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Year 3090 humanity has already discovered the key to use elements as a part of human body, such as fire, wind, water, earth, lightning, and ice, this are discover 80 years ago by some scientist and doctors, The thing that they use to awaken the elements through their body is called earth orbs, it is discover by the miner from South Africa, because of this discovery many scientist and doctors examine the use of this orbs and during year 3010 they lunch the testing facility for those who want to volunteer and try the use of earth orbs, and the things went good and the result was very successful and it has a 100% successful rate if anyone will use it.

In Year 3012 when the use of orbs are become free for everyone, and in the year 3013 almost 99% of world’s population are using elemental power that they inherit through earth orbs and in that year many people made names for themselves, they are called ELEMENTALIST. Many years has past, some people start using their powers to commit crimes and harm to humanity by robbing the banks, assassination, and terrorism, in the whole world there is most notorious organization of terrorist, they are called black moon.

The black moon is led by the man called Abdul Hara a half British and Indian with duel element power of fire and lightning. And also he led so much groups of terrorist across the world.

In this story there is a man called Noah Scott, at the age of 18 he still didn’t awaken his powers because his parents died a long time ago so he has no plan on living his lonely life anymore and just do what he want.

Every time he saw the news about the black moon, the only thing that he feel is anger and sadness, Because 5 years ago his parents was murdered by the leader of black moon, but the biggest dream of Noah is not only revenge for his parents but to save people from black moon and also to annihilate the roots of black moon to give justice for everyone, but the fate is not favor on him yet, because noah still not awaken his power due to unknown reason.


[Noah's House]

There is something from the sky drop in Noah’s backyard, when he check what it is he see a small stone rune that has a unique scriptures, when Noah hold the rune it suddenly disappear and fuse in his hands, so Noah doesn’t have an idea what happen. In the next morning Noah decided to try to awaken his potential powers again so he get the earth orbs in the secret room given by his parents when they are still alive, during the awaken process the scriptures in Noah’s hand activated, and the next thing happen Noah lost his consciousness and when he wakes up he check if what type of elements did he acquired, and surprisingly Noah acquired a 4 type elements which is fire, wind, earth, and lightning after Noah knows that he is a Quadra Element user he decided to enroll to a school for elemental users the Astral Academy, the most prestigious academy.

After noah awakened his power he started to think that he needs to become stronger for his revenge, so the next day noah start his training with the guide books and records that his family left behind.

Few months later the day of enrollment has come, Noah go to astral academy, when he reach the place the principal of the school William Scamander welcome all those people who want to become an aspiring elementalist in his academy, and before they start principal William Scamander tell a speech for everyone,

William Scamander: Welcome to my academy elementalist, I hope all of you will past all the 3 test that we will be given, in the 1st test is the test of your elemental power level, in this test you need to use your elements to activate the large crystal stone in front of you and this crystals is the one who will measure the level ofr at your elemental power and the passing level for this test is at least level 3 above, and for the 2nd test is the physical test, in this test we will give you a certain task that you need to complete by the giving time, and for the last test is intelligent test, for this test we will give you a questions and you need to answer it with your own perspective and beliefs.

that’s all, I wish you well, good luck.

After a few moments, the 1st test is already begin and sadly half of the people are drop already because they didn’t reach the requirements to pass the test, and the next thing happen its Noah turn to test his elemental power, during the test many people are laughing at him because he is just from a lowly class family, but everyone was shock after they see the results of Noah’s elemental power because he is the only person who achieve the level 9 among the people who enrolling, few minutes later the second test has begun and the person who can survive the task given by the principal will move to the next round, in this test there are 5 objectives that they need to complete, 1st 100 push-ups, 2nd 100 squats, 3rd 50 pull-ups, 4th 100 sit-ups, and lastly 2km run for Noah this type of this is very easy for him because the only things that he do in his whole life was to train his self physically. After the 2nd test is done the number of enrollee is reduce rapidly, it’s only a 30 persons remaining that can proceed to the final test, but before the last test start principal William Scamander was given a message for everyone,

William Scamander: congratulation for every person who pass this test I am very happy that some of you reach this level, and I wish that many of you will past the last test and become a part of my academy.

