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The Bad Boys House

The party

Ariel sat alone she had very few friends, but the ones she had she didn’t have many lessons with. She had most of her lessons with Cole, Ethan, Jae and Harrison the bad boys of the school no one knew what they were quiet into as  they were all afraid of them. They all sat at the back of the class and she sat at the front because it was easier for her to read off the white board or ILB. Seen as she had to wear glasses the majority of the time to read without them. She’d been teased a lot because of them, even by the bad boys in her class no one dared to go against them.

Everyone talking whilst the teacher was nowhere in site. The paper ball hit the back off her head. She looked back as the second hit it again she looked angrily at Cole and his friends The paper aeroplane landed on her desk and he gestured her to open it.

 She turned and unfolded it. ‘’Party tonight 365 Hawthorns estate 9 pm don’t be late.’’

She looked at them nervously he smiled and winked at her. Why the hell was he smiling and why the hell had he invited her it wasn’t like they got on or anything.

The room went quiet as the teachers a husky voice boomed angrily stating if they didn’t shut the **** up they'd all have detention. The room went quiet and they continued with their work.

The bell rang and everyone couldn’t wait to run out of their. ‘We’ll see you tonight Ariel.’

‘Why did you invite me?’

‘You’ll just have to wait till tonight. Dress, well not like you.’ Cole said. ‘Oh the car will pick you up so you can’t back out.’ He winked walking away.

She swallowed she wasn’t keen on this idea at all. She knew them all they’d terrorised the school since year ten and no one ever stood in their way, once someone had tried to stand up to them and got a broken nose and ribs she wasn’t going to be the next. At least it was Friday and she wouldn’t have any worries convincing her mom about letting her go, even if she didn’t really want to she wasn’t sure why Cole had invited her because she was nothing like them she was a nerd she got her head in the books most of the time, and she always handed her work on on time something he or his friends never done.

‘Hey Ariel.’


‘You okay babe you look distracted.’

‘Cole invited me to a party tonight.’

‘In Cole Thompson the bad boy.’

‘Yeah him.’


‘If you say so.’

‘He’s hot Ariel.’

‘And he hates me.’

‘If he did why the he’ll invite you.’

‘So he can bully me even more make me inferior to him.’

‘You over think too much Ariel.’

‘And I know Cole he has something planned and I don’t like it.’

‘So are you going?’

‘I don’t have much choice Laura he’s making sure I get there.’

Jae looked over and smiled. ‘See you tonight princess.’ He said winking

Her heart sank thudding through her chest what did these guys want with her?

‘You’re in shit now Ariel he’s worse than Cole.’

And didn’t she know it, they all walked around school like ten men and like they owned the place. After only a short while of being there they’d got everyone running and afraid of them even the teachers were running scared.

Ariel Laura and Ashley sat eating lunch and Cole and his friends approached them sitting in their table. ‘So are you looking forward to tonight Ariel?’

She swallowed. ‘I guess.’

‘It’s a private party or I would’ve invited your friends.’

She swallowed again this was bad real bad. ‘Maybe we’ll invite them next time.’

She sat nervously saying nothing. ‘I hope your up for it Ariel cause we all are.’

‘Up for what?’

‘You silly girl.’ he laughed.

She didn’t like the way he was laughing neither did her friends he was truly fucked in the head.

‘We’ll see you tonight darlin don’t forget to wear something nice.’ He said kissing her cheek before pulling himself up his friends following suit winking at her. She just hoped she wasn’t left with these five guys alone they scared her.

‘Come on Ariel it will be okay.’

‘How can you say that Laura? You heard him there’ll be four of them on one what chance does she have against all of them?’

‘Can we please not talk about this any more can we just go please.’

‘You haven’t ate your lunch.’

‘I’ve suddenly lost my appetite.’

‘Ignore them Ariel they’re just pulling your leg.’

‘Why do I feel there’s more to it than that?’

‘Cause you’re over thinking again.’

After changing and having a shower a knock fell on the door. I opened it to see a man in a suit. ‘Miss Cheshire?’


‘Mr. Thompson sent me to pick you up.’

‘Oh okay.’

