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Unmei No Hito~Fated Person

It's not them

The morning sun shines through his window, peeking behind his curtains; along with and the birds chirping outside his window. He stirs under his blanket and blinks his eyes in grogginess. Even though the bed he sleeps on is fluffy and soft. Even though he feels comfortable sleeping on it. He can't shake the feeling that something is horribly wrong in his situation right now.

For one, there seems to be a warm body beside him. He doesn't remember picking someone to bring to bed with him. Besides, he has no interest in romance right now. He is busy with his magic research. He paused for a moment, don't tell him that the body beside him is that man... God! Ether-sama... Please don't let it be him!

He has been avoiding that man'sâadvance these past months, don't tell him that he has succumbed to that man last night? Was he drunk? Or had the man drugged him?

He groaned. Damn! Now he thinks about it, his head is heavy and he feels as if his mind had been blown like that time when he listened to that stupid prince's rambles. Okay, calm down! He tells himself and takes a large breath. First thing first, he needs to check who the body beside him belongs to.

He surveys his surroundings, he is in the academy's dorm room. How did he end up here? He is pretty sure that he was in his research room. It had been a long time since he moved there. He doesn't sleep in this room anymore. So, how come he is here now? Hmm... He is naked. Damn! That can means that he was not just sleeping side by side with whoever it is last night, as the body beside him is naked as well.

It's blonde. Not Rhuifen then. He let out a breath in relief. Wait... It is not the time to be relieved! Isn't it actually worst that it was not Rhuifen? Not saying that he was hoping it was Rhuifen, but if it was someone else then new rumors will spread, won't it? And... Ah, damn it! It's a woman. It's always worse when women are involved. It can be a trap. Damn it! The hell, Aoi! What have you been doing to end up in a bed with this woman, whoever she is?

He slides himself off the bed, cursing. His naked body glows under the sun in all its naked glory. He wasn't aware of the eyes on the bed that was raking over his features, nor the lust held on them. He looked for his clothes and he found none. He cursed again, muttering to himself about what the hell is wrong with his brain on the previous day. He is still not aware of the woman's eyes that followed his every move. Her cheeks flushed and breathed faster. Her eyes held so much lust that it might burst out. The woman never saw him like this before. She saw him naked, yes. But only on the rare times when he chose her to be his night companion; only when he was on top of her and gave her the most pleasurable feelings.

The woman had never seen him walk around naked in the morning, nor had she ever saw his scowling face. He was always a cute gentleman who smiled. Whenever she woke up the morning after, he was usually already clothed and welcomed her with his gentlemanly smile. Thanking her for the night. As she saw him vanished behind the bathroom door, she dares to hope that last night was able to make a difference for him. That she was able to move his heart and place herself inside it.

When Aoi finished cleaning himself and was clothed, he found the woman awake and sitting on the bed. Ah, he knew this woman. Isn't she that girl's friend? Liebe Fern Vellum. His oh so called fiancee in his previous life. Now, let's find out how the hell he ended up in bed with her.

"Mind to telling me why are you here?" He said straight to the point. The woman look startled for a moment before she answered.

"I am sorry, Aoi-sama. I didn't know that you wanted to go separately, as we usually go together after..." the woman trailed. Her cheeks flushed at the remembrance of what had happened last night.

Deep down she is disappointed. She thought that his different actions this morning was a sign that he will finally open up to her, but she waswrong. It turns out that last night was a disappointment to him. He acts so cold to her and has not given her a single smile. Did she do something wrong? Did she not satisfy him enough last night? What if he will not invite her to his bed again after this? The other girls will sure mock her for making him loose interest in her. Because unknown to him, the girls that had slept with him had been competing to get his heart. It was their dream to become his bride one day. They don't mind him sleeping around with the other women. They are just glad if he would invite them again for a night. The woman's mind is in turmoil about the whole thing.

Meanwhile, Aoi looks at the woman with a raised brow. He was still unsure what is happening right now. He thinks that the woman is trying to trick him but something seems wrong too. She doesn't seem to have a real scheme. His mind is still blurred, so he decided to leave it at that first. He needs to have his coffee first to make his mind work properly again. Ah, and see his beloved Kii. Yeah, let's find Kii first. All the bad things always vanishes after he sees her. After that, he might be ready to discuss all of this with the other. He is sure that his Akai-nii and Arren-nii will know how to handle this.

"Whatever, I'm going. I am sure you know how to fix yourself and where the way out is?" He said to the woman. She nods her head immediately. He left without waiting for anything else to happen.

Aoi should have known that something bizarre has happened. He slept with someone for heaven's sake! He woke up late which is weird as he has been eager to finish his research, he always wakes up early. Besides, if he was late even for a second, uncle Ra will send Ben to look for him. Yet, he was already late for more than 2 hours and no Ben in sight.