For the last test, the intelligence test, in this part all of the remaining people who pass are need to answer the 5 questions that the academy give, and few moments has pass the test was finish and principal William Scamander was going to announce all the person who pass the last test, and luckily Noah was the one of those who passed.

Few days past Noah was in the training Area at the back of the school, but Principal William Scamander saw him using all his 4 element power, after principal Scamander see Noah he was very surprise and amaze, so he immediately approach Noah,

Principal Scamander: hahaha you’re a Quadra elemental user Noah

Noah: Yes Sir, I’ve been hiding this to everyone to avoid attentions

Principal Scamander: so that’s the reason, don’t worry, I will not expose you to anyone (

Noah: Thank you Sir, I expected it (

Principal Scamander: But in one condition!

Noah: What kind of condition Sir?

Principal Scamander: Be my apprentice

Noah: did I hear you wrong sir? Or I am Hallucinating? HAHAHA

Principal Scamander: No Noah it’s true, I want you to become my 1st apprentice (

Noah: 1st apprentice? It means I am the first one who can receive your guidance sir?

Principal Scamander: Yes it’s true

Noah: But why didn’t you get an apprentice before sir?

Principal Scamander: about that, I have my own personal reason let’s not answer it

Noah: But why did you choose me sir, is there anything special about me?

Principal Scamander: As we know there are many strongest ELEMENTALIST here in this world, but no one was got 4 elements, because according to scientist and doctors who examine the power of the earth orbs it’s only 2 types of elements is the limit of a person can acquired, so it means you are the 1st person who acquired 4.

Noah: So what does it mean sir?

Principal Scamander: it means you are special

Noah: .........

Principal Scamander: Ok let’s meet up tomorrow at my place for your 1st day of training

Noah: Yes Sir


[training room]

Noah power has increase dramatically by following the training of Principal Scamander.

Principal Scamander: it’s been a long month Noah

Noah: Yeah, I can’t even imagine how much I improve in the last 6 months

Principal Scamander: I am surprise too, I think if I measure your strength it’s about a half of my strength already

Noah: hahaha it’s not true sir, I know you well

Principal Scamander: hahaha really by the way you don’t need to come at my training tomorrow just rest and let your body rest.

Few days after Noah was on his way on the academy, but he see a girl getting gang up by some bad guys and the thing that he do is to beat them up to save the girl, and apparently Noah was charm by the beauty of the girl and he immediately ask her name,

Noah: hi I am Noah, is it ok if I ask your name?

Ashley: Yeah, I am Ashley I live here in zone 3 my house is just 1km away from here and by the way thank you for helping me

Noah: its ok its nothing, btw I live in zone 2 my house is just a little bit far from your house and i regularly walk and run it all the time so it’s kind of daily exercise hahaha

Ashley: hahaha ok thank you

Noah: wait Ashley, if you don’t mind can I walk with you? Just to be sure you’re gonna get home safely

Ashley: yeah sure it’s ok for me

After that Noah and Ashley always meet up after Noah lecture from Principal William Scamander.

In the following day Noah and Ashley are going to meet up at the park near at zone 3 but Noah suddenly encounter Abdul Hara the black moon leader, in the 1st glance Noah didn’t recognize him but when he see the tattoo on Abdul Hara’s arm Noah was suddenly confront him and ask,

Noah: Hey, who are you?

Abdul Hara ignored him


Hara: Get away from me boy you know nothing.

After that, Noah was really desperate to know who is the man on the hood so he grab him and remove the hood, after he do that Noah was surprise because the man who killed his parents was already in front of him.

Noah: It’s you Abdul Hara

Hara: yeah so get away from me I have some important business to do!

Noah: no I’ve been waiting for this moment, I am going to make you pay for all the sins that you’ve done!!!

Hara: Just try it if you have the ability!

In that moment Hara and Noah are starting to fight ferociously, during the fight Noah was at disadvantage because he has an injury in his left hand that he get when he was in training, even though, Noah able to force Hara by using all of his Elemental power.

During the battle Hara ask Noah who is he,

Hara: Who are you boy?

