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Chapter 0:The Oni of Nihon

In the land of Nihon, war rages on for countless years. In the world of shinobi the strong shall prevail while the weak shall be killed. It is a rule of nature

Death, destruction, and chaos has become a common occurrence.

One day a being was born from this era of darkness, Born from this philosophy the being would become a demon that would bring chaos and destruction to all people of Nihon.

A manifestation of what countless pain and suffering the people have felt for centuries. He was called by many names. The Harbinger of Destruction, The Gluttonous Demon, The Shura, The King of War, but mainly known as The Oni.

For years the Oni has destroyed countless villages and killed thousands of people, many powerful shinobi were sent to kill him, but no one returns. The more he kills, the stronger he'll get.

Out of desperation many shinobi clans decided to set aside their differences and unite to stop the Oni from bringing more chaos and destruction.

All shinobi clans of Nihon finally unite and attack the Oni, many shinobi lost their lives in that battle but in the end the Oni were finally sealed inside a mask. To avoid the Oni from breaking loose once more all shinobi clans agreed to hide it in a place where no one knows.

Rumours says that one of the shinobi clan hides it for themselves, some says that the shinobi clans decided to hide it in a region somewhere in Onigashima while others says its somewhere in Azumato and others says it was hidden outside of Nihon but no one knows where it is except for all the grandmasters of the clans who hides it which all of them sworn to keep it hidden until their last breath.

After the battle, all the clans finally decides to form a peace negotiation. They conclude to split Nihon into five regions.

Onigashima located on the center of Nihon, Azumato the East, Kishin the West, Nishikata the South, and Shimura the North. The clans who rules the region are clans who did the most achievements in the battle to seal the Oni which are the Hattori clan of Onigashima, the Fuuma clan of Kishin, the Gakugan clan of Azumato, the Iwata clan of Nishikata, and the Yukinara clan of Shimura. To avoid conflicts between clans they agreed that each clan shall rule 1 region while other small clans shall follow their laws.

Soon a prophecy told that there will be a shinobi who shall bring salvation or total destruction to Nihon by using the power of the Oni. To avoid this, all clans decided to forbid everyone to speak about the Oni anymore and after centuries has passed very few knew of The Oni's existence and others mainly knew it as a mythical monster.

But after 1000 years, war rages on once more in Nihon.

Clans seeking to conquer and rule the land of Nihon. Once again death, destruction and chaos spreads across the land and from the ashes of war, born a shinobi that shall release the Oni once more.

Chapter 1:The Fall (Part 1)

Onigashima is located in the center of Nihon and also the biggest region in Nihon thus for that many clans tried to conquer it but the ruling clan, the Hattori clan was well known for their incredible military strength and tactics. They rule Onigashima and they have suceeded to protect the land from their enemies for 1000 years and the only one who rivals them are the Fuuma clan from the west whose known for their cruel strategies against their enemies.

The Hattori clan current grandmaster is one of the strongest shinobi of the era, Danzo Hattori also known as Fujin the master of the Wind Style Hattori Kenjutsu, one of the sword jutsu created by the Hattori clan and he is married to Reiko, once a renown kunoichi. They both have two sons, the elder son Jino Hattori, and the younger son Nataro Hattori.

Jino is a young boy with a kind face unlike his father who is strict and fierce, he has his father's brown hair and brown eyes, yet he has his mother's kindness. He dreams of protecting the clan and lead them to an era of peace.

Nataro has reddish dark hair and face from his mother, yet he also has brown eyes like his father and unlike his brother he is lazy and yearns for a simple life while his brother trains to be the strongest shinobi in Nihon.

Jino, as the eldest son he is trained strictly by his father. Since he was four he learned the basics of Hattori Kenjutsu, his brother Nataro is much more talented, by only watching his brother's training he was able to master what Jino can't do in 3 months.

