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The Valiant Souls Season 1: The Beginning Of A New Era

1. The Beginning of A New Era

(Earth, 2090 CE)

     For centuries Humans have lived on Earth. From a Primal Era where the first Humankind was born to a Modern Era where Modern Humankind discovered and created advanced technologies and other innovative technologies. Humans lived with other living beings, Animals, and Plants. Sometimes they lived in harmony, Sometimes they lived in peril. They hunt animals and gather plants for food since The Primal Era

     Mother Nature was the supervisor of Nature and the one who controls Nature along with all of the living beings in it. She was also the one who gives life and who takes it away too, No matter how good or bad they are. But that doesn’t mean humans can’t control themselves. They have brains to think, limbs to move and touch, and senses to see, hear, smell, and taste. All of those things exist because of the source of life and that source of life is located deep beneath Earth. While Mother Nature controls all, This Life Source can take away all life on Earth in an instant just with a single snap of it, and Earth will turn silent and dead. This Life Source has been guarded by Generations of Soul Guardians who had lived from centuries to centuries and generations to generations. This brings us all back to the Present Day

     The Year is 2090, Humanity prospered thanks to many creations of Technologies, Innovations, Laws, and Ideologies. Every country in the world has been modernized rapidly and with that, a new Era has begun. Wars have been fought and concluded with bitter and peaceful ends, creating another major change in the world. Economic, Education and Social Culture were also have been another main focus in the change of the New Era to create a Major Reformation of Humanity. The Leading Powers of The Free Union (U.S Counterpart), The Imperial Monarchy (Britain’s Counterpart), The Northern Federation (Russia’s Counterpart), The Socialist Republic (China’s Counterpart), and The Liberty Republic (France’s Counterpart) had made a pact of Everlasting Peace to maintain peace around the world. But that Pact will not last forever, especially when vengeful races from outer space are coming to destroy it

(2090 CE. Irving's United School, Wisconsin, Free Union)

     Irving United School is not an ordinary High School for Local Teenagers to study and graduate to enter University or just went straight for their dream job. No, It’s not like that kind of school but this is a school for People from all around the world that have been destined by The High Council Priest to be the next generation of Earth’s Protectors. Not just from The Free Union but there are many students from all around the world. This School was funded by The Government and was hoped to last for centuries. It’s true that this school has its own purpose and intention, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have your own purpose and intention by studying here. You can certainly search, reach, and gain whatever you wanted to be here at Irving United School

     Well for Henry Davis, It’s not all about being a Protector of Earth, especially with his long-time dream to become an agent of The International Secret Intelligence Agency, U.I9. Henry Davis is an Interesting Individual. He is an Englishman and a handsome good looking young boy at the age of 19. He was born in Brighton, England, Imperial Monarchy on June 5th, 2070 AD to a family of an Archeologist Father and an Accountant Mother. Back in his old school Newcastle Royal Academy, He is a Caucasian with white skin, auburn brown hair, a heptagon-shaped young face, a pair of shining emerald green eyes, and a fairly normal-built body for an average boy his age. he is very intelligent, disciplined, talented, and a good student. He majored in International Relations and always wanted to be An Agent in the I.I7 (Imperial Intelligence Sector 7) for his Country, but when he was called by The Council’s Priest to be schooled at Irving’s, He decided to aim higher for U.I9 Agency. He is also a nice, easy-going, cool, faithful, and friendly guy but even with all of that traits, he only has a few friends and one girlfriend

     First, there’s Sarah Rosetta. She’s a Canadian and a stunningly pretty attractive young girl at the age of 18. She was born in Toronto, Commonwealth of New Georgia (Canada’s Counterpart) on November 3rd, 2071 AD to a family of a Lawyer Father and a Doctor Mother. She was a Scholarship Student and was transferred to Newcastle Royal Academy in England, Imperial Monarchy and that’s how she met Henry. She is a Caucasian with white skin, french braided golden blonde hair, a rectangle-shaped petite face, a pair of beautiful diamond blue eyes, and a curved feminine slim-built body for young girls her age. She’s a very smart, intelligent, diligent, and creative student. She’s also a nice, sweet, cool, kind, and friendly girl, and a loving and caring girlfriend to Henry

