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Edge Of Tomorrow

Episode 1

It was the time of 1600's.The darkness has consumed the light.It was soo dark that no one can expect anything on their path.There was no men or women's voices can be heard only one sound,the sound of WATER.The water flowing throught the streets of a small village the flow is sooo strong that not even minimum number of Dams can stop them because its not happend to that one village it happend all over the world.Most of the world is covered by the waters flow no one knows where it came from? or how is it happend?

Somewhere in the high mountains some people were safe.Safe in a high mountain cave.They talk to each other in frightening.

a 15 years young boy asking his "Grandpa why did this happend? why is our people died? and the whole world has paid the price of sacrifice? why is this happening?" he asked. But the old Grandfather was lost in his thoughts and later he replies

"Son you were asking about the past but I'm thinking about the future if no one knows about why this happend today there will be no humans left on the planet. Someone must tell the world how in danger are they." The boy says i will grandpa. and he asks what is it you were thinking lately about the future? The Grandpa replies its

Edge of Tomorrow

Now its the time of modern world (we can say its 2020) :

its 10am in the morning The streets were too busy there is traffic every where.A man runs with a briefcase with him as he was late to his office holding a coffee cup in other hand.He runs and can't get in the elevator because its already full and the doors were closed so took the steps and enter into his office while he entering his friend came towards that man and says "You are dead dave". while his friend leaves he was confront by his boss. The boss scolds him in his office about the software has not ready yet and its because of you DAVE. But Dave opens his brief case in his boss cabin and gave him the papers of approval software from their investors(Boss still scolds Dave unknowingly what is he doing). After he knows reply to Dave, "Dave i know you were smart and hardworker but its the 10th time this month you've been late.If you do like this all the other staff may encourage this kind of irresponsibility \[Actually Dave and his boss were good friends out side the company\].

Dave came and sits in his cubicle and try to relax by stretching his hand backwards on his seat and accidentally hit his co-worker SARAH's head. he says sorry and sarah replies its ok and asks whats the reason you said today? actually its nothing he replies. sarah says ok got a big day today so i will see you around and she leaves by holding some files to submit in her hand.Later his friend come to Dave and asks him how is the day today? its pretty much normal he says. Ok Are you gonna come tonight to my friends party? and im inviting you Dave replies no \[Actually Dave is solo type person he wont go into people that much\] after this they both go to work while working Dave stares at the window and thinking something

In other country there was full croud.People were rushing and its seems like its a market.A middle age girl and her mom came for shopping they both buy skyblue coloured long frock,heels that matches the dress,hair bands,accessories that match to the dress finally they go to the jewelry shop and buy some jewelry when they were about to leave her mother saw aomething in the jewelery scrap it a diamond shaped light blue colored ruby which is size of our palm.She asks how much is that and he replies " I dont even know how it came from but its ok if you want you can have it" the girl was also so happy and made it as a necklace by fitting the ruby in the middle of her necklace that perfectly matches to her dress.

Episode 2

...[NOTE] : Sorry Friends my story is not completed yet its just a mistake happend. The story continues..............

Now the story moves to a military base where there are soldiers,fighter jets,paraids,and all the stuff that happens in a military base.There's a military colnal Colnol Barns comes out from a room.He calls a cadet and asks whether Doc James have arrived or not."Not yet sir" replied by the cadet.Colnol continues his walk towards an abandon military based unit(AMBU) asking there soldiers to leave him alone.While everyone leaving he enters into into that AMBU.There were steps that takes downstares.when he go down stares there are lots of systems and Docs,Archeologists,old books library, information over old methods on killing,destroying,several incidents that were happend in past and so on.Colnol then go straight towards Doc Richards & Emily and ask them

Colnol : Hey Doc did you find any kind of suspecious signals,radiation,strange magnetic fields?

Doc's : No sir,we afraid not

Colnol says "just do it and find as soon as possible we have to track them before its too late,the tomorrow's fate lies in today i want you to speed up [in tensed and irritation]"

As colnol comes out and calls a soldier and order him "Tell Agent Phill where ever he is he should report me in my office in 10 mins".Yes sir replied by the soldier.

In the tent of Colnol Barns

Agent Phill reporting sir[base voice] colnol : at ease soldier. Lately i was asking our AMBU Doc's about the project we take but there is no progress in it whats your status soldier? Not that promising sir[base voice] Angry colnol *I dont want to hear anothr word about this do you know how much it costs? do you ever imagine it? We have to find them.Do it quickly if they exists.Which is you are saying and remember this is the last time I trust you and i cant even stand by your side anymore its your last chance phill and for me too.Good luck" [colnol leaves].