When Nataro was only 7 he was able to mastered the basics of Hattori Kenjutsu. Currently Jino is 13 and he is learning the Water Style Hattori Kenjutsu while Nataro is 12 and he is learning the Wind Style Hattori Kenjutsu, eventhough Danzo is proud of his younger son, he still trains Jino harder so he could surpassed his younger brother for he will inherit the title of grandmaster of Hattori clan to him.

Jino knowing his responsibility , trains harder so he could surpass his brother and every week he challenges his brother on a sword match and for his hardwork he often wins.

One day there is a news that the Fuuma clan is planning to attack the Hattori clan in 3 days, as the grandmaster Danzo called a clan meeting.

In the meeting there is Danzo, his younger brother Tomioka, his mother Juri, his elder sister Ino, and other elders.

"We have received an information that the Fuuma clan is planning an attack in 3 days, we need to prepare our defences." , Danzo stated.

"But how can we prepare in such a short time? the least we can do is 7 days", one of the elders replied.

"We need a quick and effective defense, we will set up the preparation immediately. Within 3 days we will fully concentrate on defending our headquarters.", Danzo replied.

"But how about the elders, women, and children?" ,Tomioka asked. "Some young women and elders are capable to fight so why don't we order them to join?", suggested by one of the elders.

Some elders disagree while the others agree, and they argued until Danzo stops them "Calm down, we need to focus on our plan of defense!".

"Why don't we use simple tools so it won't take too long for our preparation and additionally we could ask help to the local villagers." Lady Juri and some elders agrees with Tomioka's plan "Yes, its time for the local villages to pay us back with our protection.", Ino replies. Danzo thought about this but he feels uneasy about using simple tools against a strong foes such as the Fuuma clan, but he had no choice because its better than an incomplete defences with strong tools.

Later that night the clan were busy with their preparations, Danzo went back to his house and sigh, His wife welcomes him back and asked of what's wrong, and he answered "The clan is preparing its defenses with simple tools and I can't help but to feel uneasy about this".

"We could discuss it later after dinner.", she replied. "Alright, now where is Jino and Nataro?".

"As usual they are sparring in the garden." she answered. And thus Danzo goes to the garden to meet his sons.

Chapter 2:The Fall (Part 2)

As Danzo walks to the garden, Jino and Nataro is training together. Sounds of two wooden swords clashes can be heard all over the house.

"This time I won't lose brother!", spoke Nataro "I won't lose from you!" Jino replied. As Danzo observes the fight, Jino notices this and tries to impress his father but Nataro notices this quickly and launches a barrage of attacks as he is distracted, and thus as Jino tries hard to defend but in the he finally loses his balance and falls to the ground.

"You lost this time brother!" as Nataro pointed his wooden sword to Jino's face. "Damn it, I was so close to win, You got lucky this time brother!" as Danzo watched Jino's defeat he sighed.

"If you can't keep focus to your enemy you will never win, Jino", Danzo advised him "I can't counter his attacks" "You're distracted by my presence if you have focused on the enemy you would have able to stop his attack and launch a counterattack." Jino stayed silent as Nataro leaves after hearing his mother call.

"Jino, sit", he asks him as he points the wooden floor besides him. " I know you want to impress me but what is the point of your training". "What do you mean, father?"

"Tell me why do you wish to be stronger?", "Isn't it my duty to be strong?", "Indeed, but strength comes only from a sense of duty won't make you strong", "I want to be stronger, so I can fight alongside you"

"Good answer", he replied. " But father, why should we fight?", Jino asked. "We fight because we need to protect our clan from danger", he answered. "You mean from someone like the Fuuma clan? "

"Yes, though we have fought for years I believe one day we will have peace just like the time before the war", "You mean a time we no longer need to fight?", "Yes, Jino you are a good boy. I believe one day when the time comes under your guise you can lead our clan towards a peaceful future."

"I promise you father. One day I'll lead this clan towards peace and that is why I'll be stronger.", he answered filled with determination. " Good, that is a great reason to be strong", he replied.

