Although everyone is equal and deserves to be treated the same, some people possess too much power to be treated like the others. Many people use magic but some are just born with talent, like her... Having the fate of living creatures in her hands she was treated like a goddess to make sure they dont anger her. Even if she was treated well it was not with sincerity, just a fear of getting destroyed by someone made them obey her.
The heaven, this place is said to be marvelous ,above the sky and high in the universe. Only people who have great power in their hands could enter the higher stages of heaven and as the myth is ; only the kindest of heart and innocent beings were allowed there after finishing their purposes in earth. Hell, a place where the greediest and worst examples for humans were kept. Some trapped in a space where nothing can be seen or heard to repent on their sins for eternity, while some having to get tortured till they collapse; only to wake up once more and feel pain forever. Its not that the people in hell were not powerful, just not powerful enough to break the boundaries made by her. Earth, the place where everyone starts out their lives as a weak child, either to grow and become a benefactor of the universe or someone to be trapped in hell, burning forever. Although these places may be different, it is ruled by her. No one knows her name nor where she is, all they know is she exists. With very less evidence of her existence, she is still worshipped as the Goddess of Fate. Her powers are limitless and legend says that she controlls the fate of our lives each turn and step, she decides whether you shall live or die but, is it true?
sound of wind blowing and water of the river
Ming Liu: Why is it so hot! I hate summer >:((
Shui Huang: Come on we are almost near the river dont be so impatient!
Ming Liu: Hey.. do you know that girl? I dont think shes from our village
Shui Huang: Whoever she is, she should really not be sitting at the edge like that
Ming Liu: Shes kind of pretty isn’t she??
Shui Huang: Stop it you playboy!
Ming Liu: I’m just kidding no need to scream!
Shui Huang: You go ahead, I will be after you
he glances at her and their eyes meet
suddenly a gust of wind blows and she dissapears as if the wind took her away
Ming Liu: Heyy! Come down here already what are you staring at!
Shui Huang: Ok!
he dives into the cold water slowly swimming to Ming Liu
Ming Liu: What took you so long you slowpoke?!
Shui Huang: I was looking at that girl and she just disappeared like a ghost.
Ming Liu: Which girl? Tsktsk I didn’t know you took interest in girls too.
Shui Huang: You don’t remember the girl sitting up there?
Ming Liu: At first i thought you were just a lunatic but seems like you need eye treatment too...sigh
Shui Huang: I guess it was my hallucination after all.. AND WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!!
Ming Liu: hahah splashes water
both of them start playing in the water
Shui Huang: What’s that sound?
Ming Liu: Huh?
Shui Huang: LOOK OUT!
Slowly opens eyes*
Ming Liu: **Wake up Shuii!! I dont want you to die. I still need to eat in your wedding. sob sob
Shui Huang: What.. happened?
Ming Liu: slaps Don’t do that again you lunatic you almost died. Thank god there was a doctor nearby T^T
Shui Liu: oww What’s wrong with you! Beating an injured person!
???: If you feel better then I shall take my leave.
Shui liu: Wait... Aren’t you that girl??
Ming liu: You have met before?
???: “How did my spell not work?” **This(“) represents the persons thoughts.
???: You must have mistaken me for someone else... infact i was just passing by when I saw you.
Ming Liu: How did you know that there was a log flowing down from the waterfall? How did you even dodge that??!
Shui Huang: But.. I didn’t dodge it. It felt like someone pulled me from underneath the water.
Ming Liu: Anyway, thanks for saving him maam what would you want in return?
???: Your welcome, and i don’t want anything.I will go now.
Shui Huang: You really don’t remember her ming??
Ming Liu: I have seen many beauties but never seen someone like her.
???: “Why didn’t my spell work?..he should have forgotten me.”
Shui Huang: “How does he not remember her?”
??? and Shui Huang: “strange”
There are countless myths and legends about her,but almost all are exaggerated.
???: “I don’t know where i come from or why people worship me...all i want was to live a life, but as a role model for everyone I must be perfect and protect them from harm. That was the first time my spell didn’t work, i wonder if that man is like me...without a life, only destined to help. I hope we can cross paths again and maybe i will have someone to talk to.”
Ming Liu: Do you know where that girl went? I just blinked my eye and she was not there. Is She a witch!!??
Shui Huang: Don’t talk recklessly. If other people hear us then they will burn her. I don’t think she’s a witch tho
Ming Liu: Yeah a witch can’t be that pretty haha
Shui Huang: All you know is girls, might as well focus on yours studies more.
