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Demon Queen

Chapter 1

Ella, trembling with fear, cried out, "Where am I? I can't see anything; it's pitch black. Is someone there?"

All at once, the sound of footsteps drawing near echoed in the darkness.

"Who's there? Identify yourself!" Ella demanded, her voice quivering with anxiety.

 "I'm here for you, Ella. Come with me, my love," he declared.

Ella asked, "What is going on? Tell me where I am?"

"Come with me, I shall now take you to our home. You are mine, Ella," he said.

Ella frantically searched for an escape from the dark confines. "Stay away from me... help, help! You, with those red eyes, you're not human! Don't lay a hand on me! Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhhh..." she screamed.

Suddenly, a soothing voice jolted Ella awake from the recurring nightmare that plagued her sleep. It was her mother waking her up. She murmured, "It's that creepy and weird dream again." Somewhat relieved, she realized it was all in her dream.

Ella's mom gently spoke, "Ella, dear, it's time to wake up. Otherwise, you'll be late for college."

Concerned, her mother inquired, "Are you alright, dear? You look pale."

"I'm fine, mother. It's just that I had a strange dream," Ella replied.

"Was it the same dream as before?" her mother asked.

Ella nodded, prompting her mother to advise her to cut back on watching horror shows, which were clearly affecting her.

Ella's mother urged her to get dressed quickly and join them downstairs for breakfast.

Ella felt anxious about facing her teacher's reprimand for being late again. Quickly dressing herself, she hurried downstairs for breakfast.

Her father, Mr. Brown, reminded her to take it easy, as was his usual custom. Before she left, she informed her mother, "I'll be spending time with my friends after school today, since our summer break starts tomorrow."

Ella's mother cautioned her to watch out for vehicles, to which she replied that she was no longer a child.

Ella, a college student majoring in mathematics, was exceptionally bright with commendable grades. Despite her wonderful family, the only troubling aspect of her life was the sleepless nights haunted by nightmares that began shortly after her eighteenth birthday.

She never would have imagined that her life would take a drastic turn after she made the decision to bring home a mysterious, beautiful cat.

On the way to college, she encountered a street dog barking menacingly at a cat. Ella intervened, ensuring the cat's safety.

"Hey kitty, you are safe now. Wow, you look so cute," she exclaimed as the cat ran away meowing.

In class, her exhaustion from the restless night was evident, prompting concern from her friend Claire. Despite her fatigue, Ella found solace in the distraction of a movie outing with her friends after school.

As night fell, Ella encountered the same cat she had saved earlier, sparking a peculiar exchange that left her unsettled. Seeing the poor cat alone, she took it with her.

The cat meowed repeatedly, expressing its emotions.

"How dare you…foolish woman calls me a cat? Just wait until I am back to my original form. Leave me here," it demanded. (meow... meow...... meow...)

Returning home, she sought permission to keep the cat, much to her father's surprise. Ella pleaded with her dad, "Please, dad, can I keep it? Please…"

Unable to resist her pleading eyes, Dad relented, saying, "Okay, you can keep it, but you have to take very good care of it."

After a normal conversation about college and how she enjoyed time with her friends, Ella took her cat to her room for a shower.

The cat meowed, protesting against the idea of taking a bath. "Have you lost your mind? No, no, no! I will never take a bath with you," it exclaimed.

"Wow, your fur is so soft! Oh my god, come here, you are unique. A red-eyed cat! This is my first time seeing a cat with such unique features," she excitedly exclaimed.

Chapter 2

As she dried the cat after bathing it:

The cat exclaimed with a series of meows, "You crazy girl, how dare you make a demon king bathe with you? Stop, stop... Girl, where are you touching me? You have no shame," he started moving his body; he was flustered, no one in his entire life had treated him like this.

Ella, unaware that she had brought a demon king home, casually spoke to the cat. "What name should I give you? Let me think. Milo... how does that sound?"

The cat responded with more meows, "I already have a nice name, girl. You don't even realize what you brought home. You will regret keeping me here."

Observing the cat energetically scratching all over the bedsheet, Ella guessed, "I guess you loved your new name. You are such an unusual cat."

She continued, "From tomorrow onwards, I have my summer break starting. So, I will be home. We can spend lots of time together... Milo."

Caressing the cat, she said, "Let's go for dinner; Mom and Dad must be waiting for us to join."

On the way downstairs, she heard her mother say, "Honey, come and eat your dinner."

"Yes, Mom, I am coming," she replied, carrying Milo with her.

Milo, thinking of running away, said, "I need to find my men as soon as possible. I can't stay here like this."(Meow.. Meow... Meow..)

Mother asked Ella if she had brought some cat food on the way, to which she replied, "Yes, I brought some, but I'm uncertain if Milo will love it or not."

Mother, staring at the cat, remarked, "Milo, huh? Nice name. What an unusual cat with red eyes. Our Milo must be some foreign breed; I've never seen such a beautiful cat."

Milo retorted with a meow, "Old hag, I am the most handsome being in this world."

Ella brought the cat food in front of Milo to eat, but he got angry and left to sit in the corner of the room.

The cat expressed its displeasure with a series of meows, saying, "How dare you, human, make me eat this. I am hungry, but I want to avoid eating this." (Meoww.. Meoww... Meow...)

