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Mtn Debate Club

Welcome To A New World

"Battle with words"

"Defend what you believe"

Seeing this do you remember something? Yep, this is what we believe.

Head: Hi there! Welcome to all of you in a new world. A world where you can chase after your dreams or your hobby. MTN community has already brought you so many things. Heartbeat writing contest, Cover contest, Poetic contest etc. But this time we came with a new concept and a new contest. Now, we represent you MTN community's new department, A place for Debaters.

Audience: What??!!! 😲

Head: Don't be shocked guys because you'll see it eventually. But before telling about this I wanna say thanks to MTN community leader (Aswathy), Admins (Beautiful Canon and Innocent Neha) for giving us a chance to work on this and permit us to represent it to you guys.

So, we officially announce MTN community's new department.


and I'm your host; head of this new department also a designer, Saianta.

Its a place for everyone who are interested in debating. A place where you can boldly put your opinions and your thoughts.

Wait, wait, someone is missing.

Head: Aditya!!!!!!!!

Adi: Yep. I'm here head Saianta.

Head: Where were you? Today we are going to debut and you were missing!!

Adi: Head actually I was shifting our things in our new MTN house.

Head: Oh! Like my assistant. Wait, I forgot to tell audience what's our job.🙁

Aditya: "People lose their memory when they become old." 😏

Head: Aditya..😄😄🔪🔪 lets talk later.

So here we are...The beautiful head and the handsome assistant.

For now, it is till here. Lets meet you again in our next chapter. Till then stay tuned.

Thank you 💝

~Chase after your dreams

About This World - Part 1

Head: Adii!!! I am gonna kill you..🔪🔪

Adi: Then I am gonna reveal your truth.😌😌

Head: No no....😱😱

(Some moments ago)

Recently Adi And head Sai Have shifted in the MTN house. They are now working together. They are now active department's lazy members.😂

Head: 📞Adi!!! How can you go on a date??? Don't you remember today we have to update a new chapter. 📞

Aditya: 📞Head Saianta can't you give me some time to rest!! Last week you were on a date too!! Should I reveal that?😏📞

Head: 📞 Adi!!! I am gonna kill you.😠📞

Aditya: 📞Then I should reveal this..😤📞

Head: 📞My dear Adi, please come. You're the best. Let's update together or audience is going to throw rotten tomatoes on us.

...Aditya: 📞 Okies. I'm coming. Dont cry now...😁...

So guys sorry for being late. So on today's chapter we are going to tell you about, what is debate and how it works. There are many people who want to join this, but they don't know about debate. Dont worry our audience, we the two hosts are here for you. Now there will be a questions with answers session.

Q1.What is Debate?

Ans: For now, who are new to this, debate is a conversation between people with opposite opinions. There will be competitions. In this you can compete as a team or as a single person.

Q2. What things are needed for a debate?

Ans: There will be a judge. Team members (If they are competing as a team) or the person who will debate.

Q3. How it works?

Ans: In debate competition there will be two teams or two people (for one Vs one). The two teams or two people will compete against each other. These two teams or two people, among them one team or one person (when it's single person game) will take the side of this topic and the other team or other person (one vs one match) will be against of the topic.

#As An Example(One vs One match)#

Aditya and Saianta are against each other. This is a Single person debate.

Topic: "In MT, those who are contracted writers can go further in future."

(This is just a topic. We don't know who will go futher or not. So no violence please, its just a topic. The reality has to nothing do with it.)

So in this match Aditya is in the side of this topic and Saianta is against it. The topic can be anything. Now the judge will give them some time. In the meantime, each of them will put their logic and who will give more, will win. They need to prove that they are right.

Judge: Aditya and Saianta will get 3 minutes to prove that they are correct.

Aditya: So today, I, Aditya is taking the side of this topic. Today's topic is " In MT, those who are contracted writers will go further in future." This is true. There are some reasons behind this.

The contracted writers become contracted because he or she is a good writer. That's why they will go further in the future.

As a proof you can see their views and popularity also. It's high as always.

Thus Adi will show the points why he is right and he will go on proving himself right without any violence.

Saianta: Today, I, Saianta is against of this topic which is "In MT, those who are contracted writers can go further in future." There are some reasons for going against of this topic.

Even those who are not contracted writers can get so many views and popularity than the contracted ones.

