NovelToon NovelToon

So What If I'm A Girl

Why would I care?

Laying in the hospital bed, a woman held a baby with a tired but joyous expression.She held the baby close to her bossom and smiled.

The baby giggled and laughed in her mother’s embrace.The woman’s smile soon dropped and was replaced by sadness.

“My baby, I’m sorry but please bear with what mother has in plan for you...”

As if she knew the woman’s feelings, the baby reached out her tiny little hands and touched the woman’s cheeks.

The woman smiled bitterly and hugged the baby tightly.

“I will name you Lan Du, I cannot bear for you to be hurt so I hope this name will shape you well”

The baby giggle as it flailed it’s tiny arms around, hearing its name, Lan Du laughed happily.

What the woman doesn’t know is that the innocent little baby in her arms will grow up to fit that very name.

(Lan means blue and Du means poison in Chinese)

She will grow up to be deadly like poison but clear like the sky.

Days past since Lan Du was born, the days became months and the months became years.Lan Du grew up without a father as he was busy in the military.

He doesn’t even know about the existence of his daughter.

Lan Du was twelve this year and she grew up more understanding than most children her age.She knew what she should do and what she shouldn’t do.

Waking up in the morning, Lan Du stretches out her arms and yawned.She got up slowly from her bed and went to the cupboard where her clothings were kept.

She reached her hand in and took out a school uniform for...guys?!

Taking off her pijama revealing her smooth white skin and slowly changed into the school uniform.

After putting on the uniform, it looked surprisingly good on her, in fact, she looks just like a guy!Her jade green eyes only made her look more dashing.

She had pure white hair that wasn’t too long that made her look girlish, but made her look more handsome instead.

She looked in the mirror next to her and smiled

“The guys in class will be giving me quite the death stare today, heh, funny, very funny”Lan Du began laughing to herself as she walked out the room.

She lived here in a pretty well off family, although she wasn’t dirty rich, her family had more money than most.

She kept giggling to herself as she thinks of the faces of boys who are angered by her.Because of the status difference between male and female, Lan Du grew up detesting males, her father was no exception.

‘Old man, I will make sure that you suffer for leaving my mother alone all these years’

She walked to the dinner and sat down.Food were served by a maid as male butlers were immediately dismissed by Lan Du.

“Thank you”Lan Du have her a devilish smile which made the maid’s heart skip a beat.

The maid left in a hurry and leaned on the wall in the

Kitchen and felt her thumping heart.

“Is he really only twelve years old?”

Lan Du got her bag and was about to leave for school when a woman ran up to her and hugged her tightly.

“Du’er, why haven’t you said anything to your mother before leaving?”The woman poked Lan Du’s cheeks and pouted.

Lan Du pushes her away gently and smiled wryly.

“Mother, have you taken you medicine yet?You’re acting more unusual than ever”

Lan Du’s mother was called Lan Xin and she was a bit more...childish than most mothers.

“Waah, Du’er is so handsome when you look serious, be sure to get me a daughter-in-law when you grow up”

Lan Du covered her face with one hand and took a deep breath.

She turned her head and called the maid over.

“Please take my mother to her room to take her medications, it seems that we need to double it as well”She was left speechless by her mother’s remark.

Daughter-in-law?She is also a girl!

The maid nodded and dragged Lan Xin into her room.

“Ah, Du’er is being so cruel!”

Lan Du tried her best to ignore her and left the house in a hurry, afraid that the maid wouldn’t be able to hold her mother so she sped up her pace.

She walked town the street which was bustling with people, there were advertisements everywhere on new products and transportations.

Lan Du looked up to see males introducing the items and clicked her tongue.

“What’s so good about being a guy, bastards like them...I will beat them down to the ground, every one of them”she mumbled beneath her breath so no one heard her.

She continued to walk and reached a large gate.She walked in and her annoyed expression completely disappeared.Instead, it was replaced with a gentle smile.

The moment she set foot in the yard, there would be looks of adoration from the girls.The guys however gave her looks of despise.

Under their breath, they would curse at her.

“That guy has been hogging all the attention since he came, it has only been a day so nice he transferred yet all the girls are already head over heals for him”

The other guys nodded but could’ve put their anger anywhere.

They just gritted their teeth and glared at Lan Du from behind.

Lan Du ignored the annoyed expression of the guys and waved calmly at the girls.Wherever she looked, there would be squeals from the girls.

