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Legend Of The Youkai Princess Season 1.

Episode 1

where I am I thought to myself, I looked around and looked in the mirror wait what I’m a baby before I could finish a man came in the room "My young, Jung Eun, I'm Haey Yon Jung, Iisuto " the man said. my name right now is mai Yeong and in my past life I lived to 11 years old and my name was Kamau shui and I died in my sleep. the next morning, miss are you up yet your bottle is ready," he said. he then fed me the bottle the milk taste so good wait this is dirty water I think are you trying to kill me.  then a woman came inside "Jalan Besar Pig Yasin, isn't she on the cutest team" the lady said. "Wait, I'm sure of this ?" seoi said. wait I cannot understand what they are saying.「oh I can help you just make a deal with me and you will be able to understand what these people are saying」the voice in my head said, deal. a few moments later "bad, you're talking about  that  in this building." Seoi said. "You're right to wash three times," she said 10 years and 10 months later where I am oh now I know mother brought me here almost 11 years ago Oni no dōkutsu ."Oh yeah, I have to get the fire devil my mother had when she was her age. " I said. "May Sijosic, what do you mean by that staying down here for a while? "seoi said. "Wait now for the reason for this, "I yelled. we walked inside of Oni no dōkutsu and my real name is not mai yeong it is Ryu mei from the Ryu sect and then I saw a  yokai head seoi told me to talk with the yokai head so I did. "Get up, otherwise, you will bleed," I said. "Human you dare awaken me, wait are you her daughter," the fire yokai said. I deserve to know what my mother told me. I said. then the fire yokai spoke"Your wooden quin advances the leader of the Demons the princess of the ryu demon. clan,"  the fire yokai said. "No. Become my devil, enter my body and follow my arrogant heart."I said in a summing to form a contract with Nyū su after everything was over seoi entered the room "You were just scolded by him."seoi asked me before nyu su started to speak but didn't say a word. 2 hours later inside of the demonic cultivating training room I was training my yokai powers「How long should I ask?

」 I asked nyu su why I had to cultivate for so long then he answered me  "for 2 months okay little one,"「I don't know if I will rest much not grateful to Way. You'll see Way later, is it a contract?” 」 I said doing a summoning to train my body for something big in the future. and this world is the same as the novel based on the online game of the same name.   I read when I was in grade school but I was reborn as the daughter of Mazushī the main character of the yokai princess verse the world had been turned into a  manga plus a otome game that was not released before I passed away and a  Japanese anime but I died before I was even done reading it "hey nyu su lets get training," I said but outside of the room I did not know but there was something big about to happen,

Episode 2

  2 months later in the demonic cultivation room

"What is this? Are you trying to poison me," I said after seoi gave me some food? "No lady mei, I wasn't trying to kill you or anything,'' Seoi said scared out of his mind. should I forgive him nyu su I told myself. then he told me something " today is the day you go to that place lady mei," seoi said. Does he mean the Kyōkai no yūrei well I better get going then? later I had arrived at the room and a man who was next to my mother kissing her I was shocked and went over and punched the man, "you needed that for touching my mama," I said, after the smoke clears he was still standing there looking the same as before I punched him "how is he still okay is he, my father," I told myself. Then the man answered "don’t you remember me back before your training began you were always telling me that you loved me and you are so cute and I can still carry you in my arms," the man said before lifting me in the air. "you look fine today papa," I said. papa was carrying me and was talking about how cute I am as his only * daughter. "lady mei may I silence this man for you," nyu su said. "this is my order, do not kill him nyu su fire yokai," I said out loud by mistake. " mei how do you know about the fire yokai,"  father had told me. Then nyu appeared from my body and started to speak " yun Ryu " nyu su said. "Be quiet yun Ryu and nyu su," a voice said. we all looked behind us and mother was right there, " nyu isn't your true name isn't our other daughter Yūki Ryū," she said.  I was shocked nyu su the cursed fire yokai was not a demon but my twin sister who disappeared 2 years ago.  She had red eyes and black hair and she is 110 cm the same as me. father who was carrying me gave me a birthday gift.  "happy birthday mei and Yuki here are your gifts," he said when he passed both of us our gifts.  then we heard laughing  "you’re here are you not yun ryu my papa's friend," a voice said. "Hantā ni sotte where is your father today," mother said.  "Yeah, where is the old man," papa said. "he had passed away a few days ago," he said.  "that’s terrible news hanta san,"  she said. "Oh right mei I heard about you making a contract with your sister who met nyu su before he died 2 years ago and got trapped in his box for 2 years that’s crazy isn't your sister has their powers now," hanta said. A few minutes later we opened our gifts and my gift was amazing. It was an attack doll that moved only on Yōkai no Megami’s command and could heal itself and myself as well. after I looked to see what Yuki got and she got a sword with fire yokai flame storm lv. a very powerful sword made from the beast my mother killed with the old nyu su 12 years ago in the final volume of the novel. then we heard a voice again. " hello girl I summoned here 11 years ago it's time to create more history for this world don’t you want to see your younger sister who forced you to read the novel series of this world and die from lack of sleep and here a cheat for you with this you will be way more powerful than qiong by tonight,"  the god of this world said. "Wow, you're the girl from another world who will save this world from the war," everyone said. "hey what is your name," I asked the person. "My name is Yuan Sha Ji and you only met 2 of the hero's your mother met on her journey when she was your age," Yuan said, then a ball of dust came and he disappeared. Later that night while in my father’s arms my new powers awakened and there was a bright blue and red light going right into my body. After that, I felt tired and fell asleep when in his arms. Chapter 2 end. "hello this is shiu or you know me as ryu mei and I  am here," I said. "me Mazushī," mother said. "your twin sister Yuki ryu and your father yun ryu," Yuki and father said. "and we will be talking about the events of chapter 2," I said.  "let me do the part when mei was coming over about 20 minutes before that in my pov, "mazushi \ mother said.   in the city of Yokai shortly before mei arrived.  " hey seoi can you get my daughter for me," I said. "huh okay lady mazushi as you wish," he said. well, I better think of a lie and make sure my husband doesn't find out about mei's training, I know I can tell him she was with the maids for 2 months. Then yun entered the room, "hello my beautiful wife mazushi," he said kissing me then seoi came back, " lady mazushi your daughter mei is on her way she will be here in 5 minutes," seoi said. " yun it's been 2 months since you left to help with the war," I said. "Oh yeah it had been a while and the death toll is deadly right now and may I kiss my wife now," he said then kissing me then mei came in and punched yun in the face. end of pov. "Okay, my daughter, that's what I did during the last 20 minutes before you came in," she said. "Please read chapter 3 after the next story," I said.

