Cora walked alone after leaving her friends making her way home, now sixteen she’d escaped Italy and now was in the U.K. Her mother was still in the clutches of the Mafia king Nicolo Russo. She’d tired to escape but had failed, he knew of Cora’s existence just like Domienico did, but she had refused a paternity test to either them, Marco had been fighting for his life for six months after Nicolo Russo had shot him and had gained full power over Italy, but he was not done yet. He was out for revenge now he was out of danger first he’d start with killing all those bastards Nicolo had working for him until he got to him and killed that mother fucker too. He’d got his baby sister caged to him and he was going to get her back what ever it took.
She walked towards the cemetery which was about ten minutes away from where she lived she hated passing it all this dead bodies under the ground made her cringe and shudder. She felt chills, she shivered wrapping her arms around her body tightly. Why did they have to live so close to the god damn cemetery? A man dressed in black stood by the cemetery gates at first she thought it was the gates keeper, but it was still light maybe it was the caretaker of the Cemetery, but as she got closer she could see he had a hood over his face completely covering it. she began panicking, her anxiety began to settle in. She quickly turned and walked quickly away. The tyres screeched and the door of the black Mercedes flew open. Shit she was in so much shit now, why her? She was an innocent school girl with very few friends.
She’d never done anything wrong in her life, she always lived by rules and never disobeyed them. The drudged handkerchief went over her mouth she became dizzy falling into her assailants arms everything around her going black.
She slowly came round inching everything around her dark, her wrists tied now she knew she’d been kidnapped but by who?
The blind fold was lifted to reveal a tall dark haired, blue eyed handsome Italian who looked to be in his early thirties. ‘Good evening Miss Lorenzza I am Daniele De Luca.’
She stared at him who the he’ll did this guy think he was kidnapping and innocent girl on her way from school?
‘I bet you are wondering wondering why you are here, no?
She just stared at him making his extremely pissed off.
‘Well I’ll tell you I was sent to bring you here and here is where you will be staying until we find the Russo brothers.’
She looked at him.
‘Hit a nerve sweetheart?’
So you do talk?’
‘I don’t intervene with strangers especially those who kidnapped me without a good enough reason.’
‘Oh I think we have one don’t you?’
‘No I don’t where the hell am I?’
‘Waiting for your death sweet heart.’
‘What have I ever done to you?’
‘Oh you were born sweet heart.’
She looked disgusted at him.
‘Wait till my father hears about this.’
‘Oh he will when we find out exactly who he is. ‘
'Have you found her?'
'Yes boss. Daniele is taking care of her sir.'
'He best not harm her. I want her alive.'
'He thinks you want her dead.'
'Well I do not tell him to leave her alone. I will be there tomorrow and I will find where my sister is.'
'Do you think she knows sir?'
'She has to know something Giovanni. I want to know why she was out there and not with her mother.'
'Yes sir.'
'And tell Daniele I will be there tomorrow and not to harm the girl.'
'Yes boss.'
He hung up.
'Marco said not to harm the girl he wants her alive.'
'What's so special about this girl anyway?'
'His sister. And that's all I know.'
He walked into the room where Cora was being held he walked over to her kneeling down in front of her. 'Well I guess today is your lucky day sweetheart. I will not be killing you after all.'
She stared through him. 'My boss wants you alive. You will see him tomorrow and then it is up to him if he wants to spear your life. Personally I would kill you right now but they are not my orders. I'll see you in the morning sweetheart.'
He pulled himself up walking out of the room.
Marco arrived at the mansion early the next morning. 'Sir.'
'Right this way sir.' He said closing the door behind him. 'Where is she ?'
'The dungeons sir.'
'And who's fucking idea was that?'
'Daniele's sir.'
'I told you and I also told him to treat her with respect, and to give her a room in the mansion. Not the fucking dungeon. She's my sisters daughter why do none of you fucking listen?'
'You know Daniele sir he goes his own sweet way. It's the assassin in him sir.'
'He had orders to follow he should've stuck by them he knows why I hired him . Because he is the best at what he does.'
He poured a scotch and laced it with ice before going down to the dungeons.
She sat tied to the chair. Daniele looked at him. 'Boss.'
'Sometimes Daniele I wish you'd follow orders.'
He nodded knowing he'd be in shit after this meeting between him and Cora.