Lan Du walked into the school and headed to her classroom.She was seated at the back seat next to the window at the right hand side.

The teacher walked in after a few minutes in.

“Today, students will be choosing their future paths, there will be four types, political, warship piloting, central information control and the main army”

Lan Du’s eyes lit up when she heard that they could choose their paths today.

The teacher gave every student a piece of paper and a bracelet.

“After choosing your path, give me the paper and I will register it in the bracelet in front of you, that bracelet is what you will be using throughout the whole path, it has your information, path and is used to store points given in your path”

“The details on the points will be given after you chose your path and enter the training program, a test will be given before you officially enter to see if you have the qualifications to enter”

Lan Du didn’t even think and wrote down the main army as her path.She wanted to obtain achievements to outshine the males out there and put them to shame.

Lan Du was the first to go up and handed the teacher her paper.When the teacher saw, he was quite surprised that Lan Du chose to go to the main army.

He knew that Lan Du was very smart so he expected him to choose either central information control or political.

“Are you sure you want to pick the main army?”he asked to make sure that Lan Du was certain.

Lan Du nodded and replied “yes”

The teacher sighed and registered Lan Du’s information into the bracelet.

“Don’t lose it, this bracelet has some of your private information as well”

Lan Du held the bracelet and wore it on her left wrist.

After she sat back down, other students began going up and handing in their forms.

Most of the girls chose central information control while the males all chose either main army or warship operator.

After, the students were sent to their individual groups made up of four other students from the same paths.

Lan Du was in a group of two females and two males.There were few girls in the main army so other groups have either one to none.

Having two in one group was unlikely.

When they met up as a group, the group had to introduce themselves.

The boys introduced themselves first.One was a energetic looking one, he gave off a simple minded impression to others.

“My names is Qui Shan, it is a pleasure to meet you all!”He was much louder than others and constantly had a big smile on his face.

The other boy wasn’t bright like Qui Shan, he had an arrogant expression and didn’t look straight at anyone.

“You better remember my name, it’s Sheng Cang, it is your honour to be in my group”He carried an arrogant and pushy tone when he spoke.

Lan Du payed no heed to Sheng Cang, she gave Qui Shang a look amd wondered if he is acting or not.

“I am Lan Du, pleased to meet you all”She kept her introduction short as she wasn’t bothered and turned to the girls.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance”she gave them a gentle smile as she spoke

The two girls seemed much brighter after Lan Du’s introduction and smiled slightly.

Sheng Cang snorted and said under his breath


Lan Du gave him a cold look, but only for a second so only Sheng Cang saw it.Sheng Cang took a step back and felt a trace of fear when his eyes met Lan Du’s.

The two girls then introduced themselves.They were identical so it was obvious they were sisters.Twins at that.

“I’m Xie Ying, this is my sister, Xie Jing”the only difference between them were that Xie Jing half golden eyes whereas Xie Ying has silver eyes.

Lan Du smiled and said

“It’s a lovely name, it suits both of you”

The two girls blushed together under Lan Du’s complement.

A teacher then walked up to them

“You five will be a team till you enter the main army, being in the main army is not children’s play, you might even get injured in the examination, are you five ready!”he raised his voice at the last sentence, laying down his dominance.

“Yes sir!”

The five said in unison, in front of this teacher, Lan Du didn’t dare show her disgust even though she found the male teacher repulsive.

She needed to enter the main army and raise her ranks, offending superiors would make things troublesome.

“From now on, you will be squad nine, tomorrow will be the examination, do what you want until then, however, I will warn you all, there is no such thing as over preparing so I expect a lot from you all”said the teacher in a dignified manner.

They all saluted to him as he walked off.

Lan Du was about to walk off when Shang Cang grabbed her shoulders.

“Do you think you would get away from embarrassing me like that”

He raised his fist and threw a punch at Lan Du, striking her on her face.

Lan Du felt a pain surge from where she was hit, she turned her head and glared at him with eyes filled with bloodlust.

“There are three places that are an absolute taboo to touch me on, the face, is one”she grabbed his hand and gripped it tightly.

Sheng Cang felt a crushing pain in his wrists, it was as if his hand was about to be ripped off.

“L-let go”he managed to squeeze out some words

Lan Du sneered and raised her other hand up, elbow faced down as she raised her knee as well.

Her elbow came down while her knee struck bellow the arm.They came in contact with the same part of the arm, crushing the bone like a twig.

“Argh”Sheng Cang cries out in pain, Lan Du’s actions shocked everyone.