Don't judge a book by its cover. Even those books who aren't getting views they are underrated. In some cases the story is good but no one pays attention towards that. But that doesn’t mean in future they won't get any attention. Who can see the future.

Thus Sai will go on and will put her point. Thus two will try their best to prove their points and the reasons which will look more logical, he or she will win.

Guys for now, we are going. In next chapter we are going to publish the rules of debate and how team debate works.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you guys have any questions, then ask it in the comment section and we will answer it. And some questions and answers will be published in the next chapter and guys if you have any doubts and if there is anything hard to understand then please tell us. We will try to make it in more easy way and try our best to make you understand.

Quote of the day: "Debate doesn’t mean a regular fight or quarrel. It's a gentle fight, but with logic."

You should keep each others' opinions face to face to see whose point is more reasonable and understand the rights and wrongs.

~Thank you💕

About This World - Part 2

We are back!!!!

Head: So guys, in the previous chapter we told you about one Vs one debate competition. Now we are gonna tell you about team debate competition.

Wait wait! Before that, so many of you asked "How will we Debate in Mangatoon?" Soon we will hold a competition and we will tell you about it at that time. Some things need to be a mystery. Till then think think...(Lemme see how much all of you can guess)😎😎

Okies..lets back to our discussion.

In team debate competition there will be 3 members in each team. One will be the team leader and one will be the 1st speaker and 2nd speaker. The whole team will work on the same topic together.

There will be two teams.These two teams will debate against each other. The team which will give more logic will win as it is in one-to-one debating.

3.Every team members will get 3 min to think about their topic.

For Example:-

Topic: In MT, those who are contracted writers can go further in the future.

[Here two teams, one team's leader is Saianta and the other team's leader is Aditya. In their team they are total 3 members.(including the leader)]

Now when the judge will tell them to start.They will start the match. In this match Aditya's team is on side of this topic and Saianta's Team is Against of this.

At first the team who took side of this topic will start first. The first speaker will start this match.

First Speaker(Team 1): (Puts his points of agreeing the statement)

Now the first speaker of other team will speak.

First speaker(Team 2): (Puts his points of disagreement of the statement)

Then the 2nd speaker will speak. First Aditya's team and then 2nd Speaker of Saianta's team. At last the team of two leaders will give the finish points. And the team which is more appealing will win.

An important tip: It will be better if the leader tells the weak points of the opposite team at the last so that it becomes more kicking for the judge to choose one of them. The 1st and second speakers should be careful while putting their opinions because it is on point competition.

Bonus things:-

The team who can show the more weak points of the other team or the other team gets a more stronger point and prove that they are right; they will get bonus point and it is 100% true that the chances of winning are more. It should not be accusing, the need is just to show indirectly that you are proving it right.

In the team match there will be a title " Man of the Match." The person who just puts a great and appealable point will get this title (only the person who says it).

Giving you this tip for this time might help you a lil bit and also some bonus things for a tough and fair competition. Don't worry we will be back with some new tricks to improve your skills but before that lets check the crazy M.D.C Department.There is a surprise for you all.

Aditya: 📞Head Saianta where are you? My work is about to finish.

Saianta: 📞 Adi..I have a surprise for you open the door.

Aditya: (What it will be!? Imagining something fancy🤤)

Then Adi opens the door and...

Saianta: We have a new member today. Say hi to kiraa.😯❤️

Kira: Hi.. I'm the new manager.

Saianta: In this department there are two beauties now. You should be happy adi😌.

Aditya: Like I should!! (God save me! Another crazy one like her🥴)

The next morning

Aditya woke up and found a chit.

Aditya: Head Sainata with her lil head.😠🔪🔪🔪💥💥

In the beach

Kira: Sis Sia, *Atichhooo🤧*

Saianta: What happened to you? In this summer time you're getting a cold or what?😥

Kira: Haven't you heard the saying, that when you sneeze in the wrong time it means someone is cursing you. I'm getting a bad feeling. I guess someone is cursing us.🤔

Saianta: Cut the crap...lets dance..💃💃

Kira: Yo...🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️

Guys! So welcome our new member and soon there will be a competition as said in the previous chapter. In the next chapter there will be a lot of surprises. So hold your breath and lets start our roller coaster. Be prepared for it!

Quote of the day: "Debate means no violence. It's a place where sweet talk can be like an arrow."

~Thanks a lot❤️

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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