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My Sexy Rich Boss

Chapter 1 - Playing The Game

Old Man
Old Man
Oh my... I seem to have fallen into a trap.
In a small park surrounded by skyscraper buildings, a man looked around on a chessboard, confused as what to do.
Old Man
Old Man
I resign... you outsmarted an old cookie like me. That's something to be proud of, Gingernut.
I chuckled at my nickname as I put out my hand to shake his.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Thank you for indulging me in this match. I had some time to kill and it really took my mind off of things.
Old Man
Old Man
Is something troubling you, little lass? No, don't tell me. You'll make me feel old again.
I chuckled.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Nonsense. It's just that I'm starting my first job today and I'm nervous.
Old Man
Old Man
Don't be. I fought in the war, I know how scary things can be. Don't be worried, pet. You'll be fine.
I got out of my chair, adjusting my coat. I smiled at the old man one last time.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Thanks for the game. I'll come back tomorrow!
Old Man
Old Man
You really know how to make an old man depressed. Good luck, dear.
Walking away, I couldn't help but chuckle.
It's been a month since I graduated from university. I quickly landed myself a job at the top technology company in the world; Nightly Group.
I'm grateful for the opportunity. I've never really had a chance to socialise with people but I guess that will have to change if I'm the lead programmer there.
As I walked up to the building, a stern man sat in his office, his brow furrowed.
Adam Queen
Adam Queen
Hey, Liam! I heard that you hired a new cutie as your head programmer!
A murderous aura traversed the room, locking onto the man who had just entered his office.
Adam Queen
Adam Queen
Oh, Liam! Do you need to share that murderous aura with me? I'm not even on your board of directors!
Liam Nightly
Liam Nightly
But your father is. This the reason why you haven't been kicked out.
Liam Nightly
Liam Nightly
One of my employees found you in the janitor's closet with a woman who just so happened to be my head accountant.
Adam Queen
Adam Queen
We were just fooling around! Come on, Liam! Why don't we go out for a drink, yeah?
Liam Nightly
Liam Nightly
You are insufferable. Stay away from my lead programmer.
Adam chucked.
Adam Queen
Adam Queen
Isn't it ironic?
Liam Nightly
Liam Nightly
What is?
Adam Queen
Adam Queen
You're allergic to women yet you hire one as your head programmer, someone that you'll always have to be around.
Liam Nightly
Liam Nightly
She was recommended to me by an old friend. Besides, as long as she does her job, everything will work out just fine.
Adam peeked out of the window down at the street and immediately, his eyes went wide.
Adam Queen
Adam Queen
Oh, my, gosh... it's her.
Liam Nightly
Liam Nightly
Adam Queen
Adam Queen
See you, Liam! I'm sorry but no drinks today!
Adam Queen
Adam Queen
There she is... my muse!
As he disappeared down the corridor and into the elevator, Liam sighed.
Liam Nightly
Liam Nightly
What is it with him and woman? They are all insufferable creatures!
He then glanced at the package left outside of his door and sighed.
Liam Nightly
Liam Nightly
And I must find who is always littering outside of my office too.
-End of Chapter 1-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
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Chapter 2 - Fangirl? Nope.

