NovelToon NovelToon

My Mistake My Love

Episode 1




3rd Person's Pov





In a small bed room, you can hear the loud alarm clock ringing annoyingly. The owner of the room seems not to be bothered by the sound. So a woman suddenly open the door and walk irritated and get the annoying phone and turn off the alarm. She then got the white mattress that is covering the young man who was sleeping peacefully. But with the woman's action he groan and attempt to get the mattress but it was nowhere to be found.





So he open his eyes and he look at the angry Woman who is looking at him with her hands on her waist. "Are you gonna keep sleeping or go to school?" The woman said annoyed.





"Tsk, I hate school. Its unfair that I needed to attend school while your free." The man said annoyed and sat down.





"Oh? You think that tracking enemies and not to mentioned that I need to work in the company dealing with paperworks is fun?" The Woman said annoyed.





"But its okay than school. School is full of shit." The Man said annoyed.





"And Office work aswell. Now get up and Fresh and Up Jeon and make your own breakfast I'm going back to sleep since my work will start 4 hours from now." The Woman said and walk away from his room shutting the door.










Jeon Jungkook. That's the name of the man who is now annoyingly fixing his bed. "Why do I need to go to school when she is free? I hate school, I hate morning, I hate my life." Jungkook said annoyingly and start to fix the bed and freshen up.





When he was done, he put some clothes on and went to the kitchen to see what he would eat for breakfast. He decided he would just eat some bread and 2 banana milk and he is good to go the school. When he was done, he went out of the apartment and put the pod on his ears blasting the music so he can't hear the shitty neighborhood they have. It was 8 am in the morning and people in the neighborhood were already noisy, some our shouting and cursing here and there, some were playing a song that is very loud that clashes around the neighbors music and some drunkards can be seen outside shouting.





Not only that, the place was really unsanitary since you can see some vandalized walls, opens canals, and a shitty road. Jungkook didn't know why they choose this kind of place but according to his partner in crime, this was the best place that they could hide their hide out. Afterall, no one expect that an assassin would be leaving in a shitty poor place.





As an assassin, you would have much money; you can afford an expensive and a beautiful place without living in a shitty neighborhood. But No, his partner insisted staying in a shitty place full of poor people and worst the place is mostly squatter area. Jungkook sigh as he got to the place where he would ride a train to the school.





When he got there, he saw the train is always full so he would be standing up instead of sitting. He sigh and went along with life. When he got the school he look around and the same shitty students were everywhere. He is in his last senior years, actually he didn't went to school before. He only start school last year and this year and if he could say something is full of shit.





Jeon Jungkook was trained to be an assassin when he was 6 until he grew up killing those people who slip in the hands of Justice. In whole of his life, all he knew is doing an assassin job, playing video games, watch T.V and do some house chores and that's it. But last year, his boss argue that he needed to atleast finish highschool. Ofcourse without really entering elementary and middle school back ground Jungkook would be having trouble of entering a school though he didn't because he had fake papers, and money is a big factor so he manage to enter this school.





He was walking in the hallway when he bump into someone.





"Hey! Watch where your going will ya!" A deep voice yelled at him.





Jungkook look up and bow. "I'm sorry." Jungkook said in a very apologetic way.





"Tsk! Well I'm very annoyed in the morning and I have a stress reliver." The Guy said and used his knees to kick Jungkook's stomach who groan in pain and held his stomach.





"This Asshole..." Jungkook thought and wanted to look at the man with hatred but he pretend to be weak so he pretend to look weak under this man gaze.





The man grab his Chin harshly and smirk. "You look pretty, hmm~ Want me to wreck you baby boy~" The man said and Jungkook got annoyed but he pretend to be weak so he shook his head and push the man away and run sacredly towards his class.





"That bastard. " Jungkook cursed as he was in the clear sightwithout that man.





That man saw Jungkook's retreating form and smirk. "Baby Boy~ Your gonna pay for that~"














Class started and Jungkook sat down on the farthest sit in back and didn't listen to the teacher. 10 minutes after the door opened and it revealed the same bastard that Jungkook bump into this morning. He look like a mess, a hot mess. Jungkook shook his head and roll his eyes.





"He probably came from fucking someone. What a disgusting *****." Jungkook thought and look at his notes instead.





"Kim Taehyung! Your late again! You might be the son of the great CEO but you can't keep being late in every class!!" The Teacher said but the man name Kim Taehyung just roll his eyes.





But then his eyes landed on the baby boy he just bump into and he smirk. So while the teacher is yelling at him he walk to the empty sit next to the boy and sat there. The teacher sigh and continue his lesson and Taehyung didn't listen to the lesson instead his gaze is at the baby boy who is happy writing something on the note. Taehyung landed his gaze on the note and it says





"STOP STARING." In English Alphabet.





Taehyung was surprised and smirk and continue looking at the boy but the boy didn't even took him or take a glance so its impossible that the message was meant to be him. But he saw the bunny write something in the paper once again Japanese and Chinese letter this time.