She stepped out the door closing and locking it, she’d only convinced her mom an hour ago after telling her her friends would be there and she’d only stay till twelve.

She slipped into her car and he closed the door getting onto the drivers side pulling away. She looked out of the window the roads, houses and trees all a blur.

They finally got to the three story house which looked like a Victorian house. The driver opened the door. We’re here miss.’

She slid out of the car he closed the door. Ethan stood at the door grinning like a Cheshire Cat. ‘Glad you could make it princess.’

‘Like I had much choice.’ She said under her breath. He held his hand out. She looked at it and he smiled. She placed her hand on his, he closed his hand round it leading her in closing the door.

‘Cole said it was a private party.’

‘It is. It’s just you and us.’

‘Oh. Is that waht he meant be a private party.’

He chuckled. ‘You’re so naive Ariel.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I’ll let Cole explain.‘


We walked into the large room where the music was playing and a smell of spliff in the air this wasn’t good. ‘Cole our guest has arrived.’

He looked up a grin spread across his face. ‘You scrub up well Ariel, please come sit.’

Ethan loosed her hand and gestured her to sit next to Cole. She walked cautiously over to him he grabbed her hand pulling her down, she almost fell on his lap which made him laugh loudly. ‘If you wanted to sit on me you only had to say Ariel.’

She cut her eyes straightening herself up. ‘So why am I here anyway?’

‘To have fun if course.’

‘Of course.’

‘Chill Ariel we’ll tell you all in good time for one just relax.’

She smiled nervously as he passed her a drink and the joint. She shook her head.

‘Let me if you don’t like it you don’t have to have any more and I’ll never ask again okay.‘


He took a drag pressing his lips in hers his tongue touched her lips making them part so he could blow the smoke onto her mouth she suckled it back, coughing.

He smiled doing it again, her head spinning. ‘I hope you like swimming Ariel.’

‘I haven’t got a costume you didn’t mention anything about....’

He pressed his finger on her lips. ‘We’re all going in in our underwear Ariel. Unless you’re to shy to show us what you’ve got.‘

‘ I’m fine.’

‘Cool let’s go.’

He grabbed her hand and they went outside and stripped down to their underwear. ‘This isn’t a good idea guys.’

‘Course it is come on you can’t back out now.’

He looked at his friends and nodded. The grabbed her running. Jumping into the pool. He surfaced his arms around  her waist. ‘Now that wants hard was it ?’

‘You threw me in!’

‘It was the only way babe.’ He said pulling her close. ‘I like your taste on underwear it’s sexy.’ He purred kissing her cheek making’ her flush.

‘You’ve got her all hot and bothered Cole.’

‘I’ll do more than that.’ He laughed. As they started splashing each other.

She began to relax round them joining in. He pulled her close pressing his lips on hers kissing her passionately.

He moved away winking at her. ‘Come on it’s getting cold out here. We best dry ourselves.’

They all pulled themselves out of the pool dying going inside Cole pulled her towards him. ‘You really turn me on Ariel.’ He said kissing her neck.

‘Get a room you two.’


 He winked and they dressed.  He passed  her a drink and pulled her down onto the sofa placing his arm over the back of the sofa.

The door closed the say in her mid forties walked into the seating area where Cole and his friends were sitting, Ariel lay across his legs sleeping. ‘What the hell Cole.’

‘What have I done now?’

‘Look at the mess and whose the girl?’

‘I’ll clean it up later and the girl is Ariel she goes to our school.’

‘You no the rules Cole no girls.’

‘She’s cool mom and it’s getting late.’

‘Wake her she needs to go home.’

‘No she’s staying here.’

‘Wake her now Cole!’

‘Ariel wake up we have company.’

She slowly woke up. ‘What’s wrong did I fall asleep?’


‘Crap, I was supposed to be home by twelve.’

‘I guess you’ll be staying then.’

‘Cole.’ His Mom said angrily.

‘Ariel this is my mom.’

She looked up oh shit she was in trouble now. ‘Principle Lawrence is your mom.‘

‘Yeah. I have dad’s name.’


‘I’ll get Harper to drive you home.’

‘I already told you mom she’s staying here.’

‘Her parents will be worrying.’

