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The Cage

After being trapped in a daze of fear, insecurities and suffering, she comes to a sudden realization, "Pain and suffering does not bound us to a life filled with regrets, it is but our own selves that does, believing that all hope is lost, we trap ourselves in a cage of limits but I will not allow myself to be a prisoner, I will find the power to live a life free from the shackles of guilt and fear."

...5 years ago...

Theresa (Tesa) Frederick, the daughter of Marquis Thomas Frederick, was the apple of the eye of the entire household. Her Platinum Gold hair would shine as if it was a bar of gold and her majestic red jeweled eyes are said to shimmer more beautifully than rubies. With her undoubtedly charming looks and her cheerful attitude everyone she meets can't help but dote on her.

She was kind to everyone and loved everyone so dearly but out of all the people she has met she cares for her twin brother the most, Theodore (Theo) Frederick. He also has red jeweled eyes but unlike Tesa, he has pitch black hair, the same of their late mother, Marquise Emilia Frederick.

Both twins had a jolly and outgoing personality but after the death of the Marquise from a mysterious illness, the sweet Theo who was extremely clingy to the marquise turned cold and aloof. The household mourned her death for 6 months. Every day the Marquis would visit her grave and gave her flowers.

The twins would also visit her grave whenever they were free. They would talk about their day as if she was still with them. Despite their frequent visits, everyone knew the household would never be the same again.

Theo locked himself in his room, only coming out to visit his mother's grave. The maids would deliver his meal to his room and then asked to leave. Although his days may seem gloomy, their was always a glimmer of sunshine that would never fail to make him feel warm. Tesa would visit his room to play with him. Sometimes Tesa would bring her violin and play him a song.

Nearly a year has passed Theo still locked himself in his room. Despite Tesa's efforts to delight him, he was still trapped in a state of depression. One night he planned to meet his end. He could not anymore take the pain and suffering he felt. Just when he planned to jump off the roof a warm feeling suddenly clung to him.

Tesa held him tight and shouted, "I know! I also miss mommy so much but do you think this is what mommy would have wanted you to do!?". "Why do I have to bare this pain? There is no need for me to carry on! A life with just pain and suffering is a life I do not want to live in! please Tesa, just let go"he rebutted as tears fell from his eyes.

"I will never let you go, You complain of the pain you are feeling and just like that you want to give up! Why do you not notice the people who care about you?" she yelled while crying.

"People who care about me?", he asked with a soft tone. "Do you not see how much people care about you? Father, the servants and ME! I visit you everyday because I care about you so so much and because just like you I also feel the pain but I do my best to smile so that your pain will lessen because the last thing I want is to lose people I love!", she said to him with a voice that semmed so desperate and destroyed inside.

"I never realized how much you cared, I-I'm so sorry", he said with great regret. "Apologize later, get down I don't want you to get hurt" but a sudden gust of wind came and Theo lost balance and started to slip. Tesa held him tight but she didn't have enough force to pull him up.

"Tesa, let me go if you won't both of us will fall" Theo said desperate to not endanger her. "What do you expect me to do? I can't see you get hurt, my god! I just told you that, did you not listen to a word I said" she said jokingly despite her in great fear.

"Listen, we're twins, you are my dearest brother, my only brother, my greatest friend, I would be a fool if I were to let you go", she added then looked as him with a smile.

Inside his head he tells himself, "She smiles despite the situation we are in, She is clearly trembing but she doesn't want me to worry and wants me to have hope in her but if she won'tlet go both of us will fall, I can live in a world where I am tortured day and night but I can not live in a world without seeing her smile so Tesa...."

......never stop smiling for me"...

Their hands then separated and Theo began to fall. Tesa screams his name and when all hope seemed lost a dark shadow catches Theo and hugs him tightly. The cloaked man tells him,"Theo, I'm so sorry, I have failed you as a father". "No dad, I'm sorry.

I was being selfish not thinking of your feelings and also Tesa's, I do not deserve to be your son."he said crying. "Theo, remember this, no matter what happens I will love you always, that will never change.", after those words he gave Theo a hug.

"HEY THEO, ARE YOU ALRIGHT? CAN YOU HEAR ME, WHO IS THAT MAN YOU'RE HUGGING?", Tesa yelled from the 3rd floor. "Your sister is waiting let's go to your room", then he carried Theo to his room where Tesa was waiting.

Upon entering the room Tesa gave Theo a big hug. "Daddy, the man in the cloak was you? I never thought you were that cool, anyways, what took you so long?!"she said the moment she saw his face. "I overheard your con-" but Tesa interrupts him and ordered both of them to sit down on the floor which both of them did obediently.

She talked about what would have happened if things went south and scolded Theo for his recklessness. When ever one of them tried to interrupt her she would give them a cold and frightful gaze and then they both closed their mouths then listened to her.

In the end of her discussion she told Theo and pinched his ear, " You went too far today! Your recklessness is not to be underestimated-". "Dad, help me", theo whispered but the Marquis just looked away knowing that if he did it will only make Tesa even angrier."Don't you dare ask help from daddy, Are you even listening?" she says angrily.

