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When 2 Criminals Meet

Episode 1

This is a cruel world. It's an awful place. Where money and power are everything, love doesn't stand a chance against them....

That's what I kept convincing myself. It was true. I mean who am I to judge the world. My name is Ashley Robertson, I am 19 years old, and my life is a mess.

My parents died when I was 12, Lia Robertson and John Robertson, luckily I was taken and raised by a woman. Not just any woman, she was amazingly beautiful, elegant, well educated, she was 24 and perfect.

What I didn't know was she was a member of the 2nd most famous mafia gang in the country, not even a member! The leader! Her martial arts skills were amazing, she took me in with a kind heart, raised me , and even treated me like her own daughter.

Her name was Charlotte Smith, suits her, right? She trained me hard, she taught me everything she knew, she wanted me to become strong and independent like her. And so I became. It's been 7 years since she took me in. I even call her mom.

The mafia gang's name was ''Black Wolves''. Sounds dangerous,right? Well there are 20 members, and trust me, when I say we are all females, don't underestimate us, we are ranked the top 2 strongest mafia gang. I mean yeah we could never be able to reach the ''Red lions'' they are the top 1. They have over 40 members and their leader is a cold hearted man. His name is Elijah Darkwood.

The Red Lions's martial arts skills are so much precised and effective than ours. Elijah is filthy rich and he was known in the country for his handsomness. How could I agree if I hadn't met him yet?

I have a best friend in the gang. Her name is Trissa Willson, she is like the brain of our plans. She is a true genius and we've known eachother since Charlotte, or I could say my mom took me in. We understood eachother and we helped eachother through the rough times. I considered her as my sister.

On a Tuesday, at the 1862/strayheart street in the USA, which is our base, we had a meeting to discuss a mission and this time I had the major role in it. I was excited. '' at 1325/mishigan Street some gang members kidnapped 3 girls, our mission is to free these girls from these pedofiles'' said charlotte. ''there are 3 guys and they are in the first building of that street in the basement. Ashley and Amelia will enter the building disguised of course. You girls will seduce the three guys and go to the basement with them and there you'll beat them up! And free the girls! '' after hearing that phrase Ashley was hyped as she said. '' Allright! Let's go Amelia! ''. Amelia chuckled as she saw your energy.

'' Trissa will hack the security cameras and will open every locked smart door on the building. So it'll be easier for you girls. '' said Charlotte. ''allright auntie! Time to show my power!'' said Trissa as she was chuckling. You then get ready and wear your mission clothes.

The black soft fabric mask was like Ashley's buddy. She weared it on every mission you went on. And it was helping her cover her identity. As her and her friends go to the targeted place they do the steps of the plan correctly and Trissa hacks the security cameras and the doors as discussed. Ashley then arrives to the basement with the 3 guys and see the three girls serving the guys liquor and wine. Then they fight the guys and beat them to the ground. The girls were impressed and shocked and they get them out of there. To their surprise when they reach the door they saw 3 men wearing all red and black. Ashley immediately knew who they were so she told the girls to get out of here and confronted the three guys with Amelia

'' well well well... If it isn't the members of the so called '' black wolves'' said the first guy sarcastically. ''mind your own buisness'' said Ashley with a cold tone. They were about to leave when suddenly one of the guys pulled Ashley by her hand. ''where do you think your going? '' he said as he felt instant pain after she kicked him in the balls.

Ashley and Amelia were laughing as they were running so fast and jumping on the roofs to get back to their base. Charlotte was surprised that they encountered the red lions. '' Ooohh mom you should've seen the look on his face after I kicked him '' said Ashley while laughing. They then go all to their rooms and change. All of the members have dinner together. It's like a tradition in the their mafia gang to all of the members to eat together. And so each one of them goes to their room and sits in their bed.

The black wolves weren't just a normal mafia gang who kills random people. They target the bad mafia and finish those who don't deserve living. They kill people, yes, but the bad ones.

Ashley held her favorite book in her hand while reading it. Soon after she felt tired to she put the book away and fell asleep.