He pulled out a chair. Turning it to face back to front. He sat on it his long legs stretched around it. His arms lying on the top of the backrest. 'Good morning Cora. I hope my friends have been treating you well?'
She looked up his dark hair over his face and eyes, he had stubble and was reasonably tanned and good looking. 'If you call him threatening to kill me then yeah, then I've been treated pretty well.'
He looked at Daniele cutting his eyes now he knew he was in for a whole world of shit. He turned back to Cora a pretty sixteen year old girl, still in her school uniform he'd have to get her something more comfortable to wear after their confrontation. 'So you know why you are here Cora?'
'Apart from my death no.' She said coldly.
'You are not going to die. Daniele was joking. He seems to think it is funny telling everyone they are going to die. But, trust me you are not.'
'So what do you want with me, why am I here?'
'Vallea Lupa.'
She looked at him confused.
'She is your mother yes?'
'My parents are at home.'
'No they are not.'
'Yes they are.' She protested.
'I know you are lying Cora.'
'Who are you?'
'Marco Lupa.'
She looked paled her face showed shock and None-believability.
Vallle looked at her. Her eyes showed sorrow through her tears she didn't want to let her baby go she'd fought to the ends of the earth to keep her safe and now they'd found her the only way Mia could be safe was to flea Italy and start a new life a life without her. She'd contacted people she could count on to help her and keep her only daughter safe from the Mafia as well as Nicolo and Domienico. She'd refused a paternity test when she had first became pregnant and two years later she had ran from them once Cora had tuned eleven she had shipped her to the U.K. because the two brothers had found them.
'Baby you have to go.'
'But mom why can't you come?'
'It is safer this way I can't have you find them.'
'But they'll kill you if they find you.'
'Please baby you have to leave. You need to be safe. You'll be well protected. Everythig's sorted once you reach the U.K. the Lorenzza's take care of you and bring them up as their own please forget about me.'
'No mom.'
'Promise me.'
'I promise.
'Now go before they come .'
Tears fell of her face. She was still traumatised by that day no no matter how much she tired to forget her mother, she couldn't .
Domienico looked at Vallea her face bruised and battered. He remembered the first day that they had met when Nicolo had brought her to them she was so full of life and so much hate for his brother. He'd fallen for her, she'd got him through his attempted suicide back then she loved him what had gone wrong? 'You know all this would be easier if you told us where Mia is.'
'I already told you. I don't fucking know.'
His hand crashed against her face. 'And to even think that I ever loved you.'
'That makes two of you you b..'
His hand crashed across he face again.
'BASTARD!' She screamed.
Her tolerance of violence had grown stronger over the years from the cruelty form the two brothers who had tortured her for the last five years for deceiving them both. She'd made sure that Mia was as far away as possible and hidden away from the sight of the Mafia. She was unaware that she had been found by Marco.
Marco looked at Cora she looked so much like Vallea it was hard to recognise who her father was.
'So tell. Me Cora where is your mother?'
'I don't know.'
'Untie her and put her in one of the guest rooms and collect her for dinner.'
He got up off the chair . 'And no restraints she is my guest.'
He walked away looking at Daniele. 'My office once you've settled her in.'
He closed the door. Daniele walked over to her untying her pulling her to her feet. 'Come on sweetheart I'll show you to your room.'
'Take you're fucking hands off me! I can walk by myself.'
'Sorry sweetheart you may be a guest here but I do not trust you.'
'What ever!'
He pulled her out of the dungeon closing and locking the door behind him. 'Let's just hope you don't end up back down here.'
'**** YOU!'
'Did anyone tell you it's rude to use such words we'll just have to wash that pretty mouth of yours out with soap and water won't we?'
She glared at him.'
'That's better come.'
He pulled her with him through the dungeons and up the two flights of stairs till they reached the guest room. He loosed her arm one he'd opened the door. 'Your room sweetheart.'
She walked in.
'No thanks?'
'Thanks.' She said under her breath.
'You're welcome sweetheart rest a while till dinner.' He said closing and locking the door she guessed she wouldn't be getting out of here today.
She looked around the elegant room most of it gold tapestry and Italian destined furniture. It reminded of her home back in Italy. She missed it so much. She missed her mom so much. She lay on the kingsize bed closing her eyes.
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