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Ghost Marriage, The Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1: Ghost Marriage

Tonight, the lightning and thunder kept screaming together with the strong wind, on the cliff behind the Yun City. The wind roaring as if it wanted to break the entire cliff.

Yun City, the Mu Family’s home, was the richest place in the Haoyue Country. Their family’s business spread all over the country. And the whole Yun City belonged to them.

Junzi Xi, the madam of Yun City, is the princess of Haoyue Country. After marrying into the Mu Family, she had three sons and one daughter.

This was an enviable event in the Yun City, but these days the city was shrouded in sadness.

Today is also the most shocking day in the entire Haoyue Country.

The daughter of Haoyue Country’s Taifu, Su Zimo, who was engaged to the Third Prince, was humiliated in the street, the day before their marriage.

The Third Prince declared the break off of their marriage in public and announced that he will marry her sister, Su Ziyun. In an instant, Su Zimo’s affairs became the center of conversation in the city.

Su Zimo was a waste daughter that couldn’t cultivate. In the Su Family, she was being humiliated all the time. In addition to the break off of her marriage with the Third Prince, Su Zimo is unwilling to be bullied anymore. In her resentment, she hit herself to the Su Family’s gate. Although she didn’t die, she was left with only half breath.

Su Zimo was suddenly taken away by people in the Yun City, regardless of the event in the Su family.

A curse that was passed to the Mu Family was fulfilled. Mu Family’s first son, the future master of the Yun City, Mu Yunxuan couldn’t sleep for three days straight. But before he could even be diagnosed by the doctor, he already died. Today is the day of his burial.

In order to break away the curse, the Mu Family followed the method of the sorcerer and performed the “ghost marriage”.

The object the sorcerer chooses for this ghost marriage was Su Zimo. Her birthday and eight characters were in line to the person he needed to break away the curse.

This ghost marriage also soon spread in the Houyue Country.


In the Lingxiao Temple, the original magnificent hall was covered with white cloth everywhere. Tonight, the howling of thunder and lightning, added gloom in the atmosphere.

Junzi Xi, who was dressed in a plain white dress, her face was full of tears.

She was sitting next to her husband, Mu Yufeng, who was wearing a black robe, his deep eyes were filled with sadness. However, his high nose and sexy lips looked extraordinarily handsome.


The thunder was deafening, Jinzi Xi’s shoulders shrank in fear, she leaned tightly to Mu Yufeng’s arms.

In the middle of the main hall, a gray-haired middle-aged man was standing with a golden cane. He has a pair of turbid eyes, he has been watching the night sky with lightning and thunder.

“Daoist Priest, the thunder tonight is particularly heavy and unusual. You have been staring nervously at the night sky. Can you tell this lord if this ghost marriage will end in vain or successfully break away the curse?”

Mu Yufeng asked nervously and solemnly.

“Answering back to his lordship, this priest is carefully observing. The night of this evening is very unusual. His lordship, please wait a bit more patiently. Miss Su and young master’s birthday are matched. If this priest observation is not wrong, the curse in the Mu Family will be definitely lifted.”

“Then I’ll bother the Daoist Priest, you must lift this evil curse and bring back Xuan’er.”

Jinzi Xi said while sobbing, her heart hated this curse. The Mu Family’s firstborn son for generations can only live up to the age of 20. Even after a hundred years, none of the firstborn sons could escape.

“Madam, please rest assured. We, sorcerers, have been blessed by the Mu Family for generations. This ghost marriage is at its best. Tonight, the yin and yang are particularly strong. With Miss Su’s special fate, it will definitely break away the Mu Family’s cursed.”

Chapter 2: The corpse move

When the Daoist Priest said this, Mu Yufeng and Junzi Xi’s face showed a glimmer of hope. As long as the curse was lifted, their son will come back to life.

The night was getting more and more dull, the wind was getting more and more strong. The thunder kept coming one after another, mistakenly letting the people think that the heaven was angry.

The temple was located behind Yun City. The terrain was steep, but the land has a good feng shui. Because all the firstborn sons of the Mu Family died every generation, they were all buried here with a lot of treasures. To prevent the robbers from coming, the best location was this steep cliff.

Behind the temple, there was a bottomless cliff, in front of it, there were lots of guards guarding the place. Any average person who would dare to steal will only die in the end.

On a marble tomb, the tombstone was engraved with the Mu Yunxuan’s name.

On the left side of the tomb, there were stone steps leading to the tomb.


The thunder and lightning became louder than before. The heavy rain didn’t stop pouring. The thunder roar couldn’t help but made the people feel death was coming for them.

A huge white light descended from the sky and was injected into Mu Yunxuan’s tomb.

“Hmm!” In the tomb, a shiny dark coffin that can accommodate two people has no cover, a woman’s voice suddenly sounded.

Su Zimo held her forehead. Her head hurts. What’s wrong with her? She was clearly discussing conditions about the cooperation in a joint venture, so why her head suddenly hurt?

Feeling a flash of light, Su Zimo slowly opened her eyes.

“Huh!” Su Zimo, who looked sad, frowned her eyebrows. Where was she?

