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I’m Here For Revenge (Taekook/Vkook)

Episode 1

Hundreds years ago, there’s a snake master living in a huge snake cave with his normal life and his well trusted servants
It’s been a pretty calm and normal life inside the cave, but it seems like from day to another, disturbance kept invading them by the brainless human which snakes hate the most
That the cave is mysterious, the curiosity of the human took over which leading them to explore the cave, but
No one came back alive or live to tell the tale
Cha Eunwoo
Cha Eunwoo
My master where are you going?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Cha Eunwoo
Cha Eunwoo
Jung Wheein
Jung Wheein
Aren’t you afraid of getting caught by those stupid people?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I’m powerful enough to take them down, don’t worry about me (Smiling)
Cha Eunwoo
Cha Eunwoo
Take care my master
Jung Wheein
Jung Wheein
Be careful my master
After the two caring servants told their master to take care of themselves, their master transformed into a huge white cobra and headed outside
(Pretend it’s huge)
Taehyung loves hanging out outside of the cave, and mostly try meditating his power, the forest is normal as usual
Taehyung would mostly don’t care about the surrounding him and not paying attention to the normal trap at all
But as soon as he crawled onto a bunch of leaves, something lifted him up and trapped him inside
Usually he would never care about the useless trap, he would crawl out of it easily, but to this trap, the more he moves, the tighten it is, he tried spitting his deadly venom onto the rope just to melt it down, but the rope isn’t breakable
Soon he found out that the trap is actually made for non human being (a well performed blessed trap by a sorcerer)
He began to panic that his power is having no effective to the trap
He heard footsteps, he prepared himself fighting back the evil human
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
A snake, why is it so big?
Taehyung kept moving, Biting the rope, scaring the guy away from him
But this guy wasn’t afraid at all instead, he walked to the trap
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
I know you’re scared
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
(Untying the rope)
Taehyung was shocked, since most of the human would try taking advantage of him if he’s trapped like this
Tae was dropped back onto the ground
He opened his jaw, showing his two sharp fangs to Jungkook who has released him from the trap
Jungkook Slowly raises his hand up, slowly approaching Tae
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
It’s ok, I’m not gonna hurt you
Tae was trying to protect himself, but as soon as he knows, the man doesn’t have any bad intentions at all
He shut his jaws, back up his fangs and slowly lower his head to the guy
Jungkook gently started Patting the huge cobra’s head
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
You’re beautiful (Smiling)
Taehyung then just started crawling away back to his cave

Episode 2

Wheeun is hanging around in front of the cave until she saw her master came back
She hurriedly transformed back into human and greeted her master politely
Jung Wheein
Jung Wheein
How was outside master?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
G....great (blushing)
Jung Wheein
Jung Wheein seemed different from the other day...did something happen?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Nothing wheein (Smiling)
Jung Wheein
Jung Wheein
Ohh okay master (Smiling)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
But I was caught inside a trap (started walking to his throne)
Jung Wheein
Jung Wheein
why would it be a big deal? You’re the most powerful snake in the venomous animal kingdom
Jung Wheein
Jung Wheein
Your venom can burn down human’s skin easily, if it’s a trap, you could have enlarge your size my master (praising her master)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
It’s a actually a holy blessed trap wheein ah
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I can’t get out....(Sitting on his throne)
Jung Wheein
Jung Wheein
Then how were you able to get here? (Curious)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
A guy had saved me
Jung Wheein
Jung Wheein
Wait wait wait?
Jung Wheein
Jung Wheein
What??? You mean human???
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Yeah...he had no bad intention toward me at all, so i just let him alive, cuz he saved me
Jung Wheein
Jung Wheein
Woah...he’s different than the rest, who came here for treasures
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I’m wondering what is his name....(Smiling embarrassedly)
La Lisa (Present)
La Lisa (Present)
Jeon Jungkook (Present)
Jeon Jungkook (Present)
Ohh Lisa (Smiling)
La Lisa (Present)
La Lisa (Present)
Baby how are you doing? (Hugging jk tightly)
Jeon Jungkook (Present)
Jeon Jungkook (Present)
I’m doing good, how was life out there?
La Lisa (Present)
La Lisa (Present)’s been two years now since I’ve gone studied abroad
La Lisa (Present)
La Lisa (Present)
Life was pretty difficult for the first few days, but I eventually got used to it within a short amount of time (Smiling)
Jeon Jungkook (Present)
Jeon Jungkook (Present)
Good to hear must have learnt lots of great things there (Smiling)
La Lisa (Present)
La Lisa (Present)
Of course baby...hmm...(Thinking pose)
La Lisa (Present)
La Lisa (Present)
Do you wanna go grab something to eat? I’m kinda hungry (pout)
Jeon Jungkook (Present)
Jeon Jungkook (Present)
Sure (Smiling while holding Lisa’s hand)
La Lisa (Present)
La Lisa (Present)
Ahhh I really miss hanging out with you baby...(pout)
Jeon Jungkook (Present)
Jeon Jungkook (Present)
Me too...(Smiling) shall we go now? (Gently)
La Lisa (Present)
La Lisa (Present)
Yeah yeah (started walking away)
Man 1
Man 1
(Stop his motorbike)
Man 1
Man 1
Hey bro over here
Man 2
Man 2
Ohhh you motherfcker what time is it now? (Smacking the other guy’s head)
Man 1
Man 1
You stupid a**hole I was busy j!erking my d!ck
Man 2
Man 2
You stupid d!ck is small why would you need to pleasure yourself....there’s tons of hot girls around here, but don’t you go and f!ck them?
Man 1
Man 1
No time talking about this....but hey
Man 1
Man 1
Have you ever heard about the snake cave?
Man 2
Man 2
No what?
Man 1
Man 1
It is believed that tons of treasures were left there?
Man 2
Man 2
(Excited) what the Fck dude really?
Man 1
Man 1
I’m telling you the truth motherfcker
Man 1
Man 1
Should we go and find those treasure? We’ll be rich you assh!le
Man 2
Man 2
Motherfcker what are you waiting for?
So the two greedy guys drove to the forbidden forest, and started their way into the snake cave
After some times, the two guys had finally found the cave, the look of the entrance is already creepy enough to get goosebumps, but greediness took over, they both decided to get inside
Eun Woo saw the two human entered the cave and quickly rush to his master
Cha Eunwoo
Cha Eunwoo
My master (transformed into human)
Tae is busy focusing on meditation on the throne for his power, but he slowly opened his eyes With a hateful expression on his face
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
These stupid people had find their ways to hell again (hateful eyes)
Cha Eunwoo
Cha Eunwoo
I can take care of it master
Tae quickly stood up, and stared into air, hatefully talking to his beloved servants
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I have to teach these people lessons (transforms into a cobra and headed away)
Man 1
Man 1
Man 1
Man 1 a!!hole look
Man 2
Man 2
Holy FCKING god.....We are rich you motherfcker (Yelling)
Man 1
Man 1
I can’t believe we found this....(excited)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
YOU WILL REGRET BEING HERE (deep scary voice)