"I Know I'm adorable" – Japanese





"but pls stop staring." – Chinese





Taehyung didn't understand the letters or he just thought that Jungkook was just doddling and he suddenly saw Jungkook smile little bit while continue "doodling" as he thought.





When the class ended Jungkook was so ready to leave when Taehyung suddenly stop him.





"Hey~ Baby Boy~" Taehyung said and Jungkook just stare at Taehyung with a blank expression and didn't say anything.





"You know you need to pay for what you did this morning right~?" Taehyung said with a smirk and Jungkook didn't move or anything but just gave a blank expression.





"Hmm... Your scared that you can't even say anything huh~" Taehyung said and smirk and suddenly he grab Jungkook on the wrist tightly and Jungkook just look at his hand while Taehyung drag him somewhere. Jungkook knows that Taehyung would leave a mark, but simple pain like this won't work for him. Afterall he experienced worst.





Taehyung then slam his back on the locker and glare at him. "Say something you stupid Freak! Well, your beautiful and have a nice ***~" Taehyung said and squeeze Jungkook's *** and Jungkook just groan in annoyance.





"Oh~? You like that hmm~" Taehyung smirk.





Jungkook then twist Taehyung's ankle using his feet so Taehyung stumble and Jungkook didn't catch Taehyung instead Taehyung's face was on the ground and Jungkook just look at Taehyung with a smirk before he runs away. Taehyung got up and got annoyed, he glare at the running bunny.





"Damn that Bunny~ Your gonna pay for that..."Taehyung said very annoyed.












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Episode 2




3rd Person's POv





During Lunch, Jungkook sat down alone on an empty table near in the cafeteria. He felt someone was glaring at him deadly but he shrug it because he knew who is it but he didn't look at that person and just continue to scroll down on his phone while listening to the music and eating a burger plus drinking a banana milkshake as well.





Kim Taehyung, Is the school playboy. He is rich and he got everything he wanted. Everyone wanted him, so when this baby boy just rejected him not to mentioned of what he just did earlier slamming his face on the floor is very pissing off. He is sitting in the Cafeteria with his friend who notice the dark expression of Taehyung glaring in a certain bunny.





"Are you interested in him or what?" Park Jimin, his bestfriend just asked him.





"Shut up! Midget!" Taehyung said coldly which scare Jimin a little.





"Something must happened, care to share?" Jung Hoseok said.



"Whatever damn happens there is one thing for sure. That bunny is dead." Yoongi said not looking at them instead he continue scrolling through his phone.





Taehyung suddenly grab a glass of grape juice from the table and stand up.





"This is bad." Namjoon said.





This time Yoongi looknup from his phone and to Taehyung.





Taehyung then walk towards the bunny and pour the juice all over him. Jungkook gaps when he felt something cold just pour to him, all the students were eyes on him and Jungkook look at the suspect and immediately he knew the playboy of the school.





"That's for earlier you freak." Taehyung said.





And students around the cafeteria started to Laugh and Jungkook didn't say anything but deep inside he was very annoyed. He stand up and grab his things though Taehyung push him back and started to kick him. "What a weak faggot, tsk." Taehyung said and Jungkook didn't say anything at all because he would say something he can defined this Playboy as an arrogant bastard.





"Still not gonna say something huh~" Taehyung said and Jugkook just look away.










"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Taehyung said and Jungkook just look at him with a blank face.





"Are you a useless deaf or something! Speak you Dumb!" Taehyung said annoyed at Jungkook who didn't say anything instead looking at him with an expressionless face.





"Ugh!" Taehyung said and kick Jungkook one last time before going away. Hurting the bunny boy seems to be no fun since he wasn't showing emotions but Taehyung would show him hell. He would show him what he is capable off.












Jungkook on the other hand, existed the cafeteria while the students were laughing at him. He didn't care really so he went to his locker and got his extra shirt (he always have one since he knew that this could happened anytime sooner) and change his shirt and he decided to skip his afternoon class and went home.





When he got home he quickly sat down on the couch annoyed. "Tsk, That fucking ***** is very weak. Though... He is handsomely hot. No wonder he is a playboy. All handsome mens are just players because they know they have the looks and power to do that. Tsk, what a disgusting Creature." Jungkook said annoyed but he shrug it and instead he scroll through his phone.





When night comes, Jungkook wore tight black Jeans, an over sized black hoody and a black mask with a sharp teeth printed on it. He then used the window and Jump down on the roof of the neighbor and walk slowly not to bother the others and he then Jump towards the road and run away to the darkness.










The next morning.





A factory of drugs was bomb by someone and 4 people were dead involving one politician who died on that bomb.





"You did a great Job you know." The woman said who is sitting in the couch watching an early news. Jungkook on the other hand were eating cereal as his breakfast.





"Well, I'll go to school after this. Did you get any information about how we can bring him down?" Jungkook said.





"Not yet. You know his powerful to bring down and we only two we need another tactics." The Woman said and Jungkook nod as he finished his cereal. He then stand up and went to the kitchen to wash his bowl before preparing and went to school.





When he got there, the students started to whisper about him being the new toy of Taehyung and Jungkook honestly didn't care. But when he bump into someone and he look up he saw that it was Taehyung again and his two stupid minions.