     These two soulmates met when Sarah had just been transferred to the Newcastle Royal Academy three years ago, majoring in Information Technology. Their meeting was… let’s just say it... obvious and typical for High School Teenagers. On the first day of Sarah’s Transfer to the Academy, she ran to her class in a hurry at the same time when Henry was going to his locker to get his stuff. When Henry was about to reach his locker, suddenly Sarah who was in a hurry bumped into him which caused the books she carried to fall on the floor and her about to fall and hit the floor with her eyes closed, bracing for the impact. But before that could happen, Henry’s bravery and heroism suddenly kicked in as he rushed in to save the stunningly pretty girl that he never met in his life by catching her in his arms before she could hit the hard and cold floor with one hand behind her head and the other hand around her waist. Typical Romance or first meeting for young teenagers

     When she opened her eyes, feeling that her head isn’t hurt and her body is not on the floor but instead she was being held in the arms of her savior, Henry. She looked at him and noticed how handsome and adorable Henry is. The two of them blushed when they gazed into each other eyes. No one was around at the time but it still feels awkward for the two teenagers because you don’t usually stare at a pretty girl’s or a handsome boy’s eyes even though you don’t know about each other

After a short time of silently and awkwardly locked in each other’s gaze, Sarah decided to silence “Umm, H-Hi?” She started nervously, still being held in Henry’s strong but gentle arms

Henry hesitated at first but he responded “Uh, Hey” He said with the same nervousness Sarah has, not realizing that he still has Sarah around his arms. But when he realized that he was still holding the girl, He clumsily helped the girl to stand up on her own feet. After he helped the girl to stand up, he picked up the books that Sarah carried, collecting them neatly as he handed them back to Sarah “Here, Sorry for that” He apologized to her. She smiled and shook her head in response as she took the books from him

“Nah, It’s fine. Accident happens y’know” She calmly assured Him with a warm smile, holding the books close to her chest and shrugging her shoulders. Henry noticed that she was speaking with a Canadian Accent that sounded like a combo of American, British, and French accents. He also noticed how friendly and innocent this girl is. Well the thing he knows about Canadian stereotypes is that Canadians are so friendly, way too friendly but not as easy-going as American

A sudden awkward silence suddenly went back surrounding them but it disappeared quickly when Henry pushed himself to remove all of the nervousness he had and gain himself back. He cleared his throat and urged himself to introduce himself to Sarah “Anyway I’m Henry. Henry Davis” He introduced himself casually with a smile, offering a hand for Sarah to shake

Sarah looked at him intently for while and smiled at him as she finally shook Henry’s hand and introduced herself to Henry “Sarah. Sarah Rosetta”. That’s how these two lovebirds meet. They became fast friends and not long after that, Best Friends along with Henry’s other friends back at Newcastle Royal Academy. These two shared some similar traits with each other: Their coolness, Their friendliness, Their Intelligence, and Dreams. And within Six Months, they became Boyfriend and Girlfriend on Venus Day, the Day of Love with the both of them confessing their love for each other at Heart Garden on The Isle of Venus

     Then there’s Owen Reese, a 19 Years Old Teenager. He’s a Caucasian with white skin, straight blonde hair, a pair of dazzling ocean blue eyes, an oval-shaped young face, and normal-built just like Henry. He was born in Cardiff, Wales, one of The Imperial Monarchy’s Principalities on September 9th, 2070 to a family of an Architect Father and a Teacher Mother. He’s a calm, ambitious, bold, well-tempered, and friendly guy. He’s also a smart and diligent student but not as smart as Henry or Sarah, but good enough for a student of one of the finest and favored academies in Imperial Monarchy. He has a dream of wanting to be an Architect to continue and honor his Father’s legacy as an Architect, or so that’s what people thought. As it turns out, His dream of becoming an Architect wasn’t only because of His Father but from his own heart. He enjoyed designing whether it was building or any other stuff when there was a School Project. He met with Henry when they were toddlers and attended Kindergarten and became friends and eventually best friends with Him until High School Year

