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The Disavowed Son

Chapter 1: Ominous dream

In the ancestral house, Sekiryu, a unpleasant decision has been taken by kotoro, the current patriarch of the Akahoshi clan, one of the 5 major clans of Senshi imperium.

“You can’t be serious brother” kiriha, kotoro’s younger brother exclaimed in shock. His younger brother ken added “You my be the patriarch, but we can’t let you do that”.

Kotoro stood silently.....

Kiriha in an attempt to convince kotoro said “Even though he has his faults, he is still your son”, ken out of anger “he is just nine years old, how could you say your abandoning him”.

“Enough, i have decided” said kotoro in a domineering posture. He continued “Our clan does not require weaklings. He neither good at swordsmanship, mana control nor academics”.

Kiriha trying to bring out sympathy from his brother said “ then disavow him. Don’t throw child to fend for himself”, ken joined in “think about how kyoka will feel, Please reconsider for her sake”.

“That is not necessary” said kyoka while entering the room the three brothers were arguing in.

“My husbands decision is my decision. He had discussed this issue with me prior to executing it” explained kyoka with calm face.

She continued “Do not worry, we wont abandon him without providing him with resources. We have talked to an orphanage that will take care of him till he becomes of age and also provide with a generous sum of coin to thrive. You don’t have any complaints know, right!”

The brothers where shocked and disgusted by the response by the mother of the child being abandoned. “What else should we have expected from the ice queen” the two brothers  thought to themselves.

The brothers tried to convince them again saying it is too cruel to let a young child go through this.

“That’s enough. I have made my decision and it is not up for debate. I expect you to follow. Am i clear?” asked kotoro leaking his domineering red aura.

The brothers pushed to their knees by  kotoro’s aura and fear replied simply as “Yes, Patriarch”.

Kotoro and kyoka exited the room..

“You head on ahead. I’ll talk to Asahi” said Kyoka. Kotoro simply nodded and left.

Kyoka heads to her second son Asahi’s room to inform about the decision taken by his father.

Kyoka enters Asahi’s room to find him on the verge of crying. “I assume you heard what your uncles where shouting about” asked kyoka to which Asahi simply nodded as if he had already excepted that there was nothing he could do or say about this unfair situation.

“ This is your identity card, bank passbook and debit card. Use this money wisely. You will not receive any more form us one you finish this up. Pack your bags tonight, you will be sent to the orphanage tomorrow.” Said Kyoka without single glimpse of sadness.

“ Can i meet brother and grandfather before I  leave?” asked Asahi barely holding his tears.

“No, both your brother and grandfather are away at the moment. Your father decision will be relayed to them when they return. Now start packing” replied kyoka.

Kyoka leaves the room...

Asahi stares at the papers his mother brought him for awhile.....

He takes the papers and heads outside to the lake near the ancestral house. Reaching the lake he stares at night sky. Tears start to fall from his eyes and shouts in frustration.....

Asahi start speak to himself in desperation “What did i do wrong? Why is this happening to me? Should i not have been weak.”


Desperation slowly turned to anger “ No. I have not done anything wrong. They are the ones that are wrong”

Anger building in Asahi....

“I’ll show you. I am weak. But i will grow to be strong. No! I will be the strongest”

In a fit of Anger Asahi tore the papers, passbook and card given by his mother.

“I will become the strongest. Through whatever means I might have to use. May it be blood magic or cursed magic I will be the strongest. I promise this day, this moment is last of me being weak” shouted Asahi brimming with confidence and  determination that cannot conveyed through words.

Suddenly a unknown voice appears from the dark night...

“ Ho! Tenacious aren’t we?” exclaimed the unknown figure with a hint of delight in his voice.

Asahi turned his head to see the unknown figure...





“Hello!” sounding sleepy

“Still in bed i see, wont hurt to be little punctual you know”

“I’m hanging up”

“Wait, wait, i need a favour”

“What favour?”

“can you come to my office ? I’d like to discuss it face to face”

“fine. I’ll be there in an hour”

“Thanks. Asahi”



Stretches his body slightly and yawns.

“Hmm. A dream of that incident. Lets just hope there’s nothing more to it.”

Showing some concern Asahi (currently 20 years old) gets up from bed to meet his associate.


Chapter 2: Rumours

Asahi walks outside and hails taxi....

“Where to?” Asked the driver.

“Merchant guild headquarters” Asahi replied.

The driver while taking Asahi to his destination asks “Are you attending an interview in the merchant guild?”. To this Asahi replied “No. Just heading there to meet an associate of a friend of mine”.

“Your friend must be quite the man if he has contacts with the merchant guild!” Exclaimed the taxi driver with a astonished expression.

“ You can say that again. He has his ways to get contacts in places one would not even think about.” Replied Asahi with respectful expression.

The taxi arrives at the merchant guild head quarters. Asahi heads in after paying the driver.

