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Robot Hero

Episode 1My mecha prize, your name is Robotic Hero.



My father is the greatest mecha driver in the universe.





My dream is to fly one, and beat my dad.





But because I'm only 10, I can't drive.





So I will do my best, so that one day I will have my

Mecha, and pilot, Him.





I will study a lot and learn how to be a great pilot,




And I will get over my father.



I will study for 6 years, I will be good, and I will learn, how to be the best

Of all.



6 years passed, I studied a lot, I joined the mecha academy.



Called Robotic Universe.

One of the best companies on the 7 planets.



I always endeavored to and learn day and night by studying,




I was, one of the best students in the class.





Everyone called me Nerd, imbecile.





I cried, but I didn't care, I continued to study.





After a lot of classes, theoretical, finally I can

For the first time flying a mecha.





I would face Keita, better students, from school.





I used an A31, and he an Az100.





Everyone makes fun of me, saying that I would get, a

Keita's beating.





Even so I believed, I went.



It was not another I was beaten.





Keita greets me, and says.



- congratulations boy\, you have great potential.



I smile and thanked him.



- thank you.



Everyone called me, trash, that I was just good in theory,

In practice I was a shit.





Keita looking at this sent everyone, to, with this.





They continued to make fun of me running away.





And Keita went after me.





And spoke to me, don't care what they say.





He said that it was good, that the class does not see its potential.



And he said he was going to teach me how to fly.



I thank you, him.



- thank you.



We became great friends.



  He asked my name, I said.






He said that I had the same name as the legendary Hero.





I told you he was my father.





He was amazed, at the same time very happy.



And he said he would teach, the son of my great idol.



So the next day he taught me, and every day he taught me, during,

6 months.



After finally training, I was fine.





So Keita called me to his home, and said to me



-Look this.



He showed his cartel of robots.



I was amazed.





He told me, if I thought it was beautiful.





I said yes.





He told me to choose one.





Me With tears in my eyes, I said.



- are you serious\, snif snif?





He said yes.





So I looked at several, and I chose a blue one, it's white.





He asked me what name will you give him.





I said he would call.



- Robotic Hero.



He said .



-What a great name.



So I got into it and started to pilot it





Suddenly we saw, an explosion.

Boom !!



Me Keita, We went to see what it was, when we arrived,

We saw the school, being attacked by aliens, robots.



Keita told us to help, they.





I was afraid that I wouldn’t make it,

So, he told me that I shouldn't be afraid, that,

When we must save people, we must not have






And he also said.

-that people down there make fun of you,

Show that inside if you exist, a Hero, who

You want to save people, even if they do evil to you!





I was happy with what he said.



And we went to face the alien robots.

So Keita and I went there, we fought, with the

Alien Robots.





And we won them all, the whole school was happy,

But when they saw me leaving the Robot Hero.



They apologized to me.



I accepted the excuses and said that everyone, people make mistakes.





They embraced us.



So Keita and I greet each other, with

  A jewel.





After everything is normalized, the classes return to normal,

Something happened.



Keita and I were recruited to be part of the Hero Light Army.



The army that my father built, we both accepted, and we left,

To space, to our new adventure.





End chapter 1

Episode 2Hero Light.

After a few minutes of travel, we finally arrived at headquarters,

Hero Light.





It was a huge spaceship.





There we were introduced to Captain Stars, he is our companion.





Among our companion, there were two girls, named, Luci,

And Moon.





They greeted us, they freaked out for us, Keita and I were embarrassed.





Because they were very beautiful, Luci was white with brown hair.





And Moon, redhead.





They took us to our room, where Keita and I will sleep.





The room was huge, it looked like a house, we were amazed,

And admired.

At the same time very happy, because it is in the headquarters.





After we took a shower, we went to see the headquarters better.





We visited, every corner of the ship, we were delighted, to see the ship,

At the same time, space.





After getting to know the ship, we went to the wet one, at

Our wicks.





Make adjustments to them, when you need our services,

Agent is ready.





Captain Stars calls us both for training,

With our wicks.





In training, they did a simulation, the showed that we faced,

Keita and I did well in training.





The captain liked our performance.





After training, everyone went to dinner, but I didn't.



I was cleaning the Robot Hero, I was talking to him.





Suddenly Luci appears suddenly and scares me.

-ah !!!



She smiles, at me again, and asks, why I was talking to,

My mecha.





I said that since I was little I understood their feelings,

And I can, listening to them, my father always taught me, that

Mecha also has feelings.





She asked me, who was my father.





And I answered.





-He has the same name as me,

He created this army.





Luci was amazed, to know,

Who was my father.



She told me that I did it, listen to the mecha, too.





After talking a lot, we each went to

Your room.





In the room Keita said he saw me talking to

Luci, he started making fun of me.





Speaking that I'm in love, I ran out

Grace, and I said that.



_ no, we are colleagues, and friends

What an agent we know today.





He started making fun of me, and I was embarrassed,

I went to sleep.



1 hour later, the siren starts to sound.

Iu, iu, iu.





Keita and I woke up, the girls called us,

We asked what that was.





They replied, it was the siren, which detects, aliens, robots,

That was for agent, get ready, to enter Mecha, and attack

The alien.



  We were both excited about our first mission.

We were running for our wicks.





We entered them, the captain said that this is our first, mission

And we said it was for agent prepares.





Agent replied.





-Be a captain !!





So we went towards the monsters.