Did Uncle Ra and Ben go back to Ethervizh? Aoi doesn't recall any plans for them to go back this time. Yes, after Aoi agreed to join their research, and got permission from The King to open his own research here, they were also permitted to stay in The Academy. Uncle Robert and Arzen's King Father (his words, not mine. Aoi thinks to himself) allowed them to go back and forth between Ethervizh and Etherheinz. However, they just came back a few days ago. So, it's unlikely that they would go back again today.

As he mused to himself about the weirdness of this morning, he reached the cafeteria. He saw Kii sat by herself looking very grim and mysterious. No Arzen in sight. Did they have a fight? Nah, the world will end first before that happens, his mind supports. Still, it was strange that Arzen will let her go by herself. After they got married, Arzen became more possessive than ever. Maybe Arren Nii-sama needs to talk to him alone? As weird as it sounds, usually, Nee-sama or Akai-nii would be with her if Arzen and Arren-nii need to talk alone. Hmm... What's going on here? he muttered to himself.

He went to pick his food and sat beside her. Kii paused on what she was doing and looked at him in anticipation, it is as if she is waiting for him to accuse her of something. He looks at her and raised his brow in question. Kii shakes her head and continues to sip her tea, glancing at him from time to time.

Soon his Akai-nii and Midori-nee join them. Kii looks startled when Akai ruffles her hair affectionately. Her eyes went wide when their Nee-sama hugs and greets her.

"What are you eating? Jeez, Kii... You should eat properly. What kind of breakfast is that? Here, have same from Nee-sama' plate. Don't worry, it tastes amazing and not too sweet. You will like it," Midori babbles and smiles as she usually does when she finds out Kii is not eating properly.

Yet there was no exasperated "I'm fine, Nee-sama" from Kii. Kii just looks at her in surprise. Her eyes blinking in confusion. At her look, the alarm bells in Aoi's head starts to ring. Now he is sure that something wrong is happening here. But what? his Nii-sama and Nee-sama looks and acts normal though.

Aoi looks around. He notices that Rhuifen is sitting just a few chairs from him, yet not as much as a glance at him. Weird. His Rhuifen, no, it sounds wrong. The normal Rhuifen? Ugh... That also not right. Okay, the Rhuifen he knows would usually be all over him by now. Then he saw Arzen enter from the corner of his eye. Then, he knew.

It is not him. It's him.

Er, he meant that it was not the Arzen he knows, it was the Arzen he previously knows. Wait, wait, it does not make sense even in his own head.

Let start again.

He is not the stupid prince with the sunny smile and warm heart that he is familiar with in these past few years. He is the perfect prince that hides his dark and lonely heart that he previously knows. The Prince whose existence had been erased.

If it is him then... Does that mean that the Kii in front of him is not the Kii whose smile always brightens their day? Who always happily follows around that stupid prince's craziness with her curiosity? Then, this Kii is the Kii who had always been alone. Who lost her everything and suffered alone before she was gone.

Darn! Where or when is he right now? What the heck is happening? He knew the answer though. He was just too scared to admit it. Was it a dreams when he saw Kii getting married? Was it a dream when he saw they are happy? No. It was not a dream. He needs to calm down now. He needs to think clearly.

As he saw Arren dragged the Arzen who has a wary and suspicious eye on him to sit with them. Aoi desperately tries to remember just what the hell happened in the previous day.

Then he remembers.

The research. The voices. Akai, Arren, and Midori looking for him to talk about welcoming Kii and Arzen who will be back from visiting the demon kingdom, his loss of concentration, and the explosion. Well, the explosion itself should be harmless. So, he is sure that they are not dead. Hmm, it seems that his research is successful, but not the way he wants it to be.

Aoi was researching on magic to visit other dimensions, yet what he was able to accomplish is visiting an alternate dimension, it seems.

This alternate dimension that he has lived before. The timeline which had a bad ending. The life that had been reset by him. The life that had been erased. He is back

He should be sad and despairing, but he is not. He will take this as a chance. A few lifetimes ago in another timeline, he was not able to save her. Kii was suffering and died alone. Meanwhile, the prince fell further inside his own dark heart, then died. He sacrificed his own soul to give her another chance at happiness.

Aoi doesn't know why it was always him that was given chances to change things, but he will take it gladly. This time he will save both of them. The most stupid couple he ever found. The Prince who loves his fiancee very much but was never able to express it. The fiancee who is not aware of just how much The Prince loves her, and thinks that no one loves her at all.

Arzen and Kii.

Two people that belong together.

Everything will go well if only Arzen can show his love. Aoi is sure of it. No, he has seen it.

Aoi looks at the Arzen who frown at them suspiciously, at Kii who is sitting confusedly beside Arzen and Midori. Also at Akai and Arren who starts to look suspiciously at the situation in hand as well. He smiles charmingly at them.

