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Fantasies: Came True

Chapter 1

Emma's POV


"Ryan's hazel eyes dont leave mines as i make my way to him. I prop my knee up on the desk and push myself onto it at the same time Ryan lifts himself up so his back is against the chair and holds his hand out for me . The second I place my hand in his large once he pulls me onto him an i am straddling him . I've done this before with him but never with so much clothing .I hold myself up using my knees so we are not touching , but he isnt having it. He positions his hands on my hips and gently pushes me down . His T-shirt bunches at my sides , baring my thighs completely . The second our bodies touch my stomach begins to stir . I began to smirk and he bend to my ears and said" Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say goodnight till it be morrow". I know it wont last long . and he smiled crookedly.

He started unhooking my bra but suddenly some irritating beeping sound struck my eardrums so loud that i swear even the wolves be terrified by the noise . Thats when i come to know that it was actually a dream.... I was awake with a jolt my eyes wide open thats when i see my fucking best friend Zoe trying to switch off her god damn alarm . I stood up from my bed rapidly blinking my eyes and said " That is so great jee. So great you've actually been nominated for a 'Good Samaritan' Award."( Note the sarcasm ). " What did I do " she said innocently blinking her eyes on me.I said a little frustrated. " Zoe Evans you fucking woke me from my sizzling hot dream there must be a good enough reason of doing so "

Zoe Evans my best friend standing in her pajamas and loose tee rolling her eye on me thinking I am a 5 yr kid woken up by her mother to get ready for school. Zoe collecting her things said " Em it's 9'o clock we have to get ready for our 1 st day of 2nd year of college. I hopped off my bed and rushed to the bathroom with my toiletry murmuring swear words under my breath and slammed the bathroom door with a bang on her face.

I quickly brushed my teeth and took a shower the water was warm soothing ........i wrapped myself around with a towel and walked out of the bathroom .I looked around the room but Zoe was no were to be seen......maybe she went for the breakfast.I was standing in front of the mirror looking at myself thinking. Being Emma is a difficult job............i never lived with my parents. I have never experienced what a happy family isBecause my parents being Solicitor (lawyer) at La Corte di Cassazione are always away from home and me.My mother Avvocato Mary Perez and my father AvvocatoDavid Perez.

I looked at myself clearly i was like my mother ivory skin , slender but my eyes color was amber of my father's. With a heavy sigh i thought it doesn't matter.Finishing up with my make up and putting my hairs in a messy bun ....i took my bag and sun glasses and left the room at ones.

Chapter 2


Everyone was sitting on the breakfast table......Zoe Mr. Johnston his son Ben. Mrs Johnston was preparing food for everyone.Mrs. Johnston noticed my presence and smiled her always cheerful smile saying "Emma darling come have a seat ."She is always so polite and adorable. Its been a year since me and Zoe have lodged in but this couple always surprises me That the two couples can live so pleasantly and reeably .....The Johnston were simple citizen of Florence Mr Johnston was in banking department and Mrs Johnston is a owner of a grocery shop. They have a cutest and chubbiest kid Ben who just 7 yrs old .

Zoe who was playing with Ben saw me coming and looking at my face she understood what I was thinking when she left the room.I sat next to her. She once again glanced in my direction I whispered " what??????? " A little too loud.She said " Nothing " .We all ate breakfast in silence. While leaving for our college Mr Johnston said " Emma and Zoe we are going to Chicago to attend a conference.I am warning you both specially Emma you i dont want any party fools residue .... ". Mr Johnston said with a loop sided smile. sure will take care Mr. Johnston. Bye and have a great journey I said giving him a hug. I rushed outside towards the parking.

Our college is a 15 min ride. I get in the car throwing my bag in the back seat of my baby BMW M6 G- Power Hurricane RR black. I shout for Zoe to get in the car so we can leave. Zoe Evans is my best friend since elementary school and she has not change a bit the same old nerdy buddy. Her dad Mr. Thomas Evans is a professor of biology in Venice high school and her mom Mrs. Rebecca Evans runs a small cafe . She has dark brown hairs and green eyes . she is wearing blue jeans and black and white top.She comes rushing down and hopes in the car fastening her seat belt mouth stuffed with toast.

With a mocking frown tugged at the end of my lips I say " How come u eat like a pig and never gain a single pound".She gave me a not so friendly smile .Then Zoe expression changed like she remembered something she said with a playfully smirk playing on her lips " so how many time you washed your maskara". "Why the would I be Washing my maskara" after little pounding I replied arrogantly " I always apply it perfectly " she winked at me. " I have a new philosophy. I'm only going to dread one day at a time" Zoe replied intelligently.