Agent phill stands there thinking.............

Mean while in a dark forest a dark and strange figure[it is actually looks like a man]sits on a tree and kill an animal with its arrow.Later it crawls down and take that animal with it and took it to its cave where no one lives in it except that creature.

Here Dave comes from office to his apartment and try to relaxe he got fresh and had his dinner.Later he wathches TV but as he was so tired that he cannot turn off the TV and go straight to his bed.In that TV some news program was playing about sports but later it was stopped and an ad was playing "Breaking news".In that the Breaking news was about [a female news reader reads that news] "a man's skeleton was found by the Archeologists today morning in an unexpected place near to POMPAII.The body was taken out and it is under the security of the GOVT.Tests were going on that skeleton to know about whose body is it? where does it belong? What happend to it?" and later the TV offs.

Episode 3

"Sir! we have found one and it is exactly how we think it is at least we have hope" said by Doc Richards and Emily. [both with exitiment and tensed] Really? are you sure it is what we are looking for? are you sure? said by the colnol. Yes sir we are getting some kind of radiation from somewhere which cant be located due to disturbance of that radiation said by Doc Richards.Colnol says "you just keep tracking it we have to find it no matter what it costs and leaves.Colnol go out side and order his Soldiers" Soldiers get to the COMMAND CENTER and ask them to track some kind of radiation is emitting from somewhere near us and ready the choper we are going to know where is it and we have to bring it here or kill it.We accomplish this mission.Dont you just satre like ladies move your butts Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!. Yes sir!!!!!![Shouts]

Colnol walks into Agent Phill's tent and says to phill who is almost ready to leave the tent for that mission

COLNOL : Where are you going? its our mission not have another mission i've assigned you.

Phill : But sir its my dream. You know very much this is what we are searching for a very long time.I have to come and to check whether He the right one or not.

COLNOL : No more words Agent.You have to find the rest of them.Its also your Dream not mine. [PHILL] : but.. sir..

No more arguments Agent now get lost.

YES SIR!!!! [Agent phill leaves the tent in controlling the anger]. Colnol lights his cigar and puffs out the smoke.In between that smoke Colnol notices something and Observes at the information by Agent Phill have collected.

Here on the other hand Dave wakes up in his bed and he is already late.He hurry up and got ready and leave his apartment.While he is in hurry to the apartment he crashes a man and says sorry to him without stopping the run.That man gives a creepy look towards Dave withoutsaying anything.Dave run out of the apartment,grabs a taxi,and reaches his office.Asusual he missed the elevator and take the steps.While he is running on the stares All he thinks of is about his boss Devil reactions. Dave [Damn him why is this not working for me daily about wake-up early].He hurries up and run straight to his office and opens the office door.He got stunned for what he is looking at.The whole office is in confused and roaming here and there,running some codes,turning on/off the systems and power.But nothing is working.Dave slowly walks into his cubicle his friend was acting busy as he is tensed and worrying about his systems isnt working anymore.Dave asks his friend " Whats happening here? is everyone ok? "and looks straight up at his boss he is full nervous,irritated and roaming in and out of his cabin with answering his clients phone calls . Daaaveeee!!!!!! my maan the founder of the late Comers is here [in slow voice audiable to Dave only].Dave asks again in confusion whats is it happening? at the same time his colleague Sarah passes by both of them with some code papers holding with two hands.

Dont you know whats is happening here you did this its all your fault said by Dave's friend.What? how am i responsible for the cause of this? im not the one who is reason for running this pigs farm in our office. Nope not me said by Dave. Dave friend [chuckles].Ok what happend is....... We dont know bro we all are finding a way to restart the signals.

Dave gets shocked a bit and asks his friend signals? did you just said signals? what happend to them?. \[ Dave's Friend\] Well i don't know,we don't know honestly we all don't know why this happend.its been like this since yesterday late night. Its just not the systems that doesn't work I've noticed my phone is been glithing from from morning and also it is also said in todays morning news that slowly it may effect mobiles,tvs,radios everything thats connected to signals.WHAT? \[Dave says\]

Dave's friens keep on saying about the morning news about he heard of but Dave's friend voice gets muting slowly and all thats runs in Dave mind is this

[" What the hell on earth is going on.what will happen if....? is its on? i have some bad feeling about this.I have to meet Mr.Tai chi]

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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