"Prince Arzen?" he addresses the prince. He forgot how he usually called him back then. For him, it was already a lifetime ago after all. He always calls the Arzen he knows back home aâstupid prince, this guy, 'annoying being' or something like that... Ugh, he better makes sure he doesn't slip up.

The Prince looked at him inquiringly.

"There is something I would like to discuss with you and them. Would you mind to come with us to talk? It is really important." Aoi said to him.

Arzen looks at him for a moment before he nods. Aoi gestured to the other to follow him. He makes sure that Kii is also coming along with them.

"Umm, why are we in front of my room?" Kii asked in her soft voice.

"We need a private and unexpected place. Your room is the best for it. Do you mind?" Aoi answered.

Kii shakes her head and give him her key. He opened the door.

"Please come in. We have a very important discussion to have."âhe tells them.

As they follow him inside the room. Yes, he thinks to himself. They have a very important discussion to have. He needs to know just at which point they are right now. He just hopes it won't be too late. He hopes that Arzen and that girl are not getting close yet. Well, even if it is already too late, as long as they are still alive and breathing, he won't give up without a fight. The door closed with a click. Facing them, he makes a new vow. He will change this timeline. This time, it is not his soul that will be erased from existence. It will be The Bad Fate.

He doesn't know how long he can stay in this timeline. So he tells himself... Okay, let's start my new mission here. What mission you ask?

This mission that he dubbed inside his head "Erase the bad fate; let's make them happy" or something like that.

Something weird is going on

I always thought that my life is boring. Everything is already planned. I just need to go through with it. Keep my guard up and focus on my surroundings. Smile politely at all the plebians that come my way. I don't care much about them, they only see me as a stepping stone after all, but they could be useful pawns for me in the future. So, I still need to restrain myself when I face them.

This world is ugly.

There is nothing genuine inside it. People might smile at you or praise you. But, you never know what they hide inside their hearts. The nicest person can turn out to be the most malicious one when it comes to power.

People also think of me as a charming being, and I laugh at them inside.

They disgusted me. When I was young and knew nothing, they thought of me as a useless Prince. They compared me to Esteemed Brother. They said it was a pity that it was my mother that had been The Queen and not The Lady Mother. They said it like it was such an unfortunate thing that it was I that had to have the title of Crown Prince. The young, inexperienced, and useless me who— compared to Esteemed Brother, was nothing.

They took away everyone that cares about me. The people outside there, who hides behind power and the titles of their noble houses. Even after everything they did, they still have the gall to smile at me and lick my shoes when they found out that I am just as capable as Esteemed Brother. That even if I am young and inexperienced, the title belongs to me. I am the one that is going to be The King.

If I am allowed to be honest, I don't want to be a King. What I want is to have a peaceful life with the one that I love. Sadly, my position doesn't allow it. If I stop now, I am afraid that everything will be taken away from me again. So, I can only fight.

The world is cruel.

I wish I was not a Prince, then maybe, just maybe, I also can experience how it feels to have a brother. Or even a friend. Why is it that I have to fight with the only brother I have? Why should I feel wary even when I am standing amongst my friends? Can they even can be called friends?

Sometimes, I want to laugh. As I have stated before. There is nothing genuine in this world. My so-called friends are also fake. We smile and get along just fine. Yet, we never dare to bare our heart to each other. Everyone is ugly in my eyes. The only one I find beautiful is her.

She doesn't hide her heart. She doesn't act nice. She doesn't care what people say. She stands by herself. Proud and beautiful. And she is mine. My little beautiful fiancee, Kii Fern Wallace.

Kii is precious. She is my oasis in this deserted world. My salvation. As long as she still here, as long as I still can see her, I feel as if everything is just going to be alright. I cannot get close to her though. If I do, she might disappear, like him. The only person that I ever trusted. The only person that I ever found genuine. The only one that really cares about me. Alexander McCais who had died to protect me.

For our future, I dare not follow my desire. It's okay though. I am a patient person. My future and her future has already been decided. In a few years, she is going to be mine. I can wait. Everything is already planned. No one can take her from me. Kii is already in my hands. Her future, her love, her life, and her everything will be fully mine when the time comes. I know she won't change. So, I am not worried.

Even if I don't want to be The King, to be able to survive here and make Kii happy, I need to be one. After I become The King, surely I can protect her better. Kii will be a perfect Queen. Only then, I won't need to worry about being openly in love with her.

For now, it's okay if she doesn't know that I love her, or if she doesn't love me yet. After we get married, I am sure she will come to love me. It will be perfect if we can just leave this place and go somewhere peaceful. Living our lives quietly without the need to fight for anything. Without the need to be on top.

