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Hated Mate


Hello all before starting this story I want to thank the writer of this story Fatuma Habuya that allowed me to share this story here in Mangatoon. To be honest I am already a big fan of her writing and plotting of stories. You can search her on ******* ( @fatumahabuya) and read her other stories there as well they all are best and of course my favourite.

Basically, this story is about Wang Yibo (Alpha) and Xiao Zhan (Omega)

Wang Yibo (Future Alpha)

Xiao Zhan (Omega)


Xiao Zhan POV

Prince Yibo is the future alpha.

I, on the other hand, is nothing but is the total opposite, a nerd weak omega, when the other kids turned 4 years they were able to have their first transformation but someone like me, I'm already 15 years but I'm not even sure if I was cursed or not, with my weak body structure someone will easily tell that I am an omega, tests at the hospital showed that I am an omega.

I couldn't transform like other children when my age mates go out to the woods for a run, here I am just being the laughing stock of the pack, hurtful words were branded to me, getting bullied by everyone in the pack and no one will come out to at least defend me when I'm being used as a punching bag but rather they will encourage whoever it was that has decided to relieve his stress to take it out all on me.

"Look at you, are you really a wolf or maybe your parents just pitied you and took you in! You're a disgrace from our pack! You don't deserve to be in this pack, can't you just get lost" In omega girl who is the same age as me spatted, but what could do, it's better to just keep quiet, because if I dare to say a word then it will be worse than just those hurtful words.


"Don't be sad, I am always here with you, I will never leave you.

My wolf said.

'But what they have said is the truth, I couldn't even transform like the other's, it's true I am a disgrace.' I answered sadly, why didn't I just be like the others live a normal without getting bullied. Everything will be alright when the right time comes. I'm sure our mate will never despise us. My wolf encouraged us, but by the thought of finding out mate terrified me even more.

"Move aside you little punk!" A deep voice shouted and I have roughly pushed away, I hit my head with the wall, whimpered and winced in pain, lifting my eye's my eyes met with our future alpha who smirked, he's one of my bullies and his insults were more hurtful, it hurts more when your future leader encourages and even join to bully a member of the pack Instead of protecting them.

"Why are you looking at me with those eyes, how dare you look at your alpha like that!" Yibo added and kicked Xiao Zhan on his stomach, Zhan who was already sitting on the floor groaned in pain and hugged his stomach which felt like the organs have been crushed into pieces, Zhan vomited portion his undigested lunch. The students nearby started laughing while looking at xiao Zhan with pure disgust.




"Your such a disgust! Weakling! A real shame!"

Another shouted and poured cold water at the already trembling Xiao Zhan. As it was already winter, the weather was really cold, he's sure he's going to get a cold.







Weakling 2

"Your such a disgust! Weakling! A real shame!"

Another shouted and poured cold water at the already trembling Xiao Zhan. As it was already winter, the weather was really cold, he's sure he's going to get a cold.

"Stop pretending now weakling get up" Another alpha shouted and forced Xiao Zhan to stand up, Zhan whose eyes were tightly closed even though he was wearing glasses tried to speak but no words came out, a hand took off Xiao Zhan glasses, Zhan who has eye problems since he was one day got hit severely and waa pushed and hit on the stairs several times by Wang Yibo and his Beta this made him start wearing glasses.

"M-my glasses give them back please," Zhan whispered since they're wolves their hearing was excellent, they heard well what Xiao Zhan has said.

"Oh, little omega wants his glasses back right?" Another sarcastic voice asked Zhan who was struggling to break free from whoever has grabbed him nodded his head, then got punched on his left eye with the boy holding him tightly, Zhan touched his burning eye but didn't say a word, Xiao Zhan tried looking for his glasses with his hand on the floor when he heard the 'kak' sound.


"Little omega, it's my fault your glasses were mistakenly stepped by my shoe, but I'm not sorry." Wang Yibo said sarcastically, Xiao Zhan choked on his tears. How is he going to get home from school? His glasses are already destroyed, at least he could have been better if he was able to transform to his wolf form and he could have been able to go home. Zhan heard the students laughing while walking away, Zhan tried finding his glasses, finally, he was able to them he touched them and tensed, they're completely destroyed.

Xiao Zhan whole body was in pain, his wolf though he has helped him heal most of the time but today his wolf couldn't be of any help.

I'm so useless snow (xiao wolf). I'm really useless couldn't even impress anyone. I'm a shame, a real disgrace Xiao Zhan mind links his wolf and broke down in tears, getting bullied at school and back at the park, he has no friends, everyone loathes him, sees him as nothing but trash.

Your not useless, our mother said we are special, it's my fault that I'm no much of a help, but everything will be fine after we meet our mate. Snow answered, though Xiao Zhan has never seen his wolf, but he just has the feeling his wolf is white as snow, he is waiting for that day he will be able to transform like the other's, he talks to his wolf every day, every time, he is the reason he is still hanging on, they still hope their mate will get them out of this nightmare. He will protect them and make them feel secure.

Xiao Zhan remained sitting on the floor with the already broken glasses and his bag. The school is silent meaning everyone has gone back home, he's sure it's already late, Xiao Zhan tried getting up several times white groaning in pain, his left eye is already swollen like a tomato with the punch he received earlier, finally, he managed to get up, since his vision is blurry and he couldn't see anything clearly, he decided to use his hands, smell and legs, hoping wherever he is walking in the right way. He walked for about ten minutes when he heard a crack sound on his left side.


Zhan got alert and trembled in fear, his steps were extremely slow since he is severely hurt. Zhan tried to walk faster with his heart beating like crazy, he's sure if someone is near could hear him, Zhan jumped in fear when he heard a growl. Oh no, a lion!" Xiao Zhan thought and started running, but he couldn't get far when he fell down and his right leg was beaten by the lion, Xiao Zhan right at that moment knew that his day has finally come for him to finally die. He completely lost hope, no one will bother to help him when they see him, because he's nothing but a cursed omega, only his mother and dad treat him well.

Xiao Zhan was brutally slapped on his face with the lion's paw, Zhan coughed out blood and his head became lighter, the lion was about to finish Xiao Zhan off and have his meal when a growl behind Xiao Zhan was heard, Xiao Zhan immediately recognised his father's scent. "Daddy." Xiao Zhan whispered weakly before he completely lost consciousness.

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