This story begins when a girl, who opens her eyes, finds herself in a car on the road and she sees that her car collides with a wall.Her attention fell on her hands and she noticed that one of her hands is not working when she is full of blood. Seeing this, she starts crying.She comes out of the car daring and starts wondering why you did this to me,Why you cheated on me? What happened between them? let's see..
**2** **YEARS AGO**
A girl with a long silky brown hair and a very smooth white skin .she is a very cute girl.her name is xiyi .
xiyi> its my first day in school i hope i am not late. the school is very big and a lots of student inside.. i hope i can enjoy it .
(another girl passing by)> look at that ugly.i think she is here for flirting with boys.
xiyi> lets not thinking about this goosip.. i am here for study only study can fulfil my dreams
but i am feeling like i am alone ..
then a girl come to xiyi and she looks like very cute and decent girl.her cheeks are chubby and cute brown short hair are cute too
girl> are you new here??
xiyi> yes
girl> nice to meet name is yiyi .
xiyi> nice to meet you too my name is xiyi.
yiyi> i am from art class which class are you from
xiyi> i am from music class
yiyi> lets meet after class
xiyi> ok.
yiyi> bye
then xi yi was going to her class room teacher introduced xiyi to class
teacher> hello student ,lets welcome our new student xiyi
xiyi> hello everyone . please take care of me
Every single boy was watching to xiyi .
boys in class> what a beautiful girl .i hope she sit with me ..
teacher> xiyi you can sit with ji hoon
then xiyi saw a boy sitting on the last bench sleeping in class
Every class boy felt jealous of him
boys> why him
xiyi > lets sit
She took off her bag and sat on the bench next to it. He saw that the boy was listening to music.
ji hoon> stop looking at me .
xiyi> I didn't see you
ji hoon> all the girls are same.
xiyi> You are not beautiful enough to see you
ji hoon> i think you are blind lets see
He raised his face and said, now let's see
As soon as both of them looked at each other, they would look away.
Then the school bell rang and both of them were embarrassed
and then the love story between them is start.
xiyi>Not so bad by the way
ji hoon>what a silly girl
Whenever they saw each other, they would be ashamed
ji hoon> I need somewhere else to pay attention
Xiyi went out of the class room Out of class she met yiyi
yiyi> how was your first day in school
xiyi> not that bad.
yiyi> I'm so hungry let's go to the canteen to eat something
xiyi>lets go
They both took something to eat and they would both sit downThen ji hoon passed from there and both of them would be ashamed to see each other, then their yiyi said
yiyi> you know him
xiyi> he is my class mate
yiyi> You don't know that he is very famous in our school lots of girls admire him
xiyi> (thinking) i think he is play boy xiyi angry and go back to class
School was over and xiyi was going to her house and she saw someone chasing her

Xiyi would start walking faster and she was very scared, when the boys came forward they seemed to be mafia.
mafia boya> hye,girl where are you going. lets going together
xiyi>Go off my way
Then she starts going and those boys catch her
mafia boys> where are you going lets enjoy
xiyi> let go off me
She shouts and then comes the sound from behind
someone> let her go
mafia boys>who are you?
someone>i am her boyfriend
xiyi> looked back and see its ji hoon
mafia boys > lets see who is looser
They left the xiyi and they would start moving towards ji hoon, there was a fight between them and they all ran away.xiyi crying and huged ji hoon
He took off his jacket and put the xiyi on and said
ji hoon>Are you alright?
xiyi> i am fine what about you?
ji hoon> i am alright lets go ,
xiyi>Were you following me?
ji hoon> You are not so good.Don't be so proud of yourself i am just passing by.
xiyi> oh.. thanks for you help bye
After saying this, xiyi went to her house and ji hoon stood there and watched her go...
xiyi start thinking all night that why should ji hoon say this to her ..
...****************... day...
xiyi was getting ready for school, she put her jacket in her bag and started walking towards school.
