I am Sisi turner your normal everyday girl. i live with my siblings our parents died when we were young. Peter is my older brother brother and Lisi is younger than peter but older than me and than there's Edwin.
urgh if it isn't rubbish everytime we set our foots out of our house we always see his face well no can do this town is pretty small. he is just a shoe street seller his name Aishake but we call him rubbish. he doesn't even know how to do addition i am just wandering how is he in the same class as ours, well whatever.
Hey how can i forget Wendy she is my friend. Wendy never stay at her home because of his brother Wind and his roommate Link, both of them hate eachother so they fight everyday. so, wendy stay with yellowi both of them look like some kind of wrestlers and wendy's hight she look like a guy white boyish hair, dark skin, long white coat and shorts even her voice is like a guy. Wind who is totally opposite he looks like a girl dark skin, long white hair and long white coat it's just he never wear shorts.
In my friend circle there's this girl Blua i know their names are somewhat stupid but you'll get habitual of it. her brother Thunder who is strange but i got a say his intelligency is beyound anyone. blua is an adult but her behaviour is childish that being said Thunder really take a good care of her.
anyway i really don't wanna talk about my other nighbours because they are ahh i don't know what to say.
Frozen the eldest in their family she is strict, Sunny she stays happy and take a good care of others sibblings. Astrid, Meteor and Atmosphere are other sibblings. Astrid is my friend. Mete and Ati (short form of Meteor and Atmosphere) are my brother's friend.
Over there lives some crazy people like they are psycho. actually this town once used to have a mental hospital. they live upto their reputation a very famous hospital but one day some children were sent to that hospital after that the repution of that hospital went in ruins. these children broke out of this hospital and the doctors living in it ran away. now you must have known why there are less people living here it's because no one wanna see them, but still they are pretty nice i thought these people would be murderers or something but they are not. you will know them if you stay with them.
There names are as stupid as them first it's disease he always comes with different kinds of disease that even i have never heard of. poke he like pokemons, earth, fire, sun, argh i don't even remember their names. well there's more like greeny but why not get out of this topic.
Water who is the richest kid among this whole town is also one of the psycho, and he speak different language but i don't know what kind of language he speak it only contain a single sentence of four words.
School's over finally, so what are we gonna have for dinner...? well i am pretty sure its gonna be turkish delight since Edwin like it we make sure to make it everytime. Peter (Sisi calling out his name) we don't have enough ingredients. sigh it's so troublesome. why is our town at an remote place ? everyone here gets their weekly supply in weekends. there's this bus which takes us to the city where we buy our weekly supplies. it's just due to Lisi's birthday party our food supplies are all used.
After thinking for a short time...
Peter was smiling when i told him everything since then i am trying to figure out why was he smiling maybe, he is just trying to act cool or-
Sisi we setting out. (Peter calls out Sis's name while inerupting her thoughts)
eh what ?.. what happened Pete where are we going, if i remember correctly we don't have to go anywhere today right..?
after a short while
well Pete i am really confused this is not the route to market-
Sis calm down Pete might have thought of something (Lisi interupting Sisi)
hey would you people stop interupting me i am so pissed you know.
sorry here we have arrived our destination.
it's a second-hand car shop.
Sisi : really Pete, Ed no wonder why both of you were saving your money you wanted to buy a new car.
Peter : yep true enough now we don't to take that stuffy bus every weekends. but, none of then will hold for long.
Lisi : well yeah they won't even last a week i guess.
Edwin : that's not true look at that one the colour is perfect, eveything is intact and it doesn't even look second-hand.
Sisi : hmm...well the colour is quite right and it will last long forever.
Peter : Sisiiii no car can last long forever. so, we are buying it how much.
Shopkeeper : take it only 121 Dollars.
Peter : well thank you. ladies and gentleman let's go home and show it off to others.
Lisi : no no no let's show it off tomorrow at school.
sigh ok (everyone nodding)
Edwin : um guys did anyone notice that this car is two seated.
What the heck..how i mean why...?
Lisi : what should we do peter.
Peter : the car is pretty yellow with dark blue strips and red at sides, front and back. look there's an antenna at back which is big enough to hold me and a big hole in front Edwin will stay there. you two take the seats ok.
Lisi : ok
remember when i said why people doesn't come here and the reason were those Psychopaths well, actually the reason is nobody can tolerate this whole town. obviously that doesn't include me i am the most beautiful girl in this town.
After so much shopping we arrive home at night nobody was awake except everybody were awake good that they're all crazy and like play while sleeping so nobody saw us.
wow today's dinner taste much better then ever.
Everything's smooth up until now but as our new chapter begins the story changes too. thr legend of X starts from here.
On the same day when the turner sibblings went to buy their new car there's another incident that happened at the most richest side of this town in short, at Water's father villa. Raven, Water's father had a chat with his wife sadly Water was listening too. "l found a machine that can make money by itself" he said these lines made both of them happy. after a while through the rain came a strange man whom nobody has ever seen. he arrived but seems to have lost his way water there saw him and a look in his eyes looked too mesmerised by something. he came to that man and asked if he can have the same hairstyle too (he was mesmerised by his hairstyle). the man there looked at him carefully, asked him if he can get something in exchange it'd be more profitable. for second there that man thought he would go away because he wasn't a barber. it shook him when water said he would give him something. that man asked him to stay in rain for sometime more and drip his head in water everyday to keep this hairstyle (ofcoarse he walked in rain for hours his hairstyle is nothing but some hair drip in rainwater). water an honest but lunatic, he ran but came back after a while and gave him the money maker machine which his father took so much efforts to get. that man there stood there as he saw Water moving further in the heavy rain. for a while he didn't knew what happened but still he took the machine and went away.
Raven and Mary (water's father and mother) were searching for the machine in every nook and corner but couldn't find it. they knew there's none who could have stolen the machine as it was kept under security locker. suddenly the door opened Water came in with his new look only according to him because for his parents it was only wet hair. while water's flexing his parents were worried so he asked. nobody understant his language but they knew what was he asking they asked water if he has seen the money maker machine. water thought for a while then the world and came from him were:
cough cough
using mouthfreshner
cough again
drinking mouthfreshner...
"i sold it to a person who gave me this legendary hairstyle" he said it while smiling like a fool. his parents were literally confused what to say, it was the first time water spoke english but the first english word he spoke destroyed thier whole life. Raven couldn't even stand on his feet as for Mary she divorced and left the whole town. i'll never come back, live your life with your lunatic son is what she said.
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