At Jineunghyeong High School…
Finally only 10 minutes left & I can finally go home now
8 minutes…
5 minutes…
3 minutes…
1 minute…
10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
“Ok! That’s it for now, you may all go now” my teacher said and he left the classroom
Asa! It's time to go home… I was already packing my bag when suddenly my best friend Choi Hyo Jung came
“Shi Ah, want to come with us? We’re going to the new open ice cream parlor in our favorite mall today” she said
“Mian but I still have something to do, maybe next time” I said and left the room
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I am now inside the bus heading home when suddenly I remember my best friend…
Actually I kinda feel guilty upon leaving my friends earlier, specially my best friend Hyo Jung, but I really have something to do today.
My mom asks me to go straight home after class to help her in her deliveries tomorrow morning, and of course I couldn’t say no …
I don’t really mind leaving my friends behind because I have a good reason, but what I’m worrying about is that I didn’t tell them my reason. They might think that I am just lying to them in order to escape from them…
I don’t really like hanging-out with my friends because I prefer to be alone, but even though I am like this they still consider me as they’re friend
“Oh! It’s raining” I said when finally awoken up in my deep thoughts and notice that it is now raining hard outside
Since I am thinking deeply I didn’t even notice that it is now raining outside…
Because of the rain, my mood suddenly drop and I feel much guilty than before.
Maybe I will just apologize to Hyo Jung tomorrow or I will give her a present too to make it up with her. I thought to myself
Or maybe it will be nice if I just explain to her later in text when I got home. Hays~ she knew that I am like this but she still understand me. I should be nice to her more. I thought while looking at the window
"Looks like it is raining hard. I hope it will stop when I get off the bus" I said to myself while looking at the dark clouds
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After spending almost 20 minutes in the bus I hurriedly went out of the bus, and cross the road. I quickly went to the nearest bus stop to wait for the rain to stop
“Looks like the rain wouldn’t stop for a couple of hours” suddenly I heard someone spoke
I look at my left side & saw a guy (I think about my age) who is wearing a black hoddie jacket and a backpack starring at the sky.
Then he look at me
I just nod as a respond
“Do you have an umbrella?” he ask
“No” I just mere answer seriously, why is this guy talking to me? I personally don’t know him
“Here you can borrow this” the guy said & toss over his black umbrella
“A girl shouldn’t let herself get wet & get sick” he added & quickly run away
“Wait!!!” I just said while looking at the guy running far away from me
2 days after the incident… Morning Jineunghyeong High School
“So until now you haven’t seen this guy?” Hyo Jung said
I just nod “What do you think should I do? I really need to return his umbrella”
“You know what… It is impossible to return the umbrella to that mysterious guy, because you don’t know him. Well, unless you two are destiny to see each other again” Hyo Jung said with sparkling eyes “If that happens… it will be so romantic”
“You know I don’t believe in such things” I said
“Hey! Beautiful ladies” Suddenly a male voice behind our back. I look behind and saw...
“Mingyu!” I called to the owner of the male voice “I thought that you will go to school tomorrow”
“Well, since my fever is already gone I decided to go back to school” Mingyu said with a smile on his face
“Are you sure you are ok now? Maybe you should rest a little bit more” I worriedly said
Mingyu is my one & only boyfriend… Literally meaning (a boy who is my friend). He is my childhood friend
“Nah! I’m totally fine. You don’t have to worry” he said while lightly tapping my head “By the way what are you two talking about?”
I told him about the guy, the umbrella, and about my problem of how I will ever return the umbrella to the owner
“I think it is impossible for you to return the umbrella to this guy” he said
“See! I told you, it is impossible… Unless you two are destiny to see each other” Hyo Jung said while half-daydreaming
“Destiny is not real, Hyo Jung” Mingyu said
“Of course they do! I always saw it on tv dramas” Hyo Jung said
“TV dramas are not true, Hyo Jung. They just some make belief stories that an author make up” Mingyu said
“I know that, but there’s still a possibility to happen… Possibility to become true” Hyo Jung said
And the two started to fight… Again. Aigoo… These two doesn’t know how to get along well.
But even if they don't get along, Hyo Jung and Mingyu are my dearest best friends.
But anyway my problem is still unresolved.
How on earth will I return this umbrella?
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5 minutes had passed when our teacher came
“Before we start, I would like you to meet your new classmate. You may come in now”
A guy came in, wrote his name on the board…Then face us and smile
“Annyeong Hasaeyo! I am Choi Seungcheol, nice to meet you all”
“He looks familiar” I suddenly whisper
“What? Did you say something?” Hyo Jung whisper back
“A-aniyo… just don’t mind me” I whisper back
I look carefully at our new classmate until he seated at the back of the room… I fix myself when our teacher start our new lesson.