Zoe asked with a mischief glint in her eyes " what was your dream about" Emma stuck her tongue out Like a child and said " i wont tell u" Zoe said " come on dont be stubborn". A small blush crept on my neck as i said " Ryan " . Zoe's mischievous face immediately turned sour in disgust and she murmured under her breath " fuggle nut" and I smile.

Waiting for the signal to turn green, my mind shifted to the memory of our vacation.when we were driving from the airport of Venice to Zoe's house. Zoe has the perfect family unlike mine . Her parents open handedly accepted me as a family member. WE spent our day with her parents pampering us with loads of love and talking about random stuff.The days in Venice went by in a blur. We also attended Zoe's cousin Lily's wedding.My mind retraced the memory Zoe catching the bride's bouquet. I teased Zoe "What are your plans for June's wedding Zoe".In response she grunted and her face turned crimson red."The wedding was very spectacular. Yaa I loved Grilled Chicken Americana in the reception".Zoe says changing the topic A small giggle erupted from my throat.

All of the sudden my phone rings cutting off our convo. I reached and pick up my phone which displayed Ryan's name. Zoe raised a eyebrow on me and I winked at her accepting the call.i am greeted by a very husky and raspy voice of Ryan" Where are u babe." Remembering my dream I huskly reply "Hi! to you to. On my way babe". I hang up the phone and drive to college.


Emma parked her baby in her usual spot.We walked side by side towards the campus.She spotted Mike Clark and Stella Stevens at a conner making out. Reaching to others she shouted "Get a room guys".Mike just showed her the finger.Anyhow they step aside and Stella greeted us with her popular bone crushing hug.I say "I .... cant... br..eath". Stella shaking her head lets me go.Stella being slender with olive skin, blond hair and black eyes is a very attractive girl.Where as Mike is the cutest guy of our group . He is taller thin yet muscular at right places.Its been 3 months since they are seeing each other as a couple."Long time no see" Tyler Smith and Catherine Lewis shouted grinning as they walked to us hand in hand .Kate(Catherina) was wearing hot pants showing her tonned tall legs and black top simple yet trendy.Tyler being a tough guy wore a jeans and a black tee.Kate and Tyler are couple since our high school times.

"How was the wedding." inquired Kate .Grinning I replied" It was spectacular".Emma tilted her head side ways with a mischief dancing in her eyes commented "How was your mini honeymoon Kate".Kate blushed furiously.Tyler slinging his arm on Kate's shoulder says "It was fucking awesome".and winked to blushing Kate. These people seriously need a filter in their mouth I mean come on. Emma high - fiving Tyler says "Thats the spirit boy."

"Having Fun Guys" a familiar voice says sarcasm dripping from every word.We all towards the voice and notice Daniela Fernandez wearing a sun -dress with high heels casually lining on the wall.she has a short body with dark blond hair but she is a great vocalist."You are our rock-star How can we have fun without You." Stel (Stella) says giving her a hug.Em says grunting "Don't you think Stel rock-star is a bit understatement". Hearing the bell I scolded "We will discuss this rock star later. Otherwise we will be late". Glaring they all shouted "Nerdy Buddy....... "

Anyhow we all moved inside the campus.

Chapter 3

Walking down the campus Daniela says Guys lets check out our schedule. While discussing our schedule we can to the conclusion that I was having English with Emma, Stella and Mike.

Suddenly Emma asks to no one is particular" Where the hell is Ryan". Everyone shrugs their shoulders but there was something in Daniela's eyes which I could not recognize . And I made a face why does she always feels the need to remind me of that jerk. Emma takes out her phone and made a call to him. The conversation goes like this.

Emma "Where are you baby."

Ryan" ........"

Emma" Oh I will be there."

i asked her" Where will be you meeting him". Emma "Not only me we all will be meeting him in the football field". I pouted' Why all'.

Suddenly Tyler and Mike become excited and informed us about the football match that would be held next week and leave us saying they are going for practice.Catherine and Daniela left for their French class and me , Emma and Stella walked towards our English class.


We all settled in our usually seat and Mrs.James started the class reading Romeo and Juliet. All groaned but the class continued. The class ended in a blur too soon for my liking.And it was time for my most unpleasant event of the day to take place that is seeing that assholes face Ryan Conner. The reason i hate him so much Because knowing that guy is a kind of guy who change girls like pages.

