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Voice Of God


On a rainy Sunday,like normal I play with my school mates. They always play some soccer as usual I am a ball guy who picks balls.well I Riki Iwan the typical Mc of This story.Goes to school and bullied by others but never in my life I got a pretty girl and living life as a sore loser. On that night a strange phenomenon happened. There is a voice in my head like saying "My boy do you regret that you are alone" I am shivering there iF there is a ghost in the room and thinks like WTF ,A man from a thin shadow appeared in front of me. I was shocked and screaming like hell but nobody around my house woke up,I asked the man who are you and what are you.he replied 'I am the god' when I heard that I laughed at will.Then he did something and in all of the sudden I brought to the sky. He talked again "Listen my boy I am the god of voice", I will be granting you my power to use it at will to prove that you are worthy . quickly I asked what is the power you are talking about like I'dk. He replied quickly 'My power is my voice that can make any dream come true if you want it you say it that the power but there will be some limitations' so I decided to grant you a systematic guide to guide my powers to you like the Some novels and maga that you read. He then disappeared in thin of the air. So why is it sudden and I felt like it was like a dream and reality. So let's see what the power he is talked about well I will be using it let's see it tomorrow about in the ***school**. it just felt like a dream for me .A typical man like me has the power of God who would believe that shit.

Certainly, here's an edited version of your prologue:

On a rainy Sunday, as usual, I found myself playing soccer with my schoolmates. I was the ball boy, running after the ball every time it went out of bounds. I am Riki Iwan, the typical MC of this story. I go to school and get bullied by others, living my life as a sore loser. On that fateful night, something strange happened.

I heard a voice in my head, asking me if I regretted being alone. I shivered, wondering if there was a ghost in the room. Suddenly, a man appeared from a thin shadow in front of me.

I was shocked and started screaming, but nobody around my house seemed to wake up. I asked the man who he was and what he wanted. He replied, "I am God." I burst out laughing, thinking it was a joke. But then, he did something incredible, and I found myself soaring into the sky.

The man spoke again, "Listen, my boy. I am the God of Voice, and I will be granting you my power. Use it to prove that you are worthy." Confused, I asked him what power he was talking about. He explained, "My power is my voice. It can make any dream come true if you want it. But there will be some limitations. So, I will grant you a systematic guide to help you control my powers, like in the novels and manga you read."

And with that, he disappeared into thin air. I couldn't believe what had just happened; it all felt like a dream. How could a typical guy like me have the power of a God? But I was determined to see what this power was and how I could use it. Tomorrow, I would test it out at school. For now, though, it all just felt like a dream.

Chapter 1:Back to school

Riki Iwan was nervous as he made his way to IMPK high school, the best school in town. He knew the school had a reputation for being filled with both rich kids and bullies, and he felt lucky to have been accepted despite not having the same financial means as some of the other students. Getting a scholarship to attend had been tough, but he had managed to make it happen.

As he walked to his English class, he realized he was running late. He tried to quicken his pace, but suddenly he heard a voice calling out to him. It was his homeroom teacher, Catherine, who was yelling at him for being late on the first day of school. Riki quickly explained that his alarm had failed to go off, but Catherine wasn't buying it.

She chastised him for always having an excuse, and Riki felt embarrassed as he made his way into the classroom. He tried to focus on the lesson, but then a strange window popped up on his screen. It offered to help him master English fluency and writing skills, but Riki was skeptical and decided to ignore it.

As class came to an end, Riki was suddenly confronted by Benjamin, one of the school's rich bullies. Alongside his sidekicks Daniel and Logan, Benjamin accused Riki of angering him with his attitude towards Catherine. Riki was confused, as he hadn't done anything wrong, but Benjamin didn't want to hear it.

He ordered his sidekicks to break Riki's leg or arm, and they proceeded to beat him up. Riki was stunned and couldn't understand why he was being targeted. In a moment of desperation, he tried to fight back, but his efforts were futile.

That's when he heard a voice in his head offering to help him with martial arts skills. A window popped up, and Riki hesitantly clicked the "yes" button. Suddenly, he felt a surge of power as the system inserted a beginners martial arts program into his brain and body, and activated a mid-tier kung fu master level of skill.

Riki was amazed as he easily dodged the bullies' attacks and delivered some powerful kicks of his own. His classmates watched in disbelief as Riki stood victorious, and even the school goddess Selena had witnessed the fight. Riki couldn't understand what had happened, but he knew that something had changed within him.