After turning her head, there was another person.

A handsome man in the red robes, who looked fierce was sleeping beside her. He had long hair just like the people from ancient time.

Su Zimo’s pair of almond eyes suddenly were filled with panic. As she fiercely got up, some things from the ancient time on the red quilt were also overturned. Su Zimo was simply shocked.

“Coffin?” Su Zimo looked at the place where she was sleeping. It was undoubtedly a coffin. If she was dreaming, it felt too real! This scene was really horrifying.

Su Zimo ruthlessly pinched herself.

“Pain, pain, pain…!” Su Zimo shook her arm that she just pinched: “Damn it, this doesn’t seem like a dream!”

Suddenly, she found out that she was holding a red piece of paper. Su Zimo looked at it. There were two big characters written on it, saying died in marriage.

”Died in marriage, aren’t these words will only appear in ghost marriage?”

Suddenly, the man next to her moved slightly.

Su Zimo was certified in an instant, she watched the man next to her slowly wake up.

The man’s deep and attractive eyes suddenly opened.

“Ahhhh…! Help! The corpse move… …”

Su Zimo’s scream filled with fear made Mu Yunxuan’s eyebrows tightly frowned. It even has a trace of impatience.

“You, you, don’t come closer, if you come closer, I will kill you…”

Su Zimo pointed her finger to Mu Yunxuan. She, what’s going on with her? Even if this was a dream, this was too real!

“Damn woman, shut up.” Mu Yunxuan shouted and frowned again. They were very close to each other, does she need to shout? However… …when Mu Yunxuan looked around, he had already guessed what happened. His deep and handsome eyes couldn’t help but look at the woman, who was scared and horrified.

Chapter 3: You lecher, let go of this aging mother

“Shut up? You told me to shut up, I will kill you, you beast in human clothing.”

Su Zimo picked up something similar to a porcelain bottle and violently hit Mu Yunxuan. The cork was smashed and fell. In order to avoid it, Mu Yunxuan looked up slightly. Unfortunately, the liquid was poured into his mouth.

“Cough… …”

The strange taste makes Mu Yunxuan feel like vomiting.

“You, are you alright? Could this be poison?”

Looking at Mu Yunxuan’s uncomfortable face, Su Zimo suddenly felt a little scared, this accident was too coincidental!

Mu Yunxuan fiercely raised his head, his face was red, his eyes were like a beast as she stared at Su Zimo.

Looking at the beauty in front of him with red lips. Mu Yunxuan only felt a sudden heat that reached up to his head.

Su Zimo shrank in fear. She tried to escape and move her feet. Only to find that their feet were tied together.

“You, what do you want to do?”

Su Zimo’s face was filled with panic. She couldn’t figure out what was going on. She was full of horror. She looked at Mu Yunxuan as she constantly trying to break the tie on their feet.

Mu Yunxuan shook his head hard. The heat in his body made him impatient and in pain. He urgently needed to release it. As a gentleman, he shouldn’t be like this. But, what should he do? Why did they put such a strong medicine like this in here? Mu Yunxuan cursed inside his heart.

Mu Yunxuan, who lost his senses, became like a hungry beast. He pressed Su Zimo under his body. In an instant, Mu Yunxuan felt like his body has been greatly comforted. The soft and fragrant warm body under him completely made him lose all the reason inside his head.

The event was so fast, Su Zimo had no time to react. And she has been pressed by Mu Yuanxuan.

“Rogue, you lecher, you let go of this aging mother. If you won’t let go of me, you’ll die, bastard… …. hmm…!”

Her last word was swallowed by cold red lips.

A strong body pressed her, even using all her strength, Su Zimo couldn’t push the man away even by half points.

Su Zimo looked at the handsome face in front of her, her eyes fiercely stared at him. For a moment, she was at lost. She was going to be screwed, right?

Su Zimo completely forgot to resist the moment a strange memories burst inside her head.

The owner of the body’s life events from childhood to adulthood, and what happened today, played like movie strips inside her mind.

No way! She, Su Zimo, really transmigrated just like in the novels… …?

About half an hour later, Su Zimo still stared blankly at the top of the tomb and didn’t look at Mu Yunxuan. Mu Yunxuan’s heart suffered a heavy blow. Who is he? He is the first son of Mu Family. The future owner of Yun City, but she dared to ignore him.

At this moment, Su Zimo understood that she was not dreaming. All this was true. She crossed, she really crossed in time, and she became the young lady with the same name as her.

At last, Mu Yunxuan’s body fell like a slump. The comfort he was feeling made him feel refreshing.

After breathing heavily for several times. Mu Yunxuan looked at Su Zimo, whose eyes still looked empty. The beautiful face of the woman was faintly glowing in red, against the red surrounding, she became even more beautiful… …

He has seen countless of beauty, but she was the only one made him feel shocked. Her reaction surpassed his imagination.

Just as he wanted to speak, Su Zimo sat up silently and expressionlessly. She casually put on the red wedding dress. Her smooth skin that was as clear as the water that has purple marks made his heart inexplicably excited.

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