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Rewriting The Villianes Doom

the plot



I opened my eyes and found myself in other body !!



ADRIANA YEZRA yup that's my name or should I say my past name my original name my REAL NAME!!! but now I'm stuck in the body of a noble lady called HERRA TERA FUEDES the name of it do sound super familiar but when I came back to my senses I realize that the name is familiar because it's one of the characters in the book that I read in my last life ' teach me to love ' a romantic /action novel but so far from what I know the novel was postponed and still isn't complete and it's really a bummer to wait for the latest update everyday then finding out there's no update again....again....again...and again so I decided to drop it but anyhow HERRA TERA is the-

'Vialliannes !!!?????'



now lets witnessed the journey of our witty female lead in the world of novel would she survives? would she loves?? but would she fail and die ????

Ksuper22 the author and writer of this novel I am new to this kind of thing here in mangatoon I also have a novel in ******* but I am not active there due to some other reasons well if you like to check out my works in ******* I would appreciate it considering you supporting me this novel is my first novel here in mangatoon and to be honest English is not my first language so I'm not sure if my grammar or spelling is right and accurate but however I promise to do my best and kindly riminder my works or novel in ******* is Tagalog (Philippines local language) so if your not Filipino but understand Tagalog yes it's for you but if your a Filipino and understand Tagalog yes its also for u my work there is kinda short cuz I'm not updating there and I'm also planning to translate my work there to here in English for my readers to fully understand it and the reason why my author note is long it's because of words I wanna spend 😆 so again thank you everyone for reading my first novel and for other details in this novel such as date release I will put it below and again thank you

date of the release of the chapter 1?

December 7

daily release ?

once a week (Sunday)

genre ?

romance comedy and time travel

who is the main character?

the female lead hera

is there an inspirational character or image of a person you use in the novel?

yes there is

Are you going to show us who is it ??

yes I'm going to download her and his picture and post it here so wait in the upcoming chapters

is this novel 18+?

***to be honest yes you can see some 18+ scences in the more episodes to come

is the novel nice ??

yes it's a nice novel so stay tuned for more updates***

time of release?



(chapter 1)

Now what to do......I'm now stuck in the body of the villianes who is Doom to die come to think of it what did hera do to be punished by death ??


ADRIAN XIAFIRE THE CROWN P R I N C E the bloody obsssesive male lead to the female lead .....

Now that I'm in this body might as well save this life since God gave me second chance

(Knock knock)

'who is it???'

"Come in "


''ahhh miss....the Duke ordered you to come to his office ....urgently....''

She looked like she is facing a ghost in front of her I mean hera image is a bad one they are used to hera always have a cold face and always scold people and who wouldnt be afraid if your about to get fired by just reporting something but anyways I have to do something about this.....

"Okay you can leave now and tell him I will be coming any time later"

I gave a smile which confused her but in a good way


"I said you can leave now "


Poor girl she is really scared


"T-thank you "

I just nooded

Then she leave

'hayst.. she is so happy I mean who wouldn't be happy when your not yet fired '


I mean we dont know what suprise will future bring they might betray or stay it's up to them

Now that's the drama is done I have to get ready now since the Duke is asking me ....





I silently opened the door of the dukes office

And stunned by how artistic the walls look I actually don't know the details of the story since I'm just focused on the plot and characters but now that I see it myself I'm in awe

Duke FUEDES : (cough*)

In that moment I finally come to my senses again

I bowed to him gracefully

It shocked him a bit since the original hera wouldn't do this but anyways it didn't shake him at all

Duke FUEDES : I heard you purposely spill your tea on the general daughter Daphney David

Daphney David daughter of the general she's not a noble but fair enough because of her dad position she always go around and mess with people but she can't go against hera since hera is the daughter of the Duke the close friend of the late emperor and that's friendship start the engagement of hera and Adrian and the start of chaos in the novel but morever the Duke love hera so much since she's the only daughter he have

Hera/me: dad I'm sorry but that bitch- I mean *cough * the general daughter a-actually purposely did that to her self to bring s-shame to me cuz she knows she can't mess with me obviously

I acted like a little girl getting bullied 👁️👄👁️🤭

Duke: hmmm...... I will invistigate this scene again but hera... are you sick ??

hera: wdym??

