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A Devil's Kiss

Chapter 1 - The Kiss Of Death

I was once told by my grandmother that I was special. That our family possessed the gift from a goddess to only give birth to girls of extreme beauty.
For centuries, my family has only consisted of girls. Some of my ancestors thought of it as a never-ending curse but others embraced it.
Of course, my grandmother told me that my mother knew that she was going to love me no matter what.
She also told me how beautiful and kind she was; how she’d always help someone in need no matter what happened to her.
She died when I was young and with my father not in the picture, I was left alone with my grandmother to raise me up.
I loved her company, and she appreciated mine too. She always told me that I was an old soul, trapped in the past.
Tonight was special. Grandma told me that I was born at midnight so today and tomorrow are my birthdays. It might sound great but trust me, it is very confusing when you think about it.
I could feel the cold wind hit against my cheeks, making my skin turn a deep shade of red. It has suddenly turned so cold. I could hear the chatter of teeth and see the shivers of people foolish enough to leave their house without a coat.
I looked around myself and I froze when I saw it. Was that frost... forming on the windows? I suddenly felt a little scared and extremely cold.
Amy? Who was calling my name? I turned around when I suddenly felt something extremely cold hit the back of my head. It was burning my skin...
Amy Angel
Amy Angel
Ouch! What the-
I turned around but saw no one. I touched the back of my head and winced as I felt the pain. Did someone press dry ice against the back of my forehead or something?
It really hurt... and what of that whisper? It could have chilled my bones! I suddenly feel unsafe outside.
In the middle of the town square, I started to run home. Grandmother always told me to be cautious at night. Monsters lurked in the darkness, or so she claimed.
I got home earlier than expected. My grandmother wobbled over to the door, cane in hand, and smiled at my return.
Happy birthday, sweetheart.
I couldn't help but chuckle. This is our little joke since we don't really know which day is considered to be my birthday.
Her eyes fell on the box that I was carrying and my breathless panting.
Her smile faded.
Where you being chased?
Amy Angel
Amy Angel
Not at all! I just... fancied some exercise is all.
She looked at me suspiciously before taking the cake from my hands.
Get out of those wet clothes and take a shower! You've shivering!
Amy Angel
Amy Angel
You're right.
I quickly did what I was told and took off my soaking coat. I ran into the bathroom and started off by taking a steamy shower.
However, even after turning the temperature up to the highest degree, I couldn’t shake off this chill. And it was only getting worse. What was going on with me? Was I sick?
-End of Chapter 1-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
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Chapter 2 - The Sacrifice

As I walked out of the bathroom, the shivers just got worse. I could feel my fingers and toes losing feeling.
The back of my head burnt so much that I couldn’t bear it. I laid in bed, trying my best to supress it.
Then, exactly ten minutes later, my Grandmother called for me. I tried my best to get up but I couldn’t.
Suddenly, frost slowly started to form around me, freezing a half-empty glass of water by my bedside.
Amy? Amy!
She then opened up my door and gasped at the sight she behold. Rushing to my side, she touched my arm and quickly retracted her hand.
Amy... who did you meet? Who did you touch? Who did you talk to? Answer me so that I can heal you!
I opened up my mouth until a black figure stopped at the door.
Cloaked in a robe darker than night, all I and my grandmother could see was the coldness of its breath traversing the air in front of it like mist.
Amy... I've come for you...
My grandmother snarled.
Amy, listen to me! You've got to get up! You've got to fight the chill! Come on!
Amy... I've come for you...
The cloaked figure slowly approached me and the closer he got, the more the lights flickered around us.
Was I going to die here? No, I've got to get up!
Stay away! I won't let you touch her! I won't let you touch the Princess!
Then, the glimmer of a scythe emerging from the cloak and then, to my shock, embedded itself right into my grandmother.
I watched as he took his weapon out of her and then, I couldn’t believe it. Her toes started off by turning to ice, including her clothes.
Ice. That is what she became. A statue of ice. I couldn’t believe this... this must be a nightmare! But it wasn’t. I felt the pain, the excruciating pain...
The figure approached me, it's bony fingers wrapping themselves around the handle of its blade.
Tell me... your name...
It's voice cut through the air like an icicle right into my eardrums. I couldn't move not one bit of my body.
Say it... and I'll bring her back...
My heart beat so fast that I could barely hear myself think. Grandma... A tear rolled down my cheek, which immediately froze on my arctic skin.
I need to say it...
Amy Angel
Amy Angel
M-My n-name...
I couldn't. My throat hurt so much. The frigid and bitter cold travelled down from my throat for a moment, allowing me to speak.
Amy Angel
Amy Angel
A-Amy... A-Ang-gel...
The house clock abruptly stroke midnight. It was my birthday. I was now 16...
Warm light suddenly surrounded me, negating any chill that I had previously experienced. The cloaked figure stepped back, clearly panicked.
I then heard a voice. A familiar voice which gave me great warmth.
Mysterious Voice
Mysterious Voice
Be good... and be brave.
And then, everything went dark. My eyelids felt heavy, like when you haven’t slept for 24 hours non-stop.
I felt something warm surround my wrists and then my chest, bringing air back into my lungs which were once frozen.
And then... nothing. I felt nothing and I swayed into nothing by accepting this fate and everything went blank.
-End of Chapter 2-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
Thank you for reading my book! Make sure to like if you've enjoyed the story and want more. Subscribe by tapping the heart button so you don't miss any updates. Doing that would mean a lot! Leave a comment especially! I love to read them~.

