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Hating My Love


Waking up in the morning, Kemi looks at the picture frame at her bedside.

"Good morning Mom, Good morning Dad," she said while holding it up and kissing it, then she put it back carefully, still examining it with tears in her eyes. It's been a year since she has been living by herself in a rental apartment.

She got up and walked towards the mirror, which is covered with a white cloth. She uncovered it and looked at her reflection. Her long black hair comes down to her waist, her eyes are blue like the sky, there is nothing wrong in saying that she's beautiful, but she doesn't like it, maybe because it looks like someone she doesn't want to remember, she sighed and covered it back again.

She went to the kitchen and started preparing her breakfast. "What should i have today?" she said while looking at the clock. "Not much time, a toast will work." After eating an egg and a toast, she got ready, grabbed her guitar, and went out.

Outside, she saw her neighbour ladies gossiping. "Good morning, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Yu, " she greeted them. "Ah good morning Kemi, you're looking beautiful as ever," said Mrs Yu.

"Yes, yes, are you heading out on a date this early in the morning?" asked Mrs. Lee.

"Haha, no time for a date, I'm going to my workplace,"

"Oh, girls, these days, always working, you should think about having a boyfriend, a marriage will be perfect"

"I don't think I'm ready for a relation yet, so a marriage is nearly as an impossible thing. That said, I'm getting late for work i should be going,"

"Good heavens, go and work hard," said Mrs Yu.

"Will do," said kemi while bowing as a goodbye and went to her first job.

Her first job was as at a restaurant near her house where she worked as a waitress, she went straight to the changing room, putting her guitar beside "I'll be back" she said looking at the guitar, changed her clothes, put a smile on her face and went out. After two hours of work, she finished and got back to the changing room.

"Hey, you done with your shift?" said Ami, who was getting ready for hers.

"Yeah, gotta go now," said Kemi while grabbing her guitar.

"Another Job?" she said while putting on lipstick.

"Something like that,"

"We're going to the bar at night. You should join us it will be fun,"

"Umm, I'm sorry, I've got work at night too,"

"What, really, how many jobs do you have. whenever i ask you out, you're busy. "

"Nothing that I can't handle, I'll try my best to go out with you guys next time,"

"Okay, that's a promise now,"

"Yeah, bye now," Kemi said and went to the cafe where she works as a guitarist.

On entering, she went straight to the stage, set up, and started playing. Everyone at the cafe enjoyed her song as much they loved her voice. After singing three songs, she got up, bowed, and went to the staff room.

"Kemi!! i see you sang good as always, " said DJ.

On seeing him, Kemi's attitude changed.

"Yeah, whatever," she said without any expression on her face.

"Come on, cut some slack to your number one fan,"

"Number one fan?" she made a disgusted face."Even people on the street are better than you, you stalker. "

"Jeez, come on, Kemi, I'm no stalker and don't compare me to the people on..."

"Whatever, i don't have time for this," she cut DJ, and while saying this, she headed towards the back door.

It was almost noon now, and it was time for her to have a break. She bought some bread for herself and sat in a park to eat peacefully. When she saw some kids playing soccer, seeing them play made her excited because she always loved playing soccer when she was young. Without any hesitation, she got up and started playing with the kids.

"Big sister should play with us every day," a kid said while holding kemi's hand.

"Of course, I'll play with you whenever I'm free," she said.

When she was done, she sat back at the bench and thought that she had fun like this after a long time.

After all, she finishes her jobs and goes home and falls asleep right away. She smiles to herself.

"Two more left to do!" she said to herself and started finishing her food.

Only she didn't know that a car was waiting for her at the gate of the park...

"Sir She's here," the person in the driver's seat said to the person sitting behind.

"Heh, let's wait then..."


When Kemi finished her lunch she started to walk slowly towards the gate, she saw the black car parked in the front, she ignored it and kept on walking in her own pace, she was so busy in her own thoughts that she didn't noticed that the car was following her. Suddenly the car stopped and she was pulled into it. "Ahhhhh...." she screamed and started pushing the person who was holding her wrist tightly. But when she looked towards him she got angry

"You... can you stop doing this" she cried while looking at the man sitting beside her in the back seat.

"Hi" he said while smiling at her.

"Let me go, I've got work to do, I'm not as free as you are"

"Then stop working and hang out with me"

"Why...Why should I?" kemi said while she tried to open the door.

"Because you are mine, you shouldn't work so hard" he smirked.

"Shut up, don't spout nonsense let me go right now Shu"

"Not until you listen to me" Shu leaned and whispered in her ear.

"Get away from me, have you finally lost it" She said when her face was all red.

Kemi and Shu graduated from the same University, both were studying music and were famous among other students. Shu didn't used to talk to much back then and Although they were really good friends back then. After graduation Kemi stop seeing him but Shu always stick to her. Then Shu became a Solo singer while Kemi stopped singing because her parents died not so long after her graduation. She loves music just like her parents did that's why she had to continue singing.

