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Diabolik Lovers: Little Sister

Chapter 1

(Based in the early 19 hundreds)

It all started with a letter. A letter from the head of the Sakamaki family - the father of the six vampire brothers (Shu, Reiji, Ayato, Kanato, Laito, and Subaru). The letter was addressed to the eldest of the six brothers- Shu. In it, their father asked Shu to come to the city and meet him, for he had a very important matter to discuss with him. It wasn't often that their father asked one of his son's to meet up with him, as a matter of fact, it was rare for their father to even send them a letter, not to mention meet up. But the brother's didn't mind being far away from their father, for all memories regarding him filled the brothers with sorrow. The thought of their father brought up horrible childhood memories that the brothers tried so long to bury inside their heads and forget.

And so the six brothers were sitting in the living room (except Shu - who was laying as usual on the couch; Reiji - who was standing behind the couch; and Subaru - who was also standing near the wall, arms folded.; Everyone else was sitting on the couch) the letter was laying on the table, in the middle of the room.

-So the old man wants to talk to Shu? (Said Ayato)

-It would seem so. It's a bit random, considering the fact that he barely talks to us. (said Reiji)

-Then it must be important. (Laito)

-It couldn't be about Cordelia, could it? (Said Kanato, hugging Teddy)

-Of course not, don't be silly. (Ayato)

-That was two  hundred years ago, plus he never loved her. (Laito)

-Even so, we don't really have a choice. No matter how what the matter is you're going to have to meet father, Shu. (Reiji)

-Even so why Shu, it's not fair. We're also his son's, or did he forget about us? (Kanato)

-He is the oldest among us six, but Kanato does have a point, don't you think so Subaru? (Said Laito, then turned to Subaru and smirked)

-Tsk, why would I care? (Said Subaru, who clenched his fists and turned away)

-You're all being so noisy... (said Shu, he opened his eyes and sat up on the couch)

Everyone's attention was on him

-Stop wasting my time with you're pathetic guessing (said Shu looking really annoyed)

-Well look who finally spoke up! (Said Laito, once again smirking)

-This isn't going to get you anywhere, you're just being noisy, I'll meet father and then tell you why he sent me. (Shu)

-Shu's right, guessing why father wants to see Shu won't get us anywhere, nor is it going to change the way of events. (Said Reiji, adjusting his glasses)

-If it's so useless, why are we even here? I'm leaving (Ayato stood up and started walking away)

-I don't remember giving you the permission to leave, Ayato (Said Reiji angrily)

-What gives you the right to boss me around! (Ayato said back)

-I'm older than you Ayato, don't forget you're place around here. (Reiji)

-MY PLACE!!! (Ayato)

-Ugh, another family brawl (Subaru)

-You don't even get a say in this!, by Reiji's logic you're the youngest, so you better just shut up! (Ayato screamed back)

-WHAT!!!!! (Subaru punches the wall making a big hole)

-Ayato, how dare you talk back to me?! (Reiji)

-Just shut up, all of you!!!, you're upsetting Teddy! (Kanato)

-Aww, how cute, we're having family time! (Laito)

-You're all being so noisy...(Said Shu, he then stood up and walked away)

The fighting continued for a little while and then at some point stopped.

The next evening, as soon as the sun set a carriage was waiting outside the Sakamaki manor.

Chapter 2

The horses waited patiently, their heads down, seemingly disinterested in their situation, their surroundings. The driver sat on the high seat of the carriage, also waiting. As his passenger finally emerged from the huge and beautiful mansion and, with an unamused face, stepped up to the padded seats, the driver waited for the sound of the door latch. When he heard the telltale click, he tightened his grip on the reins that had been laying loosely in his gloved hand.

That slight movement brought the horse’s heads up, and they shifted slightly, readying themselves for the familiar task ahead.

“Okay, boys!” said the driver. That was all it took. No further movement of the reins, no cracking of a whip, just the gentle expression of permission from their master. They gently took up the slack in the harness, and the little conveyance moved slowly into the shadows of the forest.


It has been about two weeks since Shu left the manor and set off to meet up with his father. The five brother were dying with curiosity (even though they didn't want to admit it). And finally somewhere in the distance the brothers heard the sound of horses.

