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Sweet Bites

Hello Beautiful

(A/n: this is a female reader's perspective. Your name here Eun Yuna. Yes, you're the lead female in the story.)

Reader's POV

I woke up two hours early before the class starts. Yeah, that’s how excited I am. I mean why not? It’s my first day to attend class at my dream Uni. I’m also happy because my best friend Aira also enrolled there, amazing right? I hope we will be in the same class. We’ve been best friend ever since kindergarten and more like sisters, same age, same interest but not same when it comes to personality. She’s lazy and always feeling sleepy all the time while I’m the opposite one. Let’s just say that I’m a nerd who’s always wearing thick eyeglasses. I ran down to the kitchen to prepare my own breakfast after washing up myself and get in my uniform. Yeah, I live alone. My parents are at the Philippines right now for business meeting. They’re always busy but its fine with me, I’m used to it. Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself, sorry.

Hi, my name is (Eun, Yuna), 18 years old, half Korean and half Filipino. My mother is a Filipina, who fell in love with a Korean guy which is my dad, got married and…bam! Here I am. Okay that’s enough, I know I still have more time but I want to go now. So bye bye, going to have some fun.

I parked my bike in front of the Haven University and stood there for a moment smiling like an idiot, seeing my fellow schoolmates getting inside with their friends-- Speaking of ‘Friend’, where’s Aira? Is she there inside already or not? I thought before facepalming myself right after realization hits me. Right, she’s a lazy one. She will be here late. I was about to get inside but halts when someone shout my name.

“Yuna!” turning my head to where the voice came from, my eyes widens at the sight of my best friend running towards me with a messy hair but still looked pretty. Damn, how did she do that? I admit, I envy her for that. She’s really beautiful to the point that she could be mistaken as an idol. While me, well… I don’t know.

“Aira?!” I looked at her totally in disbelief. This is the first time she came to school early, wait… this is not good. Placing my hands on her shoulders, eyeing her up and down as I’m checking her like a doctor. “This can’t be happening. No…the International Lazy Girl is here right now standing in front of me early as F! Tell me, are you going to die?” I panic, shaking her body on each word that came out from me causing her hair to look messier than before, I only said ‘F’ because I don’t curse. Dude, I’m a good girl.

“Yah! What are you saying? I’m not going to die, okay?! I came early because just like you I’m excited too.” She explained combing her hair by using her hands to fix the mess; students passing by are looking at us like we’re the weirdest people they’ve ever seen in their entire life. “Girl, what’s wrong with these people?” she whispered and I just shook my head as I don’t have any idea. We both get inside with wide smiles on our faces like we’ve just entered heaven.

“Oh my god this is it, this is it, Sis. I—“Our smile soon fades at the unexpected sight in front us. You gotta be kidding me. All of the boys are smoking freely in the hallway, some are making out on every corner shamelessly and some are just walking to their classes with a normal expression which clearly tells that all of those unholy scenes we’ve witnessed are normal in this University. I was so shocked that I didn’t heard Aira’s voice calling out my name until she smacked my head with this very thick literature book of hers. Where the hell did she get that? I didn't see that in her hand earlier.

“Aw!” my voice echoed around the hallway causing to get all the attention of the students and looked at us. “and now look at what you’ve done.” I muttered and she rolled her eyes at me.

“What?! Have you not ever seen bestfriends smacking each other’s head with a book?!” her voice boomed around the hallway startling all the students and I just stood there beside her facepalming myself at her behaviour and watched all the students scurried to their classes leaving us their alone. “Finally, they’re gone.” She muttered nonchalantly and looked at me. I just shake my head in disbelief. First day of class and we’re already gaining attentions here.

During the entire the class, the teacher always called my name to answer some questions and even told me to solve the hardiest math I’ve ever encountered and lucky me I answered it correctly. How? Simple, advance study. Honestly, I’m the brainy one at my previous school. I’m just not a showy person. All I do is just sheepishly smile at my classmates everytime they clapped their hands for me in amazement which I don’t want to. I’m not a big fan of ‘Popularity’. I returned to my seat and continued writing down the lesson on my notebook.

“Wow. You’re so amazing, Sis.” Aira whispered to me and I just smile at her. Good thing she’s my seatmate. After our morning classes, me and Aira excitedly went on our way to the cafeteria with an exhausted brains for solving many hard maths. Gosh, I’m so hungry right now. I’m really going to eat all the foods at the cafeteria. I think this day deserves a selfie. I thought and rummaged my hand inside my pocket but got surprised when I found nothing. What?! Wait, I think I put it inside my bag, my locker. I told my friend Aira that I’ll head back to my locker to get my phone and she only nodded at me. I ran back to my locker and immediately get my phone inside my bag knowing that Aira is impatiently waiting for me right now.

