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Reincarnated With Sandbox Game Ability?

Is this what called other world?!

Hello. My name is Ichiro Ryu. I'm a gamer. But the most game I like is sandbox game. It is the relaxing type. But suddenly. My body feels heavy and that's where..I know I died.

"Argh..It hurts.."

"Hello Ichiro Ryu."

"Hi..Who are you? Is this some kind of events?"

"Sadly to say you already died. It was because you exhausting all of your energy into that game."

"But it's fun. I can fly, build, adventure and more."

"Alright..How about I give you that ability. No asking anymore goodbye."

"Ah..I just want to say thank you!"

And then he was inside a jungle.

"So I guess Im in this world..So how do I sprint again? Should I run or maybe think about running. Oh wait.. It's a game. So that means.."

He tried to run by thinking he is pressing his keyboard.

"Oh it's work. So I guess E button is. Ah inventory. This is fun. Then let's get some wood first."

He walk towards some tree and gather the woods. He got a perfect log everytime he destroy it.

"Wow..This hatchet is useful! This is cool! So Im guessing there is some skills I could get right?"

He open his skills menu. He was level 1. He can't get any skills.

"Ahaha...Of course..I forgot about experience. Well.. Let's go hunting then."

And he found some animals. He use knife to attack them. And he got a perfect item drops.

"Woah..I thought it would be just by luck. But it was a 100% drop rate. Well..Not surprised anymore. Let's get some real tools."

He go to find some stone to mine and gather it to make a stone tools. Suddenly, a girl was following him.

"Hey you! What are you doing!"

"Huh? Ah hello there..Im just hunting here don't misunderstand anything. Wait..Is this someone house area?! Then Im really sorry!"

"Tell me..Who are you."

"Me? Im just a plain guy as you see. Nothing suspicious."

"What I mean is how did you get here."

"I don't remember but what I remembered is my name. It is Ken."

"Ken? Weird name."

"Alright then..I will be going now. To my house."

"You already have a house?"

"Well..I build it."

"How long have you been inside this forest."

"About 5 hours ago."

"You kidding me right..5 hours..And already have a house."

"Oh yeah..I want to ask. Can I come to your house?"

"For what? Stealing my stuff?"

"Of course not. Why should I take girls stuff. It isn't ideal. If I want to take stuff. I rather take you."

"Do you want to die..."

"If I should say. But no.."

"Then die!"

She attack him using magic. He dodge it.

"How can you dodge it so fast.."

"Heh..Of course I had sprint. Look I can do this."

He sprinting in a place. She looks at him like he is duplicating himself. And that's where he met other people.

This is nice..

After he met a person. He was attacked by them with no reason. He dodge all the magic attacks.

"Hm...This magic..I think I've seen it somewhere."

"Of course! This is magia flamier. An advanced fire magic."

"Advanced? At my place before it was just a second level of beginner. It isn't that impressive. This magic also take times to chant it."

"You mocking me!"

"Not at all.. I'm just saying you have a potential to get starlia grazo. Fire star magic."

"That is a legendary level!"

"Is it? But at my place. Enemies always use it. Ugh..It so hard to accelerate inside that magic."

"You can still move in that kind of magic! Tell me at what level are you.."

"Ah...That time I was still level 69. That guy is level 420."

"Uwah...That is too high level. Wait..You said you're level 69. Why are you inside this forest without knowing anything?"

"Well...I died..Yup..I died."

"How is that even a logic!"

"Well..To tell you the truth. I have this immortal curse. Whenever I died. I died near my bed or somewhere unknown around the world without my bed. My bed was destroyed and I got here without knowing."

"Eh...That is a unique immortality. Never found Immortal like you."

"Alright..I will be going now. I need to gather some woods."

"Hey hey..How about live at my house. I could give you something that you would like. Huhuhu.."

"No thanks..Im still rebuilding my skills. I don't want to die to level 77. Not a second time."

"How did you know my level."

"Ah..There is this thing that shows your health, mana, stamina and levels above your head. Only I can see."

And then he ran away. He escaped her by sprinting to his house. And then sleep. He woke up and start farming. He collect some seeds and plant it. He make a cup for his water drinking. And his thirst gone.

He go back to mining. He found a cave and mine some ores there. He found a lot of ores in that cave. He create some weapons and tools. He didn't forgot to make armours. Thank to his levels that he is able to craft much stuff.

"Fuh...This is enough.. And this armour don't have any gravity pressure? Just like game.."

And he destroyed everything in his house and get moving to see her again.

"Ah..hello again."

"What you want today.. I don't have time.."

"What are you exactly doing in this forest?"

"Well..Im a mage. Still in training. I can't get a good score with my magic. sigh.."

"Want me to teach you?"

"You can use magic?"

"Just so you know..Im basically can use anything. But magic need good skills on their formula."

"Then then! Can you tell me?"

"With one condition. You will be my property. How is that sound?"