On his way to school, she got yiyi and said
yiyi> good morning xiyi
xiyi> good morining yiyi
yiyi> What happened to your face? are you alright? Didn't you sleep all night
xiyi>(xiyi did not want to get yiyi in trouble, xiyi was afraid that Yiyi would leave her) I'm fine just the first day of school so i couldn't sleep
yiyi> alright,I will always be with you if you need anything
xiyi> (happy) thanks alot
yiyi> we are friends after all
And she would say that she went to her class room
When Xiyi arrived in his class room, she saw Ji hoon
and she sat near him. They did not even see each other, Xi went to him after the class was over
xiyi> Thank you for tomorrow it's your jacket
ji hoon> I don't want, keep it with you
xiyi> But it's yours
ji hoon > i said i don't want
So Ji hoon caught the jacket and threw it out the window And went out of class
xiyi sat on her seat and started crying. Jihoon kept looking at her outside and would feel bad about her, but ji hoon said in his mind that the more it will stay away from me its good for her
All the class girls were talking about Xiyi that she offended Ji hoon and she went to Xiyi
the girls> you are the one who offend ji hoon
other girls> look at that face, It sure, she must be flirting with him
xiyi> what is your problem
other girl> So angry, let's tell it, hold it
xiyi> leave me ..
other girls > Let it be beaten
girls leader> He is only mine. Do not go to him too, I will find out from now on and see again
then jinhu came and all the girls left. Xi then picked up her bag and walked out of the class room, then she sat in the park and crying
And then she saw that Ji hoon is coming to him and she cleaned his face. Ji hoon saw him crying and said
Ji hoon saw her crying and said
ji hoon> what happend?
xiyi>What do you do with it
ji hoon sat near her and said> i saw everything.its all my fault I could not save you from that girls.That's why I stay away from you Don't be sad because of me, but I didn't know it would happen, forgive me
xiyi> ( deep inside crying).....
ji hoon> Can we be friends? I'll always protect you. Give me a chance..
xiyi> i'll think about it.
ji hoon > okay. take your time
After saying this he went away and Xiyi was sitting alone and thinking
Then xiyi sat in the class room and Ji hoon was looking towards her but Xiyi did not look towards him
School ended and Xiyi lifted the bag and started towards the house and saw Ji hoon standing outside the school gate.And when he saw xiyi and said let's go home together.
xiyi> ok.
xiyi> ( in her mind ) Don't know when i'm with it i feel safe
ji hoon > so how was school? do you like it .
xiyi> its nice
ji hoon> are you living with your parents?
xiyi> no i am living with my cat and grandmother. my parents died in car accident .My grandmother has been taking care of me since then
ji hoon > ok, if you neend anything tell me
xiyi> ok
Then Xiyi's house arrived and Ji hoon said ok, see you tomorrow at school. then xiyi said okk bye.So she sat in her room again and started thinking that he is not so bad .Let's be friends.
So I Xiyi's grandmother comes and tells him school is going well?
xiyi> yes grandmother,everything is goiong well. i have lots of friends in school
grandma> thats good, have some rest ..
xiyi> okay grandma.good night
grandma> good night my dear
And the next day Xiyi was getting ready to go to school and wondered what was wrong with becoming friends.
When she was going to school, I met her on the way and she told her everything, so Yiyi
yiyi> Listen to your heart what your heart says i am with you,Well Ji hoon is not so bad
xiyi> okay, thanks
yiyi> we are friends,
xiyi> of course
She used to say that she came to both schools and when she came to class, she saw that Ji hoon was not there and she would start worrying.
It was then that the teacher came to class and said Ji hoon is ill today and he is on leave.xiyi still worrying, xiyi Was thinking that she went to Jihu's house after the end of school
After school was over, Xiyi agreed to go to Ji hoon's house. SHe asked the teacher to find her home address. When she reached her house, she saw
xiyi> wow, How big is his house
Xi rang the bell and Ji hoon's servant came out.
lady servant> To whom you want to meet?
xiyi> I want to meet jihu.We both study in the same class
lady servant> okay wait,
The servant walks away saying so. And then she comes and opens the door and says come inside Ji hoon is in his room.
xiyi> thanks..
Saying this, Xiyi goes to Ji hoon's room and she sees that....
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