NovelToon NovelToon

My Dad Is Too Strong


It's sizzling.

The fried eggs are being cooked in the frying pan.

A girl wearing an apron and a school uniform is busy preparing breakfast.

A wavy black hair that is neither too long nor too short.

A girl with a prettier face than most celebrities, even though she is not yet mature,

After taking off his apron, he came out to the living room and stood tall in front of the door seen from the front.


Take a short breath.

Knock twice.

There is no answer.

The girl opened the door and stared at the man in his mid-20s, who seemed to be sleeping soundly.

"Get up now, Father."

The girl came a little closer.

And put the lips close to the man's ear,


"I might be late."


The man quickly raised his upper body.

And nodded with an awkward smile.

"He, yes."

The girl grinned, closed the door and went back to the living room.

Left alone, Lee breathed a long sigh.

Dad's contract.


It dates back two months


Ten years have passed since Crack appeared on the peaceful earth.

Monsters appeared, Hunters appeared to catch them.

Everyone in the world got a Sang-chang.

Through the status window, you can see your physical abilities objectively.

"Status window."

Name: Lee Do-joon

Level : 999

Title: Heavenly Horse

Force: 999

Agility: 999

Physical Fitness: 999

Inner space: 999

Skill: SSS, SSS, Vulgar Heart (SS), Vulcanic Immortality (S), Intangible Sword (S), Acoustic Sword (S), Metrology (D), Vicinity (D), Acoustic Sound (D), Samaejinhwa (B), Spotted Blood (C), New Sword Day (A)

After Lee Do-jun finished his military service,

After three years of study, he was accepted as a 'crack management' civil servant, one of the technical series.

He joined the company at the age of 25 and became the youngest member of the crack management team at Seoul City Hall.

And after a year, I was finally assigned a personal hunter.

On the eve of the first crack exploration, even though it is grade F.

I was hit by a truck.

After work, I thought about exploring the class F cracks in Gangdong-gu in advance.

He was knocked unconscious by a five-ton cargo truck while crossing the crosswalk.

And Dojun went over to the so-called jungle world.

In the Murim world, Dojun gained one skill.

a public clock

He died in the forest countless times.

through the skill of

back and forth

He finally became the strongest man in the midfield.

People called Dojun 'the heavenly horse.'

And came back to Earth.


The hospital's automatic door opens.

Do-joon took out his smartphone while breathing in the air.

January 18, 2020.

"Ho, if you're sick, please come back."

Over the automatic door the doctor in a white gown said, raising his glasses.

Dojun nodded and went out.

The nurse next to the doctor muttered unbelievablely while looking at the chart.

"How could a person be as fine as if nothing had happened in just one day?"

When he was hit by a cargo truck and entered the emergency room, Do-joon looked like a horse.

The 17-hour major surgery barely caught the lifeline, but the chances of consciousness returning were less than 10 percent.

But after only a day, all the trauma, including internal injuries, was as clean as a lie.

"That's a question for me, too."

* * *

[Captain, I'm out of the hospital.]

Dojun sent a text message to Kang Chul-soo, the head of the crack exploration team, his department.

It was only a day after he returned to Korea from the midfield.

As the memory of living in Korea has faded, it will take a lot of effort to adjust to the job again, but it has become so strong that it does not bother to play and eat without having to work as a public servant.

Dojun decided to live as a civil servant.

'I want to live a normal life this time.'

There was so much blood on my hands in the midfield.

We have come to the point where we have suffered terrible betrayal and can't easily trust people.

I've been thinking about going into the mountains and living in seclusion.

After a long time of living, I came to the conclusion that being normal is the best.

Beep beep.

The bell rang.

On the screen of a smartphone,

[Captain Kang Chul-soo] was marked.


- Hello?

- Dude! Are you back to consciousness? Are you, Mo, okay? And what do you mean discharge?

- Yes. I'm back to consciousness. I'm feeling better now. The doctor said it is okay to leave the hospital.

There was a moment of silence.

Then came a loud voice over the phone.

Dojun frowned and dropped his smartphone from his ear.- Who the hell are you! Are you kidding me?

Do-joon breathed a sigh and put his smartphone back to his ear.

