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Poisonous Love


Her first love was a actor from the web series . Her ideal type of man that Rose wants was the actor . Rose after her graduation met with an accident which changed her whole life. She lost her mother on the graduation day of her . She never met his father because her mother was the mistress so her father abondened them but after her mother passed away she found a letter which her mother wrote to her father but she wasn't able to give to him after reading the letter she found that her father is a business typhoon Mr. Shido and his biological daughter Ms. Jinny who has lately come back to the city after studying abroad for five years . Jinny is a very selfish, arrogant and with a high attitude . After reading the letter she wanted to see her father but she didn't go because she don't want to feel embarassed that she is an illegitimate child . To earn her life and live well she has to do part time jobs while doing her part time jobs she came across a man and later on found out that he is the CEO of the company and also a business typhoon Mr. Jerus.
Rose just wanted to live her life like a normal person but couldn't after sometime Jerus asks her to be his personal assistant and stay by his side 24*7 hours . Later on when became the assistant she has to overcome many obstacles that lead her to get revenge from stepmother for what she did to her mother .
Rose fall in love with Jerus soon they were going to get married also but no longer her happiness stays she finds out that her step sister Jinny also like Jerus and to get Jerus she would do anything . Jinny creates misunderstanding between Jerus and Rose so that she could get Jerus . Soon Jerus and Rose break up but later on Jerus finds out that Rose was not wrong this was all done by Jinny . Jinny found out that Jerus knows the truth and anytime he can get back with Rose so she uses some tricks and makes Jerus feel that he is the father of the child in her womb . Later on an accident occurs which let Jerus know that it was all fake so that Jinny could make him marry her but later on Jerus plans to play the game which Jinny created and make her accept her mistakes . Soon Jerus and Rose were going back in there relationship but Jinny kidnapped Rose and asks Jerus to marry her otherwise she would kill Rose . With his powers he found out were Rose has been kept and save her and then he calls cops to arrest Jinny . While Jinny was locked up Mr. Shido her father was out of the town after he returns and founds out what has been happening to save Jinny from punishment he uses his powers and make Jinny come back . Later on something happens and Mr.Shido finds everything .

Chapter 1

First part time job in the morning in the cafe
The cafe was sson to be open so Rose cleaned the tables and chairs and was mopping the floor now
Collegue 1
Collegue 1
Rose it's almost time should open the doors
Ohh!! Yes please open it
Collegue 2
Collegue 2
Rose hurry up and put the mop back to it's place
Yes ! Yes!
The three of them were standing together and was chatting
Collegue 1
Collegue 1
So yesterday what did you do after 6 in evening Rose
Collegue 2
Collegue 2
Well I saw you Rose you were sitting on the swing and was lost in your thoughts and I called you but you didn't responded and later I saw you left
Well I was hanging in the near park and was busy with my fairyland thoughts
customer came in
Collegue 1
Collegue 1
Rose what time are you getting off today
As the usual by 1 in the afternoon
Rose left at 1 in the evening for her another job
Collegue 1
Collegue 1
She works hard to live better
Collegue 2
Collegue 2
Yes after her mother passed away I have never seen her hanging with friends anymore
Collegue 1
Collegue 1
It's sad that we can't help her in any way
Rose arrived at her another job
Customer 1
Customer 1
Here take the orders
Yes sir !!
Good afternoon sir ... What would you like to have ?
Customer 1
Customer 1
Bring two Mint lemonade with a cheesy pizza
Okay sir ... Anything else you would like to order sir
Customer 2
Customer 2
Umm... Give me your contact number girl
Sorry Sir we are not allowed
Customer 2
Customer 2
Okay then tell us when will you finish over here we will pick you up
Both the customers were misbehaving with Rose one of them held her wrist tightly
The atmosphere was getting intense
What is going on there ??
Hello sir !!
May I know what's the matter
Customer 2
Customer 2
Nothing we just ask for her contact number but she is not giving
Sorry sir but this is not allowed here
Rose have you taken the orders
Yes manger
Then please leave and place the order
After 10 minutes
Thank you sir for waiting here is your order please enjoy
At the reception desk
Are you all right Rose
Yes manger
Thank you for your help today
Rose left after finishing this job for another one
It was 5 in the evening her another shift would be starting soon
Rose reached to her last job
Rose was serving the customers
grand pa Lin
grand pa Lin
Ohh !! Rose how much you work hard to earn your daily life
Rose smiles slightly
Grand pa if I will work hard may be I can live better
grand pa Lin
grand pa Lin
Child why don't you apply in some company you have graduated with good scores and has also got the scholarship why don't you apply
After mom passed away I applied for some but they all said that I don't have much experience in this field
grand pa Lin
grand pa Lin
Why don't you apply again in some another companies
It's okay grand pa I am happy by this onlyb
A guy dressed properly was listening
After Rose left Hello Sir may I know what is her qualifications . They talked for about 15 minutes

Chapter 2

The early morning Rose was making her breakfast in her kitchen
Doorbell rings
Huh?? It's early morning and who is there
May be Aunt LuLu is here
Coming !!!
Rose opens the door and she saw four men wearing black suit came inside
Secretary Hoon ji
Secretary Hoon ji
Are you Ms. Rose
Rose was confused and puzzled
Yes Sir I am
How may I help you Are you from the loan department
Secretary Hoon ji
Secretary Hoon ji
No miss we are not from loan department we are from the company INFFOYA
Secretary Hoon ji
Secretary Hoon ji
We are here to hire you for the personal assistant of our CEO he has asked you to come to the company and he will also take care of all your debts and everything the only thing you need to do is to be his personal assistant
Rose was confused and was not knowing what she has to do
Secretary Hoon ji
Secretary Hoon ji
Miss you are going to be paid also
It's not the matter of being paid it's just that I am confused how come you know me I haven't even applied my resume in your company also
Secretary Hoon ji
Secretary Hoon ji
Miss you work in the restaurant which is owned by Mr. Lin we got your information from there yesterday our CEO was there and he found out about you from there
Secretary Hoon ji
Secretary Hoon ji
Miss please get ready as soon as possible soon your working hours will start
Secretary Hoon ji
Secretary Hoon ji
Later on in the car I will give you more information about what you have to do
Okay I will be ready in half an hour
Rose aside from them thinks that this is a great opportunity for her and alter she would be able to pay all the debts to debtors also
Half an hour later in the car
Secretary Hoon ji
Secretary Hoon ji
Miss this is your schedule and everything and here is the contract please sign it then you will be officially the member of INFFOYA
Rose reads the contract and signs it
Thank you for your kindness sir I hope that I will be under the tender care all of you .

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