The motion sensor doors open as Asahi enters the building, heads towards the reception...

Asahi enquires where the guild master’s office was, to which the receptionist questioned whether he had an appointment or not.

“Appointment? I don’t think i have one” Asahi exclaimed a little confused.

The receptionist replied “I am sorry sir, we cannot allow you to meet the guild master without a appointment”. Also she thought to herself “ huh! Look at this guy. Thinks he can just walk into to merchant guild and ask to meet the master, whose does he think Kirima, the war demon is?”

Asahi tries to explain the situation “ I think there some kind of misunderstanding. Could you call him up check with him. He is the one that invited me here”.

“ Wait a minute” says the receptionist and dials the phone to the guild master.



“hello, guild master this is the ground floor reception, there is man here saying you invited him”

“ Ah! Yes send him up”

“yes sir”


“I am sorry sir, please take the first right across the hallway and take the second elevator and ask the operator for the top floor” Said the receptionist with a glimmer of fear in hear voice.

“Okay. Thanks” replied Asahi with a kind smile.

Asahi heads towards the elevator... The floor attendant swings by the reception.

“Yo! Why do you look like someone who saw a ghost?” asked the attendant. “ I just disrespected someone war demon personally invited.” Replied the receptionist.

“wow! Someone who Kirima personally invited, must some amazing, don’t you think?” exclaimed the attendant.

“ I know that’s why I am terrified. I don’t know what kind of monster I disrespected you idiot” in a frantic voice the receptionist replied.

“Don’t worry Kirima is not the kind to let someone hurt his employees and I don’t think even cared enough to take notice of your disrespect, so don’t worry” said the attendant trying to consolidate the receptionist.

Asahi enters the elevator, gets off at the top floor and enters kirima’s office.

“Ah! Asahi sorry about the receptionist. Looks like information didn’t reach them in time” siad kirima while apologizing.


Asahi walks and sits on the couch in the office

“So, What kind of favour would make one of the most powerful person on the planet ask for my help in particular.” Asked Asahi with a condescending look.

Kirima responded “ Straight to the point I see. Well actually i need two favours. One. I need you to lead a team of mine for a ruin raid. I know about your current situation, I just need you as the strategist”

Asahi asks “ A ruin raid, why?”

Kirima explains “ well the ruins have very powerful equipment which we the merchant guild use to equalize the delicate balance between the Senshi imperium and the Empire of Arlisia”

“Not the equipment bit, I want to know why you need me to lead your team while you are more than capable of doing so yourself” asks Asahi with an intimidating voice.

“ About that, I need to urgently travel to Senshi imperium to check some disturbing rumours and this ruin is also connected to the rumour. I didn’t want to miss the lead in the imperium so I figured you are the only who could replace me and the second favour would come after I confirmed the rumours in the imperium” explained Kirima.

Asahi asked what kind of rumours made think he would require Asahi’s help to solve.

Kirima explains “ As you know the Senshi imperium from where you and I originally belong and the Empire of Arlisia where we currently reside are at odds and are only working together because of the danger the fiends in the uncharted Territory pose to humanity. Fiends are carnivores and animal like that crave to kill and nothing else. Their might be powerful and intelligent beings among them, but nothing the united front of the eastern and western empires cannot handle.”

“Get to the point” Asahi remarks.

Kirima continues “ the rumours of fiend that escaped into the main city spread, but something about the description did not sit well with me. And soon after this rumour the ruin guardians, the entities that protect the treasures became powerful.”

“ Big deal! Fiends often sneak into cities and wreak havoc. And about the guardians, your equipment that measure the ruins could be at fault.” Asahi comments trying to brush it off as nothing.

“No. I personally confirmed the equipment quality and the class of B-class ruin recently. The difficulty did go up. It would equal an A-class ruin. So if all the ruins have gone up by one class it take all the 5 of the council to clear an s-class ruin and at least 1 to clear an A-class. The ruin raid I requested you to lead is an A-class.” Kirima replied to Asahi’s comment concerned.

“I think you are still taking this too seriously” Asahi said still trying to brush it off.

“Asahi, a rumour of a fiend that barely looks like like one and the ruin level through the board going up by a class tell me you don’t have a any experience like the situation that I just described” asked Kirima with a serious look.

“ Oi! Hold your horses. Do you know what you are saying. Even if Avarice trained you for a bit you can’t go and decide on this kind of a situation.” Said Asahi suddenly getting serious.

“ That’s right. I don’t have the authority nor the  experience to decide on that, that’s why i want you check for yourself.” Said Kirima with a humbled look.

“ Fine I’ll accept your requests. Send me the details of the team, the time, location and a report saying I don’t any mana” Asahi said with frustrated look.

Kirima replied “ It’ll be done. But about the Senshi imperium”

Asahi cuts him and said “ Don’t worry my past will not effect my decision and evaluation”

Kirima humbly thanked Asahi.