All my life, I only know how to fight. Not physically, but I always fight. Fighting to be acknowledged, fighting to stay at the top, so they won't be able to get rid of my existence easily. Fighting to be able to live up to my title as The Crown Prince. Fighting my own desire to be free. 

And fighting my Esteemed Brother.

Speaking of him... Something weird is happening today. I did nothing out of the ordinary. I did my routine like any other morning. Nothing out of place, but when I reach the cafeteria and was about to have my breakfast like usual, he comes to me. He greets me like it was nothing weird. He even ruffles my hair affectionately. Affectionately!.  Like it was a normal thing to do. Spoiler, it was not. We never greet each other nor do we ever act affectionately around each other. He even dragged me to sit with him. So, who can blame me if I was suspicious of him?

While I am happy that I get to sit with Kii for breakfast, my wariness is multiplied. After a few minutes, I noticed that it was not just Esteemed Brother who acted weird. Judging by Kii's confused state, Akai-san, Lady Wallace, and Aoi-kun are also acting out of ordinary.

I didn't know that Esteemed Brother is close with Aoi-kun and Lady Wallace as well. I am aware of his closeness with Akai-san and Prince Rhuifen, but Aoi-kun was usually closer to me and Noah-san rather than him. Did Esteemed Brother try to get everyone that is close to me to be on his side? Did he already start to make a move?

Aoi-kun asked me to talk to them. Is he about to tell me that he is on Esteemed Brother's side now? Why does Kii also need to be involved? Do they want Kii to choose a side as well? They should have known that as my fiancee Kii needs to be at my side, whether she likes it or not. Our engagement is already established. We can't annul it. It is a taboo after all. A lady whose engagement has been annulled will have no value in the eyes of society. Do they want Kii to be the first one to experience it? They won't be that cruel, will they? Not saying that I will just follow what they wish. I won't let Kii go, ever. Even if the world is ending, as long as I can still breathe, I will use anything I have to hold onto her. Kii is mine. No one is allowed to take her.

As my mind is running through all the possibilities of what they want from me, we reached Kii's room in no time. Kii asked why we are in her room, but Aoi explained that we need a secured place to have this discussion. I admit that Aoi is correct in assuming that no one will suspect us having discussions in Kii's room. I put my guard high up in anticipation when Aoi started to say something. What comes from his mouth is something that I never expected him to ask. His words make me certain that there is something weird going on right now.

"Prince Arzen, Do you love Kii?" Aoi-kun says.

"What the...?" I trailed, taken back by his question. At the same time, my Esteemed Brother and Lady Wallace also said something to Aoi-kun.

"Aoi-kun, you know the answer to that question very well. What is this all about?" asked, my Esteemed Brother. Yes, I want to say, what is this all about, and what does he means when he said that Aoi-kun knows very well the answer to that?

"Aoi-san, how can be you question that now? It is too late to feel doubtful now, don't you think?" Lady Wallace said. Why is it too late? she should say it clearly!

Akai-san who has been quiet all this time suddenly said that Aoi-kun might be onto something. Something is weird he said. I am glad that it was not just me who thinks that. Everyone starts to argue with Akai-san about the weirdness of the situation. Kii looking very confused and tries to make us stop without result. Until...

"Excuse me! Can you all please calm down? Why don't we all take a seat first? I will prepare cups of tea for us.” She said softly yet firmly.

We look at each other and shrugged. Then, we take a seat as Kii busies herself to prepare the tea. Lady Wallace goes to help her after a moment. We sat in silence as we wait for the tea to be ready. Each person has something inside their minds. I was wondering why Aoi-kun suddenly took interest in my feelings towards Kii. I don't recall him ever caring about Kii. He is usually very cold towards her, the people who are less observant may even think that he doesn't care about her at all.

"Is Your Highness going to answer my question?" He inquires again as Kii and Lady Wallace pour us a cup of tea. Kii pauses and looks at him in confusion.

"Why is Aoi-sama asking His Highness Crown Prince-sama about that, I wonder?" Kii said softly, she seems unaware that she said it out loud.

"Aoi-sama?" Lady Wallace, Akai-san, and Esteemed Brother said in surprised.

Aoi-kun looks at Kii and smiles sadly. I’ve never seen him smile like that. His smiles are always in category: Cute, Charming or Manipulating, never sad.

Kii, come sit with me.” He pats the space beside him. Kii looks at him then at Lady Wallace. After Lady Wallace gives her a smile then she moves to sit beside Aoi-kun. Aoi-kun caresses her hair softly.

"I need to know his answer. I am your brother. I might not be a very good brother, but I care. I've been wondering all this time. You were always alone, and there are a few bad rumors I heard about you. Also, there is a disturbing rumor about His Highness Arzen as well. So, I got worried and just need to ask him that" He explains.