     Another friend Henry met in Kindergarten was Oliver Duncan, also 19 Years old. He was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, another one of Imperial Monarchy’s Principalities on March 12th, 2070 to a family of Hunter Father and Maid Mother. He was a Caucasian with white skin, curly ginger hair, a pair of ocean blue eyes, and well-built like a brawler or a Viking. He is a brash, bold, hot-headed, snotty, oblong-shaped face, and ambitious guy. He’s also a not-so-good student because of his behavior. He’s also a little bit different from his other friends. While most of Henry’s small circle of friends are nice people including another friend that we haven’t yet introduced to, Oliver is not really that nice but he’s okay to not cause so much trouble. But slowly but surely, he was changed a little by his friends' influences and he increasingly started to become a little bit nicer than his former self. He has a dream of becoming a member of the Imperial Military Police Force to safeguard his Country from inside threats like Crimes and Terrorism

     And last but not least, the last friend of our Main Character, Evelyn Gardner. She is a pretty young Englishwoman at the age of 18 Years Old, the same age as Henry’s girlfriend, Sarah. She was born in Exeter, England, Imperial Monarchy on July 23rd, 2071 to a family of Business C.E.O Father and Chef Mother. She is a Caucasian with white skin, raven black hair, a pair of beautiful emerald green eyes, a heart-shaped petite face, and curved feminine slim-built for young girls her age. She’s a very caring, kind, nice, confident, and friendly girl. She’s also a very smart, intelligent, creative, and innovative student with the dream of becoming a Journalist for Imperial Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) from Imperial Monarchy or Central News Network (CNN) from Free Union. She met Henry in Junior Year when his only friend was Owen while Oliver was still distant from them at the time. The three became good friends and then best friends over the course of the years in Junior High followed by Oliver’s transition

     And this is the beginning of Henry Davis’s Live and the beginning of a New Era, One that Humanity won’t expect and struggle with. Because something is coming out for them, from outer space and they don’t know that they’ll be coming pretty soon and that humanity isn’t quite prepared after a long time of peace. So that’s up to the new generation of Valiant Souls to face them and yet they too weren’t really prepared for what the Gods have in store for them

2. Their Life

(January 1st, 2090 CE. Newcastle Royal Academy, Newcastle, England, Imperial Monarchy)

*RIIIING* That was the sound of German Class starting for the the fourth years students of Newcastle Royal Academy. Yes\, German Language was studied in most countries in Europe\, including The Imperial Monarchy. Other Foreign Language taught in this Academy were French originated from Republic of Saint Louis and Spanish originated from San Angelo Empire. German Language was not that hard but it’s not that easy either but since The British language\, English were in one family with German language\, The Germanic Language Family\, It was the second easiest language in the Monarchy other than English\, even beating the local Scottish and Welsh

Henry was not much of a Language Student but he’s fine with it and he did like English other than his favorite subjects, History and Geography. His Girlfriend, Sarah though was different. She’s a Language and Science Student especially in English, French, (Hence her Canadian preference) and Biology but she’s fine with History and Geography. The two made a good team everytime they have a project, just like how Tea and Sugar. Without Sugar, Tea tastes bland. Without Tea, Sugar is just a thick overly too sweet powder. But without Sarah, Henry is nothing and the same goes for Sarah too.