Ryan the "jerk" has hazel eyes strong jawline with his god damn 6 pack abs and golden brown hairs. Apart from his good looks he is a player and a perfect definition of what you say 'A rich spoiled brat' and unfortunately my best friend Emma's so called boyfriend.

I spotted that dickhead while walking towards the bleachers to watch the practice. Emma waved to him and gave a flying kiss. We saw Kate and Dalla sitting on the bleachers and we settled beside them.Tyler , Mike and other guys were practicing hard for the upcoming match whereas Ryan was being his self showing off his stupid tricks to impress the girls.And the Girls giggled like really.

Soon the practice ended and we all moved towards the cafeteria were we meeting the boys at our table.As soon as the boys joined us on the table Emma announced that Mr. Johnston has gone for a conference at Chicago. Then Stella smiled understandingly. Ryan smirked and shouted "Party time." and gave Emma a side hug and settled beside her. Everyone excitingly started discussing about the party and I thought here goes my peace full day. All the girls decided to go dress shopping soon after the college.

The bell rang signally end of break. We all moved towards Economics .And the hour end quickly. We moved towards the parking lot and got seated in Emma's baby for going dress shopping. We ended in near by mall.

We entered the mall and going through various shops we finally found Stella a red tight middy , Dell a mid thigh dress and Kate a off white short rompers. After wandering senselessly for another hour Emma finally got what she wanted a short mid thigh black dress and for me she chose out off blue a long blue gown.

After the nonsense fight on footwear I decided enough is enough my stomach was grumbling and I dragged the gang to the food court. Where we are currently sitting and waiting for waiters to arrive. Finally after like forever the waiters arrived with the menu and a perfect fake smile plastered on her face.Waiters "Io sarò il vostro server per questa sera" (I will be your server for the evening). and handed us the menus. "Cosa devo ottenere per la bevanda."( what do I get for the drink.)Em and Stell went for diet coke whereas me and Kate go for coke and Dell for lemonade.She returned with our drinks. "Sei pronto per ordinare."( Are you ready to order) Stell "Andrò per."(I will go for)Spaghettialle vongole. Em Acquacotto. Dell Mozzareline Fritte . Kate "Ciabatta" and me " Brushetta" . She went off to bring our order. Stell ""Guys it seems forever since we last hangout .Agreeing Dell said " Yup Its been almost 2 months we last hangout together." Stell said" Last time was fun." Remembering last time I became nervous. Emma smiled sarcastically and said " Of course Zoe was the one who enjoyed the most." i noted the sarcasm in her voice and i guess everyone did to because as I turned to them and they were looking at me with their rosed brows. Keeping my head down I remembered everybody was sitting in a circle on Emma's bed playing truth and dare spinning the bottle the bottle pointed towards Dell and question was asked by Kate " Truth or dare." Dell hesitated for a moment and said " dare ".Kate"I dare you to call a random number and say I Love You darling." "Brute" Dell exclaimed anyways she picks a phone and calls a random number and Dell "Helo I love You Darling" from other side a husky shaky male voice greeted us " helo I love You Too baby who's speaking " Dell quickly hangup the call and we all burst in fits of loud laughter. The game went on and sleep consumed me. Back to present Kate " Well Zoe was the one who ruined our sleepover." Stell changed the topic " Not to forget her styling sense of course."

Suddenly Emma pipes up " Lets do some transformation and we will start from the worst." And everyone was looking at me " oh freak now what." and everyone started grinning.

" Where are we going now " I asked confused. Everyone turned a deaf ear to my question. they dragged me out of the food court and into the escalator.Dell says"Salon" I asked "Why a salon." Emma replied " When you look into the mirror in a beautiful dress, more after than not, you are looking at your face and not your dress. Dresses matter but face matters most. We are going to salon so that we can tided you up. Ok so salon " . Stell says " And trust me cleaning you will take a lot of time. " My protest that it will not help my cause are turned down. They all are very confident and persuasive as usual. On the fourth floor of the mall , there is a up market salon where we are going to spend the next 2 hours. I didn't get what Kate said to the person equipped with a belt that has 20 different types of clips and scissors hanging from it but I can make out a few words. " Ha un disperato bisogno di un lavaggio.....(Desperately needs a wash......) " " Rendere l'occhio spuntato fuori.... "(make the eye poped out....) " Colpo secco......(Blow dry..) " Taglio di capelli ." ( haircut) and soon I was dragged towards a seat and all the torture started and soon I could feel my face is sour and warm and it pains near the eyebrow and nose. Emma, Kate ,Stell and Dell were just staring at me I stared back at them and said " What ! " . Emma came to my side and spun me around toward the mirror and I don't know as yet it is worth it but when I look in the mirror its like they have been hands sketched my complexion looks at least 3 shades fairer and my hair is now tangled into beautiful mess with keratin and hair wax. I can smell how good I smell. I was shocked would be a understatement.