Rumors? Was he talking about the rumor about Lady Reyes? Some said that Kii is bullying her. They said that Kii keeps humiliating her because she was a new student and still not adapting to the nobility lifestyle. I have met and helped her on several occasion too. Lady Reyes is quite naive and like a child. She is also very clumsy. Kii might feel annoyed by her clumsiness as Kii is a very dignified and elegant lady. I recall that there is also a rumor about me being attracted to her. I never mind the rumor because I think it was not worth my time. A false rumor like that will soon be over by itself. I never knew that Aoi-kun would care about a rumor like that.

"Aoi-san... what are you talking about? what bad rumors? how come I’ve never heard about these rumors? The only bad rumors about Kii-chan that I’ve ever heard was the one about that girl which you know was never Kii's fault. And His Highness? seriously?" Lady Wallace said incredulously.

"Please let me talk and just listen. I promise I will answer all your questions after that" Aoi-kun said while looking at the other three besides Kii and I. 

"We understand," Akai-san said, holding her hand up to stop Lady Wallace from asking more questions. She nods at him but still looked sharply at Aoi-kun.

"So, what is the date today?" Aoi-kun suddenly turns to me. I blink in surprise at the change of topic.

"It's June 27th," I said in reflex. 

"June" He mused. "Did we already organize the group for the exam?" he continued.

"The student will submit their groups today. We then will review it and announced it on the 30th" I answered.

"Are you already in a group, His Highness?" He inquired again.

"I am not. As a student council president (Esteemed Brother widen his eyes at that as if it was a miracle that I was the president. I mean, he knew that I was the president. Why so surprised?) I am supposed to choose a group last" I answer again.

"I know you don't care about the rumor with That Girl, excuse me, I mean about Lady Reyes, but she might care. I heard she also currently has a problem with her fiance, Noah-san. You have been helping her, I am worried that she might aim to be in your group. If that happens people will fuel the rumor and Kii will once again become the scapegoat. Lady Reyes is naive and charming. She is also very talented. Many people envy her, but of course, they wouldn't dare to harm her openly. But your closeness to her might give them a way to harm her by using Kii's name" He explained.

"You mean like  the rumor that Kii is jealous of her and humiliates her?" I said.

"Exactly!" Aoi-kun said, then turning to Kii who was frowning and tilting her head cutely, he asked. "Do you know Lady Reyes, Kii?" at her blank face, he turns to me.

"See? Kii doesn't even know her, how can she humiliate her? Besides, Kii is bad at remembering names and faces" Aoi-kun continues.

"I am not that bad, am I?" Kii muttered to herself.

"You are,"” All of them said to her surprise.

I can't help but smile at her cuteness. Aoi-kun looks at me knowingly. I cough to hide the redness that starts to form on my cheeks.

"So, are you suggesting that I stop helping her?" I said. Not that I care about that lady, but I just don't like it when someone asking me to do something that they think will be best for me.

"Not really. I just hope you can also protect Kii. As her fiance it was your duty, right? I just don't want you prioritizing that girl more than Kii. Kii also doesn't know how to fight or protect herself, and her magic leans more into defense than attack. So, before His Highness decide to help that girl, please think of Kii's safety first. I would like to be with her, but I am in the same year as her, I am not sure the instructor will give me permission for that" Aoi-kun said.

"Aoi-sama..." Kii said in wonder. She must be very surprised at how caring Aoi-kun is about her. I was also surprised, but now I heard that from him, I knew he was right. I was always scared to get close to her, but this might be my chance to be with her even just for a short moment. I will make sure to put Kii in my group.

"I don't want you to be alone, Kii. If I can't protect you, I have to make sure that someone else will. That's why... Ah, you haven't answered my question... His Highness." He said to me.

"Which question?" I frown.

"Do you love, Kii?" He repeats.

"Aoi-sama...!" Kii exclaimed with wide eyes. I feel my own eyes also widen at that. I stare at him. He raised his brow at me.

Looking into his eyes, I knew how serious he is. How important it is for him to hear my answer. My honest answer. So, I smile at him.

"Yes, I do. I love her. In fact, I love her very much."” I tell them. Kii whips her head to look at me and stare blankly as if she wasn't sure that she heard that right. Seeing the look in her face makes me feel guilty. Did she not think that I can love her? It's as if it was the first time she heard that something good is happening. The wonder in her eyes hurt my heart so much. I always think of her as a proud lady, I never thought that she also has this insecure part in her heart.

I keep her on an arm's length so she won't get hurt, but judging from her reaction, it is already hurting her. I thought she doesn't like to be in other people’s company, but what if she was actually lonely? And I, the one that was supposed to be with her is treating her coldly. Coldly... How can I, the genius prince that everyone approved, be so stupid? I was treating her coldly, wasn't I? No wonder she was surprised hearing me admitting that I love her.