And that’s where these Soulmates are in their 5th Period of the day at 12 am, in the German Class with Mrs. Alina Engel, fresh from Black Eagle Federation. She graduated from The University of Bradensburg, majoring in German Language and Literature (Deutsche Sprache und Literatur) who is not yet entered the class. So the Students, Boys and Girls, Friend to Friend, Sibling to Sibling, and Lover to Lover were just chatting with each other while waiting for their German Teacher’s arrival to the class. In this class there are only Henry and Sarah out of all Henry’s small circle of friends but he was thankful for that, even grateful because these two can spend their times together without the teasing and embarrassments from their friends. Don’t get them wrong: They loved spending times with their friends, but sometimes they’re just a hunk of loudmouths

Henry and Sarah were sitting on the same seat and they were just talking, to kill some times before Mrs. Engel arrived in the class. Henry was wearing a ultramarine blue t-shirt with picture of British 'Keep Calm and God Save The Queen' Poster and  a cup of Tea, dark blue jeans, a pair of gray sneakers with black stripes, and a pair of deep sky blue socks with white stripes while Sarah was wearing a slightly grayish white casual dress, short pink skirt, a pair of tiger orange sneakers with white stripes, and a pair of pink socks  “Ah, so it’s just us together again without our friends huh?” Henry said, leaning back on the chair’s rail, placing one arm on the left side of the top rail and his other wrapped around Sarah’s waist who had her hands holding her Clementine uPhone, playing around with UniGram, an app or site where you can look and search for images, photos, and videos of your desire or upload your own to show it to the word

Sarah looked up from her Smartphone to her boyfriend and gave him a warm smile “Yeah, they always loved pestering in our relationship and I’m really uncomfortable” Henry chuckled at her remark “Don’t get me wrong though, I loved hanging out with them as much as I loved hanging out with you all the times” She continued before looking back at her phone again. Suddenly she let out a soft ‘aww’ and giggled when she sees a particular cute video

This got Henry’s attention and curiosity as he looked at her Girlfriend who’s giggling at her self and her phone “What’s so funny, Milady?” He asked her in curiosity, calling her by her nickname. Yes they did have nicknames for each other. Henry called her ‘Milady’, classic for a Brit like him and She called him by ‘Dear’, sounds like as if they were married, well they will, but not yet anyway but don’t ask the writer here, ask her if you wanted to know

She stopped giggling as she turned her uPhone to her Boyfriend, showing a video about a cute and small Feline, a Munchkin playing tug with a medium-sized Japanese Dog, a Shiba Inu. Oh yeah, He remembered her love for almost all animals, especially Cats. She has a pet cat named Jacques, a Male British Shorthair back at her house Henry himself was not a Cat-person but he’s okay with Cats. He’s more of a dog person as he himself  has a dog named Nicole, a Female Siberian Husky

“Ah, animals of course. Another thing that you loved other than me and your Parents” Henry half joked while watching the video of the playful animals. Henry had to admit: A Cat and Dog playing around with each is somewhat a cute thing because usually Cats and Dogs didn’t get along that much with each other. That is truly one of the rarest thing to happen in the animal world, even The Mother Nature knows it

Sarah giggled at Henry’s joke as she turned her uPhone back to her “Well, can’t blame me for being an Animal Lover, Dear. You know how Canadians are” She said, smiling at Henry who smiled back at her

“Yeah Yeah, I know, Milady” Henry said dryly. After that they talked about random things

Some times later while the two teenagers and other students were talking, The Classroom Door suddenly opened followed by a stunningly beautiful middle aged woman in her 30’s with white skin, shoulder length bob blonde hair, a pair of ocean blue eyes, diamond shaped face, and slim built wearing white collared shirt, black mini skirt, black high heels with black leggings covering her legs, and carrying some study books, walking inside the Classroom, towards the Teacher’s seat in front of the class and stood beside it with black chalk board behind. Soon, the class stopped talking and turned their attention to their beloved German Teacher whom had given her Students a warm smile

“Guten Morgen, Class. How are you today? Vell, I hope zhat you all are good und vell und I’m also grateful for you all to be able to join me in zhis lesson” She greeted her students with her thick German Accent

She then walked in the middle of the room and clasped her hands together, observing all of her student with a smile directed for them “Sooo, as usual… without further ado, let’s get started…” She said as German Class finally begins and lasts for an hour and half…

(One and half hour later)