Ella's mother then suggested, "I think Milo doesn't want to eat at the moment. Keep this food in your room. When Milo wants to eat, it can have it."

She also instructed Ella to take Milo to the vet the next day.

Agreeing with her mother, she went upstairs with Milo to her room. Upon realizing that her room was a mess, she cleaned it before retiring to bed with Milo.

Late at night, the cat turned back into the Demon King and regained his powers.

"I've transformed back to my original form. Now, I have to figure out a way to get back to my world, but how?" the Demon King pondered.

The snoring sound of Ella surprised him. "Hey, human, stop making that sound. I can't sleep like this," he said.

A few minutes later, Ella cried out in her sleep, "Save me, save me."

The Demon King watched her, noting, "Now she's started sleep talking. Why is she making weird faces? She's trembling. I can feel dark energy from her."

He could sense dark energy surrounding her. "What is she dreaming about? Since you helped me last time by saving me from that dog, I will help you this time," he said.

He kept his hands above her forehead and used some of his power to enter her mental domain.

"I am in her dream now. It's all dark," he talked to himself.

He heard Ella's voice, "Help… Help… You red-eyed monster. Stay away from me."

The Demon King moved to help her, but there was no one. He continued to watch Ella from the corner, noticing footsteps approaching.

"There is someone... Who is that person? I was right. It's not just a dream. It's something else," he realized.

With red eyes, the newcomer defied the expectation of any ordinary demon. Only a royal member of the demon clan could possess such eyes, he thought to himself.

"Stop! Who are you? Stay away from her," he shouted at the demon approaching Ella.

He wielded his power to summon a luminous orb in the air. As the radiant beam struck the demon's countenance, the Demon King was taken aback.

"How can this be possible? Have you assumed my guise to pursue your prey? You are a Dream Hunter Demon, a skilled entity tracking me within the human world," he queried the demon.

In response, the demon chuckled mockingly, "HAA HAAA. That's quite fascinating. You will indeed recall me, my reincarnated self. Our paths will inevitably cross again... Farewell..."

"What a jest this is... You would be wise not to cross my path again, or I will ensure your swift demise," he retorted with a simmering anger.

With resolve, the Demon King departed from the mental domain as Ella began to awaken.

As she slightly opened her eyes from a slight headache, the Demon King transformed back into the form of a cat.

Pondering to himself, the Demon King questioned, "Is she somehow related to the demon clan? Have I met her before? I am not from this world, so it is unlikely that I have met her previously. Yet, why do I feel this sense of unease upon seeing her, and what was that demon implying?"

"I must consult the old man about her; perhaps he possesses knowledge that I lack. Until then, I must remain here to gather more information.”

Demon King

Ella: I don't want to go to school, but I can't miss my class.


Ella : Ahhh Ahhh.... Am I becoming crazy??

Demon king: Will stop screaming?? I am Milo.

Ella : What's going on with me?? I must be dreaming.

How can I dream about a ***** man beside me??

And most of all calling himself Milo. I am dreaming, right?

Demon king: look at me carefully, Lady, I am not in your dream.

Ella: So I am not dreaming. And you are Milo.

What happened to you?

I don't know what to call you, you seem half human and half animal.

Demon king: I am King of Demons. Apparently, staying here for finding something.

Ella:So, Demon king is a cat. I was curious, do you eat humans?? Are you here to hunt us?

Demon king : If I wanted to eat you, I could have done it before. I told you I am here to find something. Once I get it, I will go back to my world.

Ella : I am scared. Can I trust you? Even if it is the case, I can't let you stay at my place. Please leave. I will not be able to help you.

Demon king : I am weak right now. If you help, I will repay you back. I will stay here with you as a cat.

Heyy I am talking to you.


Demon king: where are you looking, human?

You are completely shameless person.

Ella: Where am I looking? But I can't take my eyes off from him. He has good physique. What is wrong with me??

Don't fall for a cat . Ella … He is not even human.

Demon king : Ellaa. If you don't, stop looking here. I will eat you alive.

Ella: What… It's not my fault. You were standing before me like that.

Demon king : OK stop,

Ella: No I am not going to stop. Since it's my house. If you have any problem, then leave.

Demon king: I also didn't wanted to come here. But you forcefully brought me here.

Ella: yes, he is right,, but I didn't know he was a demon.

Demon king: Can I ask you something?

Have you ever saw me before?

Ella: possible in the cat form.

I have seen many street cats roaming.

Demon king: I am not joking.

Ella : I didn't see you before.

Demon king : ok

But why do I feel I have heard those voice before? . And his red eyes reminds me of that weird dream.

Demon king: you were making odd faces while you were sleeping?

Ella: oh that may be, it is because of my scary dream.

Demon king: Do you see that kind of dream every day?

Do you remember details?

Ella: not daily, I don't remember it.

Demon king : Is that so.

Ella: By the way, when are you planning to leave my house.

Demon king: You have to take responsibility of bringing a demon to your home.

Ella: I don't know you. I live with my parents.

It will be difficult to hide you from them.

Ok, I will help, but you have to do things which I ask you.

Demon king: What.

Ella : if you want to stay here with me, then call me like Milo did.

Say meow…

Demon king: I will never.

What's happening.

Oh no, why I am converting back. 😣

Ella: So my cute Milo is back.

Milo: Meow…

(I want to be back in human form)

______________________________________________ Thanks for reading. ❤❤❤

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