I don't wish for her to have a doubt inside her heart. So, I look at her seriously, determinedly. I tell her again.

"I love you, Kii. Since the first time I saw you. At that time when I choose you to be my fiancee."” I smile at her. She blinks her eyes at me before looks down with flushed cheeks. God, she is blushing. I have never see her blush before. It's adorable. How did I just realized that my fiancee is not only beautiful but also adorable?

I am well aware that Aoi-kun has been manipulating me all this time, but I forgive him and play along with his game. He was worried about his sister after all. I know when someone is faking something. His politeness toward me is fake but his worry about Kii is genuine. Even if it was a half, I forgive him because I finally found one more person that is genuine.

While I was distracted by Kii's adorable expression, it seems that the others were also having their own hushed discussion. I heard the words 'explain', 'married', 'weird', 'uncle Ra', 'Lexy' and other things that do not make sense. I was about to ask them about it when Aoi-kun suddenly claps his hands in a fake cheerfulness. He smiles at Kii and I, and said that he just remembered that he has some other important thing to do and drags the others out of the room leaving us alone in a confused state. He doesn't even wait for me to dismiss him. Isn't he rude?

"They are gone. So fast..." Kii trails in wonder.

"Indeed" I answer her.

We look at each other, suddenly aware that we are alone in a room. Kii looks down in embarassment. 

"We should leave too. The class must have started" She said.

"Yes," I said in a distracted voice. This is the first time I saw her being embarrassed. She looks lovely, my mind though. Meanwhile, my heart beats faster than usual at her flushed look. It seems that the dark part in my heart is thinking about some other possibility to make her face flush even more red.

I shake my head to return back my focus. I saw Kii cleaning the cups that have been used to serve tea. I remember that she doesn't have maids to help her. Most nobles usually bring their attendants to the academy to serve them, but Kii brought none. 

"Let me help you," I tell her.

"I can't possibly let His Highness to clean..." Kii starts

"Kii, let me help you.” I cut.

After a few arguments back and forth, Kii finally let me help her. As we are already late to attend class, I decided to escort her back so I can explain to the instructor that Kii was late because I have something to discuss with her. We agreed that something weird is going on today. We plan to ask an explanation from Aoi-kun as soon as we saw him again.

The world is ugly.

I never knew that my decision to escort Kii to her class would become such a big deal. I am not aware that from it will bear a new vicious rumor about Kii. I never thought that my boring life will change. This ugly world also has started to change. And in all those ugliness, new beautiful bonds are born.

Something weird is going on... and because of it my world has changed.

Not alone

Aoi drags the other three without direction. He doesn't have a plan, he doesn't know where he is going or how should he explains to them. Should he tell them all about the 'first life'? Then, how should he explains why Arzen is different here?. Heck, he doesn't think that they will believe him even if he tells them from the start. He sighs for God knows how many times today... Still ignoring the other questioning gaze, he stops abruptly as his legs unconsciously brought them to Lexy's place which looks very different and empty. He opens the door with a creak. The inside is dirty and full of dust, a few broken things lay on its surface. He stared blankly for a moment. He forgot that Lexy is not existing in the world anymore. He died protecting Arzen a few years ago.

His heart aches terribly at the reminder. Before the reset, he only knew the name Alexander McCais from the story people told, about how brave and loyal he was, of how he sacrificed his own life to save Arzen's. But now he knows him, like really know him. He is their Lexy who always been there for them, who always helping them taking care of their Arzen. Yes, he did say 'taking care' because it was what Lexy actually did. And if everyone knows their Arzen, they too would agree about that. So, knowing that Lexy is not around anymore really really really hurt his heart.   

"What's going on here? Isn't this Arzen-san's room? How come it's so dirty? Wait, it is back to be Lexy-san room? Still, even so, I don't think Lexy-san will let his room be this dusty..."Midori mused.

"I don't think that is the case. Something weird is happening. Many... No. A lot of things are different. Arzen is weird. Kii-chan is different. The situation itself is bizarre. I don't know how to explain it but something is definitely not right." Arren says.

"I agree. But, Aoi knows what is going on right now and he will explain to us. Won't you, Aoi?" Akai turns and asked Aoi.

Listening to the other's speculation made Aoi's heart heavier. Suddenly he realizes that the knowledge he has might be wouldn't make everything better but worsen it. Doubt, creeping inside Aoi's heart. He asked about Arzen feeling and made Arzen confessed in front of Kii thinking that it would make everything better, make their life easier. To save them, he thought. What if his judgment wrong? What will he do if what he did makes Kii's life worse?

Aoi suddenly feels that it is hard to breathe. Images after images flashing in his mind. Lexy's patient smile, Arzen's and Kii's joyful laugh. His father awkward affection, heck even their mother tsundereness when it comes to Kii. Will he able to give it to Kii here?