‘I already called they said it would be okay.’

She looked at Cole how the hell did he know there number and how the he’ll had he got away with it.’

‘Fine fine show her the guest room but she had to be back home tomorrow.’

‘Sure mom.’

She turned walking away. ‘How the hell did you manage that Cole?’

‘I lied. I said your friends were here and you’d all fell asleep and I couldn’t wake you up they agreed to you staying for one night.’


‘So you best get your story straight and tell your friends.’

‘I will. I kinda lied to them too they thought my friends were here too.’

He grinned evilly. ‘We’ll make you into a bad girl quicker than you know it..’

‘Is that why you invited me.’

‘Sort of. You really need to start believing in yourself Ariel and we can help you do that but there is one condition you have to stay here with us.’


‘You have one week to decide after that we bring you here whether you like it or not.’

Bad boy stalking / School

Ariel slowly opened her eyes his arm lay lifeless over her she’d thought he’d gone to bed. She slipped out of bed luckily for her the bedroom had an en-suite. She slipped in refreshing herself.  She walked back into the room he stood by the window when did he wake she’d only been gone a few minutes. ‘When did you wake?’

‘Who told you you could leave the room?’

Was he angry? He sure sounded angry.

‘I needed the bathroom.’

‘You should’ve woke me.’

‘It’s just here Cole in this room.’

‘You should’ve still woke me.’

‘What’s got Ito you Cole ? And why didn’t you sleep in your own room?’

‘I was comfortable in here with you.’

‘If your mom.’

‘She won’t and I don’t care.’ He did coldly/ if it was my mom I would, but this is Cole we are talking about nit me.

He stalked closer. ‘Next time wake me .’

‘Sure Cole whatever.’

 He stalked closer. ‘Are you mocking me?’

No. I..’

I stepped back he was scaring me there was fine in his eyes angry and aggressive fire if this was him first thing in he morning I was glad I wasn’t anywhere near him to witness it. He came closer placing his hands either side of her, caging her looking through his dark emotionless eyes. ‘Never mock me Ariel or I will teach you a lesson you will refer trust me.’

She looked at him nervously. ‘I won’t I swear.’

‘Good girl.’ He got closer.

‘Cole we’re heading out for brunch before your mom wakes you better get off of Ariel‘a room.’

‘We’re coming.’

‘Okay see you down stairs.’

He looked at her. ‘We finish this another time.’ He kissed her cheek. ‘Come on I’ll treat you to brunch before you have to head home.’

‘Okay.’ She said breathless.

He smiled in-caging her taking her hand opening the door leading her out and downstairs. To meet the guys. They whistled.

‘Fuck off let’s go I’m hungry.’

‘Sure Cole.‘

‘We have to get a Ariel home afterwords.’


They all walked out of the house heading for the cafe.


Ariel arrived at school on Monday morning she’d got a lot to think about over this next week about what she really wanted and if she wanted to become like him, did she really want everyone to fear her like they feared him?

What would her friends say if she told them? What was really going on?

She sat in first lesson Paige sat next to her. ‘So how did the party go Friday night? Only the girls said you we’re going to Cole’s for a party.’

Of course they did.

‘It was okay.’

I couldn’t really tell her I got drunk and high with five guys alone could I?

‘We were all worried about you. We all know what Cole is like and what he is capable of.’

How could I forget only last term he and his friends picked on Earnie Grey, he almost committed suicide the guys had tortured him that much. Then there was Lenni Dolton she was not so popular, but she had lots of firends until Cole and his firends decided to torture her for some unknown reason and she ended up slitting her wrists. There were countless times these guys had bullied others in the school and no one said nothing and I knew why he was our principles son though their last names were different he was her son. He never showed for detention, never handed his work in on time and never done his homework he was a typical bad boy around here. And not one that every girl fell over the complete opposite everyone feared him and his friends, any girl in his company was very brave or very stupid.

‘Hey Ariel.’ He said sitting next me.

I swolowed. ‘Cole.’

‘I hope you’re thinking over what I asked you Friday.’

‘I’ve thought if nothing more.’ Truth is I couldn’t sleep keep going over it in my head. I was exhausted just thinking about it. I almost fell asleep in my first two lesson and almost got detention. I was sure I’d get it by this afternoon I was shattered.