The German class ended with the ring of Lunch Bell with the entirety of the 5th period being as usual for the students and Mrs. Engel who really likes to share her knowledge about her language and home country to her students: pleasantly comfortable and fun yet educational for the students because of how Mrs.Engel could adapt with the behavior of the nowadays Teenagers. Soon, the students have either gone to the Cafeteria their Lunch or having brought their own lunch on parts of the Academy after Mrs. Engel dismissed the class and excused herself to have her own Lunch with his husband who is also the Counsellor of The Academy named Mr. Karl Engel and her friends who were her fellow teachers

As for Henry and Sarah, they went to the Cafeteria for their lunch. They walked there hand in hand like how a strongly bonded couple would. Over the course of the years, their bonds and love for each have grown strong to this day. Of course, In a relationship there’s always argument and disagreement but they handled them pretty well with common sense and they never let themselves easily misread or misunderstood a situation. Nothing could stop these two soulmates away except death, but even that won’t stop them loving in the afterlife

When they arrived at The Cafeteria, it was as usually filled with dozens of student. But fortunately for them this time, there aren’t that many students at the cafeteria and the Serving Line itself doesn’t have so many students waiting in line to get their lunch. Their friends aren’t here yet either. That’s because of the schedule and periods they have. Henry has most classes with Sarah and so is Sarah but for the rest of his friends are probably just about one or two periods with them, but other than that, it’s just the two of them together

They walked towards the Serving Line to pick up their Lunch. The employee of the Serving was also, like always there too, giving the students their Lunch based on the menus of each days. Because today is Monday the menu of today’s lunch meal were: English Beef Sausage for the appetizer,  Classic Chicken Stew for the main course, Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce for the side dish, Choco Chips Cookies for the dessert, and Whole Cow Milk with sugar in a Carton for the drink. A classic combination of complete meal for Lunch, made by The school’s best Cook and Culinary Teacher, Miss Laura Trent

Henry and Sarah got their own trays of lunch after waiting in the tray line with three queues with Sarah going first to pick hers and Henry got his after Sarah’s turn. They were given their trays of food and set of flatware (plastic spoon, fork, and knife). They walked with their trays of Lunch to an empty Cafeteria seat with two long bench without the back and the arms and a long table in the middle. They sit on one of the chair together and place their lunch on the table. Usually they eat with their friends even if their friends have different periods and sometimes different lunch hour, but this time though, they still have a class

So they shrugged it off and started eating on their own while enjoying others company by talking, discussing, and joking in the middle of each time they take a bite of their food or a sip of their milk. It was a delightable lunch much like their regular romantic dates they have every Sunday per week. Most of their dates were a dinner in Bistro or a walk in the park

When they were in the middle of enjoying their lunch, three people suddenly came to their seat and on the empty bench across them. They stopped eating when they looked at the three people across them. These three people people were their friends with their own trays of lunch and set of flatware: Owen Reese wearing long sleeved black t-shirt with the picture of Queen Victoria's crown printed on it, dark blue jeans, a pair of black shoes with blue stripes, and a pair of plain white socks sitting on the middle. Then Oliver Duncan wearing a t-shirt with Scotland Flag printed as its motive, black trousers, and a pair of brown skin shoe-sandals sitting  on the right. And Evelyn Gardner wearing plain white collared shirt, classy black short skirt, a pair of black high heel shoes, and a pair of white socks sitting on the left. The couple smiled upon seeing their friends

“Oh hey Guys!” Sarah greeted them with a smile “You’re finally on your lunch break huh?”

