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The Broken Girl

Chapter 1

As she was sleeping she heard the sound of the birds from outside her window , victoria was still sleeping but her phone alarm went off , she got up to switch off , "oh today is my first day of the university i should not get late , let hurry and get ready", she went to the toilet to take shower , after she took shower she did her hair , and started to get dress , she took her books and some money, her roommate were ready " victoria let us go together", victoria said to her "ok", as the two girls study in the same campus ..

Victoria came out dressed , she went to the fridge and took some chocolate and an apple , she took water " let us go rose", victoria's roommate was called rose , "ok ", the two girls came out and they saw the weather was really good , it was sunny day with some clouds , they went to the bus stop , rose " victoria did you ever take bus?", victoria "to tell you the truth i hate to take bus , but sometimes i used to take , what about you?rose " i used to take the bus back home ", victoria" the bus is here", they took the bus ...

Victoria was sitting near the window , she loves to sit there , she was admiring the view outside , the places are new to her , and today she will start a new journey of her life , victoria was happy after 30 minutes they reached the university road , they get down from the bus , as the two girls were on their way to their classes they were looking around the campus , victoria:" the campus is really big", rose:"you are right its big and beautiful, look over there , wow😍", they were so into scene , when rose reached her turn , she said bye to victoria and left .

Victoria was on her way to class when pumbed into some one, Victoria: i am sorry

Daniel:its ok i am sorry too

victoria raised her head up and saw a handsome man infront of her , victoria: are you ok?

daniel:i am good , are you ok?

victoria: i am fine ..

Victoria turned back and she left ..

Daniel is one of victoria's senior ,as he is handsome and young rich, and he is the prince of the campus, girls love him so much, and the teachers respect him, although he is rich , he is not arrogant like other rich boys..

On the other hand we have our rich and arrogant ceo, his secretary came in to wake him up , but he was already in the toilet taking shower , so the secretary went out to prepare his breakfast, his secretary was feeling kind of something is wrong, jack: why do i feel that something is wrong?, forget it let us just prepare the food.., as mark finished takong bath he dressed up and came out, he saw his secretary putting things on the table,.

Mark: good morning.

Jack: good morning sir, how are you feeling today?

Mark: good , what is in my schedule today..

Chapter 2

Pov of mark and jack.

jack:sir we have a problem.

Mark:what problem?

jack: some one bought our stocks .

Mark: what did you say?, who is it ?

jack: we are still searching the person , but we found the buyer.

Mark: ok who is the buyer?

Jack: it is Mr Fitcher

Mark : that man wants to buy it.

Jack : actually he is the one who contacted us , and told us that some one aproached him to buy some of our stocks.

Mark: but they can't buy my stocks .

Jack: he said the person is planinng to do something .

Mark: like what?

Jack: i don't know

Mark: search that person i want you to bring it to me undeestood.

Jack: yes sir.

Mark: good let us go ..

Mark and his secretary went to the company as the team were searching, who was the person trying to sell the stocks secretly, marks stepmother called his secretary and she told him to tell mark to come home tonight, mark doesn't listen what his stepmother says, so she told the jack that his grandmother wants to see him, as she told he told his boss, mark agreed , but he told jack that he have to keep searching the person, he wants to find it as soon as possible..

Mark left the work and he was headed the way to his families house , when he got a phone call as he was going to answer his phone, but the phone slipped through his hand , he went down to get the phone, the road was empty, and he wasn't driving at the high ways, when he come back he stopped his car, as he was almost hit at a girl..

victoria screamed as the car get near by her, but the car stopped, she wasn't feeling her legs, she wanted to stand up, but couldn't stand up, she got frightened , mark get down from the car and he came to her, standing at top of her , Mark: excuse are you ok?, but victoria without giving an answer to mark she holded his leg , he knew somethimg was wrong with , he gave her his hand, victoria held his hand and she try to get up as she stand up she lost balance, when she was aboit to fall mark held her up, now she was in his arms , he could hear her heart beating so fast, victoria wanted to stand alone, as she was helding mark's hand , but mark stopped her and he took her to his car opened the door for her , Mark: come sit down here,.

Victoria sat down , she let go of his hand, mark went to the back of his car and a brought her a bottle of water , Mark : here drink some water, she took the water and drunk it ,Victoria: thank you , he looked at her , and said Mark: sorry i almost hit you, but are you ok? ,

Victoria: i am ok .

Mark: are you sure you are ok?

Victoria: yeah, thanks once again😊.

Mark: here take my card if you don't feel well , call me .

Victoria looked at mark, he wasn't even taking no for answer so she just took the card , she got up and take her bag , she left him, mark get in his car , victoria looked back at mark and their eyes met , she waved him bye , but he didn't even care , he started his car and left.

Pov of victoria

Wow he is so handsome , if they are going to give someone prince of handsome , they should give him , king , and that body wow , i can't get over it , victoria get yourself together you have a lot of things to do , stop your wild fantasy.😎

Chapter 3

Mark reached the house of his family, he went in, he saw one of the workers, mark: where is my grandmother? , the worker: sir she is at your fathers room. mark: ok you may go, then mark when to his grandmother , as he reached the room , he saw his stepmother , his father and someone else he didn't know inside the room, his grandmother was sitting next to the person , that he didn't recognise , Mark: hi grandmother, father , aunt, how are you guys ?

father: why are you here?

grandmother: i called him to come over .

Father: ok mom.

Aunt: its good that you came over , come and sit , i was worried that you wouldn't make it today.

Mark: aunt, grandmother called me i have to be here ..

Aunt: yeah you are right, good son.

Mark: grandmother, it seems someone is with you, i will wait until your guest leaves , i am in the study room, ok.

Grandmother: ok my son .

Mark left the room , but he didn't know what his grandmother, wants from him, and more than that , the person who was with his family is the first time he seeing her, he was asking him self who is the person?, he went to the study room and started working...

He was in the study room when a girl came to him, he looked at her face , he didn't recognise her but she was smilling to him, hi mark , its been a long time , how are you?, mark looked at her , Mark: who are you ? ,

Isabella: its me isabella , mark don't tell me you forget about me?

Mark: i don't remember , but do you need something?

Isabella: no i came to give some tea , mother told me you were here .

Mark: thanks but don't come here again .

Isabella: did i make you angry ?

Mark: leave if you finished ..

as isabella was about to leave the room, when his grandmother came, amd isabella hold her hand, mark was processing what is going on here?, his grandmother called him, .

Grandmother: mark son what is wrong ?

Mark: nothing grandmother.

Isabella: grandmother i think i made mark angry?

Grandmother: why? what happened?

Isabella: i came in his room.

Grandmother: mark don't be angry , you guys used to go every where together when you were young, ok.

Mark: ok grandmother.

Grandmother: i want talk to you with something come in to my room.

Mark : ok grandmother..

Victoria reached at her house she got changed, and took bath, she cooked food, and left some for her roommate, after she ate her food , she wore simple clothes and went out to do buy something she needed for university, she was about to leave the apartment when her roommate came in,

Rose: hi, victoria where are you going?

Victoria: i am going to the bookshop , i need to buy something .

Rose: really, me too i wanna buy something, can i go with you?

Victoria: ofcourse , first you should eat something.

Rose : ok ..

Rose went inside she took bath and got changed , while she was talking bath victoria, warmed the food for her , rose came out , and she saw the food she was kinda feeling happy, she thanked victoria, victoria told her to eat the food , so that they can go out, victoria's cousin was coming to pick her up , and he came late , first she was worried but her cousin send her a massage that he is coming late.

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