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Taekook: Crazy Love!

Will He Return?

Kim Seo Joon seems to be restless as he stares at a one-storey villa just opposite his mansion. He continuously lets his thoughts wander looking at the villa.. he knows it too well he is not suppose to do that. His caretaker Peter who has been with him since birth, only allowed Seo Joon to sit in the backyard because he insisted on having some fresh air..
Peter noticed Seo Joon is mumbling something while stroking his fingers nervously on the wheelchair’s handle.. It seems like Seo Joon is eager to talk. Peter finally asks him about what he is thinking.
Kim Seo Joon
Kim Seo Joon
Do you think He will come?
Looking at the extent you have gone to bring him back, I am sure, he will come!
Kim Seo Joon
Kim Seo Joon
I don’t know, nobody can understand what goes in his mind and I don’t even know whether my accident can make him come home.
*Takes a deep breath and says* I know he is different and quiet but believe me sire, he loves you the most. He will definitely come, you don’t worry! It’s not good for your health.
Kim Seo Joon
Kim Seo Joon
Yes I guess (not so sure still).
Finally Seo Joon feels tired sitting there and staring blankly at the opposite villa. He decides to head back to his room and rest, hoping that tomorrow will come with a good news. He takes a last peak of the villa behind him
Kim Seo Joon is one of the richest people in South Korea. His company Kim Corporation is into pharma and technology business. Seo Joon is one of the youngest CEO in the country. He took power of KimCorp at the age of 18, however, everyone knows that he inherited the business when he was 10 years old right after his father, Kim Jezu’s death. His biological mother Kim Leeshin died shortly after six years of his father’s death. Seo joon has two uncles from his father side and they are married with 2 children each. His mother was the only child. However, Seo joon also inherited his mother’s business after her death. It was his relatives hunger to snatch his father’s hard work KimCorp which made Seo joon major in business management and take control of it when he turned 18. His hobbies are reading and painting. He is used to his work as if it’s part of his body. But everyone knows he loves his step brother the most.


Seo Joon finishes his supper and after going going through some office files, he finally decides to call it a day. He lays on his bed and is suddenly struck with lots of memories and decision. He keeps regretting about his past actions and feels scared to what the future holds.
He thinks of his step brother Kim Taehyung. He wished he could tell him how he feels right now, but he knows the distance between them
He wonders how his stepbrother must be right now, and then starts to think what he will tell him if he meets him again. After all it has been quite a few years he hasn’t seen his stepbrother. He doesn’t want to bother himself, he is exhausted after a series of actions that took place in past two days.
He brushes his hair with his fingers, and shifts to the other side of the bed.. but feels a sudden ache in his leg. He realises how he landed on the wheelchair. Suddenly he started to laugh on himself. Only he knows what a jerk he has been these days.
Two days ago!
Seo Joon met his father’s school friend JEON NAMJOON who has now become his business partner. After meeting Mr.JEON, Seo Joon realised that he is not only his father’s school friend but also the only closest friend.
But it’s funny to him, Seo joon never remembered Mr.Jeon.. and in fact he later came to know that Mr.Jeon was also closest to his mother. The trio were best friends in their school days.
But it was not that what made Seo Joon worried, it was the discussion he had with Mr.Jeon on that day which made him intentionally bump his car forcefully into a wall just few blocks away from his office. Seo Joon’s intentional accident was planned with such detail that he ensured not severe but some amount of injuries were visible on him. That’s why now he has a fractured leg and some bruises on his right arm and a deep cut on the right corner of his forehead.
Doctor has already told him, he can walk freely in a week and resume normal activities in 10 days time. However, Seo Joon has a different agenda and he plans to stay on it for a longer period of time, just for one person.

He Returns!

