The Truth of a man's life is nothing but his desires,pains,agony, happiness.In this we have a character called Magbeth he is the youngest one in his family. He feels from Childhood that his father being ignored by her mother Liza.She is a very cruel and selfish kind of lady.She is always preoccupied by her ownself she do not bother about her family.Megbeth feels that his father takes care of him and tries to fulfil his wishes.But his mother always insults his father saying that he is a man of typical personality who have a hard hearted soul who after being insulted repeated times did not want to leave the house.Megbeth's father Leo says that he loves her that's why he is still in this house after being repeatedly harassed.Leo also says that he will make her a kind hearted lady .....
After three to four days suddenly Megbeth was ill with Chicken pox his mother left her alone at the house and went to a trip with her friends.After a moment of few minutes Leo returned from the office and saw that Megbeth was ill he took care of Megbeth but when he asked Megbeth about his mother he says that she went to her friend Mary's house.Leo says that 'how can she be so cold-blooded?'he also says that she will have to pay for the consequences after she returned from the trip..........
One week later when Liza returned from the trip she saw that her son Megbeth was well and playing in the playground but Leo was nowhere to be found in the house Liza thought that he went to his friend's house Nav.But in the evening she felt that he would return in the night but he doesn't return Liza was very angry with him and felt that this man is a ridiculous man who doesn't care about his family . But after two days a message came from Leo's office that Leo has been sent to Europe for some work of his office.Megbeth now started enquiring about his father but Liza doesn't say anything to him now Megbeth started insulting his mother saying 'You are such a lady who can't be happy and let anybody else happy'.Liza felt frustrated and felt that her own son Megbeth insulted her and she now realizes how she behaved with Leo in her previous days she felt guilty that she is not a good woman who can't take care of her family and can't fulfil the desires of her husband and child and always ignored them and insulted Leo who loved her and never spelt a word when she harassed him in front of her friends,her family members and even in the front of Leo's friends.She now have a change of heart and wanted Leo back in her life as early as possible.
Liza went to Leo's office and asked for the details of his tour she decided to go there and bring him back to his house and his son Megbeth as he was missing his father so much...
Liza was very much guilty and was shameful for her behavior with Leo.She recalled the incidents that everyday she insulted Leo and he never said anything to her he was angry on her but his love for her detoriates his anger and made him forgive her for her every mistakes.Sometimes this also happened that she didn't care for Leo when he was I'll.This all incidents made her realise that insulting someone everyday and every minute can make someone take such a decision of going away forever from the dear ones.Liza now was determined that she will take Leo with her and will clear all misunderstandings among them and will ask him to forgive her once again and go back with her.After a few days,one day Leo was seen at a restaurant in Europe the name of the restaurant was "The Great Jun Restaurant" Liza went inside the restaurant and saw Leo with his other colleagues is having a meeting she was surprised to see him after such a long time but when Leo saw her he recalled her behaviour and went away from there but when Liza tried to stop him from going away he said her that "I don't want you back in my life u are such a woman who is self obsessed and can never care about someone else's feelings". Leaving Liza in the restaurant Leo went away to some other place with his colleagues.Liza felt embarrassed and while moving out of the restaurant she was recalling the very words with which Leo insulted her then she realised that it was very common that Leo insulted her as he was suffering of the pain and grief of the words with which she insulted Leo.But still Liza was determined that she will win Leo's trust again and they will start a happy life together.The situations and the timings made them again meet with each other.Whenever they met Leo continued to insult Liza but this made him guilty in his mind that the person whom he loved so much was in pain due to his rude behavior.Liza never felt hurt with his words as she knew that Leo loved her so much he was speaking such words from the pain that he was suffering from.One day Leo called Liza and said her that he wanted to meet her Liza was very happy and delighted that her husband wants to meet her and was dreaming that Leo will come back with her and they are living a happy life together with Megbeth,their son.But all her dreams were shattered when Leo told her that he don't want to stay with her and h doesn't want to see her face again throughout his life.
Liza's determination to get her Leo back
When Leo angrily left Liza in the restaurant and left Liza felt very sad she started to curse herself and says to herself that she can neither be a good wife nor a good mother.She a
was always busy with herself and never thought about Leo and her son how they used to live without her she was heartbroken when she thought about the past incident when her son was suffering and she was not there with him but Leo was there he fulfilled all the responsibilities of a dad and a good husband but she was so egoistic that his love for her was just a joke nothing more than that.Thinking about this Liza went to the resort where she was staying with her son .She told her son everything what had happened after she met his father and was crying heavily.Her son took her close and said not to worry as he knows his father as he loves both of them very much and will surely return to them .He said his mother that he will help Liza to make his father return back to them.After a few days Leo was having a meeting with the clients of his office in the same restaurant where Liza and her son went to have their lunch Leo was amazed to see his son and went to him and hugged him and he felt really relieved to see his son Liza was very happy to see this lovely moment between father and son but as Leo saw Liza he went away from there but his son stopped him and said Leo to come back with him Leo went away from there without saying any word and then the tragic incident took place when Liza went back of Leo to stop him she faced a terrible accident a highly speeding car hit her and went away Leo came running to Liza his son was crying and saying his mother to talk to him.Leo took her to the nearest hospital she was profusely bleeding the doctor said Leo that Liza has her right leg fractured and head injury and she was to be taken great care and any kind of anxiety and frustration can lead her to death and she also said that Liza is still senseless and saying only one thing Leo come back to us .The doctor said Leo that he should take care of his wife when Leo met Liza she request him to come back to them Leo agreed that he will come back but on one condition that after she is cured he will not live with them and his possessiveness for her will be for that many days and she should not expect anything else from him not love nor nothing.He is returning also for his as he want to spend some time with him Liza agreed to all his conditions and came back to his house with them.
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