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Hidden Secrets Bts Ff

chapter 1

"good morning Ms lee"???said.

"good morning children today's we have new transfer student "Ms Lee said and smiled towards new girl who enter inside the class room "

"hello everyone I'm choi jihyun your new class mates I hope we would friends together please take care me"

"jihyun please sit beside y/n, y/n raise your hand! y/n!y/n"Ms Lee said

"teacher she late again "??said.

"that girl jihyun sit beside Lisa she will guide you where y/n sit" jihyun nodded.

"teacher I'm sorry I'm late again "???said and everyone turned their face and saw y/n"

" jeon y/n detention!!!! " Ms Lee said and y/n apologizing her.

"y/n sit beside jihyun "

" hello jihyun I heard you are new student I'm y/n jeon y/n" y/n said and jihyun ignored her.

"rude"y/n mumbled.

Meanwhile ......


"hi jihyun if you don't mind can you sit with us "some boys asked her but she ignored them.

"if you don't mind just get out from my side "she rudely said and the boys shocked and left.

" suddenly jihyun heard girls screaming "

"Taehyung oppa be my boyfriend "??said.

" Suga Oppa I love you " ??said.

"jungkook Oppa **** me "??said.

"jimin daddy come at my house " ??said.

"just shut you ugly bitches "jihyun said and throw her bottle towards girls but accidentally the bottle hit Suga head and everyone shocked.

"what the hell "Suga angrily said and everyone gulped and nervous.

"who the hell did this " Suga said and everyone pointed at jihyun.

"I did what you gonna do? "jihyun said in annoying tone and crossed her arms .

" what the hell bitch do you know who we are? "Suga said.

"my parents murdered " jihyun said in lone tone.

"probably some ugly boys "jihyun said and Suga angrily try to hit her but suddenly someone grabbed his hand and stop him.

"stop it suga "and it was tall boy.

"but jin "Suga said.

" leave her she's new girl it's her last time doing if she did again then we will see her"jin said and walked away with others.

"OMG how could she called our Oppa ugly "??said.

"I'm afraid that what will they gonna do with her" ??said and everyone looking at her.

"she ignored everyone and eating her lunch ".

Time skip....

"hey jihyun can we friends with you "y/n said and smiled.

"why are you annoying me girl just leave me alone "y/n sad.

"sorry "y/n said and left.

" I'm sorry y/n but we can't be friends "jihyun said and walked away.

chapter 2

"I'm back "y/n said and laid on her cough her mom cooked something.

"y/n are you OK '' her mom asked her.

"eomma today in my class a new transfer student come and her first she challenge school bad boys she throw water bottle one of the strongest and scary person but when I asked her to be my friend then she called me annoying Girl "y/n said and pout.

" oh my baby girl don't be upset one she will be your friend "her mom said and smiled but y/n sad and remember jihyun word.

"we can't friends "

"eomma where are we going today "y/n asked.

"it's secret well let's eat and get ready " y/n nodded.



" eomma appa I'm sorry I can't protect you from them "???said and looked her parents picture.

"Oppa is meanie after you left me with them they torturer me everyday "???said.

" I hate them "??said and crying.

End pov...

"eomma this house is pretty and beautiful"y/n said and smiled.

"let's go inside "y/n nodded.


" a handsome tall man opened the door and smiled "

"o sweety come inside "they both hugged each other and come inside.

"your name is y/n Am I right " ??asked and she nodded.

" hello y/n I'm Kim jeonghyun " .

"well let me call my sons "

" kids come downstairs and meet your soon step family "

"y/n confused "

"she looked towards her mom and her mom smiled.

" everyone come downstairs and y/n shocked "

"bts???? "


"OK guys we are discussing about something important "


" Taehyung stand up and opened door but his eyes widened when he saw unexpected person "

"what the hell are you doing here " Taehyung said and everyone saw and shocked except y/n mom and bts dad.

"jihyun what are you doing here "y/n asked.

"I'm not coming for your question, Mr Kim take your money and leave my apartment why are you trying to helping me I'm not poor helpless girl " jihyun said.

"jihyun after your brother left he give me your responsible"Mr Kim said.

"and jihyun shoot a glare "

"don't dare to talk about my brother with your dirty mouths "jihyun said but she noticed y/n and Ms Choi.

''don't dare to married with him Ms Choi, and don't hope y/n about your brothers because what they look there aren't that person " Jihyun Said and everyone confused.

"how did you know my mom name-"but before she can asked something jihyun already left.

"don't mind her behavior y/n she's new here recently she transferred her she doesn't comfortable with new environment " jeonghyun said and y/n nodded.

chapter 3

" OK children let's forget this " Mr Kim said.

" we have announcement,me and Ms Choi we both going to married after 1 week " everyone shocked.

"what the hell dad, you told us yesterday that you have girlfriend and now you say you guys getting married " jimin said.

"jimin behave, we both know each other from childhood " Ms Choi smile.

"eomma is it true that the special gift is your marriage and boyfriend? "y/n asked.

"y/n~" Ms Choi said.

"eomma how could you easily forget about appa, you know I don't want them become my brothers ,I don't want that rich man become my father " y/n loudly said.

"y/n I'm sorry I should -"before Ms Choi talk sometime y/n stop her .

"if you love this man more than my dad then who am I to stop you "y/n said and left Mr Kim house and everyone shocked and sad.

" boys" Mr Kim said .

" bts follow her"


" why !why! me !,I hate them, I hate my mom, "y/n said throwing stone in pond..

" so now you are regretting this " y/n turned her face and saw jihyun.

" what do you want now ?are you here for your rude behavior "jihyun rolled her eyes and sit beside her.

" yah I'm talking to you are you heard me " jihyun again ignored her.

"my mother also remarried with rich man and I also got seven stepbrothers "jihyun said and y/n shocked.

"don't be shocked I'm telling because now your situation like me"jihyun said.

"but how do-"y/n cut off again by someone.

" yah you bitch are you crazy how could you give your future brother in pain, do you know if something happened to you then our dad gonna kill us " jungkook said.

"I'm sorry "y/n said and turned her face but she didn't saw

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