Owen nodded and rubbed his back “Yeah, Math is surely a lot of pain today. Mrs. Fleming” He commented as he opened the tub his carton of milk before taking a sip of it

Oliver laughed before speaking “Yeah, the same here with Chemistry. I almost blew up some sort of a chemical after mixing it with another chemical I don’t know about” We all blinked at him after hearing that and looked at him like ‘Are you serious!?’ He was taken aback by our looks before asking “Huh, what is it!?” He asked, oblivious about it

Evelyn sighed and slapped her forehead with the palm of her right hand “Did you just mixed liquid Nitrogen and liquid Oxygen” She asked him, unbelievable about his act

Oliver widened his eyes before chuckling nervously “Um probably… maybe…” he said, sheepishly. This of course made Evelyn even more frustrated and displeased by his act and glared daggers at him

Sarah and Henry noticed the change of expression on Evelyn’s face and in unison muttered “Oh Boy”

“Wow! Oliver. That’s just Wow! That could kill the entire class you were in” She retorted, pointing accusing finger with her right hand

“Hey! At least I stopped when Lewis warned me about it before it could happen” Oliver argued to defend himself from Evelyn

Owen sighed, clearly annoyed when these Her Girlfriend started bickering with Oliver. But this time though he looks to be more annoyed by Oliver instead both of them. So he stepped in to put a hand on Evelyn’s shoulder who stopped bickering with Oliver and turned to her Boyfriend “Darling, please… If you wanted to argue with Oliver, at least wait until we’re out of school. You don’t want someone to record you like that and post the video on UniGram, do you?” He said to her, trying to convince her to stop arguing at Oliver “And we all are friends, right Eve? Oliver?” He then looked at Oliver with pleading eyes, also wanting Oliver to stop arguing with Owen’s Girlfriend. She considered this before looking at Oliver and then back to Owen again

“Yeah...” They mumbled loud enough just for them, Owen, Henry, and Sarah to hear

Both Henry and Sarah smiled and nodded approvingly at the trio as they continued their lunch, now with their friends

Soon the intensity between Oliver and Evelyn are gone, replaced by the laughter, grins, and chuckles between the group of friends, enjoying each others company. They talked about stuffs (both school and personal stuff), telling each others joke like when Oliver telling his joke “Can someone explain to me how I got juice in my pants”, and discussing more about their favorite stuff that were mostly about Fashion, Food, & Hollywood Movies for the girls and Cars, Games, & also Hollywood Movies for the boys. This kind of thing is classic for Teenagers their age but this group is more forward-minded and mature (well, some times) than the other Teenagers in this Academy. The lunch lasted for 30 minutes before the next period’s bell rings. The next period is History Class and here in The History Class may have some answers for the unfolded future events that we have yet to witness…

3. Into The Next Step

(About a week ago, December 25th, 2089 CE. Universal Supreme League, The Isle of Terra Sol, Cook Archipelago, The Pacific)

The Isle of Terra Sol, from the Latin manuscript it means ‘The Earth’s Sun’ because every year, the sun shines brightly on this Island. It is located in the middle of the Pacific Island, right in The Cook Archipelago, named after an Imperial Explorer and Naval Officer, John Oliver Cook. This island was owned by The Universal Nations (United Nations Counterpart), a Global Organization and/or Alliance that were meant to keep stability, peace, and tranquility of the world after the war that rages for about 6 years in 1939 to 1945. This island was the UN’s secret HQ where for years, this island has been a place for Nations meeting regarding matters of the time. Whether if it’s economy and culture. But the UN has a more important thing even the most important thing to worry about: The Safety of Earth’s Life Source and The ‘Valiant Souls’ Guardians

The Secretary General of The Universal Nations and Supreme Priest of The High Council had called a meeting with the representatives of the Nations of the world. The representatives were confused but then those confusion turned into worry. Because the priest had told them that within a short terms of time, A Mysterious Force from the outer space is coming to threaten Earth by destroying its life source. The Priest could not predict exactly when will the threat came but he could only tell them about how to stop them and save their beloved Earth

The Priest explained to the representatives about The Valiant Souls, The Guardian who have been keeping the Life Source safe from Internal and External threat but suddenly these Guardians presence had vanished about 500 years ago. He then proposed a proposal to revive The Order of The Valiant Souls with the peoples he had been told to by The God of Destiny and Fate to which the representatives agreed with as it begins… The Valiant Souls will be revived once again after its 500 Years of disbandment and it wouldn’t be easy