Asahi returns to his house frustrated at what he heard from Kirima thinking to himself “ Please let not be Kirima is thinking about.”

Chapter 3: Red hawk

To the south in Empire of Arlisia is great spirit forest where the one of the ruin of the old civilization lies.

A man taking in the camp of the red hawks Kirima’s elite raiding team “The old civilization was a advanced race that drew the fiends up north. But the fiends started eat their own, evolving and becoming strong. This new species and the internal conflicts resulted in the down fall of the once great civilization. Though the specious that is said to be the down fall of the civilization has never resurfaced since then it is dreaded that when they do it will be the end of humanity. And hence every human is trying to arm themselves with the artefacts of this great kingdom by raiding their ruins.”

“Shut it! Trevor. Don’t you get tired of repeating the same story in every ruin we raid”

“Calm down Harris, don’t bully Trevor. His stories have become a type of ritual for the squad before venture into a ruin”

“Connor it’s not that Harris is bullying Trevor, I think he is fears that oral prophecy might come true”

“Yeah! Like your one to talk, don’t you think Tim”

“**** off, wade”

“Ooo, looks like I hit a nerve their, don’t you think blake”


“You do know he his 50ft up in the tree on lookout rigth?” asks Tim rhetorically.

“that’s enough fooling around.”

“yes, boss”

“hey Jack, what did the big boss want to talk about?” asks wade

Jack replies “ Apparently he is sending someone to command this raid.”

Tim exclaims “ oh! The big boss sent someone to command us, must be powerful as heck!”

Jack stands silently looking concerned.

Harris enquires “ Boss what’s wrong? Is the new hard to work with or some kind of egotistical jerk?”

“No. On the contrary he has low mana control, basically D-class best” replied Jack.

“what? Is the big boss really sent such guy to command his best raiding squad?” asked Harris angrily.

“ Yeah! He said, Do three things when working with him follow his every command, don’t insult him and the third and the most important do not speak anything about his father or master, he stressed heavily on the last one.” Explained Jack.

“ What father and master?” asked Trevor being confused.

“ Must be some kind of family issue, best not to dive in” remarked Blake

“ But still we have to listen to his every command, isn’t it a bit extreme” Wade comments.

“ Oi, looks like he’s here, better shut up” advised Blake.

Asahi walks to the camp in his casual looking clothes having no equipment whatsoever.....

The red hawk unit staring in disappointment at this casual looking guy thinking this is the guy that’s going to take command on the raid.

Jack initiates the conversation “ Hello sir, you must be Asahi. We were informed of you by Kirima.”

“Ah, you are Jack right a magic swordsman and the captain of this unit , next to you Trevor the squad’s archer, the great swordsman Harris, Wade the dual short sword wielder, Tim and Conor the resident magus and lastly on the tree is Blake the squad’s assassin and lieutenant. Nice to meet you. I hope we can work together and get along.” Asahi greets with naive smile.

The red hawks respond saying yes. Asahi commanded that they will be departing in half an hour and get ready.

Blake drops from the tree to talk to his team.

Harris remarks “ what a tool.”

Connor, Tim, Wade and Trevor agree with Harris.

Wade asks “boss what do you think?”

“Not sure. Something about that guy is off” responds jack.

“Off...” Connor comments.

“I agree with Jack. I don’t whether he is strong or not but he is dangerous. I can feel it in my gut. At the very least do what Kirima said.”  Said Blake with a wary look .

The red hawk with Asahi enters the ruin.

“Jack and Blake you will be by my side to protect me, we’ll be the rear guard, Harris you’ll take the lead, Tim and wade support Harris, Connor and Trevor you’ll deal with long range attacks ” ordered Asahi.

Though the dive still didn’t want to take orders from Asahi, they decided to follow because of Jack and Blake’s stand when outside.

Monsters, puzzles and task come what may, Asahi commanding the team the most efficient way possible. They might be one of the strongest A-class team but they had never cleared a dungeon with such ease. On top of this, the difficulty had raised to S-class, still because of Asahi the ploughed through.

This did not go unnoticed by the squad as they neared the end they had accepted Asahi command blindly, even when he asked to throw their lives they did so voluntarily, but to every one’s surprise they maid it to the guardian’s chamber without a single scratch.

Asahi’s naive tone also had changed to how he would talk to Kirima. The squad recognised his excellence as a strategist and agreed with Kirima’s decision.

The final push had arrived, The guardian’s chamber. The door opened, everybody entered. The door closed between their backs.

Connor: “ how is this possible?”

Tim: “I must be dreaming”

Harris : “ We are going to die”

Trevor: “ Its been a honour serving with you”

Wade: “ come on guys don’t lose your will before the actual fight”

Blake: “ Brave words, but still considering what we are facing it’s natural.”

Jack: “ Asahi, we came all this way without a single scratch because of your commands. So I will ask you, Can we defeat something, even those who rose to become legends couldn’t?”



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