It was perfectly normal for Kang to react like this.

He said that Dojun, who seems to be dead today and tomorrow, is fine.

- Chief. That's me. I'll come into the office now.

- ······아니야. I'll pick you up!

- No. You can get there in 20 minutes by taxi, so don't worry.

- What the hell is he doing?


Dojun hung up, came out to the roadside and waited for a taxi.

Kang Chul-soo kept calling me, but I didn't answer Dojun.

[Stay where you are. I'll pick you up.]

After checking the text, Dojun immediately replied.

[Here we go.] Chief.]

[Ha. Your personality seems to have changed a bit?] Anyway, come quickly then!]

[Yes, sir.]

Dojun mumbled while putting his smartphone in his pocket.

"My character has changed, ··.".".".".""

I don't know.

What kind of person you were before.

Was it a lively or quiet personality?

What image did he have to people?


Dojun waved the approaching taxi and quickly caught it.

"Please go to Seoul City Hall."

The taxi driver starts with a nod.

After a while, a sort of alarm went off in the taxi.

"Customer, you need to fasten your seat belt."

"Safety belt? Ah."

Dojun pulled the seat belt attached to the passenger seat for a long time and plugged it into the buckle to secure it.

Then I took out my smartphone again and searched the phone list.

Family (1)

Friend (0)

Company (11)

Other (2)

"I didn't have any friends."

Dojun muttered and clicked on the Family tab.

Then there was a phone number marked

"You had a brother."

But I can't remember the name.

I tried to recall the memories, but it was too much.

But one thing is for sure.

I don't think he's a very good guy.'

There was no attachment.

I could feel a little anger rising from my heart.

Dojun called his older brother after taking a breath.

- The number you're calling is not available,/·····.

I called again, but the sound of the voice mail guidance machine was the same.

The number seemed to have changed.

This time I clicked on the Other tab.

Then two phone numbers came up.

[Bae Yoo Jin]

[Snow Yun-hee]

"I don't know."

Who is Bae Yoojin? Who is Seol Yoonhee?

I couldn't remember at all.

But on the company tab, some people in the office vaguely remember.

Bae Yoo-jin and Seol Yoon-hee did not seem to have taken up much weight.

"We've arrived. Sir."

I arrived in front of Seoul City Hall.

Dojun took his wallet out of his pocket and held out his card.

The taxi driver accepted the card with deft handwork and inserted it into the terminal to pay the bill.


* * *

Dojun entered the crack management department on the seventh floor.

Then the attention of the staff in the department was naturally focused on Do-jun.

Then a few people ran to Dojun.

"Hey! Gwak, are you all right?"

A man in his mid- to late-40s said with wide-eyed eyes.

Dojun could see that the man was Kang Chul-soo.

"Yes. As you can see, I'm fine."

"······정말이네? You look fine."

I couldn't believe it.

Just yesterday, I went to the hospital where Dojun was hospitalized.

I came back without meeting you because I was told that I couldn't get sick because I wasn't in good condition, but how could I have come back in a day?

"Are you sure you're okay? Did you say you could leave the hospital?"

A woman, who appeared to be an employee, looked up and down at Dojun and asked anxiously.Dojun nodded.

"As you can see, I'm fine."

"What a relief. Do you know how worried I was when I heard about the accident? Well, by the way. Dojun, you're not stammering anymore."

The male employee tilted his head and said.

"Did I stutter?"

" "··예예예. That's right, Chief."

"Right. So when I picked up the phone earlier, I thought it wasn't him."

The male employee grabbed Do-jun's arm by hand.

It wasn't soft. Despite wearing a long-sleeved shirt, I can directly feel the firmness of the fine muscles that reveal their curves.

"He, by the way, Do-joon's body, ·····. You're feeling much better. What happened to you?"

"Wasn't it supposed to be like this?"

Kang Chul-soo nodded at Dojun's question.

"You were so dwarfed. Besides, I was introverted. And you look a little taller."

Kang Chul-soo looked incomprehensible, recalling Do-jun, who was similar to himself at 171 centimeters. Dojun should raise his head a little. At first glance, it looked like 180 centimeters.

"I see. Thank you for the information."

"How can a real person change like this overnight? Are you really Dojun? Isn't it someone else?!"