Noah: I am the son of Collombus & Athena, I am here to make you pay for killing my parents 5 years ago

Hara: HAH so you are the son Collombus, I am very glad that you still alive.

Noah: I can’t forgive you, I will kill you for the sake of my parents and for the innocent people that you've killed.

Hara: don’t worry because they are just an instruments and tools for our greatest plan. Someday we are going to feel the real essence of freedom and equality


Hara: Whatever you said kid it is what it is

Noah: -------

Hara: I think I don't have much time left, this is not our last meet kid, i hope we meet next time.

During the battle Hara hit the tunnel above to block the ways of Noah, and after that when Noah breakthrough Hara was not in there already.

In the following day, Noah was very disappointed and angry because he doesn't still have enough power to give revenge for his parents, so the only thing that he do is to train vigorously until he reach the level of power that he wants, and one day during his training the rune scripture in Noah’s hands was suddenly get activated again and gives Noah a strange feeling, and when Noah cast his power all of them was got stronger dramatically for unknown reason.

2 months has already past Noah strength is increase so much and that thanks to the rune in his hand.

(Hara's Hideout)

A few moments later on the other side, Hara was called all his followers, especially his brother Isaac who is assigned as Captain of 1st squad terrorism group.

Isaac: why did you call us brother?

Hara: I call all of you here to inform that collombus has a child name Noah

Isaac: what? That is impossible I am with him since we are working as an investigator in New York for 20 years and I didn’t recall that he has a son to anyone!

Hara: maybe you don’t know because he keep it a secret to everyone and he didn’t want to put his son in danger,

But the things that made me worried is why the boy can use 4 elements at the same time? I think we need to kill him before he becomes the biggest treats for us!

Few days ago Isaac and the rest of the black moon investigate the location of Noah and after a few days of investigation some of the member of black moon found his location, information’s, and backgrounds.

Isaac: Brother I found the location of Noah

Hara: Good lets plan the assassination and kill him surely, but before that tell me something about him

Isaac: according to our investigation he has a friend named Ashley, I think we can use this girl to catch Noah.

Hara: Good lets make a plan then 2 days from now we are going to kidnap that girl.

2 days later Ashley was on his way to meet with Noah but Isaac kidnap her and take her somewhere else.

When Ashley didn’t come for an hour Noah was in panic and check if she is coming so he decided to go in Ashley’s house but when he was on his way he see the bracelet of Ashley in the way with paper, and when he open the piece of paper there is message,

“Go to East road at the abandon building at zone 5 at 6pm if you want your friend alive”

After Noah read the letter he immediately ask help on Principal Scamander, and together with the professors in Astral Academy, and after that they plan on how they can eliminate the black moon members to save Ashley.

During the rescue operation, Noah was become the bait to get the attention of the guards in the perimeter, and after that when everyone is unguarded all the professors included Principal Scamander was lunch an all-out attack, during the battle many members of the black moon was overwhelmed by the powers of Principal Scamander and Noah, after that Isaac decided to fight those 2 but ended up to be killed, and 1 hour has already past Hara was finally arrived, in that moment almost all the members of the black moon in there was already killed, and when Hara’s see his younger brother died he burst in rage,

Hara: How dare you to kill my brother

Noah: it’s just a punishments for your sins, and now you know the feel of losing someone you love, so why did you kill people without thinking those feelings?


Because of anger of Hara he use all his power trying to kill Noah until it drains all his life force and power, but even if he use all his strength Hara can’t kill Noah, because at this fight Noah’s strength is improve drastically.

During the fierce battle between Hara and Noah, Hara reach his limit and fall down,

During the last breath of Hara he said something,

Hara: The war is not ended, even if I die, there will be many people that will take my place, and someday the black moon will become stronger and rise again!

Few days ago, the death of Hara are immediately spread across the world and because of that all the black moon members are in silent,

Because of this many people are given their gratitude to Noah, because they already claim the justice that they wish for their family, friends, and kids that killed by the black moon.

But for Noah he’s still believe that the black moon was still in there, they are just waiting in the darkness, sharpening their teeth & claws and getting ready to devour….


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