“Shut up, next time you do this, I will cripple you”she gave him a cold glance and walked off.

“M-my brother won’t let you get away with this”said Sheng Cang

Lan Du turned back with a mocking smile as she said

“Why would I care?”



Room mates

Lan Du walked out the area and a smile crept onto her face.She held her hand up and covered the sun that was shining in her eyes as she smiled brightly to herself.

"I should break people's arms more often, it is so therapeutic and relaxing when I do so"she said gently

If anyone else heard what she had said, they would run away immediately and even try to report her as what she had just said is not something a twelve year old should say.

Lan Du headed towards the boys dorm, since she was relatively new to the campus, she didn't know too much about the locations so she previously had a female student point her in the direction.She was given a piece of paper by the instructors as to which floor her dorm is and which room number.

Unfortunately for her, the dorms are separated by gender, so she had to share the dorm room with three guys.

When she arrived in front of the dorm, she gazed up to see it to be dozens of meters tall.There were over a dozen floors and each floor had at least fifty rooms.

She went up the elevator and stopped at floor 9 and went to find her room.She arrived in front of room 444 and stood in front of it.

"So unlucky, to think my room number is so ominous"she mumbled as she walked into the room.The room was around 4 square metre with two bunk beds.It wasn't small to be called cramped but it wasn't big enough to do much.

There was also rubbish everywhere on the floor with three people chatting to each other from the bottom beds.One was a short chubby boy, the one next to him was a young man with a strong build and a slightly dark skin tone.The one on the other side was skinny but tall figure.

When she stepped through the door, the three stopped talking and turned to her.

"you must be the new student, I am Fei Ju, you can call me fatty"said the chubby one.

The skinny one waved his hand and introduced himself.

"I am Ling Shou, you can call me monkey"he said with a big smile

The last one had a sharp gaze but he said embarrassingly

"I am Tie Wang, you can call me gorilla"he said shyly

The other three began laughing when they saw him all embarrassed.Lan Du smiled and said:

"I'm Lan Du, pleased to meet you"She said with a warm smile

The three smiled, fatty walked up and reached out his hand.

"We welcome you to dorm 444"he said

Lan Du reached out her hand and clasped it while replying

"I thank you"She then held back her hand wand placed her bags on the empty upper bunk.

Fatty stared at his hand and turned to Lan Du

"Lan Du, when I take a closer look at you, your skin is whiter than a girl's, and your hand was quite soft, tell me, are you actually homo?"he asked

Lan Du laughed and replied

"I may not be gay but I can still charm a guy, fatty, why did you ask?Don't tell me you're actually..."She let out a shocked expression and fatty realised what she meant.

He waved his hand side to side and shouted

"no no no, don't give me that look, I'm as straight as a steel beam!"he said

The other two laughed at his reaction, they felt Lan Du fit in just fine.

Lan Du checked her bed after that, the bed was clean as no one touched the upper bunk.Lan Du took out some belongings, bottles of water and some snacks.She threw some over to the other three and said.

"Since we just met, we should get to know each other more"she said as she sat on the top bunk and leaned on the wall behind her.

The other three nodded and began munching.

"to tell the truth, I heard some amazing news today"fatty suddenly said

The others perked up their ears and eyes full of curiosity

"What is it?"they asked

Fatty smiled and said

"I heard that Sheng Cang had his arm broken by someone today, I don't know who did it but I laughed so hard when I heard it, that bastard had it coming"laughed fatty

The other two laughed as well

"I hated that fellow since I met him, he always flaunts his status around as if he was a king, hearing him get his arm broken is great!"Laughed monkey

They turned to Lan Du

"Lan Du, why aren't you reacting, you might be new but you should know him, right?"they asked

Lan Du smiled and said

"I do know him, in fact, we are on the same team for our chosen path"she said lightly

The other three's face changed when they heard her

"You must change teams man!"Shouted Tie Wang

"That guy will do anything to get what he wants, even throwing a team mate under the bus!You don't know when he would betray you!"said Ling Shou

Lan Du placed a finger over her mouth, signifying them to stop talking

"You don't need to worry, Sheng Cang is like a therapeutic item for me"she said casually

The three was confused in what she meant, why was Sheng Cang a therapeutic item to her?