Episode 2

After Ashley kicked one of those guys in red suits they went to their base which the black wolves still don't know the location. They went up to their boss and said '' sir Elijah, we want to report 2 members of the black wolves being seen by us 1 hour ago at the targeted street we were going to. One of the girls kicked me in the balls! '' said the first man. '' so the rumor is true'' chuckled Elijah while saying.''

'' describe the girl philip'' said Elijah coldly. ''yes sir. she had white hair and she was wearing a mask I think her name was Ash.... Ashley..? ''

Elijah was surprised after he heard that name. '' so she is the famous adopted daughter of Charlotte Smith ''

He chuckles as he says '' I want you to find every information you can about this girl... Im interrested...''

Elijah darkwood is 22, his parents were murdered with cold blood when he was 10, his older brother took care of him and so he trained with his uncle and became the leader of his gang.

The next day in the morning, Elijah was having breakfast when the man came and said '' sir I found some information about the girl '' Elijah listened closely as the man continued '' Her name is Ashley Robertson, she is 19 years old, her parents died in a car accident when she was 12,and she was taken by the leader of the black wolves and trained by her, right now their base is in the strayheart street but I couldn't find the house name''

Elijah was surprised by her situation. His heart felt something towards her, he didn't know what it was, maybe pity? He realsied he wasn't so different from her. They both lost their parents at a young age and were trained by mafia leaders.

Elijah wanted to meet her so he asked the man about the black wolves's next mission and they planned on how it'll go.

With the black wolves, Ashley woke up and went downstairs to eat breakfast with her mom. They all ate together and then they changed into training clothes and went to their arena. They had their secret place to train. The black wolves don't just know martial arts, they use weapons but not guns, they like the old ways so they were trained to use the archery and especially the swords. Ashley like the bow and arrow so she always kept the kit on her back while she was on her missions.

'' All right girls, this time Ashley and Amelia will go again since we just found out the red lions will go there too to investigate you too, we will give them their wish'' said Charlotte while chuckling. ''Allright mom,Amelia and me will not let you down!'' said Ashley enthusiastically.

'' Appearently Elijah is going on this mission to see Ashley in action, so he will get what he wanted'' said Charlotte.

Ashley and Amelia get ready and as always she wear her mask with her archery kit on her back and Amelia with a sword on her waist. They go to the targeted place since they were supposed to kill the guards standing outside and steal the ''light sword'' that was taken from them. Elijah and 2 of his men were hiding and watching each and every move of the 2 girls.

Ashley and Amelia put up a rope from the roof and slowly went down inside the place. There were guards at the gate. Ashley hides and aims the arrow to the first guard and Amelia is hiding close to the other guard. Ashley shoots the guard and Amelia attacks the second one with her sword. They openthe gate to find 3 guards around the sword. The three guard attach them Ashley shoots one with her arrow and Amelia kills one with her sword. Then Ashley said '' leave the last one to me, go get the sword'' Amelia nodded and took the sword and waited at the gate.

Elijah wanted to see Ashley in action so he went close and watched her. Ashley puts the bow on her back and attacks the guard. He was stronger than she expected so she did her signiture trick and jumped and stood on her hands on his shoulders and knocked him to the ground and broke his arm.

Elijah was shocked. He thought she was just normal,not amazing! So he went to confront her behind her back. She senses someone was behind her so she turned around quickly and kicked him without knowing who it was. Elijah held her foot and pushed her back.

'' Who are you and what do you want? '' said Ashley in a cold voice. '' well well well.. Im pretty famous here, how about a hint... Darkwood is the last name''

She immediately knew and put her guard up.''Elijah.... '' she said. '' correct! '' said Elijah in a cold tone

She then walked past him and said '' mind your own damn business, and please leave me alone''

He was shocked she ignored him so he tried to hold her hand put she pushed his hand away and jumped and climbed to the roof. '' Ciao..! '' she said while jumping from the roof to get to Amelia. Amelia said '' who were you talking to? '' Ashley simply said '' Elijah darkwood ''

Amelia was shocked she didn't hear him enter. They went home with the sword and told Charlotte about everything. And then they changed and went to their rooms to sleep.