Episode 3

Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Tae enlarger his size, growing bigger and bigger than the two guys, opening his sharp scary fangs at the greedy guys
Man 1
Man 1
Ahh....ahh...(started screaming)
Man 1
Man 1
“Ssssssss” Tae strikes his fangs into the man’s neck, biting him without mercy, bloods splashed right onto the ground in front of the other guy
Man 2
Man 2
(Trembling) uhhh.....Uhh sn...snakeeee
The snake raised his head up, expanded his ribs showing off his power
With his forked tongue, flickering in and out, he opened his jaw, shoot his venom from his deadly fangs right onto the guy
The guy suffered from the powerful venom, until he’s no longer alive
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
This is what you get for being greedy and inquisitive (hateful expression)
Cha Eunwoo
Cha Eunwoo
Master are you okay?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Walking back) these human should deserve what they’ve done to me (narrowing his eyes viciously)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
And now.....(malevolently)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
That Jeon Jungkook and La Lisa need to pay for me everything (Staring hatefully into the air)
500 years ago
Tae went outside from the cave, just to meditate as usual
He laid down onto the grass surrounded by violet and pink flowers
Smiling to himself, thinking of the guy he’s met yesterday
He heard footsteps coming from the same place like yesterday
(Ignore the background)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
What is he doing here in this forest?
Tae tilted his head to see who’s coming
As he was thinking, it was the guy who recused him yesterday
But Jungkook freezes the moment he saw the full view of Tae
He slowly approached Tae
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
H...hi (Nervously)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
H...hi (blushing)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
What are you doing in this forest alone?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Ohh just hanging around (Smiling)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
I’m Jeon Jungkook by the way...(Smiling) May I know your name?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Kim....Kim Taehyung (blushing)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Who are you coming into this forest? Aren’t you scared?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Of animals especially snakes?
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
I just loving coming into this forest, it’s something special about it
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
I just rescued a huge beautiful white cobra yesterday
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Didn’t it try to bite you?
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Noo...he was pretty calm and respectful...and I respect him too
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
You should come and hang out together at my palace someday
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
What is palace?
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
It’s basically means a huge house, like so huge that can fit in thousands of people
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Where do you live?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I live in a cave
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Where are you parents?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Facing down)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
They had passed away since I was born
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
I’m sorry to hear that (gently)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
But why do you live in a cave anyway? Isn’t it scary?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Trying to find excuse)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I got used to it
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Do you live alone?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
With my serv- friends
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
But they don’t usually stay there
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Ahhh I get must be pretty hard living in a cave like that
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Jeon Jungkook (Past)
Do you wanna come to my palace?

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