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Supernatural XXX (Rise Of The Demon Wolf)

Episode 1 Enter the great Fin Ballor

::Seven months from now ::

"My my who would have thought it would have come to this."

Fin looks around the  vast well decorated church building that had been mostly destroyed with a hole in the ceiling that was letting in the potent lunar moon light then placed his sights on the three individuals before him Sky his alpha James his best friends since childhood and Ace his bitter rival.  He steps over a cluster of dead bodies and walks closer as the three stepped back keeping their distance.

"Why are you guys looking at me like I'm a monster the seven cards are no more ".

"look!!"   He yelled with anger and dominance  gesturing to the five bodies bodies stepping on one of the heads which belong to Damon who was known as the Crimson vampire his red hair made even redder by the blood.

"Only two more left'  He said  setting his hybrid eyes onto the three  "Now I made her a promise that I would kill every last one of the seven Cards  no matter who they are."

"Fin you dont need to do this, it wont bring her back"  Said Sky not being her usual confident and bold self this time she was frightened the figure before her who was drench in blood and his hands black from the mutation of being an hybrid along with his dagger length theet and  sparking purple eyes terrified her.

"yeah Fin were your Pack we took over this city together dont let it go to waste just calm down mate,  Let's get out of this place before the Hunters see this."

Said James stepping farword trying to calm his friend down who was out off his mind and fueld by rage.

"Stop trying to calm him down if he wants a fight then bring it you little bastard I'll gladly kick your teeth in again"  said Ace getting furious as well his abilities Awakening and the aura around him getting red.

"Shut up ace he's to far gone look at his eyes" intervened sky

"I'm sorry guys but you wont leave here alive"



::Present day::

Growing up Fin Balor had always been an aggressive kid, getting into fights was the norm for him. Luckily for him he was always quicker than the other kids so he would always win or at the very least get his *** out of there.

Today was like most days for Fin he was taking a walk through the suare as there was not much to do in a small town when he saw a girl through the window of a clothes store.

Her brown eyes with glorious long eyelashes and tall dark hair instantly drew his attention.

Not to mention her seemingly perfect  figure which held several delicate curves.  Her dressing is simple she had on a white slack  T shirt and black shorts just the right length as to not show too much but still compliment her fine ***.

He thinking him self a ladies man ::(he wasn't :):: walk into the store to try and woo her with his charms.

First he checks his breath and fix his eyebrows with his fingers. Then walk straight towards her doing everything in his power to walk with a little style even leaning his head to one side which he thought look cool.

Then he reaches her.

He gave her a kilowatt smile that did not affect her in the slightest. The girl had a white shirt in her hand, admiring the intricate wolf design.



"I'm pretty sure anything you wear would look sexy on you love"

"Clearly unmoved by Fin's presence, she replied. "You think so?"

"Yes especially that" He said gesturing to what was in her hand.


" I like wolves they're beautiful and not only that they're feisty" he said smoothly with his eyebrows dancing along with his words.  A trick he picked up watching Damon Salvatore in the Vampire Diaries.

She hesitates then said "Well I guess it does suit me perfectly then. "

She  turns around and walks to a different section of the store seeking to end the conversation. Fin not wanting it to end walk along with her


"So your new here I haven't seen you before and believe me I know all the pretty faces in luner Falls.

" I'm sure you do" she replied sarcastically

"Trust me love I know them all", he looks around and pointed out the following

"That cashier over there her name is Jenna she's been working here since game of thrones first began showing. That girl standing over there in the pink dress her name is Mary she comes here every day to take pictures but never actually buys anything and lastly that girl at the door she is bekah she's probably going to the gym now like every Tuesday.


You see I know them all except you" he said  getting closer.

"Wow that's  impressive seems like your proud of your self"  she stated With sarcasm Lassing her voice


"look who ever you are your charming but its best you don't know me" she responded then turns around to walk away

"That's cold" he said but still maintain a smile, at least tell me your name"

She sighes and shuffles her shoulders realizing he was too persistent


" Fine Why not, my name's Sky parker and I came to luner fall to go to their dumb University."

She said this hoping he wouldn't carry on.

"Please say Rossings ?" He asked his face lighting up even more

"Yeah that's the one" she replied as if she already hated there.

"Well I guess I'll see more of you then, I'm going there too, I heard it's beautiful on the inside I was banned from stepping foot inside untill recently.


Let's just say I got into some trouble with the Dean's daughter. but the point is they wouldn't let me in  no matter how much I begged or flirted with the female guards."


Sky made no reply so he continues knowing that he would have more chances with her since they were to attend the same school for four years.


After some more bad flirting and more one sided conversations he gives up for now.


"I'll see you at orientation" he said turning to leave the store then he turns around and gave her a friendly smile which she made no significant reaction to


"I hope everyone here isn't like him" she said to her self.



Episode 2 The chase

Fin  began to continue his walk idling along the way when he spots three big guys.  They look tough almost as if they could strangle a cow by blinking.  All the three guys have on  gang sweaters with a  red serpent on the back.  The biggest of the three has several tattoos on his arms and a snake tattoed in the center of his forehead. He has a cruked nose that he must have gotten from fighting.

   Sadly for Fin one of those guys promised to kill him the next time he saw him. He tries to turn around and get away quickly before they see him but just like forgetting someone's birthday it was too late they had already spotted him.