"You may feel a little changed, but I'm right."

The staff looked incredulous.

Dojun looked around regardless.

"Where is my seat? I lost a little memory because of the aftereffects of the car accident."

"You lost your memory? Ha, that's really suspicious. You're not Lee Do-joon, are you?"

"You look similar, but you look much more handsome."

Kang Chul-soo patted the employee next to him.

"Mr. Hyun-soo. Bring me the fingerprint reader."

The man, called Hyun-soo, entered the department storehouse and brought a fingerprint reader.

It originally depended on a warehouse designated as off-limits to officials, but it had been kept silent two months ago when it was changed to a new model.

"Raise your right thumb here. If it says it's confirmed, I'll believe it."

Dojin did not hesitate to bring his right thumb to the fingerprint reader.

[Crack Management Department, Mr. Lee Do-joon confirmed.

Kang Chul-soo seems incredible.

"Da, try again!"

[Crack Management Department, Mr. Lee Do-joon confirmed.


But no matter how many times.

The results were the same.

"How can a person change like this in a day?"

"It's called amnesia. The stammering could have been fixed."

"Given the stammering, how can a person suddenly grow this tall?"

said Dojun with a sigh.

"Now tell me where my seat is."

"No, no. Go home and rest a lot today. I'm on sick leave now. Go to work tomorrow!"

"But, ···.".".""

When Dojun hesitated, Kang Chul-soo pushed his back.

"I'll take you home. Let's go."

"No. It's all right. I can go alone."

Dojun left the crack management department as if he couldn't.

Then I took out my resident registration card from my wallet and checked my home address.

* * *

"What's the password?"

Dojun stood tall in front of the gate 301 of the officetel building, which read Changshin Villa.

I searched my body for the key, but it didn't come out.

knock, knock

Knock at the gate.

Is there anyone?


- Who are you?

Voice over the intercom.

Dojun gulped down his saliva.

Then carefully opened his mouth.

"Who are you?"


a subdued atmosphere

Drink a sip of green tea and put down the teacup.

Dojun gazed at the girl sitting opposite the table.

The girl, Seol Yoon-hee, bowed her head and avoided looking at Do-jun when her eyes met him.

"So, you're my brother. Are you saying she's your girlfriend's daughter?"

"Yes, yes."

"And you're saying that my brother and his girlfriend died in an accident, and I said I'd take care of you, who had nowhere to go. So I gave him the password, and he came this way today."

Seol Yoon-hee nodded violently.

Dojun took out his smartphone and looked in the phone book.

The two on the "Others" tab pointed to his girlfriend and his daughter, respectively.

"Have we ever met?"

"Oh, no. It's my first time meeting you."

I was lost in thought, holding on to the tingling temples.

Frankly speaking, Dojun can't afford to take someone back.

It's only been a day since he returned to Earth, leaving simply the question of money.

now that everything is awkward in life

To live a normal life, my body was heavy.

"Do you have any other family?"

My mother was an orphan. So, I don't have any place to rely on, ···."."

Seol Yun-hee looked up at Do-jun, fidgeting with her fingers, anxiously.

Then in Do-jun's eyes there was a plate wrapped in plastic wrap on the table.

Fried rice covered with egg water. It was omelet rice.

"This one?"

"It's omelet rice. He, ·····. When you come home from work, ······. Eat it."

"I can't take you back for now."

"···하,, but surely."

The girl took out her smartphone and showed it to Dojun.

The screen on the smartphone showed the letter from Dojun.

To summarize the text, it was okay to live in Dojun's house until he graduated from school.

The date was three days ago.

letters two days before a traffic accident

Dojun could see that Seol Yoon-hee was unaware that she had been in a car accident.

" "···분, I'm sure I sent it."

Seol Yoon-hee could not understand why Do-joon was reacting like this.

I can understand if I came here carelessly, but I'm sure Dojun has reached out to help me first.

"I was hospitalized until yesterday. I was in a car accident. And I just got out of the hospital today. In addition, the most important facts are ·······. I have amnesia."

"District, traffic accident? Are you all right?!"

Dojun nodded.

"I'm fully recovered now."