Because it’s time to decide and act for The fate of Humanity lies in the hands of those who have been given the prestige and responsibility for this task was for Earth and its living beings. That’s why they assigned an Covert Agents from all around in which one of them, a female Covert Agent came from Black Eagle Republic (Austria’s Counterpart), a brother to the Black Eagle Federation that was assigned to collect The next Guardian candidates from The Imperial Monarchy

(Back to the present day: January 1st, 2090 CE. Newcastle Royal Academy, Newcastle, England, Imperial Monarchy)

It was 12.50 PM in the afternoon and the last class of the period for Henry and Sarah, Biology Class was about to end along with School in Monday. Henry and Sarah were having a pleasant time in their class in which they were now accompanied by one of their friend that has the same last period for Monday, Evelyn. The Class was quite extraordinary with Mr. Harry Rupert, and Adult in his forties who has fair skin, straight raven black hair, a pair of topaz yellow eyes, and normal-built. Today, He brought his Laptop and school’s projector to the class teaching them about Molecular Basis of Inheritance by showing them his presentation from his Laptop using the projector

“So, in The Transcription of mRNA, In bacteria, mRNA doesn’t require further processing and as the nucleus and cytosol are not separate, translation is coupled with transcription and is initiated before the full transcription of mRNA occurs” He explained to them while showing them the transcription process in his Bacteria as Molecular Basis of Inheritance Presentation

And that’s when the bell signing biology and school have ended for today rings as everyone cheered much to Mr. Harry’s surprise but he smiled for his students as he exited his presentation and turned off both his laptop and the projector before dismissing his students “Alright that’s all for today, Kids. I hope you all have a wonderful day for the rest of this day and I’ll see you back in Thursday” He said as the students including Henry, Sarah, and Evelyn replied him with ‘We’ll see you too back in Thursday, Mr.Rupert!’ before he left the class to wherever he’s heading either back to the teacher’s office or to the parking lot and straight towards home

The students followed suit after packing all their books, papers, and stationary back to their bags and quickly left the room to either check their lockers or straight towards home too by waiting outside the school (in front the school gate or the front door) for their pick-up or the parking lot with their own rides. Henry, Sarah, and Evelyn were among those who waited in front of the school gate, not waiting for their own pick-up but waiting for their friends, Owen and Oliver

“Sooo” Evelyn started as Henry and Sarah turned their attention at her “You both really wanted to attend Intelligence and Information to become Agents for I.I9 huh?” She asked them to which they nodded enthusiastically as their confirmation about Evelyn’s question

The two of them smiled “Yeah, sure we are. It would be an honor to become a part of our country’s Intelligence Service” Henry answered “The Queen herself will inaugurate us like The Imperial Knights in the old times”

“Plus we get to be sent overseas and see the world” Sarah added “It would be wonderful and exciting!”

Then Henry raised his right hand with his palm closed facing his front and raised his index “As for the payments the Institute give to their employees and agents, It’s quite as high as the salaries of a rich businessman or a soldier or even a surgeon” He added more

Evelyn gave them a proud and approving smile as she leaned back against the gate’s post “Hmm, seems you guys have thought about your future together thoroughly huh?”

The Couple nodded as Henry placed a hand over Sarah's shoulder and pulled her closer to him with her placing her hands behind her hips “Yeah, sure we have” Henry said confidently

“Wow, you two are determined, aren’t you?” She remarked “Well, I suppose I should still keep chasing my long dream as a Journalist for IBC. Ohhh how much I love that TV channel…I can’t wait to be a part of it!” She said dreamily “and best of all living with John in the future is quite a wonderful moment I’ll be waiting for” And there she goes… lost in daydreaming in Evelyn Gardner’s own world of Imagination and dream