Everyone's hair was done and they were all cleaned up. We all paid and started our journey back home. Less than 20 minutes we were home. We all quickly got dressed and left the house in Stell's limbo for the club. Stell's limbo dropped us at the entrance ofthe club where we were supposed to meetthe boys. Soon we were greeted with they presence. We all entered the clubsettled on the bar stools .

Mike pulling Stell to him " Baby you look hot in red to hot that ....." Stell pushed him playfully "I want a drink." Mike pouting "Ok babe what will you like to have other than me .." he winked and Stell grinning "You know what i want." Tyler "Even I want to get wasted tonight ." Ryan " Let the party begin guys ." Everyone ordered their drinks and we all fell in casual conversation.

Tyler "Come on lets dance." Said pulling out his hand to Kate she gladly accepts and they move to dance floor. Soon followed by Mike Stella And Ryan and Emma.Since we have arrived I have noticed that Dell is not being herself something is off about her which I cant put my finger on. She is too quiet to be her normal self she is continuously checking her phone since we have arrived.She looks up from her phone with something in her eyes and offers me a smile which I return "Hey Zoe you didn't order anything , I will get you something I am getting a beer."" No thanks Dell I am all good." Dell" O come on boo loosen up good girl , I will get you orange juice I guess that's allowed." Said with a wink. I nodded with a mocking frown on my face.

She stood and went to the bar to order our drinks well her drink my orange juice. Meanwhile scanning the place I felt someone's eyes on me. Ignoring the stare I looked to the dance floor where Tyler and Kate were dancing more like grinding whatever but each and every couple or person here is doing the same or even the worst making out. 'Seriously why they call it dance floor when all they do is make out call it make out floor much better.'

Dellsvoice brings me out of my trail of thoughts "Here is your juice" and hands me theglass and settles down across me. As I take a sip of my juice it tastes a bit different so I asked her "Hey Dell you sure got orange juice it tastes a bit weird". She shrugs "Chill boo its orange juice may be because its fresh it tastes a bit different."

I take another sip and shrug " Ok may be." I ask her to get me another glass she nods and get me another one. She was about to sit down when her phone started ringing she accused herself saying her dad was calling left me alone. As I finish my second glass I feel a bit light headed 'May be all this loud music is getting into me.' I swing with the beats of the music and what I feel right now is completely different to what I was feeling when I first entered in this hell like place. I see Ryan going out of the club talking on his phone furiously and I am soon accompanied by a flaming Em.

"Hey Emiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii what's wrong babe." She looks at me funnily and I say" Whatttt is ss I it." that's when I noticed that I am actually slurring. Emma "Are you ok Zoe." " Yup." i say Popping the p. "Perfectly fine ,actually having funnnnn." She shakes her head "Can you stand boo." I nod of course I can stand and then everything is revolving round and round "Em earth quake ! call help ! aah lets go out call everyone ! do something why are you standing." I shout she makes a face and takes a long breath "Shut up. There is no Earth quake. What did you drink Zoe. You are drunk."' What is she saying. I am not drunk ,see.' I stand note try to stand. "See I ca- hiccup- can -hiccup- sta- hiccup- stand- hiccup." and i fall in the seat. Emma sighs" Wait here don't go anywhere anywhere means anywhere I will go tell Ryan so that we can go back. Understood." I nod like a small child getting scolded by her mother. She leaves.

And that's the very time I feel the urgency to use the washroom. You know that feeling that you get when you cant wait and waiting will make you explode yup that was the exact feeling I was getting so i stumbled to the washroom. And what a relief I got as I finished my business. I was walking back to my seat and my vision was getting blurry by every step I toke and then I hit a wall wait what this wall has arms because as soon I collided with it a pairs of arms wrapped themselves around my waist. And that's when I realize that it was not a wall but a muscular chest a grunt comes out of my mouth "Uff "and the last thing which I remember before everything goes black is a pair of deep ocean blue eyes staring intensely In mine. I feel being lifted in strong arms.

PS : Who is this mystery muscular wall is ?Want to know keep reading.

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