Seol Yoon-hee swept her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The key is amnesia. It's likely to cause a lot of disruption to our daily lives. So, I don't think I can take care of anyone right now. It's going to take some time to adjust to life right now."

The remark was like a bolt from the blue for Seol.

The dormitory of the National Hunter Academy, which will soon be admitted in March, was not accepted due to poor grades. Because there was no place to live right away.

"······계약. I'm signing a contract."

"A contract?"

"Be a father! Until I graduate."


"You said you had memory loss. Then it will be hard for you to live alone. Cleaning, laundry, and eating. I'll do the lyrics for you. Please let me live here instead. Until graduation,········ No, half a year is fine! Until I go into the dormitory."

Do-jun looked at the omelet rice wrapped in plastic wrap on the table.

And I see Seol Yun-hee biting her lips and looking up with anxious eyes.

Not a bad condition.

No, it's rather good.

Having been in the midfield for so long, life in modern times must be very clumsy. If you use your power to reign over the earth, if you get your hands on the world, everyone will fear you and support you. Because now I wanted to put everything down and live a normal life.Besides, if you don't know anything, you can ask.

"Okay, that would help me. Well, let's draw up a contract."

"What? Gye, the contract?"

Do-joon nodded and took out paper and pens from his briefcase.

And slowly began to write down the contract items.

After using Chinese for a long time, I was more used to Chinese characters, but fortunately, I was able to write down Korean naturally as if I had not forgotten it.


Put the pen down on the table.

And Dojun presented the draft of the contract to Seol Yun-hui.

She thought she had to write a contract for this kind of thing, but now she couldn't afford it, so she didn't say anything.

Call Lee Do-joon Gap and Seol Yoon-hee Eul.

A shall provide a residential environment for B by December 31, 2020.

B shall notify A in writing of the details of the calculation, including receipts, of various utility bills, living expenses, and allowances, and A shall pay B the above amount unless there is anything special.

B shall be faithful to the housework during the contract period, ······.


"Read it once. Tell me if you don't understand, or if there's anything that needs to be revised."

"Yes, yes!"

Seol Yun-hee calmly and meticulously read the contract.

Though I felt sad reading it.


Look at Dojun's face over the contract.

Dojun tilted his head and said,

"Is there any place you want to modify?"

"Oh, no!"

"Then let's sign it."

Does Seol have to write such a contract?

Although there's no blood, she's the daughter of her older brother's girlfriend.

We're on the same terms as family members who have to lose their family and be cared for.

Seol Yoon-hee was a little dissatisfied with Do-joon's attitude as if he was dealing with others thoroughly.

However, I heard that there are many cases in this world where parents and children live together.

When I thought so, I felt sad that it was natural, but I couldn't help it.


Do-joon signed it, followed by Seol Yoon-hee.

Seol Yun-hee was a little concerned about the contract period for item 1.

Of course, it will be solved if we work hard and pass the dormitory, but I thought living together would be good for each other.


Seol Yun-hee made up her mind, clenched her fist.

Let's do our best. Let's do that and stand on our own up.

"Then I look forward to working with you for a year."

"Yes, yes! I will work hard. Oh, then can I call you father from now on?"

"Do as you please."

"Please call me Yoon-hee, too. And don't use honorifics, please speak informally."

"Yes. All right, Yoon-hee."

" "··예예예예? Well, you're getting used to it very quickly."

Dojun stood up smiling.

Then I walked to the laundry basket and undressed my suit jacket, undone my shirt button.

Since I came back home, it was to change into comfortable clothes.


Without realizing it, Seol Yoon-hee looked at Do-joon's body.

I've been thinking about it since the first meeting.

Dojun was a model.

A well-balanced body overall well-balanced body

And he wasn't that big, but he was taller than 180cm and has distinct features.

I couldn't believe that he was a brother to Lee Kang-joon, who was the boyfriend of his mother.

'By the way, you don't say anything about cleaning the house.'

When I first came home.

It used to be dirty enough to resemble a pigsty.

Every day, food was ordered, food scraps were dried, and clothes were thrown roughly.

Moreover, the house smelled bad, so I ventilated, vacuumed, and mopped.The leftover chicken and pigs' feet in the refrigerator were rotting, so I had a hard time throwing them away.