I closed it and turned around but only to get myself unexpectedly pinned against my locker. What the hell? Before I could see the person who just pinned me, I felt a smooth thing smashed on my lips and I was shocked at what just happened. I suddenly felt an electric shock inside my body mixing with some kind of tingling sensation, heart’s rapidly beating like crazy.

I was froze on my spot for a few seconds before my eyes widens as realization finally hits me again. Why does it always to be late?! Someone I didn’t know is kissing me right now, stealing my FIRST KISS! I internally panic. I want to get myself away from this unknown guy but I can’t because he’s so strong and he totally locked my body but…not my legs. I was about to bring up my right knee towards his crotch when he finally pulled away from the kiss and there I finally saw the jerk who just did this to me.

“Hi beautiful.” His deep ocean voice matches his deep brown orbs that’s looking down at me right now, and if my brain didn't betray me basing on how I see him right now, he's 180cm tall guy with a majestic physique. I could say he’s handsome but oh boy he's a damn pervert.

I looked around us and saw all the crowd of students all eyes on us, blinding my eyes with the flash of their phones as they’re taking pictures of us while murmuring shits about me. I felt my face starting to heat up due to embarrassment; tears are starting to form in my eyes, My gaze immediately shift back to the guy who’s now smirking at me as he looked at my red cheeks. He fixed my glasses and arrogantly smile at me before turing around walking towards the group of guys which I think his friends, leaving me here on my spot angry and speechless. “I told you, she’ll become speechless after the kiss.” Words that came out from him that boils my blood more in anger. I clenched my jaw and fisted hard my knuckles before walking towards him who have his back facing me. One of his friends noticed me and nudged his arm before pointing at me. He turned around and before he could say something…

*Slap sound*

Nerd B*tch

Yesterday’s scene keep playing in my mind like a stupid CD, I didn’t even get a good sleep the entire night because of the death gaze he gave me like it’s the end of my life after I slapped his face, and walked away leaving him with his friends there without saying anything, shocked at what I have done to him.

Honestly, I felt scared and got a goosebumps on the back of my neck but my anger shrugged off those feelings, I hate him, and who does he think he is? He can fool around the school and just kiss some random girls whenever he wants but not ME. I’m a nerd who wants to get high grades, finish my studies and get my dream job, not some stupid sl*t.

I can’t even forget Aira’s shocked face and the way she freaked out when I told her about what happened that I really have to drag her out of the cafeteria for gaining the attention of all the students again by her loudness. I glanced at my wall clock then to my window seeing the sky outside. It's already 06:14 in the morning. Way to go, Yuna. You beat your old record.

I let out a long sigh before kicking off the blanket that’s wrapped around me that made me looked like a burito. I stand up from my bed heading directly to my bathroom to take a shower and wear my uniform after. I fix my hair, taking a last look at the mirror to check myself before heading downstairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

I didn’t wait for Aira as she texted me last night that she will be absent today due to headache which means I’ll be alone today, how sad. I let out a sigh and tightened my grasp on the straps of my bag as I walked through the hallway ignoring all the eyes of the students looking at me. I can do this. I mentally cheered up myself.

I was about to enter the classroom when someone pulled me from behind, dragging me to somewhere only god knows where and throw me to the floor. Damn, I just got my head hit on the floor.

“Aw!  My head.” I wince from the pain and quickly stood up as fast as I can. Limping backward to see who it was after fixing my glasses but the place is so dark. Where am I? Oh no, please don't.

“Who are you and what do you want?!” I yelled, I'm sure someone's here. I then heard a couple of laughs before the lights being turned on revealing the guy who stole my first kiss and his friends. Of course it will be him. My anger from yesterday came to life again seeing him standing in front of me with that smug look that I really wanted to punch so badly.

“You.” I muttered as he started to take a slow step towards me with a dark aura that spoke nothing but danger. Does it scare me? No. I got a Filipino blood in me and Filipinos never step back when it comes to defending their self. So, I would never EVER step back. He kept stepping forward until his shoes touched mine, towering over me and seems eating me alive with his death gaze but I don’t care.

“You’re really not scared of me, aren’t you?” he lowly asked, eyeing my figure up and down with an unreadable face. I didn’t divert my eyes away to show him that I’m not scared of him. I never pick a fight at my previous school and my records are clear. This is the first but I don’t care if I will end up in detention or called my parents because of this. I won’t let anyone to humiliate me.