Theo nods then she suddenly hugs him,"Brother promise me you won't do something like that ever again!" she tells him as her tears fall. "I promise you I will not do anything like this ever again, I will never do anything to make Tesa cry so please stop crying" he replies. "That's a promise okay? You will stay with me and daddy forever" then she hugs him even tighter.

As they hugged each other, the Marquis couldn't help but smile, thinking of how blessed he is to have such wonderful children. Tesa then calls him,"Daddy, why are you just sitting there get in here" then the Marquis hugs both of them.

Ever since that night the household became more cheerful and Theo started to go out more, despite being a bit aloof, it was such a great improvement from before. Out of everyone in the Household it was clear that the happiest person and the cause of the sudden change was none other than Tesa.

She was very relieved to see her brother more active again and was especially happy to see things become normal and peaceful or that is what she thought...

The Day

Three years have passed and it was already their 14th birthday. The Marquis planned a grand celebration for the twin's birthday. The ever so delightful Tesa was so excited for the event since she has never been outside the residence and never met people other than the servants and some visitors. She was extra happy since she heard the news about their birthday party.

Theo was still cold and aloof but whenever Tesa was around he was a completely different person. He had swordmanship training and horseback riding lessons, in which at first Tesa demanded to also join in but the Marquis didn't allow because she was a woman.

Despite her father's rebuttals she would secretly ask Theo to teach her and to which he did happily.

The day she got news about the party was during her etiquette lessons. Her tutor told her about her father's plans and hurried to tell Theo after the lessons. When he told Theo, he just replied that the celebration was planned a year ago but the Marquis asked him to keep it a secret until their birthday.

He added that originally it would also be kept from him but he figured it out right away so their father just asked him to keep it from her.

After hearing that she shouted, "Our birthday is two weeks from now, why didn't you tell me earlier!?","What would I wear, what would I say to the guest, what is the flavor of the cake? for goodness gracious why didn't you tell me earlier now I have little time to prepare!".

He then told her, "Don't worry, you are Theresa Frederick, the most beautiful, most delightful and the best person in the whole wild world, there is not a single person that will hate you because", then Theo suddenly let out a cold aura,"I will beat them up senselessly to the point that they wished they were never born".

"Brother, you're too much, this is why the maids are afraid of you."she said. He said with a clear and calm voice, "I only do this because I care about you, anyways let's start the fencing practice if we start later dad will surely catch us.".

He prepared the armor and the swords and as he did Tesa can't help but tell herself, "I'm glad brother is happy".That night at dinner Tesa scolded her father for keeping it from her but then forgave him and gave him a big hug.

It's already 3 days until the twin's birthday and the mansion has never been busier. As the housekeepers and maids were busy with the preparation the twin's were also busy with practicing the proper gesture during the party. Both of them were also busy preparing gifts for each other.

The day arrived any many nobility and even the royal family came. The Marquis then thank everyone's presence and then welcomed the grand entrance of the celebrants.

As the doors open, out came the twins, everyone was at awe since it was the first time the twins appeared to the public. Theo wore a white suit with gold and red laces which made his eyes glimmer so brilliantly. Tesa wore a beautiful red dress that matched her eyes and her platinum hair shimmered brighter than ever. Everyone's eyes were on the twins as they walk down the stairs.

Later, They introduced themselves and thank everyone for coming and then came the first dance. Of course their dance partners were each other and as they danced all eyes were on them.

Tesa whispered to Theo, "Hey, are your legs getting tired?". "No but I am getting a bit bored if you want I could stop the dance", he answered. "No that is not what I mean, I am very happy about today. I want to continue dancing to make the guest happy."she adds.

"Tesa, don't lie to me your legs are starting to tremble, your getting tired, let's end this dance now okay? remember there's egg pudding in the dessert table so help yourself and let's stop dancing. "he says then snaps his finger and the musicians play directly to the finale. Both of them bow and Tesa directly goes to the dessert table.

As Tesa heads to the dessert table, Theo is called by the Marquis and introduces him to Grand Duke Clinton who happens to have a son their age. As the two grownups talk the boys were ask to hang out and socialize.

As expected Theo's cold and aloof personality came in and he uttered not a single word. The Duke's son, Vincent Clinton, had a personality similar to Tesa and talked to Theo despite him not listening.

A few moments later, Teda felt a disturbance in the atmosphere as if all hell is gonna rain down upon a poor soul and looked at Theo's direction. He could sense the "If you're not gonna shut up, I will beat you up" vibe so just as Theo's patience was running out Tesa stooped in and introduced herself.

She said, "Hello, I am Theresa Frederick, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance". Vincent answered, "Likewise, I am Vincent Clinton but you can call me Vince"."Is that so then call me Tesa and this is Theo" she added.

He looks at Tesa and then looks at Theo, he shivers and whispers to Tesa,"You and your brother are very different are you sure you guys are twins?"."Yes, I may have platinum blonde hair and he has pitch black hair but we are clearly twins, aren't we brother?" she says then proceeds to pinch him giving off the "don't you dare scare him away" vibe. Theo then smiles awkwardly at Vince and ask for some time alone with Tesa.