‘Good. I want your answer frist thing Friday.’

I nodded.

‘Till then we all eat lunch together.’

‘All?’ I questioned him.

‘Yes all of us, youM me and the guys.’

No. No this can’t be happening. I need my personal space.

‘I hope you don’t mind.’

‘Yes I do ac..’

He cut me off. ‘Good sorted eat up.’

Fucking great how the hell am I supised to get away from this guy?

‘Eat up Ariel we have places to go.’

‘Then go don’t let me stop you.’

He shook his head. ‘Not happening babe you’re coming with us.’

‘But my..’

‘You can see them in class and at break from now on you are on our time at lunch indefinitely.’


I quickly finished my lunch and drink. He pulled me up and literally dragged me out of the cafeteria. ‘Hey loose me I can walk on my own; I have legs you know.’

‘I can see that princess, but I don’t trust you. You could run.’

‘And you would more than likely catch me.’

‘True. But then I’d have to punish you and I don’t want that, so I’m taking no chances.’

‘Fine whatever.’

He pulled me around to the secluded area where those that smoked hung out. He finally lossed me to light up his spliff. ‘You can’t smoke that here you’ll get expelled.’

‘Perks of having my mom as principal no one believes I actually smoke weed amd drink alcohol so chill sweet chicks.’

‘I’ll chill once lunch is over.’

‘You’re hanging out with us after school.’

‘I can’t I have homework.’

‘Here text your olds tell them you're hanging out with your new friends.’

I took his phone and text mom and she was not too pleased when I told her who I was hanging out with and told me to get my butt back  home after school.

‘Well ?’

‘She doesn’t want me to hang with you.’

‘Well you are.’


‘No but’s first rule in being a bad girl is to break all rules.’

I really didn’t like the idea of that at all.

Grounded / You can’t Be serious?

Cole waited by the school gates for Mei really didn’t want to do this Jae was in my class so he made sure I didn’t take  the other exit. Ethan on my right and Harrison behind us what a fucking joke!’ He smiled. ‘Glad you didn’t decide against our arrangement.‘

‘Like I had much choice to back out with these clowns.’

‘Hey were not clowns were gentlemen.’

I laughed. ‘Keep telling yourself that.’

‘Come on princess times a waisting.’

He took my hand pulling me with him. ‘Where are we going?’

‘To have some fun princess.’

He pullEd me away his friends following us, his fun was not my fun the complete opposite. We went into town  where they all sprayed the walls with graffiti I refused but it was obvious they weren’t going to taking  no for an answer Cole grabbed me I tired to risotto screaming at him telling him it was wrong and if the Cops fought us wed have a record. He told me to chill and if they came we would run. How the **** were we supposed to run he knew I was shit at sports especially running I’d get them caught for sure. It didn’t stop their they smashed glass in window as with house bricks through old buildings. We finally sat down by the embankment, Ethan skinned up lighting the spliff passing  it around I shook my head these guys weren’t taking no for an answer. They were all content on getting,e stoned and completely off my face so much so they forced it into my mouth making sure I took Somme back. I choked coughing.

I lost count of how many times they had skinned up I was high. The drinks were passed around now I was drink and high. I wasn’t even aware that my mom had called she was going to be pissed when I finally decided to return home. I lay across Cole as he smoked the spliff leaning down to me kissing me musing sure I inhaled it. My head spinning I was fucked.

I stumbled through the front door my moms angered face hit mine. ‘And where do you think you have been till now your lady?’

‘Out with friends.’ I slurred  trying to stand up right and stop myself from swaying.

‘You weee with that boy wasn’t you? when I told you I didn’t want you hanging out with him.’

‘He’s not that bad mom.’

‘You’re drink.’

‘Am not.’

‘You are and something tells me your stoned to.’

‘Am not.’ I argued. Knowing  the truth

‘You are grounded young lady and as fro that boy you are not to go any where near him again.’

‘That’s a little hard mom he’s in my school.’

‘You stay away from mom you hear me?!’