Duke : you changed you seem atleast more mature now and the way you dressed is just not you at all

oops seems like I forgot hera likes cute and pinkish dress that look like going in a party but what I'm wearing is a simple and elegant dress and yeah it seems mature considering hera style

hera: dad I'm 20 now won't you expect me to be ladylike

suddenly Duke started acted like someone who is about to cry it kinda freaked me out. little bit too

hera: dad ? r u ok ??

then suddenly the Duke bring a picture of hera mother while crying saying his daughter is getting mature now and will soon have alittle baby to take care of 🤯

hera : heyyyyy!!!!! I'm still young dad !!

Duke: yeah yeah your still my baby nothing gonna change hahaha but it's kinda amusing to see you ladylike now and I like the way you are now so keep it up daughter !

hera : thank you dad

Duke: oh before I forgot

he give me an invitation card

yup the royal party which the original hera got her first glance of the crown prince and where she falls over heels to him

but let's pretend to know nothing

hera: what is this ?

Duke: invitation card


yeah stupid me

hera: I know....

Duke : oh you know???


hera : yeah

Duke : then why-

hera: so dad who am I going to go with

Duke: 😒

hera : 🥺

Duke : 😣

Duke : yeah yeah yeah so stop with that eyes

I am going to go with you

hera : okay byeeee~😆



Chapter 2

It's been a week since the Duke ask me in his office and 3 weeks more to go for the royal party fair enough time to start looking for a dress to wear

So I ask one of my maid to come with me alongside with the butler

Anyways I don't really have a problem with this kind of thing since I used to be a dreamer of becoming a designer in my past life and besides amily my maid know some fashion

So I'm sure everything is gonna be oka-


Someone just bumped into me is he blind

??: I'm very sorry miss I didn't mean to bumped into u

Wait wait wait wait - black hair golden eyes tall guy and fair glossy skin ' ZANDER??!!'

Zander:wait a sec - hera??? is that you ? o my god it's really you😊

A smile of a beautiful man just replace the sun who is in front of me






DAMN!! HOTTIEE~~~😳🤭😋🤤🤤🤤



i forgot Zander Galizen the only friend of Hera TERA since there parents are quite close I mean Im not even wondering why like can't u see the personality of my dad so friendly and his such a social butterflyer (I'm not completing him okay )

But let's act dumb even though it's kinda hurt to act in front of a beautiful one of a kind creature but since hera and him last see each other is 4 years ago

Hera : hmmm??? Do I know you???

Zander : hey are you kidding Me!??? I just suddenly out for a long while and now you act like you forget me???? Heyyyyy itsssss me ZANDER!!! hello?????? you still alive? now hug please!!!

JSJDHSBSHUDBDNSK I take back what I said this jerk is a total idiot I pity his face it's such a waste when the owner itself is a jerk how can he ask randomly a girl to hug him ??

Hera: oh yeah Zander...hahaha

Zander : yeah it's been so long

Hera : umm hahahaha can you please get off me now?????

Zander : No last time we see each other was like almost 5 years so it's reasonable when I'm missing you isn't it ??

Hera : yeah....hahaha





15minutes later

I have no problem when someone is hugging me especially if he is handsome but taking too long for just a hug and don't he noticed I'm feeling kinda uncomfortable considering he's a man ?









Hera : now can you get off me now

Zander : no I didn't hug you enough yet

Now now I really gonna lost my temper any time soon so this jerk Better get off me or else I'm gonna break this man head this asshole

Hera : Zander it's already been 15 minutes !!!!!

Zander : oh you count ???

Hera : hey I'm not some kind of 3 years old

Zander : hahahaha ok ok ok now I'm getting off

So obviously he get off (just gonna flex that)

Zander: happy??

Hera: haplas

Zander: what???

Hera : nothing ...

Zander : last time I know you are the kind of person who won't bother going outside because it's boring so what do we have here now

Hera : I'm going to shop for my dress for the royal party

Zander : talking about dress your outfit now is kinda mature did my cute hera really did mature ????😰😰😰

Hera : okay your done??? Cause I'm busy and need to go I'm running out of time

Zander : no I'm not busy today so I have time to go with you so let me join now hera~~please hera,~


Shit bro don't you know it's dangerous to whisper something like that in a girl ear

This jerk got me a Playboy vibe but as long as he don't cause trouble

Hera : okay no problem

I thought that ...


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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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