Episode 3

the next morning in father’s and mother’s bedrooms.  I woke up and I was in my father’s lap and he was sleeping and mother was also fast asleep already, "yawn good morning," I said to myself, then seoi came in he wasn't there when yuan was at the party.  " Lady mei what do you wish for this morning," he whispered. "Easy, I want the battle plans of this war, can you get them for me seoi," I told seoi, "but why do you want that yours---," seoi said. "It's an order," I said, then father woke up and heard me talking to seoi. "Master yun ryu I was just passing by," he said scared, "seoi are you an idiot or are you going to follow my orders as a good former knight," I said. He then left to get the plans.When I looked at my father he had a good body build, also good for the former prince of the enemy kingdom.  He was 183 cm, had black hair and red eyes. He was tall in the last life and I only got up to 4 ft so I never got to grow any taller after grade 4.  and father agreed with me going to the castle and planning a new attack pattern for this war. Later in the yokai city,  a few hours later we arrived at the emperor’s royal summer house that was right next door and father knocked at the door and a royal guard came “ what is your business here yun ryu,” the guard said. “We are here to talk to my father in law, the emperor,” my father said. we went inside and I was shocked yuan was right there and father bowed down “greetings emperor yuan sha Ji,” he said also telling me to do the same, “mei you don't have to bow to me and you just found your 3rd knight as well lady mei,” he said.  “ What if you're also the emperor of  Enishi no teikoku and the god of this world why,” I said.  “ you had been in this world once before when you were 9 and you were scared and running away from my guards who were chasing you so I saved you and created four knights with my powers just for you and created a clone of you your mother but I erase your memories and sent you back to your world until 3 years later when you died suddenly reading a novel based off of my world,” he said. “oh okay so it was real,” I said. so that is the reason my mother is smaller than me since this morning.  “Oh right she passed away during childbirth and on the day your daughter was born I took your youngest daughter and made her taller and gave her the looks as her mother,” he said. “wait does that mean my other daughter as well, ”yun said.“ No she is the same as a human with his powers, ”yuan said.“ So how many daughters do I have, ”Yun said.“ Let me see 3 of They, ”yuan said.“ Wait how old was mother when she died, ”I said,“ She was 13 years old, ”formerly said. "Wait for that young man," Yun said. later back at the ryu family house Yuki and my little sister who was born a few years later due to the remaining magic of my mother she is only 7 years old. She may look like that but my mother took her life to create a daughter from the underworld, so I am thankful that she was born. Father came inside and sat me and my sisters in his lap and we were just sitting there then we heard a strange voice, "My name is Kamaumika. This message is from my father. She said we then hear a man, "Are Mika talking to you again? You're a stupid 11-year-old girl who needs to learn more." He said "I've ever seen He's finally gone, you're there, because it's been a long time to think about you since you were born in a mysterious world you've never seen, and the name of this country was strange. "Mother said “Wait do you mean japan,” I said. “Yes, your old world, did you have a sister before you died?” She asked me, “yes I did she was 11 when I died, wait what, "I said shocked than my father from my past life spoke" After you died, Mika caught a cold and her voice changed at night. She said she was the mother of your next life as Mei ryu. "He said." I died of a knife wound at the age of 16 and was called into your world when I was reborn as the heroine of a book. At the age of 11, she lived for only two years. I wasn't. Three children who married the main character and gave birth, when I returned to the old world,  "It was her. “ I said.“ Is there a way I can come over, ”I said? “ Yes, you can freely enter the past world and this world anytime, anywhere. ”Yuan said.“ yuan thanks I will go every day, "I said." Don't worry about being at the same time as your old world, that is, one day here is still one day later. "yuan said. He's gone."I'm not very happy. I will love my slave soon." Yun said. I then step into my father's house back in japan and woke up in the master bedroom and Mika and my past life's father was right there and I was currently wearing traditional Japanese clothing and then Yuki landed right next to me standing up. “Second sister and mother greetings my name is ryu Yuki'she said.