Ming Liu: They say A wise man does not read books but does things practically :))
Shui Huang: **It would be fine if you could fight but, (looks at ming liu from top to bottom) sigh be careful you might be blown away by the wind haha
Ming Liu: At least I’m not a bookworm like you
Shui Huang: We better hurry back so we can prepare for tomorrow’s festival.
Ming Liu: Yeah or else the goddess of fate will make our lives living hell TwT
Shui Huang: Why do people even worship gods, its not like they have seen her before
Ming Liu: All I know is if we worship, we might be able to get a good wife
Shui Huang: **O god not again... I’m leaving you if you start talking about girls again
Shui Huang starts running
Ming Liu: Waitt!
both run towards the village :3
Next episode preview
Shui Huang: Ming Liu! Where are you!
loud noises from the crowd
Shui Huang: “he can’t hear me in this noise”
???: Are you looking for someone?
Shui Huang: Aren’t you that girl?! Why are you here?
???: Anyone can have some fun right? I can help you find him, only on one condition
huff huff
Shui Huang: I underestimated you, how did you catch up to me?
Ming Liu: Ha you know im faster than you
Shui Huang: We should really start making lanterns
Ming Liu: Yeah, but I don’t think they will give me any paper
Shui Huang: Don’t worry I have extra as usual... Why don’t you just runaway?
Ming Liu: I...can’t I don’t have any place to go
Shui Huang: **That’s true. Anyway lets not talk about sorrow today (smiles)
Ming Liu: **Yeah I’m excited
They make lanterns together and watch the sunset. The sunset was very beautiful that day with the sound of birds singing and the water, the moon finally showed its light.
Shui Huang: Let’s go back now, its dangerous here at night.
Ming Liu: You go ahead I’m gonna admire the moon for some time
Shui Huang: Sure, don’t stay there for too long
a teardrop on the cheek reflects the moonlight
Ming Liu: Hey! Wake up we are gonna be late!
Shui Huang: **Three more minutes pls (snore)
Ming Liu: You little- (pours water)
Shui Huang: **Fine fine good morning!
( after some time )
Ming Liu: Whoa! It’s really crowded
Shui Huang: I heard people from the capital are going to come, did’nt know there are so many !
Ming Liu: Let’s go and have some food first I’m starving!
Shui Huang: Yeah me too
(They eat alot of food and buy lots of things)
Ming Liu: I can’t believe I spent my whole years savings! Except for the sadness of being broke It feels satisfying to buy stuff! :D
Shui Huang: Yeah, let’s sit there I cant carry this any longer TwT
Ming Liu: The sky is so beautiful today...just like capital girls
Shui Huang: Yeah the sky is beautiful and your teeth might be even prettier once i break them after hearing after girls again...why did you buy that jade pendant tho?
Ming Liu: **(snore)
Shui Huang: Are you serious! How can you fall asleep in a festival! Did you not sleep at night?!...sigh
Shui Huang: **“I’m gonna eat something and come back, it’s really cold out here”
(an eternity later)
Shui Huang: Ming, I bought some food for us- Wait am I at the wrong place? Where is Ming liu?
“yeah I probably came to the wrong place haha”
**Shui Huang: **(notices bags of goods that they bought ) O no where is he? Did he get lost?!
quickly runs towards the crowded area to search for ming liu
Shui Huang: Ming Liu! Where are you!
loud noises from the crowd
Shui Huang: “he can’t hear me in this noise”
???: Are you looking for someone?
Shui Huang: Aren’t you that girl?! Why are you here?
???: Anyone can have some fun right? I can help you find him, only on one condition
Shui Huang: No thanks, he’s probably just lost
???: Are you sure?
???: **If you need my help then blow this whistle (gives him a whistle carved from wood)
Shui Huang: **Thank you
???: “Why did he refuse to take my help? I really thought I could make friends sigh...”
Shui Huang: Ming Liu! “I can’t find him in the crowd, did he go somewhere else?”
Runs towards the exit into an alley way
Shui Huang: Ming Liu! Where are you! Stop playing games with me
Noble lady: O are you that peasants friend? I don’t know where you guys get the attitude from.
Shui Huang: What did he even do to you?
Noble lady: He stole my jade, do you even know how much it costs? I lost it when the enemies attacked us and since he has it he should be with the enemies.
Shui Huang: Wait! Don’t harm him I can help you find the thief. I can guarantee with my life that he is innocent. He just bought it from the shop in the festival
Noble lady: How can I trust you?
Next episode preview
Shui Huang: Where are you taking me??! Stop! How are we flying!? Are you a witch?!!
???: I have helped you and yet you talk about me like this.
Shui Huang: “It’s true that I owe her “ Is ming going to be alright? Can you treat him?
???: If you are willing to let me stay with you
Shui Huang: What!
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