'There's nothing in the fridge, so I'll have to go grocery shopping.'

Naturally, Dojun was unaware of the fact.

The fact that he rarely cleaned the house in the past.



"There's not a single side dish in the refrigerator, so I think I'll have to go grocery shopping."


Dojun took the card out of his wallet and handed it over to Seol.

Seol Yun-hee, who received the card, looked at Do-jun with a blank look.

"What's wrong?"

"He, uh, ······. You said it was amnesia, right? Then wouldn't you be able to remember a little if you shop at a little?"

"·········확실히 그러네. Then let's go together."

Although Do-jun was not suffering from amnesia, he was only unfamiliar with modern life because he had been in the midfield for so long, but he did not try to express himself.

* * *

"My father's usual eating habits show that he doesn't eat vegetables, so I'm going to cook a lot of vegetables for the time being. You're all right, aren't you?"

Seol Yoon-hee picked up a bunch of water parsley and said, putting it in a cart.

Dojun smiled and stroked Seol's head.

At that moment, Seol's face turned red.

"Thank you."

It wasn't that I didn't eat vegetables that much,

Anyway, I felt proud that taking care of these little things would be a plus for Do-joon.

It was then.


"Blood, avoid!"

It's falling out!


An electric current occurred in the air 10 meters away.

After a while, the space seemed to rip.

The length was a little over a meter.

Nearby people who were shopping shouted and rushed away.

"What is it?"

"It's a crack. Fortunately, it's not an entrance. It's about a meter long. Probably goblin. Father, it's dangerous. Stay away from it."

A moment later, Seol Yoon-hee pulled a revolver-shaped gun out of her bag.

not a gun for ordinary live ammunition

Mana Gun, one of the Hunters' basic weapons.

If Mana was loaded onto a Mana gun, Mana could condense and shoot like a bullet.

Seol was confident in dealing with Mana Gun.

Although Mana itself is not much, I am confident that I will be second to none in control.


As Seol Yun-hui said, a goblin popped out of the crack.

A mart employee was beckoning the people, and another was rushing to the police.


Dojun did not bother to step forward.

I tried to keep my life unnoticed in the first place.

'Was it a Hunter?'

I could feel the "ki" from the gun that Seol Yun-hee was holding.

Although Dojun was rarely seen,

I've decided it's enough to catch that Goblin guy over there.


Mana's bullet rotates along.

And passed through Goblin's head.

Goblin died instantly, without a break, in pain, screaming.

"Lord, you're dead!"

"There was a Hunter!"

Seol Yun-hee put the gun back in her bag.

I frowned at Dojun, who was standing next to me.

"I told you to stay away from the danger. What if you were hurt, Dad!"

"I'm sorry. I'll be careful from now on."


Seol Yoon-hee grumbled, inflating her cheeks.


About three policemen stormed into the mart.

They wore battle suits, and in their hands held riot rods for the Greater Monster.

But he immediately noticed that the situation was over and took a picture of Goblin's body with a wind hole in its head.

Then a police officer walked to Dojun.

"Excuse me, is it you who killed this goblin?"

Standing in front of Goblin's body, a physically fit man in his mid to late 20s and a soft-feeling teenage girl. The police came up with the idea that Do-jun must have killed goblin.

Do-jun shook his head once, holding Seol's shoulders on both sides and sticking out to his front.

"She's my daughter."

The police gave a small nod.

It didn't seem surprising that a teenage girl knocked down Goblin.

In fact, if people of all ages and men awaken their abilities or strengthen their physical abilities by using mana stones, they could work as hunters to generate the power of supermen.

"Do you happen to have any ID?"

The police, who opened the notebook and held the pen, ask Seol Yoon-hee.

She took her wallet out of her arms and took out her student ID.

He has yet to enter high school, so he gives out his student ID card when he was in middle school.

"Please tell me your phone number, home address and account number. You'll be paid a reward."

"Excuse money?"

The police nodded when Do-jun asked briefly.

"In addition to Goblin's mana stone and corpse prices, the police will pay a reward for protecting citizens' safety and lives. I think you're a guardian, and you can give me your father's account."

It was Seol herself who caught Goblin.

