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Trial Of Love: Be Loved For Who I Am Not For Whom I Am

Bright Yet Foolish

Winter has finally ended and spring was fast approaching. Flowers' were halfway opened, the birds were all flying in the bright blue sky shining above.

A girl was busy under the tree as she sketched the surrounding people. She was so into it that she has not noticed the time at all when suddenly she heard her phone rung.

“Bloody h*ll where are you?” an angry voice screamed at her as she picked up the phone.

“Jackie, wassup?” she answered calmly as she continued to sketched and connected her headset to answer the call.

“Don’t wassup me, have you forgotten your promise b*tch…”

“Is that the way you should be talking to me?” She said with a smirk smile all over her face.

“Whatever, where are you anyway. You promise to help me review for the finals. I've been standing outside the library for almost half an hour. You know how important this is to me.”

“I know… I know… Stop with all the sad story, I’ll be there soon, save me a seat.”

As she ended the call and put away her things back inside her bag, she looked around and thought to herself. “Gosh, everything will soon end.”

She arrived at the library and notice her best friend Jackie covered with a pile of books on the table, she was already looking worn out and exhausted.

As Jackie notice someone approaching her, all her exhaustion soon faded away as a beam of bright light approached her. “An Angel has come to get me?”

“Stop exaggerating… Come on let me see what you need help with.”

Jackie passed all the books and notes to the girl, as she started reading to them. She then asked for a spare new notebook to write on. As she watched the girl started writing down notes, she soon fell asleep.

An hour or so passed by, she passed the notes she had written to Jackie as she hit her on the head to wake her up. It startled Jackie which caused her to jumped out of her chair.

Everyone in the room notices her when she jumps out of her chair, as everyone tried hard not to laugh since they were in the library.

“Here…” the girl said as she passed the notes back to her again.

Jackie read through the notes and was total impress with them. It was much clearer than reading her teacher notes and books. “Babes you're the best, this is even better than the teacher’s notes.”

Then suddenly a group of high school student entered the library as they were being toured around by the other students. “This is the main library it’s 2nd in the worlds the biggest library. It holds more than millions of books.”

As the student pass away Jackie could not help it and said, “Out of those students how many do you think will be able to enter the school. Unlike me who got lucky because of family connection.”

“Everyone is not like you..” she sighed “Anyways, I need to go…” She added as she grabs her things

“Where are you going?” Jackie asked

“It Bro Jay birthday today, I’m going now…”

“Will you tell him the truth tonight?”

The girl did not say a word but just head to the doors. Jackie looked at the girl's back as she soon disappears out of her sight she then said; “She is so bright yet foolish when it comes to him…”

Later that evening

The girl was smiling as she carried the cake in her hand and wine. She was so excited to celebrate the man she like birthday, not only that she has been liking him for almost a year now and have known each other for quite a while.

She soon started reminiscing the moment when they first meet each other, at a hotel event when she was asked by one of her friends to replace her as the pianist for the event.

As she approached the room, she notices that it was already open. However, the lights were all turned off. She calmed herself as she entered the room and prepared for the worst. She steps inside the apartment and notices nothing seems to be missing at all.

Suddenly, she soon heard a weird noise inside the bedroom. She quietly opened the room and saw the man she like being intimate with another woman. Because of the sudden shocked, she drops the cake and wine she brought and alerted the intimate couple in bed.

“I’m sorry, the door was opened and I thought something happened. Anyway, Mr. Chen happy birthday,” she said as she turned around and walked out of the door.

“Liz wait…” the man said as he grabs the blanket around him and runs to her. “Let me explain?”

“Mr. Chen you do not need to explain anything, it’s my fault to just trespass in your home.” She said as she bowed to apologize for her mistake.

“Jay who is she?” the woman said as she walked out of the room wearing Jay's shirt.

Liz looked at the girl and notice she was a familiar person. She then bowed to her and apologize as well. “ Miss Yang please forgive me for intruding all of a sudden.”

Both of them were surprised to see that Liz know her.

“You know her?”

“Miss Yang is currently one of China rising model. She was one of the model’s during the Oriental Fashion show in America wearing Olivia’s design.”

“I see… Never thought I’ll be famous here in England as well.” the girl smiled as she grabs hold of the man’s arm.

“Anyways, Mr. Chen and Ms. Yang. Sorry again for disturbing you and happy birthday again Mr. Chen.”

The girl walked out of the apartment with a pale expression on her face and a broken heart. She did not let a single drop of tear fall as she walked out of the building.

You foolish girl, why did you let yourself become like this when you already knew from the start.

As the cold wind blew that spring night, the girl vanished into the shadows.

Elizabeth Knightley


“Sam, it's Jackie. I’m wondering if Elizabeth is homes right now.”

“The miss has not come home since last winter vacation. Is there something wrong?”