Aoi doesn't know if this placement is temporary or permanent. He was still researching the magic after all. What if they couldn't go back to their timeline? Or is universe the right term? What if they stuck here forever? He wouldn't able to see Kii again. His Kii. Well, this one also his Kii but it's different. Aoi might deserve to lose the happiness that he has in the new timeline, er universe, or whatever is the right term to call it... But Aoi is not alone. Aoi doesn't want the other also lost their happiness. Aoi doesn't think...

"Aoi-Kun?" Aoi heard Arren's voice say in distant.

"Breath Aoi... Follow me... Here" His Nii-sama said, putting Aoi's hand on his heart. 

Aoi can feel Midori's hand rubbing his back in the circle. He blinks confusedly but he did follow Akai's heartbeat. He blinks again and meets Arren's worry gaze. Ah, he thought... I had a panic attack.

"I am sorry. I am fine" he tells them.

They don't seem to believe him, but that's okay. Besides, there will be many things that they won't believe after he explained what happened.

"I am sorry" he starts again. "It just that it finally come to me that many things will be different and this is not as good as I think. Before, i thought it is my chance to save them but it might be not. Who did I think I was? Thinking that i could change someone fate?" Aoi sighs and rakes his hand over his hair.

"Lexy-san is not here anymore... Kii is been alone too long... Arzen has been too used to fight... They grew up differently. Then here I was, so arrogantly thinking that I could change them. I want them to be happy, I want to save them, but... What can I do? What if instead of saving them, I made them perish faster? I..." he continues in a choked voice before Akai interrupt him.

"Aoi... We're here. You didn't just forget that we are here, did you? Whatever happened we will be here with you..."

"You don't understand, Nii-sama... You all don't understand..." he said.

"You are right. We don't understand. To be honest, what you just said doesn't make any sense to us..." Akai continues.

"But we would understand if you are just willing to explain what is going on right now" Arren adds with Midori nodding along at his statement.

"You wouldn't believe me..." Aoi sigh.

They look at each other and back to Aoi.

"Try us," they said.

And so he did.

 "So you're telling us that you had time traveled because our kingdom was destroyed and we all died. When you got back in time, Arzen was already different because the soul inside of him was different... And we are now in the timeline before you reset time because of the result of your research?" Arren ask him.

"You forgot to mention that it was Arzen that did the ritual and made himself erased in exchange of giving Kii a second chance of happiness" Akai adds.

"I killed Kii-chan," Midori said in a trembling voice.

"You did not" Aoi, Akai and Arren said simultaneously.

"I did too! I threw a bottle of poison and she drank it..." Midori trailed

"Nee-sama, I told you that not to make you feel guilty or bad. You all ask me to tell everything, so I did. I wanted you to understand the difference between our relationship so you all wouldn't be confused with their reaction. I was a bad brother too to Kii, we all bad to her here. I told you so you can help me to make this Kii as happy as our Kii... That is if you all believe my story... As bizarre as it is" Aoi explained.

"I admit it is hard to believe. Even after hearing it for seven times in a row. I half think that it is a prank, a joke, a conspiracy between you, kii-chan and Arzen... But remembering Arzen previous expression, his guarding eyes, his attitude, and the fact that I knew my little brother is bad at acting... I believe you, Aoi-kun" Arren said.

 "Thank you, Arren-nii," Aoi said in relief, at least one person believed him. 

Akai and Midori look at each other in silent communication. Then they also nod to Aoi. Aoi exhales in relief.

 "So, now is time for me to tell you what exactly are we going to do. I had plan but feel free to add yours as well. Our priority should be Arzen and Kii but the other also need to be taken care of... Arren-nii, will you really okay? This Arzen is completely different from the Arzen back home and he doesn't trust you at all... I am..." Aoi trailed as Arren hold his hand up to stop him.

"When we were young, I don't trust him at all. I thought he had some agenda when he was trying to get close to me, but he keeps bugged me until I gave up. He placed himself in my heart and gave me a little brother. It was really annoying but I won't trade it with anything else. I am grateful for his action at that time. So, if this Arzen doesn't trust me, I will make him trust me. If this Arzen doesn't think of me as a brother, I will make him. If this Arzen doesn't want to spend time with me, then... This time I will be the one who bugs him. Even if the soul is different, he is still Arzen, and Arzen is my brother. That is the thing that will never change" Arren smiles at them.

"I will... I will talk to Mother and slowly makes her realize that she is wrong. I don't think I will be able to successfully change her but at least I will try to make her stop bullying Kii-chan and about my father..." Midori looks at Akai for assistance.

"I will carefully give Father a hint or two or indirectly guide him to find a clue about that... You sure you're okay with it Midori?" Akai asks back.