Moreover, Dojun was not even her legal guardian.

I didn't even register my resident registration as a cohabitant.

"Yoon-hee. Give me your account number."

"What? Can I, uh, do that?"

"Because you got it."

Seol Yoon-hee, who hesitated for a while and called her account number.

The policeman, who had written down in his notebook, gave a brief salute.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

* * *

It was when I came back home after finishing shopping at the mart.

Seol Yoon-hee was able to confirm the text that the amount of 150,000 won was deposited.

50,000 won for the corpse including the Mana Stone of Goblin.

And 100,000 won from the police.

"That's quite a sum."

Dojun sneaked to Seol Yoon-hee's side and looked sideways at the text messages.

Her cheeks were a little flushed, perhaps because she approached without a trace.

"But if you've only caught one, and that's enough, why wouldn't you live with me?"

Aside from the honorarium, if you catch one goblin for 50,000 won, it's 500,000 won for just 10 of them. It's not that difficult to think of Seol Yoon-hee catching Goblin in one go.

But Seol shook her head.

"The situation just now is unusual. For a monster to appear in the sky with a temporary tear of cracks. And it's less likely that it's all goblin that's easy to catch. In addition, cracks, which are commonly called dungeons, can only be entered by people with a Hunter's card or by related workers. Because I'm still an ordinary person, so it's impossible."

Dojun just recalled the gun used by Seol Yoon-hee.

A series of processes in which the internal organs of the body are shot and condensed air is fired, not shot.

The amount of work in her Danjeon was less than a year's worth, but I could think it was great.

"Are you learning any psychology?"

"··법이법이법이법이법이? What do you mean?"

"In order to absorb the inner space of nature into the Danjeon,·····. No, nothing."

Come to think of it, it was strange.

This is because Seol Yoon-hee's body did not have a heartache.

No matter how high-level the test is, even if you take the elixir, the entrances and exits had to be open in order to keep the inner cavity in the Danjeon."You were surprised anyway, right? Well, actually, I'm entering the National Hunter Academy in March. I haven't awakened yet, but I know how to handle Mana. It's temporary, but I also have a Managan license. That's why I carry a managan around."

Take out the side dishes one by one on the table and smile.

Seol Yoon-hee thought Do-joon would be surprised.

It is not a full-fledged Hunter, but it is a very socially recognizable position to enter the National Hunter Academy.

Being a student at the National Hunter Academy was because, although preliminary, he became a hunter with a nearly 99 percent chance.

"Amazing. Hunter can't be done by anyone, can he?""

a hard voice as if reading a Korean book

When Do-joon's reaction unexpectedly became dull, Seol Yoon-hee inflated her cheeks and picked up a carrot and put it down in the kitchen.

"You'll have to be nice to me. Later on, you'll be a very famous person."

I thought it was cute.

Do-jun smiled and passed it.

* * *

7 a.m.

Do-joon opened his eyes lightly, even though his phone did not ring an alarm.

I was able to open my eyes whenever I wanted without setting the alarm.

When I removed my blanket and went out to the living room, I could see Seol Yoon-hee busy cooking in the kitchen.

"Oh. Are you up, Father?"

Seol Yoon-hee turned around when she heard the door open in Do-jun's room.

Then, he turned his head again, surprised to see Do-jun wearing only one panty.

"Oh, get dressed!"

"I'm going to wash and wear it."

"That's not what I'm saying, ········. Hugh."

After a while, Do-jun, who had a brief wash, saw carefully prepared food on the table. Seasoned water parsley, spinach, bean platter, cabbage salad, ····. They were vegetables, vegetables, and vegetables.

On the first day of his visit to Dojun's officetel, Seol Yoon-hee, who saw a single container of delivery food piled up in the house, decided that Dojun rarely eats vegetables, so she only served side dishes for vegetables.

"When you get home from work, I'll grill meat for you in the evening. So, do you have to eat everything?"

It was Dojun who didn't complain and ate well the night before.

Even in the morning, Seol Yoon-hee was not very comfortable with serving only vegetable side dishes.

"Thank you for the food."

Dojun sat down and began to eat without a murmur.

The rush hour was nine o'clock, so it was still time to relax.