“I haven't seen her for 3 days now, I've also asked around and none of our friends have seen her as well.”

The young girl could not believe what she just heard as she drops the phone from the shocked she received, her mind was completely blank as she ponders on things.


“Hello, Sam…”

She quickly picked up the phone from the ground and answered, “Miss Jackie don't worry, I’ll handle everything.”

“Call me at once..” Jackie said as she ended the call.

After the call, she did not inform anyone about what she just found out. Instead, she grabs her coat and asked one of the drivers to take her somewhere.

"Young Miss I hope you're there." She thought as she got inside the car.

After a few hours drive

Out of nowhere in a private estate. Out in the forest near the lake was a small cottage. It was one of the many cottages in the private estate. Inside the cottage was a vast piece of artworks and canvass, an old piano and violin.

When Sam steps inside the cottage and noticed the canvas on the board, she went and check it. "It's still wet,"

She quickly headed down to the lake, there she saw the young girl she was looking for, squatting by the edge of the pier wrapping herself in a blanket.

“Miss…” she yelled as she approached her.

The girl turned around and saw who was behind her, her tears started falling down her face unconsciously as she said; “I was stupid…”

Sam saw how broken the girl was, her heart was aching as she saw the tears rolling down her face. Never in all her years being with her has she seen the girl like this. She did not walk towards her, for she knew from the start that this would happen, even her parents expected this would happen. But they never stop her from doing what she wants and instead supported her.

...The Lady and Lord knew this would happen, we all hope that someday your eyes would be opened. I've prepared myself for this by why is it still so painful looking at you.

“Stop crying already and get up, you have been gone for a long time and have missed loads of your class. Your finally an adult and here you are acting like a child. We did not raise you to be a weak-minded girl and you know you are not weak. You are better than this and you know that...”

The girl was shocked by hearing all the words' Sam just told her, her body moved on its own as she wipes her tears away.

“So stop acting as if they have the rights to bully you, get up already and act like a lady. You are the only daughter of the Knightley family, why must you cry for such a lousy person...”

She did not know how to responded to Sam's words filled with disappointment at her, never had she seen Sam furious in all her life with her.

She looked at Sam and could not help it but laugh.

The woman was shocked when she saw the girl laugh which made her confuse as well.

“Sam, go clear the cottage for me, I’m heading back..."

Elizabeth walked closer to Sam as she softly said, "Thank you,"

It was alright late that evening when she arrived at the train station.

As people walked out of the station, they were all shocked when they heard a girl’s voice scream. “Bit*ch”

Everyone looked around to see who she was referring to and notice her stare was all focus towards the girl behind them. They all started getting their phones out to take a picture in case a fight was about to happen. But unexpectedly they what they witness was different from what they expected.

The young girl who yelled earlier face turned red as tears rolled down her face, “I told you he was a j*rk…”

The people then wonder how the other person would respond.

"I know," she replied as tears rolled down her face as well.

Seeing how things ended, people continued heading their way as they realize what was going on.

As the night deepens, two drunk girls were sat together on the floor.

“Jackie, how can I be foolish?”

“Well… *hiccups* love is a foolish thing anyways… *hiccups*” she said as she continued to drown herself in wine. “That jerk, does he know who you are?” She drunk another glass of wine and laugh as she added, “if he knew who you are, he won't dare sleep with that sl*t. But men like him are always into that sort of things."

“Jackie, I think you had enough wine...”

Jackie laughed as the girl tries to take the wine away but her grip was still strong enough which made Elizabeth let go. “My dear Elizabeth Knightley, let me enjoys this okay babe, we have a few more days left… so let me okay. Plus, I’m celebrating your freedom from that jerk.”

Elizabeth was speechless from what Jackie said, "But she was right… I am finally free from this blind game of love. For more than I year I became foolish and blinded for nothing," she thought

As the night deepens, Elizabeth woke up as she turned around and notice the girl asleep beside her. She got up and grab a blanker, covered the girl on the floor. She then slowly and quite cleaned the place up. Once she completed her tasked, she grabs the pillows on her bed and the blanket and slept next to the girl on the floor.

"Elizabeth Knightley, what happened today is history and tomorrow is a mystery. So move on..." she said as she drifted off to sleep.

Journey Is Just About To Begin

Inside the grand event hall, loads of people gathered around, students were seated wearing their caps and robes. Finally, their journey was about to end as students and the road ahead for them widens for the future.

On top of the stage, a beautiful girl was speaking her hearts out to everyone.

“So remember, life might bring you down but do not let it bully you. Your life is yours and takes control of it. Fight for what is right and see to it that justice is served… Remember you are not alone, look forward, behind you and beside you. There are endless people willing to help you.”