"I guess not..Alright then. I will be going now. To grind some levels."

And she thinking herself that this chance never came twice.

"(If he left I can't no longer be a real mage. But..Being his property is the worst of all. What do I do..This is just one time in my lifetime.)"

And she tried to slowly pick up her pace.

"I...I..will be your property..Ung..."

"Alright then..It settled then. We will be learning every single basic magic okay?"


"It because your magia flamier is just a child play. Im going to teach you the real deal..But since my mana still low. I will be writing the formula. You try it yourself."

He write the formula of every advanced magic she didn't know and she followed the formula.


A purple thunder came.

"Waah! That is scary.."

"Haha..It just a thunder magic. That one not dealing direct damage to a person. But direct damage to their defensive. It can grind three levels. So it will get much wider, stronger then faster. Each of them have a range 10 levels."

"How how much damage this thing do..."

"It should dealt 30% of a person defensive. But if you upgrade the skills it will give you more damage, range, speed chanting."

"Is that so! Okay! Since my skills points still have 300 I will use it on-"



"You're doing a newbies mistake. To use your skills points use it after you gained a lot of levels. Because..The higher the levels of the magic. The bigger mana you need."

" much mana is it cost for the first level?"

"It used 300 mana. And the last levels will get you use 3500 mana and health."

"Why is it using my health too!"

"It because this magic isn't just destroying armours. It will give you the defensive you steal. So to use level 10 Gryuwazrle. You need at least level 173."

"Eeh! That is a lot."

"That's why don't do it.. I've done it not once but twice. So I know what it felt."

"I see..So you teaching others not to followed your path."

"Correct..For now..Just keep learning on this magic and this fire magic. Let me show you. Hilkroezi!"

A fire meteor came. And dealt a lot of damage.

"See? That is the one you will be learning..And bonus knowledge. Use your skills points and unlock magic fusions. It should just use 230 points."

"That's a lot.."

"Whether you want to combine the damage to get it 100% or make it useless combination. It's up to you..You see..This magic mechanism is much powerful if you know it's use."

"But..How do I gained back my points.."

"Don't worry..We will go grind some levels soon enough."


After making the girl his property. He teach her how magic works. And then she learn a lot of magic.

"Alright..That is good. Keep up with those two elements magic. I choose it for you since you have that attributes."

"I have thunder attributes?"

"Actually..Thunder was also a fire magic. It just in a different class. We will go hunting some monsters."

They walks and walks. After a long walks, they found animals.

"Alright..Go attack it."


She tried to attack it with the fire bullets. But it seems like her accuracy isn't in right position.

"Alright..Use some points on bow accuracy. just 2 levels is enough."


He use her points and her marksmanship skills has raised. Then she shoot it again. This time it hits the animals.

"Alright..Today we will eat that animals."

"Is it edible?"

"Actually this animals give a good amount of meats. So I thought about just giving you some levels. You should already levelled up right?"

"Yes..I raised 1 level."

"Well..We need to fine more monsters that are out of your range to fight. Say..What numbers you like?"


"Alright..We will fight a monster that are 39 levels above than you."


"But first..We need to get some good gears for you."

"Ah..There is a city nearby. I assumed you never went there?"

"Yes..I did said I will be at random place if I don't have my bed."

"I see. That means you have no money."


"Worry not! I have money! Hmhm.."

"Okay..I don't need your money..I can just make my armours but for you is different. You need some durable wands with good amplifier."


"You see..Sometimes..Your magic has this rate that make you out of control. So a good wand is needed. And this wand here? It can only contains 2 levels of any fire and thunder attributes I teach you."

"What! So that means..We should buy a new wand!"

"Haha..I don't need wand..I can just use magic right away. But if I need wands. It is for a certain magic class."

"Magic class?"

"Yes..You know about that advanced, legendary and all that sort of stuff?"


"It is a class magic. What I can use without wand is a magic that class as a legendary class. After legendary class, it will need a wand to trigger some magic. Plus..I don't even have magic stone.. I can't find any inside this forest.."

"Ah..I do take some stone. But it shiny and colourful. Maybe it's a what you called magic stone?"

"Let me see."

She show him all the stones.

"Ah this..This is just jewels ores..It is useless to make something out of it. But useful for adding on accessories, enchanmets and potions."

"Is this red one ruby?"

"Correct..But It isn't that pure ruby.."


"Pure ores give a lot of price. So regular ores only get small amounts of money. I also knows how to price thing out."

"So..Can you tell how much all this stone cost?"

"For my knowledge it should make at least 3,275 gold coins."

"Woah a lot.."

"Let me grind it for a better results."

And he took all the stone. And change it to a new levels.

"Alright..every single of this stone has been grinded. Let's go meet someone who knows about this stone."

"Ah! I have a friend. Who is expert on judge how much does it cost."

"Oh.. That's good. Alright let's go.."

And they went to the city.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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