Seated opposite Dojun, Seol Yun-hee opened her mouth while watching him eat.

"But what does your father do?"

"I work at the City Hall."

"Wow. So you're a civil servant?"

Dojun nodded and swallowed the potato soup.

And Seol Yoon-hee's face full of smiles as she puts down the soup bowl.


"No, just."

Seol Yun-hee thought it was fortunate that Do-jun did not do anything dangerous.

Besides, City Hall is relatively safe from monsters.

Although he wasn't a real dad, with no blood on.

I don't want to lose my family anymore.

"Eat a lot. Dad."

* * *

At 8:30 a.m., the city hall was pretty leisurely.

But a few departments did not.

with a dash

Crack Management Department located on the 7th floor of Seoul City Hall.

Most of the staff there were at work and looking at each other's work.

In particular, due to the nature of the crack management department, which does not know when an emergency will break out, many people work overtime overnight.


Dojun entered the team's office, which read "crack rovers," and bowed his head.

Then Kang Chul-soo, who confirmed the scene, jumped up from his seat and ran to Do-jun."Yes. Are you okay? Can you work?"

"Yes. Thank you for your concern. As you can see, it's fine."

"Tell me whenever it's hard. Tell me right away if anyone says anything. I'll kick your ***."

"Thank you."

Dojun couldn't understand why Kang Chul-soo was overreacting so much.

Be careful as if dealing with a child.

But none of the crackers ever tackled Kang's horse.

Just a few days ago.

Do-joon was a stuttering introvert who couldn't adapt well to his career.

Although people changed too much in the morning, it still remains to be seen.

"Dohjun, your seat is here. You remember, don't you?"

He didn't answer the question.

Because I couldn't remember.

Before moving to the side of the forest, Do-jun sat at the desk where he worked, but felt completely unfamiliar as if he had never seen it before.

"If you don't know anything, feel free to ask."

A man in his early 30s sitting next to him looked at Dojun and said,

Kwon Hyuk-soo. He is a fifth-year civil servant and has been working in the crack exploration field for three years.

He made a lot of mistakes and didn't work well, so he takes care of almost 1.5 servings of work.

But he had never spoken in a single word of mouth.

"Thank you."

Dojun returned to his original intention and began to browse through the basic work manual.

From the Seoul Metropolitan Government's administrative portal to the nation-wide system commonly used by government officials across the country.

Basic, such as how to raise a draft or deal with business trips and overtime tabs.

There was much to learn.

When the time was passing ten past nine.

Kang Chul-soo murmured, looking at his wristwatch.

"It's time to come."

"You're a noble hunter, and I have to understand."

"Is Class F noble, too?"

"Because it's Hunter, anyway."

Kwon said with a big smile.

Then. Speak of the devil, a girl burst open the door.

He gasps for breath as if he ran.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

a youthful appearance in one's early twenties

Chief Kang Chul-soo gets up from his seat and walks to her to ask for a handshake.

"Oh, my. I should have come to meet you."

"Oh, no! Sir, I'm sorry I'm late."

The staff of the crack exploration community stood up.

Then she shook her hand, feeling burdened.

"You may sit down, ······"

She was conscious, too.

a mere F-hunter

Civil servants will treat you outwardly, but they will ignore you inwardly.

"Dowoon, say hi. The newly contracted Hunter. Oh, they don't know. For your information, our main task is to explore cracks, and we usually go out in groups with Hunter. And Cha Ye-ji, the hunter here, was in charge of Do-joon."

Cha Ye-ji was in a car accident and moved to Jung-won.

It was the first Hunter assigned to Dojun.'

She was originally supposed to explore a class F crack in Gangdong-gu with Dojun.

"You can't afford to be on the scene right now, so I'm in charge."

Dojun thought, touching his chin.

He seems to have been marked as an advisor.

It's not good to think about the future that Kwon Hyuk-soo, who is supposed to do what he has to do, will live a normal life.

There seems to be a civil servant, there seems to be no civil servant. I heard it's best to stay out of sight.

"You mean it's my job, right?""

"Yes, but you don't have to strain yourself. No one says anything."

"No, I'll take it."

To melt into a team.

Do-joon's eyes were filled with interest.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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