"Lan Du, this isn't a joke, that guy is crazy"said fatty anxiously

Lan Du laughed

"Indeed he's crazy, he's crazy enough to ant to kill me right now"

The three of them paused

"Don't tell me you offended him somehow"

They were getting more and more anxious by the second.They found Lan Du to be very approachable and kind so they didn't want him to get hurt.

Lan Du gave them a smile

"Not only did I offend him, I also broke his arm"She began laughing to herself


They didn't expect it to be Lan Du to be the one who broke Sheng Cang's arm.They began to worry for her safety, although they just met, they treat her like a friend so they didn't want anything to happen to her.

"Relax, nothing will happen to me, in the academy, I'd be surprised if he could do anything to me with his family background"she said calmly

The three decided to calm themselves, if Lan Du was so calm, she must have a reason.

"Alright, but be careful, his brother is Sheng Hui, one of the top ten of the main army recruits"

Lan Du found them to be tolerable, although she hated men, she didn't indiscriminately reject all the guys.But she has closed her heart when it comes to love.She would reject all men until she has achieved her goal.

"mn, you guys don't need to worry, by the way, is there a shower in the dorm?"she asked

Fatty nodded and pointed at the door next to the entrance.

"That one is the shower, are you going to take one?"asked fatty

Lan Du nodded and said

"It has been quite a long day, there is a lock right?"she asked again

Fatty scratched the side of his face and said

"There is, but we're all guys, is there a need to lock?"

Lan Du gave him a playful smile

"I see, so you are gay, actually asking me not to lock the door, you want to..."she didn't need to finish for fatty to know what she meant.

Fatty stomped his feet in anger

"I'm not gay, you're gay, your whole family is gay!"he shouted

Lan Du laughed out loud when she saw his expression.

"If only I could say that to my father, fatty, I don't mind if you bad mouth my father but do keep my mother out, I broke Sheng Cang's arm, I don't mind doing it you too"she said as she grabbed a change of cloths and went into the showers.

Fatty shivered and the other two gave him a 'You had it coming' look as they shook their heads at him.

"Why did he say its okay to bad mouth his father though?"asked Tie Wang

The other two shook their head

"Maybe a family issue?"suggested Ling Shou

"Probably, maybe the father cheated?"said fatty

"I mean, these days, woman has so much less power, I feel bad for them, luckily, my father isn't like the others and takes care of mother"said fatty

The other two nodded in agreement.

"Then maybe Lan Du'e father..."

The three of them decided not to talk about it in front of Lan Du as it might upset her.

"But damn, his parent's genetics must mix well as hell, his devilish looks is probably attracting all sorts of girls"said fatty with a depressed look

Monkey nodded

"He is almost as handsome as me"he said shamelessly

Tie Shan reached his hand out and smacked monkey at the back of his head

"Don't get too cocky, you don't even have half his looks yet you say he is almost as handsome as you, if you're more handsome than him, then I will call you God"he said with a joking smile

Fatty began laughing while Ling Shou began arguing with Tie Shan.Lan Du later stepped out to hear them speaking about something.They didn't notice her step out as they were so into talking.

"If you put a dress on Lan Du, wouldn't he look better than girls?"said Ling Shou

Fatty nodded

"His skin is so fair and smooth, and his hand is also soft, he would probably look better than a girl"he said

Tie Wang smiled and added

"Would you two go after him if he was a girl?"

The two thought fo for a bit then gave him a thumbs up

"We'd dig it"they said in unison

Tie Wang laughed but his smile suddenly paused and began sweating.Fatty and monkey didn't realise and continued to talk.

"Oh, so how about Lan Du breaking the legs of a monkey and a pig?"said a voice from behind them

The two replied without thinking

"That would ruin a beautiful girl's image, how can Lan...Du...ahhhh!"They turned back to see Lan Du smiling coldly towards them while tapping her finger on her arm.

"Do go on, I'd like to hear what you have to say"she said coldly, every word sent chills down them.

"eh, Lan Du is so handsome, how can he be a girl"said fatty awkwardly

Monkey nodded vigorously

"yes yes, he is prettier than a girl, how can he be..."he realised that he just messed up and shut is mouth as Lan Du's gaze grew cold.

"I see, prettier than a girl I see, so how about my previous suggestion"she said as she referred to when she said she would break the legs of a monkey and a pig.

Fatty and monkey hugged each other in fright, they huddled up, fearing what would happen to them under Lan Du's anger.