   (Reiji and Ayato are in the living room)

-Well finally, I can't believe it took him 2 weeks. (Ayato)

- Patience Ayato, don't tell me you've already lost it? (Reiji)

- Oh come on Reiji, you're curious too aren't you? (Laito)

- What are you doing here? (Ayato)

- Oh, I can't meet my own brother? (Laito)

- Teddy and I are here too you know! (Kanato)

- You too Kanato? That makes 4 of us. (Ayato)

- Where's Subaru? (Reiji)

- Teddy and I saw him in the garden earlier (Kanato)

- I see.... (Reiji)

The sound of horses was now much louder, but it soon came to a halt. A few minutes later the front door opened and Shu walked into the living room.

- I see you're back Shu. Tell me, what did fathe-.....

At that moment Reiji stopped talking, for he had noticed that Shu wasn't alone. Behind him was a young girl, who looked around the age of 5. It wasn't just Reiji who had his attention on the little girl, but also the other brothers.

She had chestnut brown hair with blonde highlights, nowhere near the point of being black. It layed on her shoulders like a waterfall flowing mildly; flaming as bright as a sunrise. The breeze blew through her curls, straightening them into waves that whipped about behind her. From under side bangs shone eyes the colour of a dazzling emerald green, which travelled uneasily from one person to another. No one couldn’t help but notice that they glistened every time she moved them. They were the ones that seemed to draw you into a daze; not letting you go. Her eyes seemed to shine in the sunlight, but hide in the darkness. Below them is a nose so freckled that the brown splotches overlapped much like autumn leaves after harsh winds blew. Her smile was warm with a hint of shyness and her lips were like a frozen rose, dangerous but beautiful.

- Who is she? (Said Subaru, who was standing in the corner)

- I see you're here too Subaru. That makes 6 of us (Said Laito)

- She's our new sister. Her name is Lilith.

Chapter 3

What the hell's that supposed to mean?!! (Said Ayato)

- It means she's our new little sister. The newest addition to the Sakamaki family. (Shu)

- Shu, you lost me at sister. (Laito)

- Don't tell me father married again? (Kanato)

- Shu, we would appreciate it if you explained from the beginning. (Reiji)

- Yeah Shu, what's the big idea!! (Ayato)

- Why do you all have to be so loud. I already told you, she's our new sister and her name is Lilith. Father demanded that we look after her from now on, and I have no intention of disobeying fathers commands.

Even though the brothers weren't a hundred percent sure what was going on, one thing was definitely heard clearly, father commanded them to take care of this little girl and no one was brave enough to disobey father, he was the vampire king after all, and that wasn't just a title. The vampire king was well known for being coldblooded. He was also known for being the most powerful vampire in the whole kingdom, his behavior was always thought out, but at the same time unpredictable. He treated life like a game, and he was always the winner no matter what it took to finish first. Because of that if anyone ever decided to go against his will (not that anyone was stupid enough to do) he would immediately eliminate that person (or vampire in this case).

- She's an illegitimate child and her mother died in childbirth (Shu continued after a long pause) Since she's still a newborn she has to be taught our ways and rules.

- Why did father leave her with us, couldn't she be raised in the Sakamaki castle like we were? (Said Subaru)

- Father didn't give me a reason, but I suppose that he's worried that she might be influenced by the wrong vampires. (Shu replied, as he put a hand on the little girl's head and patted it)

- Wrong vampires? (Said Ayato, visually confused)

- There are rumors going on that a few vampires decided to rebel against father. They call themselves the Definders. (Said Subaru)

- The Definders? (Said Ayato, who looked even more confused)

- Oh yeah, I heard about them too, there are so many rumors~ (said Laito in a flirty tone). Some go as far as to say that it's uncle who's in charge of the group, while others say, that the group is soooooooo popular, that almost half of the kingdom are members of the group, oh and then this one maid even said that they have supernatural powers like they can summon dragon's and that that fire a few years ago was one of their rituals of summoning dragons gone wrong, but that's not it, because they-

- Anyways, I'm sure that even if such a group exists father is already dealing with them. (Said Reiji, who cut off Laito as he heard enough of his nonsense)

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