"Haha I'll train you to be the strongest prepare yourself", "Yes, father!".

That day Danzo trains Jino all night to keep his focus on his enemy, while Nataro sleeps soundly.

The next day, Nataro woke up in the morning and overheard a conversation between his parents about the clan's defense against the Fuuma clan.

"If the Fuuma clan attacks our clan we'll be doomed if we only use simple tools against them. Whose idea is this?" Reiko asked.

"Its Tomioka's idea but most of the elders seems to agree with him because we only have 3 days to prepare, and I have no choice but to agree because his plan has the most chance of success than others."

"You know you can't fully trust Tomioka he always wanted to take the grandmaster title from you."

"I know but if it means the safety of our clan he will do anything to protect it, that is what a grandmaster will do, and I can trust him about the safety of our clan for we share the same ideal which is to protect our clan even if he is trying to take the title of grandmaster from me", Danzo then leaves.

Nataro walks in and asks her "Are we going to lose from the Fuuma clan?" "The Fuuma clan is mischievious clan who would do anything for power but our clan will always defeat them, so don't worry."

2 days has passed and all the Hattori clan have finished their defenses and most of them are ready for an attack, but the attack never happened.

It was a normal day, Jino and Nataro is training together while Danzo watches over them. As Danzo watched their training till the sun sets but there are no signs of attack from the Fuuma clan.

Danzo starts to think it was a trick made by the Fuuma clan to distract the Hattori clan by preparing defenses but he still felt uneasy so Danzo held a meeting that night.

"The Fuuma clan didn't attack us today so we may assume they tricked us to waste our time." Danzo spoke to the elders. "Some elders are angered on how the Fuuma clan tricked them but Danzo said it is better to be tricked than attacked.

After the meeting Danzo went back to his home for rest but on his way he senses something's off and immediately ran towards his house.

When he reached his house he immediately warns his wife to hide with his children while he goes after his sword and and runs outside to warn the others.

It was almost midnight in Onigashima and almost everyone is asleep but during this time the Fuuma clan attacks their enemies offguard as they asleep.

"The Fuuma clan are attacking!", everyone got awaked from the warning and immediately prepare to fight but it was too late most of the shinobi from the Fuuma clan have killed the guards and skilled shinobi who are asleep.

That night everyone tries to fight back but most of them are immediately killed.

5 shinobi appears and tries to kill Danzo but all of them were defeated by him using his wind technique. After that the Fuuma clan starts to fight openly and started fire in some buildings, while Danzo is tried to kill as many as he can but he was simply outnumbered and suddenly someone seems to be the leader appears and speaks before him.

"As expected from Danzo Hattori, you were able to kill most of my skilled men, but your glory ends here".

Danzo immediately uses his technique Wind Style Hattori Kenjutsu:Tornado and blows many shinobi away while a few were able to hold on but he quickly killed them by Danzo's blade. The man then asked "It's useless to fight us even though you defeated so many of our men we still have more men waiting outside your village, just tell me where is the artifact and we shall spare your clan." Danzo refused and attacks him.

That man is able to dodge Danzo's movements and attacks him with lightning steps technique and Danzo realizes who he is fighting against.

He is known as Raijin one of the strongest shinobi of the Fuuma clan, the fastest shinobi in Nihon. But Danzo still uses his wind techniques to attack him, it was useless for Raijin is way too fast as finally he made his offensive moves.

He's attack was so fast that no one could even see it. Danzo were able to dodge some of his attacks but his speed easily overpowers him.

Im the end Danzo was defeated. He's bleeding all over his body and Raijin asked once more "Where is the artifact!"

Danzo still refuses to answer and as he was about to finish him. Reiko, his wife suddenly appeared before him and stop his attack. "Don't you dare touch my husband!", said Reiko.

Raijin was surprised on whom he is facing against. It was the legendary kunoichi who once used her flame technique and wiped out an entire clan only by herself. She was known as Amaterasu.

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