"Hey bob isn't that the kid" one of the guys said to the others.  "what kid"

" The kid who slept with your girl the other day" he whispers to the biggest of the men who was clearly the leader.

  When Bob looks closer he remembers Fin's face from when he saw him jumping out of his girlfriends window a couple nights ago.

"Yeah it's him, guys get that Piece of shit!!" Bob yells

"OH crap" Fin cried as he begins to run as fast as he could jumping over trash cans dodging people left and right then sliding under a young ladies dress who he couldn't Dodge.

  "Why you little perv get back here" she cursed and runs after him but soon come to a  stop as her dress wouldn't allow her the freedom to catch him.

  "You got lucky this time you little shit!!!   Crap I hope he didn't see anything I wore my granny panties today."

   After a while he had gain some distance and was running across the road to find somewhere to hide when a speeding car wasn't driving but flying down the street. With the driver head bopping to "rockstar" by Da baby and Roddy rich hardly paying attention to the road.

   Fin  was too distracted to look before running into the road and as if time froze his brain went on steroids.

   He looks left then right but he couldn't move out the way in time.  His hearth beat accelerates and he jumps either out of shock or instinct his leap was so high the speeding car blazes past under him so close it cleans off a piece of gum that was stock to the bottom of his Jordan's.  He fell flat on his backside.

  "Holy crap I'm alive" said Fin to Him self full of adrenaline panting hard letting out donkey breaths.  Without having time to think about what he had done he runs into the clothes store he just left not too long ago dashing pass Sky who was still there and hids himself behind a shelf.

   Within seconds the three guys had arrive, out of breath struggling to find words they ask Sky "Hey girl you see.....a little shit head running pass here?"

"Your going to have to give a better description than that" she replies calmly not paying them much attention.

  "About six foot had on a blue Gucci sweater he's probably prettier than all my sisters " said Bob

"OH yeah I saw him"

"Where is he?, I'm going to cut something special off that piece of trash"

  She pauses and took a glace at Fin behind the shelf.  He puts his finger on his lips hinting to her to stay quiet.

"He ran that way" Sky said pointing up the road. the three Follows her finger and runs off.

"Thank you love you probably just save my life, I normally wouldn't run from a fight but I have the flue today.  So how can I repay you?" he asked gratefully with a wink.

"No no Its okay , why were they even chasing you in the first place?"

"He saw me jumping out his girlfriend's window and he must have got the wrong idea I was just running from this guy that owns a gym and she helped me escape by letting me stay in her room for a while and I took the window because she didn't want her boyfriend to see a I guy coming out her front door."

"Riiiiiight now  I get why he's chasing you. you should probably go before they circle back" she said with a confused look on her face.

"Will do I guess I'll see u around. You can remember this as the day you saved the grate Fin Balor" he said running out the store.

"That guy watches too much movies " she said to herself "and did he just jump over a car, could he be a.... no of course not I would have sensed it."

Fin dashes home  where he would be safe. No one would dear attack him with Mrs. Balor around.  When he arrives  he sees James his life long best friend who lives next to him.



Episode 3 Home

"James!" He cries out of breath almost jumping on his friend.

"Why are you running like a maniac. let me guess you were in a fight again its a good thing I wasn't there or you would have drawn me into to it and probably ruin my hair."

"Mate I'm your best friend am I not worth more to you than your stupid hair It's not even all that great" said Fin taunting his friend.

"Your so weird, you love your hair way too much, what are you even doing out here?"

  James gesture to the white furry animal in his hands

"Can't you see ,I'm walking Mr. Perfect" Fin tries to contain a laugh but fails

"You should at lease make the dam thing walk on his own, and who walks a cat your so weird" he added playfully.

James frowns and replies "who ever you were running from should have killed you"

"I know you don't mean that  you couldn't live without me."

   The two argue for a bit until He Finally decides to tell James what happened though his version of the story was a bit different from what actually happened.

A few minutes later

"So what your saying is ten guys attacked and you beat them all up then this pretty girl came up and ask you out.  Oh and you jumped over a car?" asked James with one eyebrow raised showing he didn't believe a word he just heard.

"Yes and no, I said I jumped over a truck not a car' Fin commented with a big grin on his face.

"So why were you running?"

   Fin pauses gathering his thoughts " oh yeah the girl turned out to be crazy and was chasing me"

"Your such a dumbass can you hear yourself" James stated letting out a chuckle".

  The two boys had a strange relationship Fin was always chatty and excited and James hardly spoke and was mostly serious with everyone but Fin.

   Fin always got into fights and got dirty while James only wore white and if he ever got dirty he would literally die.  To spite their differences the two have been friends since their eyes were at their knees.

"Enough of your crazy talk, what you need to do is start packing we start college in ten days" stated James "yeah I know, let me guess you finished packing a month ago".

" No I actually finished last night."

"Of course you did, said Fin sarcastically "I'll see you later James its getting cold and I need a shower."

"I know you smell awful" James added " fin laughs "That's the scent of a real man."

"You should get going I just hope your parents don't see you like that your mom would probably disown you if she heard you got into a fight again." replied James .

"Yeah I know but they must be sleeping by now or watching game of thrones or something." said Fin as he turns and walk to his house.



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