“And why should I, huh? You’re not a god. We’re both humans, we both fart, and breathing the same air. The only difference between us? You’re an assh*le.” I scoff, matching his death gaze, his friends then let out an ‘Ooh’ sound as they’re probably amused at what I’ve said and then in just one blink he got me pinned on the wall with a full force causing me to yelp in pain as my back harshly hit against the wall with his right hand fisted on my head, pulling my hair. Oh no, not with the pinning again.

“And you really dared to talk back to me?!” his face too close that I could feel his breathe hitting my face as it’s just mere inches away from mine.

“Yes, I dare! And you asked me so I answered you. Only fools wouldn’t do that, Assh*le.”

“Assh*le?! Then you’re a Nerd B*tch!” Oh so we're calling names huh? he spat before raising his left hand to slap me but before he could do that, I did the most unexpected thing I really haven’t done in my entire life, ever.

“Argh!” his loud groan made his friends let out a gasp as they’re shocked at what I have just done to their friend. His grasp on my hair loosened while his left hand that was supposedly to slap me was now on the side of my head for support so he would be able to maintain himself standing as my hand harshly gripping his balls down there. Uh Oh, WHAT I’VE JUST DONE?! I mentally shrieked. Well, you couldn’t blame me. I was so angry. Nevermind, this assh*le deserves it anyway. My mind started to debate by itself.

“Remember this you assh*le, this will be the last time you’ll ever talk to me and Don’t.Ever.Call.Me.Nerd.B*tch again.” I leaned closer and whispered to his ear with a clenched jaw, pressing and tightening my grasp on him on every word before fully letting it go and walked out of the room without even looking at him. Geez, I think I need a holy water for my hand.

Author’s POV

He weakly fell down to the floor holding his poor swollen balls, cursing you between his gritted teeth while looking at your small figure leaving and slammed the door close. The room was filled with silence before his friends at the back burst in their laughter at the poor scene they’ve just witnessed for the first time seeing their leader got his balls almost ripped up by a newbie nerd. He was never been so embarrassed in his whole life not even in front of his friends, it’s all first time, the slap that came from you, that gripping thing and specially how you embarrassed him in front of his friends. All of these made him punched the floor angrily. He couldn’t take to himself being defeated by just a girl like you.

"F*ck!" He cursed slamming his hand again and again on the floor before storming out of the room to catch you up but you're already gone to your class.


A/n: Hi fam! I hope you like the first and second chapter.

Tell me your opinion or thoughts about it, anything. Don't worry, I won't bite...😁✌

Always keep safe everyone.



Author's POV


You stepped out of the classroom as soon as your class ended. You pulled your phone out of the pocket of your skirt as your bestfriend Aira sent you a text message saying that her headache is getting better and if you want to visit her at her place tell her beforehand so she could prepare herself up. You put it back inside your pocket after reading her message, the place soon became quiet as all the students went to the cafeteria for lunch break, you stood there on your spot contemplating if should you go or not.

You’re used to eat lunch with your friend Aira but since she’s not with you this time you decided not to go there and just use your free time to tour yourself around the school, you’re not that hungry anyway. You went to the library and burrowed a book that catches your interest; next, you went to the rooftop taking pictures of the sky and the beautiful view of the Haven University. You stayed there the rest of your free time enjoying the beautiful scenery of the sky and the soft wind hitting your skin while chilling with the music you’re listening to on your bluetooth earphone.

“Alright, time’s up.” you muttered to yourself and started to walk to your next class but halts the moment you saw him standing there looking at you with a serious gaze, slowly tapping his left foot on the ground with his hands tucked in his pocket. Since when did he get up here? Aish! This guy didn’t learn his lesson. You thought to yourself and fisted both of your hands. He gave you an evil smirk before starting to walk slowly to your direction without a word. Does he think he could intimidate you with that? You rolled your eyes at him and start walking towards the door passing him but he grabs your wrist and harshly pulls you back which made you almost lose your balance.

“Don’t walk away from me.” It's not an order, it's a threat. Does it scare you? No.

You yanked your wrist away from him, piercing him with your death glare through your glasses.

“I told you to stay the hell away from me, pervert!” you dare to yell that on his face, his face darkens at your words and grabbed the collar of your uniform as he pulled you closer to him.

