I had just left my house. I was going to school, it was my first day so I didn't want to be late. I wanted to leave a good impression.
I didn't know much about North East High School apart from that just this year, it had become a mixed school. It was before an all boys school, so it was a big change for the school and for me. I was previously in an all girls school, so I was pretty exited and slightly worried for the year ahead.
I was walking to school my parents were busy that morning so they couldn't drop me off. I was walking at a normal pace when suddenly a tall guy bumped into me. He had brown hair and the same colored eyes. He stoped and turned around, gave me a disrespectful look, and stomped off.
I could tell he was from the same school as me, given the uniform.
The school uniform was white and blue. My uniform had a long sleeved white shirt, it had buttons all the way down. The uniform also had a knee high navy skirt, black shoes and a pair of white socks.
The male uniform had a short sleeved white t-shirt, navy trousers, black shoes and white socks.
It was about 7h40 when I arrived at school, I entered the building. I only saw only guys, I got a bit worried but a teacher saw me and called me over. She told me to go to the principles office, so that's what I did.
I met the principle, his name was Mr. Wintworth. He was extremely kind, he then explained to me how the school worked. I thought it was weird that he was only saying this to me. He must have realized, so he then told me:
"You must have realized by the looks of things, there's something I need to tell you and you may not be happy about it. *sigh* You are the only girl in this school."
"What?!?? How is that even possible??" I said, I was shocked and extremely confused.
"Yes... That's right. You were the only female student to sign up to this school this year."
"Ok. That explains why I didn't see any girls in the halls, and why I got some intreegued stares."
"I see, but the stares were and are to be expected. This was, before this year, an all boys school. And from your documents, I've noticed that you've only ever been to all girl schools, so this must be frightening for you now that you know this".
"That's reality, I guess..."
"I've got your time table, lunch pass and your key to your locker right here. I thought it would be a bit less stressfull if I gave them to you here."
"Thank you! I appreciate it a lot."
We then said our goodbyes and I was then heading to my homeroom.
I arrived to my homeroom, many stares welcomed me, including a few whistles from the back of the class. A guy walked up to me with a huge smile:
"Hi, my name is Jake." he said
"I'm Emma." I smiled back at him
"I'm 100% sure you're new so if you need any help around the school, finding things or generally anything. Just call me and I'll be right there."
"Thanks a lot, but I'm sure I'll be able to find my way around" I replied
He smiled back at me and took a seat, second row in the class. I did the same, though many seats were already taken so I was third row, next to the window.
The teacher arrived, he introduced himself as Mr. Dell, he said that he was also a math teacher. He seemed quite cool, so I was happy to know that he was ours for the year.
He explained about the school clubs and that there was going to be a chance to see the club's and meet the people in charge.
He mentioned a football club wich sparked my interest. I was in the my old schools football team, we were a pretty good team to. Looking out for each other, like a mini family. And honestly, I was pretty much a pro.
After that hour of going through all the school rules and club's, I was headed to my next class. It was English, I enjoyed that subject a lot. So I wasn't that mad for having it for second hour. On Mondays.
I was on my way, when I saw a group of boys circled around a kid on the floor. He was surrounded by books. He was being held against his locker, I presume. Luckily they let go. And started walking of. I then rushed over through the large crowd to see how he was doing. I gave him a hand up and he accepted. Once he was on his feet, he thanked me, but proceeded to look at the floor. I asked:
"Are you hurt?"
"just my ego." he said and he laughed, I did the same. "My name is Elliott by the way."
"Nice to meet you Elliott, my name is Emma." I responded
We smiled at each other but fear appeared in Elliott's eyes. I didn't have the time to turn around that someone had pinned me, by the shoulders against the lockers. He didn't shove me hard, just hard enough to hurt a little. A smile appeared on his face, not the good kind:
"Now what do we have here? A little girl trying to help my prey?"
"What do you want?" I asked confidently
His smile grew bigger by the question
"Just to play a little game." he replied, while tightening his grasp
"What if I'm not interested in your game?"
"Then I'll force you to play" he said while getting his face closer to mine, and moving one hand from my shoulder to my waist.
I knew what was coming if I didn't act so I kneed him in the no-no zone. A little cry escaped his lips. He loosened his grip, I took the opportunity to escape.
"Let's get out of here, Elliott!" I told him and grabbed him by the arm. A path leading out of the circle appeared and that's where we went through. Several looks of shock appeared.
We started running. Two people were chasing us as we were dashing through the halls. After a couple minutes, the two weren't chasing us anymore, so we stopped to breath a little.
"What happened to you two? It looks like you just finished running a marathon! "
We were approached by two more unfamiliar faces, both curious and intrigued. I decided to say:
"Something like that, I guess" I started laughing, Elliott as well
"It was Ethan to stay short. His lackies decided to avenge the big boss." said Elliott
"Never thought the day would come, should I ask what happened?" said one of the boys
"They were showing the new comers what would happen if they messed with him and his gang, by demonstrating on me... as usual. Anyway, once they started leaving, Emma here, huried over to give me a hand up. We introduced each other, but Ethan came back. And decided it would be fun to play a game with her. And she kicked him in the balls. Honestly, it was well deserved and finally time." replied Elliott
"heh, sounded like you had a blast. By the way the names Ivan, and this here is my bff Arthur
""bff" really?? No need to answer" Arthur then proceeded to look at me with a huge smile "nice to meet you Emma"
"oh no, have i stumbled upon the flirt of the school?" I said
"sadly, you have." said Ivan mockingly
We all started laughing
"so from what I understand, the kid bullying Elliot is called Ethan. And the two others are?" I asked
"that's right and they're called Ein and Lucas" replied Arthur
Then Elliott said: "wait! I hope you realise what you've done Emma!!"
"uhh, I think I've awoken the beast of the school!?!!"
"exactly! Ethan most likely won't be bullying you, but he'll most likely be teasing you, and he'll try to take advantage of you."
"don't worry about that, if he touches me again he'll get more than a kick in the balls"
"looks like we've got a fighter" said Ivan while chuckling to himself
"you could say that, I'm not going to get trampled on by an idiot like him" I replied
"anyway, you might want to watch out for Ein." said Ivan
"why is that?" I asked
"how to say it? he's kind of a trickster, he'll do anything to get what he wants. Most of the time he goes unnoticed, a bit like a cat." said Ivan
"right, so I need to watch out for those three. Anyone else I have to watch out for?" I asked
"no not really, but since you're the only girl here, you've really just become a shiny new toy for all of us. You'll probably find yourself in weird situations but hey, if you need help just call us." replied Ivan
"alright, I'll have to live with that" I said
The bell rang
"dang it! didn't see the time fly. Do you know where this class is, I kinda got lost running through the halls" I sighed
"funny enough, it's that classroom right there" Arthur said
I gigled: "thanks, all three of you. I'll see you around"
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