"Hm... we met again~ And you bump into me again~ You know it needed punishment right?" Taehyung said and Jungkook just look at him with a blank expression.





Taehyung got annoyed so he drag Jungkook back to the locker section and started to beat him up along with two minions Namjoon and Yoongi who seems to enjoy doing this shit. Jungkook groan in pain but didn't say anything to Taehyung, nor he did look at Taehyung with fear all he did just groan in pain.





Taehyung is annoyed, he wasn't satisfied as why this stupid bunny isn't showing him any emotions and all. Its getting irritated so he just gave one last kick and Yank Jungkook's hair up





"Tsk, Your really are a stubborn little bunny huh~ But let me tell you this, soon you will beg for me." Taehyung said with a smirk and harshly slam Jungkook's head once more on the locker before he leave with Namjoon and Yoongi who smirk and Jungkook got up with different new injuries and he swear to god if he wasn't just hiding his identity he would kill that piece of Shit and make him beg for him instead.





But unfortunately faith had different plan.






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Episode 3




3rd Person's Pov





"We are needed." The Woman said as she look at Jungkook with a serious look. Jungkook sigh and he got ready for today and he was glad that he wouldn't be going to school or else he won't control the anger build inside of him seeing that disgusting *****'s handsome face.





"So much for the handsome face." Jungkook said.





When he was ready, he went to the living room and saw that his partner was waiting for him. His partner then just nod and went outside followed by Jungkook who close the door and locked it. They then went down on the rusty stairs and get in the motor cycle. Ofcourse, the woman was the driver since it was hers anyway and Jungkook is still 17 so he doesn't have any licensed yet. Though he could drive if he would be allowed too.





They stop infront of someone's mansion and went inside. As usual, Jungkook face is hidden by a hoddie and a mask so no one would recognized him but the woman wasn't. They then stop on this big door and two guards open the door and the two of them enter the room. They saw that there is a table and a man who is on his late 50 is sitting on the chair looking at them seriously.





There is also some people there standing 6 of them and Jungkook knows that they are like him. An Assassin, who killed people who slip justice. But unlike Jungkook and this woman they are loyal to their boss, very much loyal.





"You two are late." The Big Boss said.





"As usual you know the reason." The Woman said and look at Jungkook blaming him, though Jungkook just roll his eyes. "But the important is that were here. Why are we all here anyway?" The Woman said.





"Well, I want to congratulate Bunny over there for doing a great Job for bombing that building. Yet, you know that was just the beginning the big boss of that operation is still alive you know." The Big Boss said.





"We have an update that a certain Business man owning a very large entertainment is actually connected to that politician who died on the bombing incident." The Bigboss said.





"I call all of you here to begin the meeting about this matter and what shall we do about this."-Big Boss said.





And the meeting started.














Taehyung on the other hand, was pissed off since he didn't see the baby boy whole day.





"Maybe he was scared not to show his face in the school." Yoongi said.





"Tsk, I know he will show eventually." Taehyung said.





"Then, How many girls and guys did you **** this day then? I saw that girl who is limping coming out from the empty classroom after you went out." Jimin said like it was a normal thing in Taehyung's life.





"She's fucking lose and she isn't very good." Taehyung said still pissed.





"Hm... Did you force your anger towards her?" Hoseok said.





"Tsk, she likes it rough anyway so who am I to deny that?" Taehyung said.





"Hmm... Okay. But Why can't you just leave the bunny alone? I mean you said it yourself, he is boring to bully. " Hoseok said.





"I'm not bullying him. I want to wreck him. His soft milky skin, those beautiful eyes, his perfect curved body and that fuckable ***, I want them under me but it seems he is resisting. I mean come on~ Who could resist me?" Taehyung said and all of his friend raise their eyes.





"Ofcourse, You guys are my friends not my **** buddies.!!!" Taehyung yelled at them.





"I ain't doing a bottom for you." Yoongi said.





"Same." Namjoon said.





"It would be disgusting to be **** by my bestfriend who doesn't believe in love." Jimin said.





" And I am straight so no thank you." Hoseok said.





Taehyung roll his eyes annoyingly. "You guys are annoying." Taehyung said.





"Hmm... So whats your plan then? I mean that bunny seems not to give in." Hoseok said.





Taehyung smirk. "I'll make him give in. Just you watch." Taehyung said.























Jungkook and his partner went home exhausted late at night. Not only that, their dress seems to be mess up since it was cover by blood.





"You go and wash yourself first." The Woman said and she turn on the T.V and suddenly the news was on saying that they found 3 person's body dumb in the river bank. One was a lawyer and 2 were an hired hit man. Its believed that the hire Hitman were working with this lawyer on depending and protecting someone who is involving on the bombing incident of that drug house.





The woman then smirk, she likes seeing their work on The T.V and its been 7 years since they are doing this job but no one did suspect that they are doing this. Well many would suspect her since she had a very cold personality and look as well. But her partner, who look so innocent bunny that can't even hurt a fly.





Oh~ How wrong they are~






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