VITE was sitting on chair and waiting for someone, she thought like every year she will get her birthday present from her only friend SHAUN.
she waited for him for a long time then she decided to visit his house,( actually she never expects something but these presents she got every year, so she was expecting)
Shaun's house was next door only but she had been there only once before, she entered the house
that house was empty , all things were messed up, she heard a small chanting noise from garden
she sneakily entered the garden from back door and saw that shaun's parents were doing some kind of ritual, she smelt danger and was going to turn around but a hand pulled her in that circle
she saw that Shaun was standing aside. she was damn scared to speak also, after gathering all her courage she talked in anger what's going on??????
As she talked they bowed down and greeted her and said time to go home, from now on we will no more be your guardians
you will be on your own
She didn't get a word from that speech she just hummed it and was going to run and a light appeared she felt as if she is sucked by something and with bang landed on a floor
she opened her eyes she was in a quite room, she saw a queue to pass from the door.
she saw all around the room there many young people were silently choosing equipments and joining the queue
Vite tried to speak them but none were ready to speak, she joined the queue
In few minutes she was on a bare and huge battle field with a sword in her hand
before she could figure out something a monstrous monkey man attacked her, she was confused, frightened and couldn't think of anything than running
she dropped that sword and ran like a wild boar in that field that monster man was chasing her same way
finally he caught Vite and held her by neck, he picked her up and punched hard on her face. Vite felt on ground in a projectile manner
Now vite was totally helpless she didn't know what was happening there, she didn't know why that monster was attacking her
She could see her death in front of her eyes. she took a deep breath and decided to fight back she didn't know how to fight but she picked her sword and with her full strength she attacked that monster man from back
that monster man was busy in praising himself and showing off that time he felt a slight cut on his neck by her sword
he dodged her attack by one hand and attacked her by other
he furiously gave her continuous punches till she felt on ground
Vite couldn't move a bit she knew that she is gonna die now, she saw That monster coming towards her with anger, she thought her death is going to be a mystery and closed her eyes and waited for his last attack............................
she thought her death is going to be a mystery and closed her eyes and waited for his last attack............................
she expected that attack soon but it took time she thought 'Ohh man what's going on at least hit me fast and spare me pain '(in disappointment)
She heard a scream and slightly opened her eyes, she saw a tall boy strangling that monster and a girl accompanying him.
that boy turned towards her and she saw him clearly, he was tall quite Masculin with sharp facial characters
He approached her and picked her up in bridal style she was too weak to stay conscious.
the girl accompanying him approached them and said, "I think you got a new fan just now. "
"Hmmm I think so, but really I don't need one Riro"
"Ok Ok I know, let's take her to the lady " Riro replied .
(After two days )
Vite slowly opened her eyes, she thought ' am I in heaven or hell ' but suddenly remembered that an angel saved her life .
she saw whole room, it was full of medicinal plants and equipments. she tried to move her body and to her surprise she was all right.
she could move all her body parts and there were no signs of any injury
( while she was checking a woman entered the room)
so vite, you are an orphan sent here by guardians and have no abilities at all
' Welcome to the ORSUS school of battle arts. I'm your teacher you can call me lady and we will begin from tomorrow. '
' oh I forget to tell you, you are extra one this year so you have to share your room with Sky and Jay will provide other details. '
Vite was confused she wanted to know why she was there, she met Jay.
Jay was a poker faced handsome boy , who seldom talks but his observation skills were just awesome.
Jay said, "you can consider yourself lucky to get selected even if you loose the match. "
" I don't want to get selected, I will go home soon and deny this offer now" vite said and was turning around but saw her life saving angel
"who is he? " Vite asked
"He is your roommate, just don't disturb his business and you can live peacefully" Jay replied
'Oh! man what should I do now, this is once in life opportunity to live with your crush what should I do? Ohh! God I don't want to quit' Vite thought and asked for details of the place and their purpose.
Jay replied ,"as for the purpose it's you who come to learn battle art not us to select you and everyone who enters school has special abilities "
"what do you mean? "Vite asked
" I mean they have specific characteristics like thick skin, broad vision anything you can call it mutation in your language "
"so what quality do I have? "Vite asked
" you are good for nothing ", Jay replied
Vite smirked and was going to ask him another question but he stopped her and said, " That's it for the day , tomorrow morning be ready. "
He pointed to a room and left her there
she entered the room, that room was quite and lighted by illuminating stones but still it was quite dim, she thought, ' If I sell them it will be huge profit 'and tried to pick up those stones
at the very moment she heard , " don't touch those stones, they are mine "
Vite turned and saw Sky and introduced herself in polite manner he coldly hummed and said , "just don't disturb me. " and left the room
Vite found her bed and just lied there trying to figure out why she is there, why she had guardians and what is her identity.................
On next day vite woke up by banging noise of the door, she thought ,'Sky must have left the room.' she got freshen up and left the room to visit Lady
when she reached she observed that Lady was meditating and there was no one beside her
That was quite strange cause she had many disciples and she was alone at the training time
Vite thought she doesn't need to worry about training anymore she can easily slack the training
"Vite come sit in front" Lady commanded
Vite talked while following the command, "Lady why I'm here? what is this place? "
Lady said, "this place is Rock kingdom, a parallel dimensional universe and you belong here, someone must have left upu there for your safety. and that someone must be very powerful to do that."
what do you mean? If that someone was that powerful then why didn't protect me? what's the reason to send me here?
Lady replied, "I think that someone want you to be capable of self protection, and then seek the truth. Whatever, Do you want to be my disciple? "
Actually I never thought about this, I always felt like something is strange with me, I always had nightmares of a woman saying' live a good life ' I don't know my origin and now you are saying, I was abandoned for my safety.
My question is same
Vite stood up and said I want to investigate myself but first I have to learn about this world yes, I want to be your disciple and bowed down.
"You are smart, ok from now on you will be my disciple, first we have to do something about your weak body, today onwards you will eat with me and I will give you liquor you have to drink it on daily basis. "
"ok and what about teching me combat strategies "
"There are too many disciple who learnt that and improving themselves, you can approach them and learn from them. "
How about you teach me?
"Nice try, but I'm busy. Not possible, and don't get bullied and if something problematic happen don't come to me I will enhance the problem instead of solving it. bye you can leave now "Lady replied
' And train yourself don't get killed, ' Lady said purposely to anger Vite
Vite in anger If I have to learn myself train myself protect myself then what's the use of her she is useless to me
Lady, "I will show the direction path is yours "
Vite astonished and thought 'did she heard my thoughts '
'Oh God she is dangerous woman' Vite left the room running how I'm going to train myself
while running she collided with tall muscular boy and fell on the ground
Hey weakling what are you doing in school of battle arts? ( while laughing) 😂
Hey muddle head, I can ask same question, but I don't , cause I don't like meddling in others business! 🤪
( while getting up from floor)
He pushed her hard that she fell again and said, "I think you need a lesson. "
and was going to kick her but a girl kicked him hard and said ,"she is in my protection"
Vite stood up and saw the same girl who saved her before, "Hi I'm Vite and you? "
"I'm Riro don't worry he won't bully you again , by the way you are quite brave with your weak body, I'm impressed. "
Vite smiled but she knew if she want to stay she has to learn surviving skills and a part time job for money
In chat with Riro , Vite asked her about it
Riro said, " I can introduce you to someone but I won't responsible for anything"
"Ok, but why do you say responsible, is he dangerous? "
"No, you will know, when you will meet him"
"Ok, I'm looking forward to the meeting."
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