"I'm gonna call the police" Kemi said while taking out her phone, Shu snatched it from her quickly and kemi started glaring at her forgetting that their faces were so close to each other, suddenly Shu's eyes fell down at Kemi's lips. Kemi quickly looked away, hiding the blush that was so visible on her face.

Shu turned her face towards himself "Just listen to me like a good girl and I'll let you go" he said, Kemi pushed him away

"Just say it...What do you want?" she said trying to look angry, but was failing at it.

Shu smiled and looked into her eyes and said.

"Marry me"

Kemi was in shock because a muted person like Shu just proposed her, she knew that he talk like a normal person now but she kept starring at him with her mouth open, "

"wha..what did you just said?"

"I said marry me... please"

Kemi had a sudden loss of words, she was looking for some insult to say to him but nothing came out of her mouth. Only thing she knew that her head was spinning wild, she tried to pull together but couldn't do so, all the work she has been doing had already worn her out because of which she fainted.

"Hey...Hey kemi" shu said while she fell onto his lap.

"Ha seriously you still faint like this" Shu said while he held her in his arms "Silly" he smiled.

"Sir, she can't hear you" the driver said.

"Yeah i Know!" Shu said while playing with Kemi's hair "take us home"

"Yes Sir, right away"


Next morning, Kemi woke up rubbing her eyes, "Huh, it's morning?". When she looked around she realized that it was not her old apartment but a really beautiful modern style room, "What...Where am i?" she said worriedly.

The door of the room opened slightly and a man wearing a black Buttler like suit entered "Good Morning Miss Kemi" he said.

"Aaa...good morning?"

"Breakfast is ready you should fresh up, young master is waiting for you downstairs at the table"

"Young master?"

"Yes, now you may excuse me"

"Hey...wait" Kemi said but he was already gone.

"That's all, who is this... young master, Don't panic let's see what happened yesterday" she started thinking "i went to work , i was having lunch at the park i was kidnapped by a bastard, then i proposed...nooo wait, Does this means I'm at his house" Her face flushed, she hid herself in the blanket and buried her face in the pillow.

"How long are you going to stay there like that" Shu said entering the room, wearing a white T shirt and blue jeans, his hair was down like he had a bath not so long.

Kemi lifted the pillow to look him but suddenly,

" it's all your fault" she got angry and started throwing pillows at him, "It's all your fault".

"Hey stop, what did i do" Shu said while he dodged the pillows.

But Kemi didn't stop, she got so confused because of the sudden proposal attack Shu gave her, she kept gathering the pillows and throwing them at him one after another"Why did you kidnapped me you bastard" she kept attacking "and why did...Why did you pr"

"Proposed you??" Shu said while he sat on the edge of the bed and holding the pillow in Kemi's hand, none of them letting it go.

"Actually i brought you here so we can talk about it" Shu said while holding the pillow closer.

"There's nothing to talk about, I'm going home" Kemi said and pulled the pillow back towards herself forcefully, her hand slipped and she was going to fall off the bed when "Kemi!!" Shu grabbed her hand and pulled her towards himself and hugged her. Kemi had calmed down but a wide blush appeared on her face.

" can let go now" Kemi said but Shu hugged her even tighter now "Shu?"

"I will never let you go, I will protect you, forever, even if you want to ignore me, even if you keep breaking my heart and keep running away from me, i will never leave you alone"

On hearing these words, Kemi suddenly felt so warm, all this time she was alone, she was tired, she was scared, but right now she felt that she wasn't all alone she couldn't stop herself, tears started to come down her eyes, she hugged him back while she buried her face into the side of Shu's neck, Silently sobbing but Shu held her tightly and was lightly stroking her hair. "It's okay now, you've done enough, It's okay" he kept on saying until Kemi stoped crying. Shu break the hug and turn her face up.

"Look at me" he said while wiping her tears. Kemi looked into his green eyes. "You look more beautiful when you cry" he smiled.

"Don't make fun of me, idiot" Kemi pushed him away but Shu didn't let go and a mischievous smile crept on his face, he came closer towards her ear and whispered,

"You look so beautiful that i can kiss you right now"

Kemi blushed up like a tomato, and tried to get away from him.

"Hehe you're not going anywhere" Shu said while touching the side of her face and made her look at himself. Kemi looked at him but her heart was beating so fast. Shu closed the distance between them and kept looking straight into her eyes. When they were close enough he let his eyes fall down at her lips while Kemi shut her eyes tightly, Shu smiled and just before their lips touched.


Shu stopped "Kemi are you hungry"😁

Kemi's face reddened "Of course, I'm hungry what do you think the time is" she started shouting in embarrassment.

"Hahaha let's go eat something first" he kissed her temple and got up from the bed. "I'll be waiting for you downstairs" he smirked and left the room.

While kemi started cursing herself "Why did you have to growl at a time like this, stupid stomach"

But she didn't hide the fact that she was actually excited about the kiss.

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