When he got home, he discovered a system window that showed his new status. He had unlocked martial arts skills and had a physical strength level of 12, much higher than a normal human strength level of 3. He also had mental capabilities and unlocked abilities like English proficiency, which was currently disabled. There was a point shop where he could buy items like special eyes to see through people's insight, and even voices of CEO and politician to help him in his future endeavors.

As he walked outside that night to grab some food, he stumbled upon a girl on the side of the road. Riki didn't know it yet, but his life was about to change in ways he could never have imagined.

status windows:

Name:Riki Iwan


physical:12(note Normal human strength is just 3)

mental : 3

capabilities:martial skills ( mid tier kung-fu master)

Unlocked abilities:English proficiency (Disabled)

Item box:Nil

Luck wheel (once per week)

point shop:150 coins (balance)

items to buy : *special eyes(Can see through the person's insight)

* voice of CEO(A confident voice over which can attract opposite business attires to invest in yours)

* Voice of Politician(A voice over that can make people heed your command) and it goes on with physical entities and mental entities. I just activated my martial skills alone.

Chapter 2: The Encounter

Riki walked towards the girl, hoping to offer her help. As he approached her, he could see that she was shivering and drenched from the rain. She looked up at him with a hint of fear in her eyes, but Riki smiled and offered her his umbrella.

"Here, take this," he said, holding out his umbrella. "You look like you could use some shelter from the rain."

The girl hesitated for a moment before accepting the umbrella. "Thank you," she said softly.

Riki introduced himself and asked the girl her name. She told him her name was Ayumi and that she was a transfer student at IMPK High School. Riki told her that he was also a student there, and they walked together towards the school.

As they walked, Riki noticed that Ayumi seemed nervous and anxious. He asked her if she was okay, and she hesitated before opening up to him. She told him that she had heard rumors about the school being full of rich and entitled students who liked to bully others. Riki nodded sympathetically and told her that there were indeed some bullies in the school, but there were also many kind and friendly students.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you're safe," Riki said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Ayumi smiled gratefully, and they continued walking towards the school.

When they arrived, Riki led Ayumi to their classroom and introduced her to their teacher, Ms. Catherine. Ayumi looked around nervously at the other students, but Riki put a comforting arm around her and whispered encouraging words in her ear.

As the lesson began, Riki couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement. He had always been a good student, but with his new martial skills and abilities, he felt like he could conquer anything that came his way.

However, as the lesson went on, Riki found it hard to concentrate. He kept glancing over at Ayumi, who was sitting alone at her desk and looking increasingly anxious. Riki decided that he needed to do something to help her feel more included.

During a group exercise, Riki suggested that Ayumi work with him and his friends. At first, his friends were hesitant, but Riki was insistent. He told them that Ayumi was new to the school and that they should make her feel welcome.

Slowly but surely, Ayumi started to open up and talk to the other students. Riki watched with satisfaction as his plan worked, and Ayumi started to make friends.

After the lesson, Riki walked Ayumi to her next class and promised to meet her after school to walk her home. Ayumi smiled and thanked him, and Riki left feeling like he had made a real difference in someone's life.


Name: Riki Iwan

Sex: Male

Physical: 12 (Note: Normal human strength is just 3)

Mental: 3


Martial Skills: Mid-tier kung-fu master

English Proficiency: Currently disabled, but can be unlocked

Unlocked Abilities:


Item Box: Nil

Luck Wheel: Once per week

Point Shop: 150 coins (balance)

Available items to buy:

Special Eyes: Can see through a person's insight

Voice of CEO: A confident voice over which can attract opposite business attires to invest in yours

Voice of Politician: A voice over that can make people heed your command

Enhanced Senses: Improves vision, hearing, and other senses

Body Enhancement: Increases physical strength and endurance

Mental Enhancement: Improves mental capabilities such as memory, focus, and creativity

Magical Aura: Riki has an innate magical aura that enhances his physical and mental capabilities. When activated, he becomes faster, stronger, and more focused, making him a formidable opponent in combat.

Mind Reading: With the help of his special eyes, Riki can see through a person's insight, but he also has the ability to read minds. This power allows him to know what someone is thinking or feeling, which can be useful in many situations, including negotiations and combat.

Elemental Control: Riki has the ability to control one of the four classical elements: earth, air, water, or fire. With this power, he can manipulate the environment around him and use it to his advantage in combat.

Teleportation: Riki can teleport short distances, which can be useful for getting out of dangerous situations quickly or for surprising opponents in combat.

Divine Voice: As the Voice of God, Riki has a voice that is imbued with divine power. When he speaks, people are compelled to listen and obey. This power is particularly effective when Riki is using the Voice of Politician item from his point shop, as it amplifies his persuasive abilities even further.

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