"i-it wouldn't be good for your image"said fatty as he squeezed out some words

Lan Du then pointed at Tie Wang

"Since it would ruin my image, I might as well throw in the gorilla into the batch"she said slowly

Rumours began spreading that three people died tragically in the dorm but nothing was found in the investigation.But it was said that after three people were heard screaming, the night ended in dead silence.











Test begins

No one knows the reason behind the three deathly screams in the night, rumours began spreading and stories were passed around the academy.

Tie Wang, Ling Shou and Fei Ju woke up with bruises on their faces, sore limbs and a pain in their necks.

"w-what happened last night?"asked Tie Wang

The two shook their heads, after some time, memories slowly flowed back into their heads from last night.The terror, the pain and the look in lan Du's eyes.Cold yet full of satisfaction.

They turned their heads to see Lan Du already awake, leaning on the wall reading a book.She turned her head up and saw the three staring at her.

"You three had a good sleep, went out cold after a few hits"she said with a smile

The felt a chill run down their spines as watched her flip the page of the book.They watched her every action, hoping she wouldn't beat them again.

"Relax, I won't beat you three, last night was a bit...antagonising I should say, don't let me hear what you three spoke of last night again"she said

The three nodded their heads vigorously, not wanting to delay their answers for even a second.What shocked them was Lan Du's combat power, she was able to defeat even Tie Wang who had a strong physique since he was young.She had such a small body yet such terrifying strength.

"Don't think too much, I don't beat anyone unless they either push my buttons or I feel like beating someone, I normally have such urges about once a week, this week's would have been covered when I broke Sheng Cang's arm, but you three went with option one"Her every words are like a curse to them, they were so scared that they might pee themselves.

Lan Du laughed

"I was just kidding, only he first half was true, no need to be afraid"she laughed and continued to read.

The three let out a sigh of relief.Tie Wang then pointed out

"um, if I just look at the faces, I can't tell apart you two"he said with a serious face

The other two looked at each other then at Tie Wang and said in unison

"same here"they said

After staring at each other for some time, they began laughing like what happened yesterday never happened.Lan Du smiled and was surprised by their recovery, she expected them to be scared of her for a bit longer before they recover fully.

She closed the book in hand and said

"Class will be starting soon, there will be a test today so don't forget"she said and jumped off the bunk bed with her bags.

She left the room, leaving the three unorganised people inside.They stared at each other and all shouted


They then began packing their bags and changing into their uniforms.If they were late today, the punishment would be much more severe than usual as today was a test day.It was also a test that would decide thier future paths.

Lan Du arrived at the designated spot for the main army test, she met up with three of the four members and greeted them.

The only one not here yet was Sheng Cang.

Only when there was two minutes left on the timer did he finally arrive.

"Where were you the whole time"asked Qui Shan, he was a relatively cheerful person, but this time their future path was on the line, if Sheng Cang was late, it would effect them all so he was angry about it.

Sheng Cang laughed arrogantly

"Do you peasants need to know where, I, Sheng Cang go and was?"

Lan Du found him to be more obnoxious than ever, she stared at his arm which now had a cast over it.

"Young master Sheng, how is your arm?"said Lan Du mockingly

Sheng Cang stared at her with anger

"Shut up, after this test, I will make you disappear from the face of this world!"shouted Sheng Cang with a red face

Lan Du frowned and pointed at his other arm

"Truth be told, I have OCD, looking at your uneven arms really makes me want to fix my OCD, how about I break the other arm for you?"she said seriously as she stared at his other arm.

Sheng Cang backed away in fright, scared that Lan Du would really do as she had said.

Xie Ying and Xie Jing began laughing as they watched Sheng Cang back away in such a hurry.Sheng Cang noticed and shouted at them.

"You two b*tches, I can end your life with a single sentence!"he shouted as he pointed at them

The siblings shuffled back in fright, their status compared to Sheng Cang's was vastly different, he really could destroy their futures if he wanted to.

Lan Du's eyes turned cold

"Sheng Cang, say another word and I will break your third leg along with your other arm"Her words were cold and her eyes were sharp.

Sheng Cang shut his mouth immediately as he clenched his thighs together. He felt a shiver run down his crotch when Lan Du said she would break his third leg.

Lan Du sneered and turned to the two frightened girls.

"tell me if he does anything to you two, don't make one of those idiotic choices from novels where the girl thinks that it would be too dangerous to get their friends involved and decide to keep quiet, it hurts my little heart"she said with a sad expression.