But all Ashley could think of was her encounter with Elijah. She confirmed the rumor about his handsomness

She kept on thinking about him until she slapped herself and went to sleep.

Episode 3

Elijah came back from the place with a smirk on his face, his men wondered what happened so one of them went up to him and said '' boss, why are you smirking? '' then Elijah answer with a lovely tone '' oh nothing! It's just that this Ashley girl had the guts to walk past me and ignore me'' he then turned from nice to cold everyone got the shivers from his expression so they went away and left him alone.

Elijah chuckled as he thought (damn it... She is making me more interested in her...). He went to his room and slept thinking of her. 

She had him thinking of her all night.

The next morning, Ashley wakes up and goes downstairs to eat breakfast as usual with her mom and the other gang members. She sits down with them and they discuss the next mission. '' this time we only have to kill a man who has murdered over 3 women, his name is Carlos Richburg he is 34 and he has stolen 10 000 dollars from these women. Our mission is to kill him and take the money, and as usual Ashley and Amelia will go to his mansion as some business women and kill him when there are no guards around him, take the money and jump from his room's window. ''

Ashley and Amelia agree, and trissa, as usual, hack the security cameras in his room and the hallway next to it. When it's time to go Charlotte tells them all that the red lions are on their way there too so they gotta be fast.

Ashley and Amelia disguise as business women and go to his mansion he let's them enter. After they do, the red lions arrive they were 4 men wearing red and black suits and Elijah was one of them, Ashley and Amelia ask the man immediately to go to his room and he accepts. There Ashley and Amelia tell him to close his eyes and he did, Amelia takes the money and jumps from the window and Ashley kills the man by stabbing him with her dagger then when she was about to jump a man opened the door, and to her surprise it was Elijah.

'' well well well, if it isn't Ashley Robertson.. '' said Elijah while smirking. '' what the hell do you want'' said Ashley in a cold tone. ''oh nothing....maybe the money you took'' said Elijah while changing his expression. He was looking scary and evil.''too late! '' said Ashley enthusiastically '' see ya! '' and then she jumped from the window and started running with Amelia while laughing.

'' That girl! '' said Elijah angrily '' oh wait until next time! I won't let you go! '' he then smirks and leave with his men leaving all the guard dead on the floor.

Elijah tells the men that the black wolves were here before them so they went to their base and settled down.

'' hahahhahhahhaha you should've seen the look on Elijah's face! He was smirking all the time and then when I jumped he got mad hahhahhaha! '' said Ashley while laughing '' damn girl, he always following you, he is interested in you'' said Amelia while smirking at Ashley ''oh shut up Amelia! It's not my fault I get the guys drooling all over me''

Then they start laughing together. After that they arrived to their base and went to Charlotte and told her what happened. She was shocked Elijah didn't even try to fight for the money so she thought to herself ( damn... He must be so I terrested in her to let her go that easily)

Then Amelia give the money to Charlotte she divides the money eavenly to all the members. They then go eat dinner. After eating Ashley and Trissa go sit on the couch while everyone goes to sleep.

'' don't you think Elijah could've caught you? '' said Trissa. '' well yeah he could've because he is so stronger than me, but I'm not sure why he didn't go after me'' said Ashley. Trissa replied.''after all auntie Charlotte said that he was interrested in you''. Ashley sighs and says.'' it doesn't matter as long as we got away '' they then both laugh and talk with eachother for hours. It's 1:23 Am so they go to their rooms and sleep.

Ashley sat on her bed thinking to herself (why would a man like him, handsome and rich like him, be interrested in a normal girl like me? I mean he is our rival because he's the leader of the red lions gang.)

She kept on thinking and thinking about him because she was so confused about his sudden interest in her.

Then she decided to go for a walk in their garden but suddenly she was shocked to see 3 men with white suits talking on the street they shook hands and said '' so we will kidnap that Ashley girl tomorrow and give her to our boss? '' said the first man. '' yes dummy, now would you please lower your voice? They maybe near here''

Ashley was shocked and she was so scared that she ran into the house and locked the door. Then she sat in her bed thinking about how she'll tell her mom about what she heard. She knew that she was in danger. Then she fell asleep.

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