Chapter 3 - Travelling Realms

I woke up in a warm bed, which seemed different from the small bedroom that I was used to. It took me a while to realise that I should start worrying about where I am.
I woke up in a warm bed, which seemed different from the small bedroom that I was used to. It took me a while to realise that I should start worrying about where I am.
This was no apartment. This whole room was the size of me and Grandmother’s apartment.
The door suddenly opened, making me jump up and shiver as a man walked in. He was wearing a weird get-up, which looked like what an old Victorian noble would wear.
Chester Brace
Chester Brace
You're awake. How marvellous!
This man... he seems strange.
Amy Angel
Amy Angel
Excuse me, but where am I?
The man chuckled and walked towards the bed, sitting at the end of it. Crossing his legs, he laid his walking stick against the mattress and smiled at me kindly.
Chester Brace
Chester Brace
I’m Chester Brace, the Head Master of this academy. I found you past out on the doorstep of my school so I brought you in. Your clothes were almost about to fall apart since they were frozen. I used magic to change you so you don’t have to worry.
I smirked.
Amy Angel
Amy Angel
Magic? I'm not five. I don't believe in that sort of thing anymore.
He smiled back at me.
Chester Brace
Chester Brace
Remarkable... you managed a solo teleportation to the devil realm by yourself and you don’t even know that magic exists. How ironic.
I feel like he's being serious. Did I land in a mental facility somehow?
Amy Angel
Amy Angel
You're joking, right?
He shook his head and smiled, putting out the palm of his hand. Then, little sparks flew out of it, making me immediately speechless.
There are no wires or fake skin. That's... real.
Chester Brace
Chester Brace
For a human to have performed magic, this requires my upmost attention. If news that a human can employ the use of spells like devils, there will be a panic.
What on earth is he talking about? Devils? Magic? I'm so confused right now...
Chester Brace
Chester Brace
I suggest that you return to whatever world you came from. The Devil Realm is not a place where a human would want to be.
Amy Angel
Amy Angel
I don't understand. Devils, magic, what is this place?
Amy Angel
Amy Angel
And how do I get home?
Suddenly, the door burst open and five handsome boys around my age walked right in.
They all had completely different faces and expressions yet something about them seemed similar.
Rhys Covey
Rhys Covey
I knew it. I could smell her from the foyer.
Caspian Elysse
Caspian Elysse
What a beautiful young human girl. I've never quite seen such a delicate little thing before.
The man stated at me, grinning flirtatiously. I suddenly felt like a sheep who walked into a wolf's den.
Arthur Glass
Arthur Glass
Why is a human in a school full of devils?
Percy Steele
Percy Steele
Arthur, I think you mean to say HOW a human is even here in the first place.
Cal Bentley
Cal Bentley
One of the boys d is nt even speak to me. He simply stared at me before turning his head and attempting to leave the room.
Once he stepped towards the door, Chester made a flourish with his hand, making the door slam shut.
Waving his hand in front of my speechless self, he made an earring appear out of nowhere.
Chester Brace
Chester Brace
If you wear this, the charm should negate your human smell.
He brought it close to me. The earring itself was charming. I was quite surprised at its beauty. I was in no position to refuse.
I slowly picked up the earring and shakily put it through one of the holes in my ears.
Immediately, the guys who had just arrived seemed more relaxed and less like feral animals.
Chester Brace
Chester Brace
You may not eat this human. She is special... more special than you boys can understand.
Special? Me? But I'm just an ordinary girl living an ordinary life. How did I end up surrounded by magic and devils?
-End of Chapter 3-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
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