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The Kidnap

Episode 1

Four years ago, I was at my restaurant, engrossed in some business, when I saw her in a nearby square, sitting while listening to music and laughing. She had the sweetest smile I had ever seen. She was dancing, and I couldn't stop staring at her. She was beautiful with her long, light brown hair, fair skin, rosy cheeks, intense green eyes. Her body was tempting; I wanted her for myself, but at that moment, I could only admire her...

Until John, my assistant, spoke to me.

John: Sir, will you sign the contract?

Alex: Yes, I will (signs the contract).

John: That concludes the meeting; you may leave.

Alex continued to gaze at the girl; she looked so pure, so innocent.

John: Sir, would you like me to call her?

Alex: No, how old do you think she is? Around 17? She's too young to be with me.

John: But do you like her?

Alex: Yes.

Alex Henderson is a CEO, the wealthiest man in the city. He's a womanizer, at his 24 years of age, he holds great power inherited from his parents. He assumed the presidency at an early age and has a lot of influence. Everyone venerates him while also fearing him. He is a tough man with no mercy.

Days passed, and it became routine for Alex to go in the afternoon to see the girl. He would see her reading, singing, dancing; she was a happy girl.

John: Sir, her name is Alison Lu. She's 17 years old, three months away from turning 18.

Alex interrupts him.

Alex: I don't want to know more about her. Keep the report; you'll bring it up when I ask for it later.

Time went by, and he kept seeing her from the restaurant window. She didn't realize this fact.

Until a week of rainy days arrived, Alex continued going to the restaurant, but she didn't.

John: Do you miss her?

Alex: What foolish woman would come in the rain?

John: You're right, sir.

Alex stopped going on those rainy days.

Alison, a wealthy girl with her father's eyes, as her mother had abandoned them when she was born, was happy. She had everything; her father raised her to be a woman with strong values, educated, and humble.

Alison always went to her favorite square, where she grew up and played with her father.

She loved that square until one day everything changed.

Alison arrived home to find everything in silence; the employees were not there. She went to her father's office, and he was there, crying desperately at the desk.

Alison: Father, what's wrong?

Alison's Father: Daughter (stands up and hugs her).

Alison: Father, you're worrying me. What happened?

Alison's Father: We went bankrupt. A company ruined us, and we've gone bankrupt.

Alison: What? But father...

Alison's Father: You have to be strong, Alison.

Alison: Father, what are you talking about? We can overcome this situation; I'll help you.

Alison's Father: I will always love you, my daughter.

Alison's Father collapses on the floor, unconscious, and blood starts coming out of his mouth.

Alison: Father, no! (crying)

She grabs her phone and calls an ambulance.

From that day, her life changed.

Episode 2

Arriving at the hospital:

Doctor: Miss, I'm sorry, your father has passed away. We couldn't do anything, he ingested a highly toxic poison.

Alison: Poison? No, father, why?

She kneels on the ground, her crying wouldn't stop.

It was a rainy day, Alison ran to the plaza, she sat on her favorite spot, cried desperately, not knowing what to do. Despite having everything before, she was now poor. She couldn't continue her studies, where would she live?

Thousands of questions filled her mind.

It was a gray day, she went to prepare for the funeral, sold all her jewelry to pay for it.

At the funeral, her uncles who lived in the country J arrived. Her uncle Juvenal (her father's brother), his wife Angela, their two children Ana and Leo.

Juvenal: Alison, we are sorry. You will now live with us.

Alison: Thank you, Uncle. Prepare my suitcases.

Ana: Hurry up! We'll leave right after the funeral.

Angela: Yes, Ana has to attend a party.

Leo: Yes, I'll also attend.

The funeral ends, Alison, devastated, goes to get her suitcase with clothes.

They travel to the country J and arrive at her uncle's mansion.

Juvenal: Your father never knew how to deal with stress.

Angela: Don't be so hard on him.

Ana: Mother, where will she sleep?

Angela: In the servants' room, the small one in the garage.

Ana: I'll take you there, cousin, so you don't get lost.

Ana takes Alison to a small room in the garage.

Alison: Thank you, cousin.

Leo arrives.

Leo: Hurry up, Ana, go get ready.

Ana leaves.

Leo: Cousin, it's been a long time since I saw you. You look really good, to be honest.