The girls felt as if they would get a heart attack, Lan Du's expression was just too...too...charming.Her every words were like arrows through their hearts.Especially her last few, 'it may hurt. my little heart'.Just thinking about it made their hearts skip a beat.

Qui Shan gave her a thumbs up and an expression saying 'respect'.What Lan Du didn't know was that the respect wasn't to her words she said to Sheng Cang, but the fact that she could so effortlessly flirt with two girls at the same time.

Lan Du didn't know so she just smiled back like usual.She turned back to the sisters with a warm smile.

"Don't be shy, just say what you want to, no one will talk back at you two, right"She turned back and stared at Sheng Cang who shook his head side to side.

Lan Du smiled and tapped their shoulders

"Now, let's prepare for the test shall we?"

Xie Jing and Xie Ying thought they might faint from Lan Du's words, only to remember that they were about to be tested by the instructors.They straightened their backs and nodded.

"Thats the spirit"Lan Du said and smiled brightly, even Qui Shan was lost for words at that smile.

'd-did my heart just skip a beat for a guy?no...I'm a normal boy, but that smile was just too...too devilish!'Qui Shan thought to himself over and over again.

"Attention!"a loud voice came from beside them

The five turned their attention to the voice and all straightened their backs, one hand over their head as they shouted in unison.


The instructor from yesterday stood in front of them with a stern face.

"You will call me Instructor Lu from now on!You will be informed about the test once you reach the training grounds, I will explain there!"he said expressionlessly, the five nodded and lined up in a straight line.

Instructor Lu nodded his head in satisfaction and began leading them towards the training grounds.The training ground was a large open space, there were different obstacles and contraptions used for different types of training there.

It also included an arena for students to test their combat strength with each other.

They looked around in amazement, the area was so large it could fit multiple buildings inside.

"You will start from the most basic training course, there is no time limit, get through and you pass the lowest requirements!"shouted instructor Lu.

Lan Du stared at the course, there were many barbed wires, high difficulty climbs and even some traps, even she could only see some of it and he calls this the basic course!And this was the lowest requirements.Then what are the harder courses?

Lan Du frowned and was worried that the girls won't make it through.She could guarantee that she would at least make it through without too much setback, Qui Shan also seemed to be experienced in such and Sheng Cang was from a prestigious family so he probably had proper training.

But the two girls seem so frail that they wouldn't even be able to make it through the first part.

"Will you two be okay?"she asked

The two braced themselves and gave a strong nod

"w-we will try our best!"they said together

Lan Du sighed and hoped for their success.She didn't want females to be looked down even more so she wanted the twins to prove them wrong.

Instructor Lu watched from the side, Qui Shan and Sheng Cang left off first, they were able to get past the first obstacles which was just jumping smoothly.The next part however was a barbed wire zone.They had to get past while avoiding the traps from the side and below.

There would be arrows constantly shot at them and pitfalls beneath the barbed wires.If they made one misstep, they would fall or get struck by the arrows.Of course, the arrows does not have a tip but will still hurt if they got hit.

It took them almost half an hour to get past the ten meters worth of course, the second part required strong concentration and weariness to complete.Lan Du looked at the two girls and frowned even more.But a crazy idea popped up in her mind as a smile rose from her face.

Qui Shan was struck by the arrows three times and fell in a pit twice, Sheng Cang was much worse off as he was hit by seven arrows and three pit falls.A rule was that if someone falls for a trap or gets hit by an arrow a total of 20 times, they would be out or they had to start over.

So Qui Shan still had 15 passes while Sheng Cang only had 10.Lan Du slowly understood the mechanics of the traps, she continued to observe, instead of charging in head first like the other two.

Sheng Cang gritted his teeth and continued on to the third part of the course.This time, they had to climb pass a wall, it was over 20 meters tall and barely any grips on it.There was also snakes tied on different areas that are covered by leaves and twigs while others were camouflaging in with vines.

It was also impossible to completely avoid them, fortunately, the snakes were specially prepared so they would only hurt and paralyse them slightly, no fatal harms would be caused by them.

One had to be cautious at all times being a soldier, so the snakes are there to keep their guards up and never let them drop it.Each part of the course tests different abilities, the first is their physical capabilities, the barbed wires were senses and weariness while the wall climb was cautiousness and endurance.

There are one more part after these three, making it seem like hell for the students.

After she felt like she observed enough, Lan Du took a step forward and began her tryout to the course.She effortlessly got passed the obstacles in part one, she stood in front of the barbed wires section and a smile crpet onto her face.









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