“Our Journey as students end her but our journey is just about to begin. Once you're out there, don’t just take the easy road to life. Make sure to see that beauty of it, experience the ups and downs but don’t let it take control of you. For you to take control of your life.”

As she continued to finish her speech everyone was already up on their feet agreeing to what she was saying and applauding her. They were all moved and even the teacher got up on their seats as well.

"I am proud to be standing right in front of you all. As I end this speech, I want to thank the school, instructor, professors and especially to our parents and guardians again for their undying support..."

As the ceremony ended...

Outside the beautiful bright spring feeling. Parents, students, and teacher were all gathered as they greeted each other farewell. They took pictures and captured their last moments together.

“Excuse me…” Elizabeth said after taking a group picture with the council members and school staff.



The two girls run and embrace each other. Jackie could not help it and burst out into tears as Elizabeth comforted her.

“Come on now, don’t cry it's not as if we won't see each other again…”

“Liz, I’m really gonna miss you… Promise me you’ll visit, okay?”

“Of course I will…”

“By the way, when are you leaving?”


"Liz, we may be miles apart and it may be daylight and nightfall where I am at. Don't hesitate to call me whenever you are lonely, I'm always here for you no matter what."

Elizabeth could not control her emotions in the end as a single drop of tear rolled down her face, "I shall..."

Heathrow Airport

“Calling all passenger…”

The girl got up her seat as she walked towards the gate. Suddenly her phone rung...

“Hello, Papa”

“Darling are you boarding your plane now?” a soft gentle voice asked.

“I am, I’ll see you soon Papa.”

“Alright… Take care.”

As she was about to put her phone back into her bag, someone suddenly bumps into her causing her to drop her phone. She was about to pick it up when the person that bumps into her suddenly steps on her phone as well.

“Excuse me, Sir, you just step on my phone…”

The Chinese man who was in his early 30s looked at the girl and kicked the phone aside instead of apologizing.

“Sir, do you know by doing that I have the right to sue you…”

The man acted as if he did not understand what the girl was saying. He then answered her back in Mandarin “Go ahead…”

The girl was shocked by hearing what the man said, the man must have expected that she does not understand him. In her frustration, she responded to him in his own language as well, “Since you wish, I will make sure you do not broad this plan right now…”

When the man heard what just came out of the girl's mouth, his jaw drops and he started to tremble. Due to his frustration, he shouted in English “You b*tch who do you think you are?”

Everyone started gathering around them as they watch how the scene will unfold.

“Sir, First of all, I would not have minded if you have bumped into me or step on my phone. Since that was an accident. Second, even after you have kick my phone I wouldn’t mind as long as you apologize. However, for you to even act high and might after what you have done is totally inappropriate.”

Everyone then started whispering to each other.

“How could the man act so rude after doing that…”

“Gosh, I feel sorry for the girl.”

“We should call the police so they can settle this.”

The man was at his limit, as he watches the girl picked up her phone and gave him a cold look. His body moved on it own.

But before he could lay his hand on the girl, a man stepped in out of nowhere and stop his hand before hitting the girl.

The man was shaken when he saw the man that stop him. He had a very strong intimidating presence. Despite it was late spring already it felt like winter when the man appeared. He was tall and handsome, with dark black hair and eyes that felt like the devil is staring at you.

“Mr. Yun…”

A man in his 50s said accompanied by his secretary and bodyguards.

When the crowd saw who it was, they were all surprised.

“Isn’t that old man the CEO of Mozilla?”

“That right, it President Wayne…”

As the group of people approached them, the old man looked and notice what was happening and asked, “What happened here?”

The Chinese man that was acting high and mighty earlier drop to his knees as he trembles in fear. “President Wayne, it's all a misunderstanding.”

“Is what he's saying true?” the old man looked at Elizabeth

Elizabeth noticed that the man was already trembling in fear, as he pleads for forgiveness towards the President and to the man that saved him, “Yes, everything was all a misunderstand…”

The man who was on his knees turned around to the girl, “Miss, I’m sorry, thank you…”

However, the people who witness everything were clearly surprised to see how things ended. They expected the girl would use this opportunity to her advantage.

At the same time, the man that saved him was dumbfounded as well. He did not say a word and just looked at the calm girl in front of him with a lifeless expression.

Elizabeth approached them and said, “President Wayne, I apologize for the commotion. Sir, thank you for your help as well. If you excuse me, I must board the plane now.”

She then bowed to them and grab her staff as she walked to the gate. The man also got up on his knees and followed the girl.

“Why does the girl look familiar?” President Wayne said as he asked his secretary asking if whether he has met the girl before. But since her eyes were covered it was hard to tell.

While the others tried to remember the familiar girl. Mr. Yun continued to gaze at the girl running towards the boarding gate. As her silhouette vanished, he smiled thinking back to how she defended herself earlier.

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