Alison: Thank you, Leo.

Leo: It wouldn't be so bad if I get lost tonight, right?

Alison: We're cousins.

Leo: Just saying.

Leo leaves. That day they went to a party, Alison arranges her room, made sure to lock it securely.

At night, she locks her room with double security. In the middle of the night, she hears someone trying to open her door.

Leo: Cousin, do you want to play for a while?

Alison decided not to answer, pretending to be asleep would be easier.

Meanwhile, in country A:

A week had passed without seeing her. The rain had stopped, and Alex was back at the restaurant, impatient to see her again.

She always came to that plaza at 4 p.m., but it was already 6 p.m., and she hadn't arrived. Alex left disappointed and angry, feeling as if he had been stood up for a date.

Three days went by, everything remained the same, Alison didn't show up.

John: Sir, do you want me to find out about her?

Alex: Fine.

Indignant, he stands up and leaves for his mansion.

That same night, John knocks on his office door.

John: Sir, I have the information.

Alex: Come in, what happened?

John: Her father passed away, her uncles took her to live in country J. Sir, shall we go get her?

Alex: No! Her presence distracts me too much. I'll let her mature on her own.

John: Are you sure, sir? Her family isn't very...

Alex interrupts him.

Alex: I won't do it! Let's forget about this topic, and sell the restaurant.

John: Very well, sir.

Alex was furious, he couldn't believe what he was feeling. Just by seeing her, he already felt that she was a very important woman to him. But this couldn't happen. That same night, he called some women to keep him company. He needed to forget about that girl.

Episode 3

While Alison suffered with her aunt and uncle, they treated her like a servant and placed her in the same university as her cousins because of her grades. She had many scholarships that helped support her studies. It was a traditional university with many wealthy people who wore uniforms.

Just like in school, they said it was more exclusive.

Alison started university. She didn't have money to buy the uniform, so Ana gave her a faded, used, and ugly one.

She had no choice but to wear it. Leo kept bothering her. Alison became more and more beautiful, and every woman envied her body.

At university, Alison tried to go unnoticed, but her classmates noticed her beauty and approached her, which always bothered Ana since she wanted all the attention.

Alison never paid attention, focused on her studies. She made a friend named Almendra, who also had a low profile, was shy, and studious.

They spent most of their time together. Since Leo always bothered her, her friend offered her to stay with her at the university. She needed a roommate. Alison was already 18 years old, so she made the decision to go. She continued to go to her aunt and uncle's place since they were her guardians. She paid her expenses with her remaining savings and sometimes worked in the cafeteria. Ana always mocked her for it.

Four years passed, and Alison had one more year to finish her degree. She had many suitors, but she always focused on her studies.

That weekend, her aunt and uncle invited her to dinner. Important people would accompany them. Alison didn't understand why she was actually invited, but she couldn't refuse.

Upon arriving at the dinner, there was a man of about 40 years old named Alberto. He couldn't stop staring at her the whole night. It seemed like he would devour her at the dessert table.

Alison felt very uncomfortable. As soon as she had the chance, she excused herself and left.

Juvenal: Did you like her?

Alberto: I loved her.

Juvenal: A few million plus a contract for 5 years with the company can be yours.

Alberto: I accept.

Juvenal: She's a virgin.

Alberto: I'll give you 10 billion and a 10-year contract. I want her every day in my house. I'm buying her for myself.

Juvenal: It's a deal.

Alberto: When will she be mine?

Juvenal: Don't be impatient. Tomorrow, we have a party at Hotel Colin. We can make a reservation to finalize our deal.

Alberto: Perfect.

After finishing the evening, Alison was called for the next day to attend the party at Hotel Colin. Alison knew they were plotting something, but she couldn't figure it out.

That same night, Alex arrived in the country and stayed at Hotel Colin. It had been a while since he had come to this place.

John: Tomorrow, you have a meeting with Fredi.

Alex: We need maximum security.

John: We'll bring what's necessary. It's very dangerous.

Alex: Let's rest. Tomorrow will be a long day.

The next day, Alison prepares for the party. Her uncle Juvenal sent her a very provocative dress.

Alison hesitates to wear it. Almendra lends her a dress with lace that showed her curves.

Alison: Thank you for lending me the dress.

Almendra: You look beautiful.

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