‘Yes mom.’ I said barging past her falling. Up the stairs laughing pulling myself up dragging myself into my room falling onto my bedroom the room spinning

I returned to school on Wednesday I’d threw up all of yesterday he’d been texting me all day and I’d told him I had a hangover form hell and I wouldn’t be in school so he never stopped texting me he said he would give me the work I missed out on when I returned. I couldn’t tell him I was grounded he’d have a fit of hysterics before telling me to go against my mom and he’d be more pissed when I told him I could no longer see him. I was in so much shit right now.

His friends were stood in a group when i enters the hall way I hadn’t told him I was returning to school truth is my mom made me she said one day off was enough to take off to recuperate from my hangover which she had no sympathy for and she told me I had to tell Cole that I was no longer going to hang with him or I’d be grounded for life.

He looked up at me shocked. I smiled briefly at him. He nodded smirking. ‘Ariel.’ Laura shouted running  giving me a hug.

‘Nice to see you to BFF.’

‘I heard what happened. What were you thinking Ariel?’

‘I guess I wasn’t.’ I admitted.

‘You were lucky you didn’t end up in hospital or worse.’

‘I know.’

‘I guess your mom wasn’t too pleased.’

‘Not really. She wants me to stay away from Cole.’

‘I can’t say I blame her. He’s dangerous Ariel. Everyone’s scared of him and so are you.’

‘I know.’ I sighed.

‘You have to stay away from him for your own good Ariel.’

I knew she was right but I don’t think he would see it like that. I needed to tell him I couldn’t keep holding back hoping it would go away cause it wouldn’t. I had made my mind up I didn’t want to be like him I would never want to be like him ever.

We walked into the large building as the bell went. I hadn’t seen Cole since I walked into school this morning. I needed to talk to him he wasn’t going to be happy. But I needed to be straight with him.

‘Hey Ariel.’


‘My brother is having a party Friday it’s at the beech house he asked me to invite my friends would you like to come?’

‘I’d love to, bit I’m grounded.’

She laughed hard I’ve never been grounded in all my life.’

‘Just sneak out I’m sure you’ll get used to it now you’re friends with Cole.’

‘That’s what got me in this mess in the first place.’

‘Tell your mom you’re  staying at mine all the others are.’


‘Sweet pack you bag and we’ll drop it off at mine. We’ll get changed there and head off to the party.’


‘Don’t forget your bag tomorrow Ariel we’ll all be going straight to mine aft school okay.’


‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’


She walked away and I continued down to the dinning hall, getting my lunch sitting down Cole slid in next to me his friends circled around us. ‘I didn’t think you’d be back yet we’ll listless the Til tomorrow.’

‘Mom threw me out. She said I was over the hangover and was ready to coem back to school.’

He nodded. ‘We’re hanging out at Jay’s tonight I’d like  you to come.’

‘Sorry no can do.’

He scowled at me. Excuse me?! Did you Just decline my invitation?’

‘I did.’

His friends looked up as if to say oh oh you just didn’t do that. ‘You can’t be serious?!’

He squeezed my knee that hard I yelped.  Everyone turning  looking at us. He glared at them. ‘What the **** are you looking at? This is a private conversation **** of and get back to your lunch.’

They all snapped their heads away to continue eating. His stare landing on me. ‘May I ask you why?’

‘You may. But yo may not like my answer.’

‘Tell me Ariel there no time for fucking games.’ He said angrily.

‘I’m grounded.’

His friends balled over in laughter. He ignored them.

‘And I can no longer hang out with you.’

Their laughter stopped.

‘I beg your fucking pardon? Did you just say you were no longer aloud to hand out with us?’

I swallowed hard. ‘My mom doesn’t like you.’ I said boldly which didn’t sit to well with him.

‘Well that’s tough isn’t it Ariel?’

 I looked at him confused.

‘I don’t listen to people especially parents and those that get in the way.’ He paused. ‘Me and you all of us are hanging I don’t care what your mom says or anyone else for that matter.’


‘No buts Ariel, We are doing this end of. I’ll see you by the gates. He took his hand off my knee kissing my cheek. ‘Later Ariel.’

With that they all got up and left. I was in so much shit I couldn’t handle this.





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