“ Good afternoon my two wonderful daughters your welcome to come here whenever you want, ”Mika said.'I will get snacks for you three,' Kamau san said. “Thank you, Miss Food.” Yuki said. Later another father came in. “I will give you some for young girls. I got a delicious snack from Japan, "said his father. "I said with my mouth drooling." Is that the famous candy that sticks to your hands, it been forever since I have last seen one, "I said with my mouth drooling." Yes, the candy left in your hands is plum. "Mika said. “Wait, you know what type of food that is,'' Yuki said.“ Of course, I do nee-san, ”I told her. We then put the candy into our mouths and started to chew the sticky candy. I had finished. the candy with no trouble at all, “ahaahahahacough,” Yuki said. I then rushed over to her and she choking on the candy, “Mika get your father over here now, ”I said, I then started to punch Yuki,“ Mei you know how to do CPR ”Mika asked me,“ huh what's CPR, ”I asked not knowing what that means. Well, I pushed her back. "She said. And the candy came out of Yuki mouth and flew into my mouth and my vision went black. The next morning I woke up in a bed and I looked around and saw a little girl around Mika's age standing at the foot of the bed, "They got up from the dream world" the girl said, “wait who are you,” I said. “When you ask my name, my name is Takualin. "She said," my name is ryu mei, "I said. Then rin left the room and then I saw Yuki sleeping next to me. I better call yuan. right away. I picked up the phone from the kitchen and papa was in there and I made the call, “hello you have reached emperor yuan,” the recorder said. “Hello yuan is there anything wrong in that world,” I said, "Hello, No, we are safe. enemy is not yet attacked our country." he said. "good I will use my powers from here and destroy one of the enemy camps," I said. "Well, order all attacks during the pause." he said, “ball of yokai pure flame destroy the enemy camps right away,” I said, “Well, you destroyed half of their position,” he said “okay,” I said. “Well, I love you-- -” Then I ended the call.“ Good grief that used up most of my DP so I need some food, ”I said. Then papa made some pancakes now that is weird because I did not eat them ever since my past life on the last day I was living just before I was hit by a truck and was summoned to Enishi no teikoku and only 2 months had passed here. "How are you, Ryumei, this morning?" Yuki said unsure about why I was gone when she had woke up just a few minutes ago. She had bed hair and her black hair was a mess as well, “good morning elder sister,” I said. And papa came over with some hotcakes mix and Yuki took the box and dumped the box in the pan, papa had taken the box out as fast as he could and told her not to do that again. I checked the fridge and the food I had brought from school the night before my death and summoning was right there. is still there I was waiting 11 years for this day, ”I said“ Before you think about touching that candy sister, you should eat pancakes. "Okay," I said. Later that day I notice something on the tv "A new maiden game for the Yokai Princess Verse has arrived. 7 \ 31 \ 20 is a complete game iOS and PC release." I heard the ad said. “Wait what there is a game now,” I said. “Yes and it is canon to the novel cause you're in the game as well as the heroine,” Mika said. “So is this game based on me, ”I said. Wait I remember now back when I played the game I created a powerful person with high stats and gave her a name ryu mei the dark overlord or the official last boss of the game before the demon lord. Now that is me, how did I become the character I created 2 years ago in this world? “I have to check something,” I said. Just when I say that a portal opens and yun comes falling out. “Where is this place, ”He said. Then Mika came into my old bedroom and saw him standing there.“ Yun you dare treat my sister that way and I will never let you see her again, ”Mika said.“, Mazushi ”he said.“ Sorry I don't remember you sorry, ”she said. Now, this is bad Mika is losing her memories of her life as mazushi. “Father, she would no longer remember her life as mazushi,” I said. 3 hours later. “Father, how did you get here,” I said. “I will tell you I came to visit you, ”he said.“ Wait, you don't mean that do you, ”I said “ oh I forgot to tell you guys something,” I said to be continued. and note before this was cut into 2 different chapters. just to note.

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