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The Murder

Chapter 1: The night that I saw everything.

One night I was passing by on a street without lights, thanks to this big bright full moon I can see my way while walking I heard a voice of a woman crying and begging.

“Please don’t kill me, I have children to take care of, they are still young and no one will look after them, please for the sake of my children, don’t end it here.”

But that man doesn't have any mercy, blood splashing everywhere. The woman was determined to live for her children but I can see in her eyes the feeling of sorrow, she’s in critical condition, she can’t survive however she saw me. Hiding behind the wall.

“Please help m-me.”

The murderer quickly looked in the direction where I am. He got furious to kill me, so I ran fast as I can but I can’t get rid of him, I hid in the dark behind those high grasses. I thought he’s gone but I suddenly heard his voice he's still searching for me.

“Once I found you, you’ll be like that stupid woman and don’t ever think to report this to the police if you did, you’d better be prepared cause those people around you will be in danger, remember what I've said from now on”

he walks away when he saw some police patrolling the area. After he left I got scared and nervous, I rushed to get home immediately and locked myself up. I have to pull back myself but I can’t help to cry. I cried silently in my room I don’t want to make my mom worried. I don't want anyone to be killed. what should I do?

I heard a loud banging on my door.

Could it be? how come he followed me up here? what should I do? I can't move. Mom.. where's mom? I need her. I'm stuck here in the dark.

I heard my mom's voice and wake up sweating.

“Hey, Heiwa.Heiwaa.. did you got a nightmare? I heard you whining again. Here a glass of water drink it”

my mom comforted me throughout the night. She fell asleep in my room. It’s been two years but it’s still fresh in my memory. That horrible night becomes my nightmare and it keeps haunting me. I can’t go back to sleep, I feel unsafe. It feels like someone’s watching me through those walls, I might be insane.

That incident two years ago brought trauma to me. My mom decided to leave our hometown for my safety. The culprit got away with the crime that he committed. Also, the police stop their investigation. There were no cameras around the area where the crime happens, and I'm the only witnessed they had. I didn't see the family of that old lady but I remember her face in deep sadness and pain. Since the murderer was free we’ve been moving out everywhere since then and now.

Chapter 2: Could it be the beginning?

I got transferred to Seoul Academy while my mom driving I speak to her

“Mom you don’t have to drive me to the academy, remember I'm in college now, I can handle myself from now on and then”

she just laughed at me, am I joke to her?

“Mom can you stop laughing, I’m serious, mom we don’t have to run away because of my nightmare, I can deal with it,”

after I said that my mom becomes serious and smiled at me

“You’re a grown-up now,”

she said that while tapping my head, do I look like a dog to her? Whatever at least I made her smile.

Professor Wang insisted to accompany me to my class

“Good morning everyone, please settle down. We have a new student today, come in introduce yourself.”

I enter my class and start to introduce myself

“Good morning everyone. I’m Kang Heiwa nice to meet you all”.

Professor Wang speaks to me

“Ms. Kang find a seat then.”

I seat beside this sleeping man, looks like he's in a deep sleep, it’s better than a talkative one, it’s peacefu....

“Hi I'm Yuo Nam nice to meet you, how are you feeling today? Where you from? I hope we can get along.”

I guess not, this girl in front of me is very cheerful, it’s like I’m going to explode because of her too much energy. This man beside me awake

“oohhh gosh you startled me, who are you? Why are you sitting beside me?”

Your the one who startled me, and now you’re questioning me

“I’m sorry for startling you, did I disturb you from sleeping? I sit here because it’s unoccupied”

I said politely, I don’t want to be in a bad mood today.

Nam intervened “Hey Cheng don’t be rude to her, she’s new here. She’s Kang Heiwa and Heiwa this is Jian Cheng the sleepyhead.”

Looks like he pissed off

“Hey, how dare you call me sleepyhead...what nonsense” Cheng replied.

Then he goes back to sleep again.

“Don’t mind him, he’s always like that, just ignore him his troublesome” Nam whispered.

After Class

mom called me

“Hello, mom why did you call?”

I asked her, I think she’s anxious again.

“I just want to check you, how’s your day?” she replied.

“It’s fine, I’m walking home, you don’t have to worry”

I’m right she’s still concerning me.

“Okay, then I will cook dinner, keep your eyes on the ground. you may slip.”

"Mom I'm not a baby anymore. I'll be okay."

she hung up looking at how stubborn my mom yet I love her so much and she’s more than a precious gem and it’s priceless. I can’t imagine my world without her. Waaah! What a beautiful sky, it's very clear. it looks peaceful I wanted to be with you then little sky.

Chapter 3: Stepping out

I’m on my way home when I saw a big fight of students. Is that Mr. Sleepyhead? Nam is right he's troublesome, looks like he needs help. Should I help him or not? We’re not that even close but still, we’re in the same class, but I almost got pissed off because of him.


A student shouted “Come on let’s go, there might be police coming here, what a pity, let him go for now but next time will beat him to death, remember this you dumb. Don't get on our way or you'll be dead meat.”

he must be the leader of that stupid gang. What a bunch of fools, they got tricked by this mini speaker of mine.

This sleepyhead looks awful. Anyway, it’s none of my business, I better go now and continue my walk. I help him out so he can manage himself.

When I crossed into him he pulled my hand and hold it tightly. I got nervous and scared

“Let go of my hand right now, I don’t need to repeat it!"

I said those words out of my mouth without thinking and run away home.

After eating dinner, I lie on my bed and can’t stop thinking about what happened a while ago, it keeps bothering me. When that sleepyhead pulled my hand tightly, I remember that incident two years ago, it’s the same as what that culprit did when he got me luckily I got a chance to kick his *** and got an escape. Gosh, that dumb sleepyhead did he did that on purpose? Next time if I saw him beaten to death I won’t help him or call someone to help either.

Mom entered my room suddenly, she looks uneasy again

“Mom, don’t you know how to knock?”

I said that in a silly way.

She smiled and said, “Of course I know, I’m just worried about you, you’re absent-minded when we were eating dinner, is there any problem?”

I smiled at her “I was thinking about how to deal with my classmate, you know it's a new environment again so I have to diversify."

especially that sleepyhead.

“Mom you don’t have to bother, I spoke to you when we were in the car, do I have to remind you again?”

her eyes, she seems very happy. She hugged me tight and tap my head, she enjoyed tapping my head though

“Mom do you want to kill me through your hugs, I can’t breathe. is there something bothering you again, you can tell me if you want but if you don't like the don't”

She released

“Okay then I’m going to sleep now”

I smiled at her widely

“Good night mom I love you”

I didn't get any response but it’s okay I feel her loved every second of my life. Mom thank you for everything you've done but it's time for me to get out to the darkness I'm in.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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