Both of them went to their mother's grave. Theo brought her flowers and Tesa brought her a slice of cake. They talked to their mother about the event and Tesa couldn't stop talking about how happy she was. A few moments later, Tesa said she was going inside so that she could meet up with some girls and make friends. Theo told her than he would stay out for a while but he'll be back in a while.

As she was heading back inside, she was assulted by a group of 10 masked men. She then gave off a loud scream. As soon as she did Theo ran to her direction bringing a sword.

"TESA, WHAT HAPPENED?" he yelled but as soon as he saw her she can't help but get engulfed in rage. "put the sword down", one of them said. Tesa desperately wanted to tell Theo to run and call for help but they covered her mouth shut.

"Tesa, calm down, I will save you" he said calmly. "Don't you dare move one more step forward! One more step and you will meet your sister in the afterlife"one man yells. Tesa looks at Theo and gives a nod. Both of their thoughts were in sink and were aware of what the plan is. Inside their minds the countdown started "Three....two.....". "I said put the sword down!" the man yells.


Tesa bites the hand of the ones holding her, she takes the knife and stabs the 3 men near her and steps back. At the same time, Theo stabs the others slicing their chest. The twin's were able to take down all of the 10 masked men.

Theo then gives Tesa a hug and apologizes for putting her in danger. She tells him,"Theo, I was so afraid, don't be sorry, it was me who let my guard down-".

Theo then hugs her and says, "Tesa, I can't afford to lose you, I will give up my life just to see you smile so don't feel bad okay? You are my sister, my most beautiful, most delightful, and only sister I never want to put you in danger ever again."

Theo then gives Tesa a piggyback ride since she sprained her ankle and just when they were heading back.

..."CLAP*, CLAP*, CLAP*, what a great bond between siblings, it almost made me cry, well...Almost"...

The masked men's injuries suddenly healed as a black smoke engulfed their bodies. One by one they stood up and pne of them said, "I gotta say you guys were pretty good, but mere children can't defeat us". Theo then puts Tesa down and prepares to fight against them but as he was gonna draw his sword he was stabbed in the chest.

"I'm sorry to ruin your sibling play time but you see were in a hurry" one added. Theo falls to his knees and despite little energy left he screamed, "TESA RUN". But then one of them kicked him in the stomach and as he coughed blood he said, "Tesa, you must carry on", then he loses consciousness.

"Sorry my lady, but master is looking for you so we should get going", but as Theo lost conciousness she felt a part of her broken and a sudden burst of energy came rushing out as she screams. After the scream, she said with a low voice, "Theo, brother, please don't leave me, you promised". After spilling those words she lost conciousness.


Tesa then wakes up in her room and the first thing that has gone through her head was the image of her brother lying on the floor covered in blood.

She rushes to stand up and go to her brother's room. As she enters the room, she sees her brother covered in bandages and barely breathing.

Her father on the side of the bed talking to the doctors. As she sees her brother she rushes over his bed and started to cry. She says, "Theo, I'm so sorry I could not protect you, I'm such a worthless sister!".

Theo places his hand on her head and she looks at him. He then tells her, "Tesa don't cry, I'm sorry I made you cry, I promise I won't do it again, well I don't think I can do anything again".

"Theo, don't say that, you're gonna get better and we will spar with each other next time I will surely win."she tells him. "I really want to but it seems my body cannot take it anymore, I'm sorry Tesa but I don't think I can", he replies with little energy left.

"Brother, please don't leave me, you promised that you will stay with me and daddy forever, YOU PROMISED", she said as tears fall over her face.

"I am really sorry Tesa but it seems my forever ends her but at least bid me goodbye with a smile please"he adds. She then smiles and says, "See brother, I'm smiling, please don't leave me and daddy. please brother, I Beg You".

"Don't worry Tesa, I'll be telling mommy how you became the best, the most beautiful, the most delightful person in the wild world. Tesa, Dad, I love you both so much I wish I could stay longer but mommy's waiting", then he suddenly loses consciousness.

"What the hell are you doing?! My son is dying! Do something!", the Marquis yelled at the doctors. "But your grace, we can't do anything, young master's body is not anymore functioning ever since we found him, its a miracle he stayed alive until now", one of them added.

The Marquis sliced his head off and told the others in frustration, "You will do everything you can to save him", as he looked at his dying son, he couldn't hold his tears back any longer.

In Theo's last moments, Tesa was falling apart but because of her love for her brother, she sang him a song, the song she used to sing for him whenever he felt sad. With a Heavy heart she sang the song as tears fell from her eyes as if they were waterfalls.

Despite everything that can be done Theo's death was inevitable but until his last breath Theo held his sister's hand and smiled.





*The song:

Verse 1:

In the darkest of night, where not a beam of light can be seen.

In the greatest of tragedy, where not a hint of hope can be felt*

*I will be your light, I will be your hope

Until the end I will always be with you.


When you're lost, I will bring forth the path.

When you're sad, I will bring forth the joy.

I will be your path, I will be your joy.


You are my light, my hope.

You are my path, my joy.

By your side I shall stay.

I love you, all the way

(Repeat verse 1 and 2)

So when the time comes hold my hand and say. I will be with you night and day*.

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