The morning was usual for Seo Joon, however he was in no mood to open his eyes although he is awake. He keeps thinking about one person and wishes he was here. And then he grunts with disappointment thinking it will be another wasteful day. But he appreciates his patience.
In these midst, suddenly he feels someone is laying beside him and staring at him. His heart takes a backflip, but he doesn’t want to be disappointed if he opens his eyes.
Suddenly that someone said, “How are you, hyung?” Those words were enough for Seo joon to know that his stepbrother is here and beside him. The joy he feels, only he knows how precious it is. In these past five years, he has finally sensed him near and not only that beside him. He feels truly happy for the first time in so many years
He shifts his face towards that person.. Seo joon’s stepbrother looks at him with round black almond eyes and long eyes lashes. the younger even blinks at his elder brother..Seo joon realised, his stepbrother’s cheeks have become chubbier than before. But the elder can feel the same old coldness, maybe even more this time in his stepbrother.. The younger smiles at his hyung brightly, showing all his teeth. A boxy smile indeed.. That was enough for Seo joon to appreciate himself again for going through that accident even if it’s intentionally.
Kim Seo Joon
Kim Seo Joon
I thought you would never come (giving the sweetest smile as his eyes brighten with spark).
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Smiling slightly) Why wouldn’t I? My only brother met with an accident and I wouldn’t come to see him, that’s impossible.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Sorry I am late though! The service was bad where I was. (Says gently)
Kim Seo Joon
Kim Seo Joon
Where were you?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
With nature!
Kim Seo Joon
Kim Seo Joon
I miss you!
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
And I missed you!
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
How have you been?
Kim Seo Joon
Kim Seo Joon
I am fine now (smiles with all his love for his stepbrother)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
What did the doctor say? How long will it take for you to be recovered?
Kim Seo Joon
Kim Seo Joon
Maybe a month or two. But I am much better now
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Smirking) So that’s how long you plan to keep me here!
Kim Seo Joon
Kim Seo Joon
(Raising his eyebrows) *what does he mean* Don’t I deserve to see you for so long.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Tilting more towards Seo Joon’s face and placing his right hand on his left cheek) You deserve the world and my every time.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Come let’s have breakfast, I will look into the business. And, You better rest these days!
Kim Seo Joon
Kim Seo Joon
I don’t need rest, I just want my brother to be near me that’s all
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Avoiding the statement) Come!
They had a peaceful breakfast. Seo joon continuously talked about his life mostly his work. Tae listens to him attentively while going through his hospital files. Then tae says...
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Brother I will take you for dinner tonight, rest now. I will visit office, Jimin told me about some pending meetings you have today.
Kim Seo Joon
Kim Seo Joon
You already let your best man, butt in my business.. heheh. Poor him!
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
You know I like to be prepared.
Kim Seo Joon
Kim Seo Joon
Yayaya, go ahead, but don’t overwork. You must be tired! Take it slow please. Let Peter drive you.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Tae walks outside the mansion towards the car. Peter is already waiting for him. Tae smiles at him, after all Peter is the closest to the meaning of father he knows.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Your getting older day-by-day. Take retirement soon! (Gives his office bag).
You are the same as always. But he missed you very much!
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Still, you both didn’t have to go to such an extent. We both know the accident was meant to get my attention and bring me back in south Korea. He is a childish actor and you are a rookie supporting him.
Peter’s eyes widen. He is shocked and amazed to how Tae knows about Seo Joon’s acting. The driver seems to be lost of words.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I will let this slide (smiling still) since I missed him too. And also I am curious about the reason!
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Close your mouth and let’s go. You don’t have to tell him, that I know the truth. I release you of this burden.
(smiles even more broadly) ofcorse my master..
And finally for the first time, Tae is going to step in MinCorp. He shows no emotions as for him business is as usual. he is well trained to deal with business of Kim Corp,. Seo Joon personally took care of it. Although, for the world it is Seo Joon who leads Kim Corp, but only he and Peter knows that the controlling stake is in the name of Tae which makes him the true hier.
But Tae is not aware of it and doesn’t care about it. He hates this business.. but he has mastered his emotions in such a way that he can work and do any activities he hates without any feelings.

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