The alien robot was immense, he

It looked like a crocodile.





We attacked him.





He was very difficult to defeat, very but difficult,

Than the ones we face on earth.





Then the captain ordered the agent to retreat, a feat of attack.






Keita and I thought that if we stepped back it was dangerous,

Monster, attack the land if we refuse.





The captain is angry.





Agent says to the captain.

- even though we lost our life\, I

I will not retreat, we will save, our






So we started up, from the alien.





And we started attacking him.





With our wicks.



I talked .



- take that!.





Blade of light !!!





And Keita says.





King's Lightning !!!





That was the power of our mecha.





The alien gave his power, it repelled our power.





So Keita and I decided to attack again,

   Keita and I were looking for the weakness of the show.





After straying a lot, we found the weak point.





We tried to get close to him, showed him, and he didn't let us.





He started to attack us, with his power.



I said.



Damn how we're going to get closer.





So the captain arrived with the girls

And he started to distract him, while I

Keita approaching the weak point.



Agent approaches the weak point, and lets go of our






Blade of light !!!


King's Lightning !!!





Our power came together, and fully accepted the

I show you, we won.





Agent celebrated, the victory, and the captain we

Thank you.





  And we hug very tight, and said that we were one




So we went to celebrate, on the ship, everyone on the ship thanked us.





After we celebrated, the captain said that our mission

Iria starts now, that agent Iria, to invade, the planet of aliens, is

We will destroy their planet.





We asked how we are going to do this.





He replied that we will destroy their general,

Which is called Drogonzn.



He asked if everyone is ready?



We answered.



Yes, captain !!!!!





End chapter 2

Episode 3The invasion of the black planet, towards metropolilons

After we know what our new mission was, we

He prepared to go to the planets of the aliens.





And we found out, their general number.





Our Captain, We told you that the names of the aliens who

We fought, it was zotrons.





And that Drogonzn, their leader, has

8 emperors, which he commands.





That these emperors are very strong.





The captain also said that their planet,

It is well guarded, for agent to enter it, we will have

That uses all our strength.





We agreed.





He said that Keita and I will go to the front line.





After he arranged it, we went on our mission.



Keita and I stayed in the front and started to enter the

Planet, the Zotrons, came to attack us.





We both fought, with them, we didn’t win, the whole defense,





And when we were, entering the atmosphere, the planet,

Me, Keita and the girls were sucked into the planet.





We fell, as if we were a meteor, on the planet's soil.



Toff !!





Our wicks were all destroyed, and the 4 of us were,

In a deserted place.





We try to get in touch with our crew,

We can't.





So Keita and I started fixing up, our locks,

So that we could, it finds, inhabitants, and Our crew.







I always keep, emergency kites,

For everything I do.





Luci told me.





You are forewarned,






I thanked her, she.

-Thank you.





So after hours we built, our mecha,

We went looking for it, the crew, or someone, and we also prevented

Enemy attack.





We walked, we found, a small town.





Called robocity.





We 4 remain in the wicks, do not scare

The population.



Because our captain said that on this planet everyone is a robot mecha,

And they said, that they don't accept humans, and that for us,

To interact with the people of the planet, we should remain, within the

Our wicks.



Then you ask how we breathe we wick,

Our captain, contracted a technology, that wicks us

There was a place to breathe, eat, sleep, and do

Our need.



How to take, shower shit, and etc.





This technology, we could, live, year, and years within the

Our wicks.





When we entered the city, they welcomed us very well





They asked for our name.



Luci spoke.



-My name is cyber, girl.



Moon spoke


Mine IS terraZ.



Keita said his was.



- cyber thunder.



I already said that I was.



- my name is Her ....





Luci, with his cyber girl, gave me a headache.

It told me.





-You fool!!



Say your robot name, forgot.





I had forgotten, that they don't like humans,

So I said.





me name is Robot Hero.





They love our names, and

We slept in the city.





Agent accepted.





They took us where we would sleep,

In a hulmide house, her owner was called,




They asked where we came from.





We said we were the distant king.




We had noticed that the city was very poor,

It is asked us, for goltron, why the city was so poor.





He said that, it was because of the metropolion emperor.





He stole all of our trade, and took metropolilons to the Kingdom.





  It sustains, his people, to make the people of slave robocity.





That's why they are so poor.





We asked, how could we enter metropolilons.





Goltron asked by which agent, I would like to know.



The girls said, what are you looking for, their friends

And they must be in this city.

goltron said it was forbidden, they enter this city,

if they enter, they will be killed.





So they couldn't help.







I said that, if you can help, this city.





metropolion replied no, he said to agent

We are quiet here.





It's sent agent down.





The next day.





Agent woke up, with a noise.





Me and the thunder went to see what it was.





We saw that the city was being attacked by the servants

From the emperor, metropolion.





They started to destroy the entire city.





Goltron began to fight them.





And he got beaten up.





Me and the thunder would help him the girls prevented,

They said let Goltron do it.





We agreed.





Then Goltron, got up, is said.



-get out of here.





He gave his universe impact power.





The emperor's servants were defeated, Goltron,

And they said that he would pay for it.





Goltron looked at the 4 of us and said to us.



-let's go.



I asked where.



He replied.



-metropolilons find, your friends, is to end this

At once, no more emperor, hurt, my people.



Compliance agent, we follow him to metropolilons,

In search of our friend, and destroy evil in metropolilons.



End of chapter 3




























































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