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Break Time…
I was in the court yard together with my other female classmates. We all decided to watch our male classmates playing basketball.
Actually… I really don’t want to come, but Hyo Jung insisted me to come so I have no choice but to come.
If I’m going to decide, I prefer to be in our classroom all alone while finishing my new sketches. Well, since I am already here, maybe I can finish my sketches here
While I was busy working with my new sketches when suddenly…
I immediately look back at the boys & saw the ball rapidly coming towards my direction
I close my eyes and waited for the ball to hit me… But to my surprise someone shout
I open my eyes and saw a guy standing not too far from where I was sitting.
He turn around & I realize that it was Seungcheol who is standing in front of me
“Are you ok?” he ask
I just nod as a respond
He smiled warmly to me and headed back to the boys
My classmates name Wonwoo came and apologize… I just answer him “It’s ok… Don’t worry about it”
“You’re so lucky! If Seungcheol didn’t catch the ball, it will totally hit you. Kyaaaaa!!! Seungcheol is so manly… Sooooo romantic” Hyo Jung said while half-daydreaming
I look back at the boys that are playing, but now I am only focusing on one boy… and that is Seungcheol
After class.. After the last bell ring signing that school day is finally end
I hurriedly went to the main doorway of the school building, while thinking that I can go home early... but to my dismay
“It’s raining again” I said while looking at the dark sky.
*Should I just wait for the rain to stop or just to run really fast until I reach the bus stop*
I am in my deep thought when I heard a familiar voice
“Aww… It’s raining”
I look at the one who suddenly spoke and I saw Seungcheol standing beside me
He look at me and ask “Do you have an umbrella?”
I shook my head signing that I don’t have one
“I don’t have one too. Actually I really have one, but I lend it to someone I don’t know. Funny right? Lending your things to someone you don't even know”
“Could it be that you lend it to a girl who is waiting at the bus stop two days ago?” I suddenly ask "It is raining heavily like this too"
“Ne, how did you know about that?”
“Then… this umbrella is yours” I said while handing over the black umbrella
“Ne, that’s mine. Wow! I didn’t know that you are the one I met in the bus stop” he happily said
I just shyly nod
“Since I got my umbrella, let’s go” he said as he opened his umbrella
“What do you mean?” I ask with a confused look in my face
“Let’s go! Don’t you want to go home?” he ask
“Go home?” I ask back
“Ne, since we only have one umbrella it is natural to shared it with you”
“A-aniyo, I'm fine. I will just stay here and wait for the rain to stop” I said
“What do you mean wait? Can’t you see the sky? It’s so dark, I think it will took so long to stop” he said
“But…” I hesitate said
I really don’t mind sharing an umbrella, but the problem is… it is Choi Seungcheol
And if ever I will share an umbrella with him, then… This will be my first time sharing an umbrella with a GUY!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO?!
“No buts, come on let’s go” he said and he pulls me towards him
“W-what are you doing?” I said. I suddenly got surprise because of this guy action
“Do you want to go home or not? If you ask me, I really want to go home, but I can’t just leave you here alone while waiting for the rain to stop. So whether you like it or not you have to share an umbrella with me” he said
I just sigh and shyly said “A-araso, if you really insist it”
“Alright! Let’s go” he said and we started to walk
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After walking from the school to the bus stop with only Seungcheol talking and keep asking me question. *Seriously, stop talking to me*
We finally reach the bus stop and went inside the bus. *Finally!*
We are now inside the bus when I notice that the rain stop. Then I notice Seungcheol’s right shoulder is kinda wet
“Excuse me, y-your shoulder” I shyly said while pointing at his right shoulder
“What?” he ask while looking at me.
Then he notice that I am looking at his right shoulder. “Ahh… My right shoulder? Just don’t mind it, I got wet a little while we’re walking earlier” he said and chuckle
“Here, u-use this” I shyly said while handing my handkerchief
“Thanks” he casually said and took the handkerchief
After 20 minutes in the bus… We both left the bus and cross the road
We almost walk in the same direction for almost 5 minutes when Seungcheol suddenly talk
“I just notice that you didn’t talk too much ever since we left the school… if ever I ask you something, you just nod or answer me in short sentence, and then you will keep quiet again”
I just kept my silent
“Hmm… Maybe because you only know me earlier when I joined your class”
After spending another 5 minutes, I suddenly stop walking… Seungcheol look at me with a confuse look on his face
“This… This is where I live” I said while pointing at the house standing beside me
“Really?!” he excitedly said “You know the house over there? The one beside the house in your front? That’s where I live, we just move there 3 days ago”
I just look at the house and look back at Seungcheol
“Cool! We’re neighbor. This may start a new good friendship” he said and smiles warmly
This is my first story. Just wanted to say thank you for those who is reading this so far ... Thank you for supporting and love you all 💕😊
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