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Dragon Sisters (Fruit Basket)


⚜ This book is rated mature due to:

🔹️AC - Adult Content

🔸️AL - Adult Language

This book/novel along with my other work - Stuck - is originally made on my other account 'CecilieWinchester' on W-A-T-T-P-A-D, and I have done a lot of content and text repairing on the other site/app, alongside the cover. If you happen to see someone copying/stealing my work please notify me, thanks~💖

⚠️Disclaimer Alert⚠️ I do not own any of the FB characters, except my own OC's, Cover Edit and Storyline. Photos are found on the internet, credit goes to the rightfully owner

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🔹️ No racist, harassment or insults of any kind(Comments like these will be deleted without hesitation)

🔹️Don't post links of another books

🔹️Constructive feedback is always needed

🔹️Cursing is allowed as long it's not purposely meant for other readers or the owner

Enjoy reading!🌷


Chapter 1




A dark room inside the Sohma estate is coated in blood. The walls, the floor, the windows, everything the eye could catch, was painted red. A scared teenage girl sits on the floor, listening to the harsh, and hateful words of her own mother - Ren. While all this was going on, the father and younger sister was standing by the door, listening to the commotion as well. The father however, tried to block the horrifying incident from Akito's sight of view.

The bloody wounds, and scratches didn't stop bleeding, and the teenage girl trembles on the floor. Scared. Sad. Broken. Not knowing what love really is, until she mentally reached for the smallest crystals of light in her life. The few ones that kept her smiling. That brought her happiness, and love.

Her childhood friends of the Sohma family.

The teenage girl's mother continued harassing her child, hurling despicable words like wildfire, "You damn little piece of shit! Why don't you ever listen to me? You are the head of the Sohma family for god sake! Time for you to act like one. Stop being such a crying bitch, and take your responsibility seriously!"

The bloody girl lowered a hand from her pale face, speaking carefully: "What responsibility? Chaining the Zodiac to follow me isn't right. Forcing them to stay inside these this darkness, is the same being in prison... What kind of god does that?"

Ren clenched her teeth, and pulled her daughter up from the floor, "Shut up! You are going to do exactly what I'm telling you to!" Ren shakes her injured daughter back and forth, until the mighty powers inside that weak body took over. Ren's daughter clutched the throat of her own mother, throwing her through the doors of the mansion.

Akira - their father - gasped in surprise and worry, "Ah! Blue!"

Blue, the oldest daughter - jumped out of the large hole and grasped the collar of Ren's outfit. Pulling her closer as she whisper darkly, "I'm not your toy, neither a devil like you. I'm not going to stay in this dreadful place, being brainwashed by your faith and hate towards others. You are pathetic, and if you ever try to find me, I'll kill you."

Suddenly Ren's brown eyes, which is normally glowing with contempt and jealously, is now filled with fear and bewilderment.

Blue let go off Ren, and slowly limped away from the main house she once called home. As Blue left, Ren screamed: "NEVER COME BACK!!! JUST STAY AWAY! YOU'RE NOT MY CHILD! YOU WILL NEVER BELONG HERE!"

Without knowing, Akito was crying for her big sister to stay. Desperately holding onto her father's robe as she cried, and mumbled for Blue to come back.

On that very day, Blue left her whole future, past and family behind. Just to grow up peacefully alone. In her own pace, and orbit of action. She did what she could to travel to another country, and live as a honest human. Although, the one she ended up calling master/sensei - thought her a lot about the powers she wields, that overcomes the other Zodiac members.

But one day. One sunny day, there was something in her heart that longed to go back. To meet the Sohma family again. To cross old roads, and meet those she once called friends.

Will the darkness prevail? Or will the light and kindness soar above it all?

This is the story of the lone dragon - Blue Sohma.

Tohru Honda Knows

Chapter 2

It's just a ordinary day in the Sohma estate. Quiet. Peaceful. Almost uncivilized. Then the young cheery girl, with a heart of gold walks to the gates of the estate. She gazed up at the large gates with those big brown eyes of hers, mumbling something to herself with a sweet, delicate voice. Then, when the gates suddenly opened, she jumped dramatically. Eyes wide as the Sohma family's doctor came out, "AH!! Hatori-San!"

The tall stature, muscular yet slender built man meets the girl's nervous exterior, with a somber expression, "Tohru, what are you lurking around here for?" He asked bluntly, with a deep masculine voice to match. Hatori is dressed in his formal attire with a blue tie. He has straight black hair, with a dark blue tint which reaches down to his nape. His bangs parts towards the right side in a form of an 'M-style', which partly covers his left eye. Those sharp purple eyes pierced Tohru's in curiosity, waiting for an explanation.

Tohru know perfectly it's dangerous to hang around the Sohma estate, due to Akito's hate, and violent behaviour. But sometimes she couldn't help the urge to meet some of the friendly Zodiacs in there, and help in any way she can.

Tohru thinks for a second, then finally speaks up: "I just uh...wanted to meet Momiji!"

Hatori tilts his head, "Momiji?"

Tohru lifted her fists and continued energetic, "A-aye!! You see, it's been a week since I last saw him, and all I wanted was just to check up on him!"

The gates of the estate closed and brought a sad expression on Tohru's face, "Aw..."

Hatori saunter past her, "Too late. Momiji is busy these days. You should visit another time."

She turned around and followed after him, replying obediently, "Ah! So, is he doing alright? I've heard him play violin and I think he's doing great! I'm sure he'll be able to play for a whole audience someday, or what do you think?"

Hatori just kept walking, staring at the street as both of their shoes *click clack* over the cobblestone alley. Tohru gazed at him thoughtfully. Pondering why he seemed in a bad mood. Not only that, but also lost in deep thoughts.

The silence keeps going, until Honda breaks it, "Is something wrong, Hatori-San?"

He stops walking, and finally meets her nosey demeanor, "Why do you ask?" He replied sternly.

"Y-you kinda seemed troubled!"

There was a awkward silence between them, while Hatori tried to decide whether to tell the kid what was on his mind, or not. He breaks eye contact, glancing up at the blue cloudy sky, "I'm thinking about a person who was very dear to me. A good friend I got to know in my years as a kid."

"Was this person a human, or one of the Zodiacs?" Tohru questioned curiously, and he gives a curt nod, "Yes, but...she left many years ago."

"I thought it was impossible for the Zodiac to leave the Sohma family!" Tohru gasped, and received a rather cold glare from Hatori: "Most of us says that, because we don't feel strong enough to resist Akito. But somehow, Blue managed to leave everything behind. Breaking the bond."

"Blue?!" Tohru mumbled flabbergasted, and Hatori glanced away once again, "Akito's older sister." At his last words, Tohru's jaw dropped wide open, "Akito's...sister?!"

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