if my sister is planning something it will never stop 😔
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Yeah l remember it brother William 😭😭😭😭
William Jackson ♡ML♡
But why didn't help me that they😡
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
l did help you brother William 😭😭😭
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Hehehehe *crazy laugh*
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Do you really think l will believe you 😡
Lora Lee ¤Bitch¤
Brother William l will go out so that you can punish that Slut 😏*Charlotte your life will go to hell 😈*
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Believe me brother William 😭😭😭
William push Charlotte to the bed
And Charlotte clothes were torn by William
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Brother William please dont do this to me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Did you say you love me 😈
William Jackson ♡ML♡
So lm giving you a chance to have a s*x with me
William push his 🍆 to Charlotte
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
No d.o.nt d.o this *losing strength voice *
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Hehehe what a virgen person
William push faster to tte p****y of Charlotte
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Ple.a.se st.op🥵🥵🥵🥵 *moan*
William Jackson ♡ML♡
Hehehe l will make 20 rounds of it cause you love me so much 😏
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