"I am sure. I am The Eldest daughter of Wallace house, the little sister of Akai Fern Wallace and big sister of Aoi and Kii Fern Wallace. I only have one father... I am happy where I am right now" Midori smiles.

Aoi looks at them gratefully. "We have a lot of things that we need to prepare, for now, let's focus on the exam... So, in the previous two exams that I did, there are some things that didn't change..."

Aoi's voice starting to get back to its former determined tone. With his sibling beside him, he finally gets back his confidence. As he explained his plan to them, his heartbeats also back to normal and he didn't feel suffocated any longer. Aoi is not alone, with them beside him, he is sure that at least he will succeed in making Kii and Arzen get closer. Another thing can wait but their love is more important.


No, it's not because Aoi is a romantic at heart. It is because Aoi knew this Arzen. This perfect prince's heart who deep down really possessive toward Kii. Aoi had witnessed just how far he could go for Kii and what he had become without Kii by his side. This time, Aoi wants him to be able to freely show his love to his beloved, to spend time with Kii, to experience just how much Kii could love him back. Aoi doesn't want him to be erased for the second time. Like his Arzen back home said... Everyone deserves to be happy.

They ended up skipping their class because of their discussion. When they got back they for called by their instructors to explained what happened. They end up telling them that they had some private family discussion and they need Arren help as a mediator. The instructors look like they don't believe them but they didn't confront them.

When Aoi got back to his class, the class was buzzed with gossip. The students, mostly female students are busy chattering about 'The Crown Prince-sama apologizing to the instructor for making his fiancee late for her class because they had an important discussion'. The students were divided into different opinion. Some of them believe that Arzen were scolding and trying to tell Kii to stop bullying Angela, some believe that Arzen finally had enough of Kii's attitude and planning to annul his engagement with Kii and there are also some who believe that it just an excuse, as they had been engaging since they were young and with Kii finally almost become a fifteen years old in a few days, Arzen can't hold himself anymore and finally asking Kii to warm his bed.

Aoi looks at Kii who is still sitting on her chair, reading a book. He is sure that she can hear them. People who don't know her would think that she doesn't care about the rumour, but for Aoi, her poker face doesn't work anymore. He can read her like a book and Aoi knew that the rumor effects her greatly. She must remember the name 'Angela fern Reyes'  from their previous talk and wondering who she was and why people keep interlined them both when Kii herself doesn't have any idea about this lady.

Aoi sighs and makes his way toward Kii. He sat facing her on the chair in front of her.

"So, he took you to your class I assume? I was worry that he will make you go alone" Aoi starts.

"Aoi-sama..."Kii said looking up at him. Aoi arched his brow. Kii ducked her head and softly answering that yes, His Highness Crown Prince-sama did and she is thankful.

Aoi thinks that he should make Kii starts calling Arzen by his name again. Hmm, what would she call him if she is allowed to call Arzen by name, he wonders. Will she call him 'Arzen-kun'?, 'Arzen-san'? or 'Arzen-sama'?, or maybe... 'Ace-Kun'?... Like back home? Aoi smiles at remembrance but Aoi doesn't think that Kii will call him that here.

"What are we supposed to do now? Don't you think the instructor is late?" Aoi asked instead. He is aware that everyone eyes in class are at them. Aoi never talks to Kii in class, so they must be a bit shocked right now.

"Hmmm... They said we have free time because they are busy preparing for the exams, so we should try to self-study" Kii answer with a tiny bit of unsureness in her voice. She must be nervous about the attention they suddenly got.

"Alright then, if it's self-study then we can do anywhere, can't we?" Aoi stands and looks at Kii.

"Umm... I guess so?" Kii asks back.

"Well, come on then Kii, let's study somewhere else!" Aoi continues, holding onto Kii's hand to make her stand as well.

"Eh? Aoi-sama...!!!" Kii exclaimed in surprise.

"Who is this 'Aoi-sama', Kii?" Aoi asked sternly.

"Ugh, I mean Aoi-nii" Kii answer nervously. Aoi beams at her. Let's go, let's go he said while continue dragging Kii outside.

"But... Aoi-nii..." Kii tried again, looking nervously at the glare she was receiving.

You don't want to study with me, Kii. Aoi asked to which Kii denied. Aoi beams one more time and humming cheerily with Kii's hand securely in his grasp. 

Aoi doesn't know where he would take her but this time he will not let Kii be alone... So, the place doesn't matter he guess as long as Kii is not alone.

Ah, he suddenly thinks of a place. A perfect place, he adds. He smirks to himself.

Aoi sure He wouldn't mind them studying there.

"Come on, Kii. I just find us a perfect place to study" Aoi told her.

Kii looks confusedly at him. He smiles brightly at her in exchange. As Aoi readied himself to knock on the door... Yes, a perfect place indeed, Aoi thinks.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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