“You think after you embarrassed me in front of my friends and what you did to my buddy down here I would let it just slip away?” he lowly says, eyes looking at you like he would eat you alive right now causing you to gulp your own saliva, half regretting at what you’ve done to his balls this morning. Of all the ways to attack and escape from him, why did you do that? You mentally slapped yourself.

“It’s not my fault, you did that to yourself! If you didn’t kiss me and dragged me in that room all of these wouldn’t happen. Now, let go of me.” You slapped his hands away and left the rooftop. You quickened your step as you descended downstairs after taking a quick glance on your watch, telling that you only have 5 minutes left before your afternoon class starts but you’ve been dragged again and this time to an old and small storage room and before you could know his hand was already on your throat but not choking you, it’s like a threat.

He back you away until your back touched the cold wall, you looked around the dark room where only the light from the outside of the open door is the only source of light while your hands are trying to get his hand away from your throat but he’s way too strong and as if he could read what’s on your mind he stepped on your feet before you could use it to kick him and used his free hand to hold both of your wrist above your head.

“Let go of me!” you struggle and heard some faint sound of voices and footsteps that’s seem walking near to the room, you quickly turned your head to the door to yell out for help but his hand quickly goes up from your throat to your mouth, covering it so no one could hear you. “Help, someone help me!” you yelled but your words are being muffled by his hand, you’re still hoping that whoever they are they will hear you and come to help you but to your dismay the sound of footsteps and voices suddenly disappeared. Oh well, what did you expect? This is a real life situation, this is not a fairy tale.

He removed his hand on your mouth when you stopped yelling and locked your gaze at him.

“What are you planning to do with me this time, huh? Are you going to kill me?” you asked while thinking of a way on how to get away from him. You can’t help not to feel scared at the thought of him killing you but you didn’t show it to him. he doesn’t want to kill you, he may be a bad boy but he’s way too far from killing a person. He just want to scare you and make you fear him just like the other students, that’s all.

“Actually, I’m still thinking what am I going to do with you, now that you’re in my hands and alone in this room.” He lowly says with a smirk on his lips, hovering over you and grazing his lips on your ear. “And hearing you mentioned about killing sounds interesting.” He coldly whispered causing your breathe to hitch due to fear and widens your eyes. He slightly backed away to see your reaction and hum in satisfaction as he sees the hint of fear in your eyes the way it shakes.

“Seriously, you’re really going to kill me?” you looked at him fully in disbelief thinking that it’s too much revenge killing you just because of what you have done to his god damn balls. That's totally absurd. He stared at you for few seconds before letting you go and bubbles of chuckle finally escaped from his mouth as he found your reaction funny, making you stared back at him totally confused and fuming with anger,l. One thing you really hate is when someone making fun of you. And there’s your anger took control on you again, you jumped to his tall figure like a mad monkey for snatching its precious banana.

“I HATE YOU! I REALLY HATE YOU!” You’re madly pulling his purple hair and slapping his face for a few times causing him to groan in pain.

“Yah! Get away from me you monkey nerd! YAH—AW!” his hands goes to your hands before to your waist, pulling you away from him but fails as you wrapped your legs around his body.

“I WON’T UNTIL YOU BECAME BALD YOU PERVERT ASSH*LE!” you spat between your gritted teeth and he back you again to the wall with a force causing you to moan in pain as your back was slammed to the wall, your glasses fell to floor and it got broken. You let his hair go to touch your aching back, legs still wrapped around him, his hands on your waist goes down to your legs to remove them. What he did to your back only add fuel to your anger. You definitely don't know why but you're very different when anger empowers you as you grabbed his neck and bite it, causing him to scream due to pain and shock that you just bit his neck.

“You think you’re the only one who knows how to bite?!” he growled before pressing your body more to the wall and dive his head on your neck biting you back.

“Aw!” you groaned in pain between the bite as a tear escaped from your eyes. Both of you didn’t realized how awkward your position looks like right now. For you, the two of you are like cat and dog fighting at each other that’s having a ‘Who-Bites-Harder-Challenge’ but to the other people who doesn’t know the truth, the two of you seems like hate f*cking each other.

While the two of you are biting each other’s neck, the door suddenly shuts causing the both of you to stop instantly and turn your heads to the door and then to each other with wide eyes, you may can’t clearly see his face but you’re sure that he’s surprised too just like you and also probably thinking the same thing as you.

You both pulled away from each other and ran towards the door hoping that you didn’t get yourself locked up in a storage room. You twist the doorknob to see if it’s lock or not.

It’s locked.


A/n: lol. I hope you like this chapter.😁

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