Henry and Sarah looked at her and blinked as they laughed at her nervously, feeling bewildered and awkward to Evelyn’s bold and straightforward statement. And that’s when a familiar voice accompanied with two footsteps came from nearby the gate door “Say no more, Darling. Say no more” The three of them turned to where the voice came from. It was Owen walking to them with Oliver. Owen has a smile on his face that may or may not because of Evelyn’s Statement “But please, Wyn (‘darling’ in Welsh), keep it low, alright?” He told Evelyn softly

She blushed and giggled in embarrassment “R-Right!” She exclaimed with a slight stuttering. Then Owen walked to her, lifted her chin with his right hand before leaning in to give her a quick smooch in the lips with both their eyes closed as soon as their lips connected before pulling away after about a good five seconds of kissing. Then Evelyn gave her boyfriend a warm smile to which he gladly reply by his own gentle smile. Both Henry and Sarah smiled at the happy couple, remembering just how much alike they were with them, while Oliver is just like ‘Meh, whatever’ but he’s fine with them since they’re friends with each others

So he did the one thing he could to stop himself from throwing up “Alright Alright, enough with the mushy stuff. I had enough with just one mushy couple but with ye two… I don’t know if I could handle et anymore and I’m starvin’ right now” He interrupted them with his thick Gaelic/Scottish accent suddenly kicked in, making the couples/his friends laughed at him. Typical Oliver, always trying to make excuses but those excuses he made are always unbelievably lame

“Alright Alright Scotsman, let’s head to the nearest McCauleys (McDonalds Counterpart) for some burgers, fries, and cokes. I’m sure those will make our rumbling stomach full and happy” Henry suggested in which they all agree with Henry’s suggestion as they all walked to the nearest McCauleys Fast Food Outlet since they didn’t bring their Vehicles today and that’s why early this morning, they went to school by the school blue bus

When they begin walking away from The School Gate to McCauleys, a figure emerged from the bushes nearby in the form of a Female Teenage Student about the same age of most of Henry’s friend, probably in her nineteens or twenties with petite white skin, wavy blonde hair, a pair of diamond blue eyes, and feminine slim-built, wearing a black hoodie that covered her white collared shirt, classy black short skirt, a pair of brown skin boots, and a pair white socks

Since the start of day until the group left for McCauleys. After she had emerged from the bushes, she pulled off her hoodie to reveal her wavy blonde hair and pulled out her hi-tech binocular provided by The Central Council that could spot something up to about 100 meters away to watch or rather spy on the group. This young girl is not just a normal high school or Academy student but she’s also an Office Agent of UI9 whom had been given the task of secretly observe, learn, analyze, and recruit candidates for the New Guardians for herself was already chosen as a candidate herself along with the others and now she was tasked to get Henry and Sarah for the High Priest and Council as they were another Candidates whom have been told by The High Priest through Communication with The God of Destiny and Fate

After watching them left the school area, The mysterious girl pulled her Hi-Tech Binocular away from her eyes as she pulled and bring her left hand closer to her face, just as high as her chin where she has a Communication Device shaped like wrist watch attached to her wrist and spoke “Zhis is Agent Gerthrud Bell, Codename Lotus” She begin, revealing herself to be a German/Austrian speaker “Ja, I found zhem. ze next two Candidates, Henry Davis and Sarah Rosetta. I have been vatching und observing zhem since zhis morning and It seems zhat zhese vill be quite reliable. I’ll told ze Principal for ze Transfer on Sunday” She informed the Intelligence Officer through the wrist communicator “Agent Lotus out” She then turned off her communicator as she looked at the direction where the group had left before leaving her hiding spot but not before checking if someone is around so that her weird behaviour won’t be suspected

After leaving her hiding spot, She walked away from the school area and went back to her Temporary Apartment where she’ll wait for 7 days before the talking and negotiating for the transfer of Henry and Anna to The Irving’s Universal School with The Academy’s Principal on Sunday. That matter can wait because after all The World’s Military Powers are still active and capable in a war eventhough The World was in peace for a long decade of time that they had forgotten how a war looks like. Well guess they need to wait for Humanity into the next step for their survival and existence

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