Just like the old man recommended, I took this opportunity in stride.
I've dealt with more nerve-wracking things before this point. Having a job should be at the bottom of that list.
The moment I walked into the company, I felt a deep and dense atmosphere.
People kept their heads down, unable to look eye to eye with anyone.
Was this a company or a prison?
I walked to the front office, my high heels tapping against the marble floor, making heads turn as I approached the front desk.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Hello, my name is Chloe Cage.
All gifts for the president are to be mailed so please don't bring them personally. They will be burnt.
Burnt... hmm, I don't know what that's about but I need to get to the matter at hand.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
I'm Chloe Cage, the new head of programming?
The receptionist then looked at me, squinting.
Hold on, your name was?
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage. 18 years old. My birthday was a few weeks ago. My birth year is-
That's okay. But don't you look a little...
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
I was going to say young.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Different word, same meaning.
You're 18? And they're hiring you, a little girl, to be head of programming?
I should take offence in that... but I don't.
And I won't.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
I graduated University early.
Oh... well, someone from the department should be down shortly.
Maven Jacobs
Maven Jacobs
And here I am. Woah, I read the name but I can't believe it was true.
The man approached me and gave me a kind smile.
Maven Jacobs
Maven Jacobs
Maven Jacobs, at your service. And you must be Miss Chloe.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Just call me Chloe. It's weird since you're older than me.
Maven Jacobs
Maven Jacobs
We aren't far off. I'm 20 so there isn't that much of a year gap. Anyway, follow me.
I followed behind him, like a lost puppy. He wasn't like the other people in this floor. He seemed more cheerful than most.
Maven Jacobs
Maven Jacobs
So, you saw the zombies from the first to fifth floors. They all answer directly to the CEO in person, thus the great depression.
I looked at them all.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Is he really that scary?
Maven Jacobs
Maven Jacobs
Are you frightened?
I shook my head.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
He could hold a gun to my head and I wouldn't bat an eyelid. He's successful for a reason, right? That oppression, I admire him for it.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
It's not easy to control a room, especially of that room thinks you're a kid who's in two sizes too big shoes.
He looked down at my feet.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Metaphorically. Not literally.
Maven smiled.
Maven Jacobs
Maven Jacobs
I like you.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Maven Jacobs
Maven Jacobs
I like your attitude. You aren't like the other girl's at this company.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
What are the other girl's like. Give me your best impression.
He stuck a pose and brushed his hand past his hair.
Maven Jacobs
Maven Jacobs
Isn't he, like, so hot?
I chuckled.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
That seems... accurate enough considering the receptionost pegged me as a fan girl dropping off Christmas cookies.
Maven Jacobs
Maven Jacobs
Tough. Well, I'll tell you this, the programming department is the most lively departments of the company. You know why?
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Maven Jacobs
Maven Jacobs
Because the CEO only talks to the head of programming... that's it.
He... does?
-End of Chapter 2-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
Thank you for reading my book! Make sure to like if you've enjoyed the story and want more. Subscribe by tapping the heart button so you don't miss any updates. Doing that would mean a lot! Leave a comment especially! I love to read them~.

Chapter 3 - Two Alphas

Working in Nightly Group is better than I thought.
Not only am I the only girl in my department but everyone takes me seriously there. Maven is like a big brother to all of the other programmers, getting them food or coffee when they need it.
I quote, he has the answers to everything. They were accepting of me and my sudden appearance and despite the other departments making fun of me for being so young, I've got an army of big brothers to back me up.
One day, while walking towards the printer, I noticed a man look down at the bottom floor. His murderous aura could make a normal person avert their gaze.
His eyes then somehow fell on me and I felt their intensity increase.
I, instead of turning and walking away, sneered at his feeble attempt to scare me and gently turned around, skipping away to the printer room.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Hey, Maven.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Who is that grump up there?
Maven looked up and rapidly looked away as he left the printer room with me, carrying copies and copies of paper.
Maven Jacobs
Maven Jacobs
Don't look at him in the eye. He can sense fear.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Who is he?
Maven Jacobs
Maven Jacobs
He's the CEO of Nightly Group.
Maven Jacobs
Maven Jacobs
Liam Nightly.
As soon as I got back, I got descriptions of him back and forth.
Programmer A
Programmer A
I heard that if you put him in the fridge, he'd freeze the fridge.
Programmer B
Programmer B
His glare is as murderous as any assassin. Someone told me that once, he caused a whole board of men to have heart attacks. Simultaneously.
Such scary stories...
Well, scary for a little girl.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
So he's like a big scary teddy bear.
Some of the men chuckled.
Programmer A
Programmer A
He's worse than that.
Maven Jacobs
Maven Jacobs
Chloe! You got an email.
Trotting around to my computer, I saw the email and clicked on it.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Oh, it's the CEO. He wants me in his office ASAP.
The whole room became like a room in a haunted house. Everyone had their eyes down on their keyboards.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Okay~. I'll be back on a moment!
I skipped towards the elevator and one guy at the back syatyed to cry.
Programmer A
Programmer A
Our Chloe is so strong.
Programmer B
Programmer B
Let's work on double speed!
Programmer A
Programmer A
Maven couldn't help but feel concerned.
Not because the work was going to get disrupted... but because he really wanted to take me out for a drink after work today.
I knocked on the CEO's door and I heard a chilling "Enter". Walking in, I saw him, his eyes looking as red as blood.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Can I help you, Sir?
Liam Nightly
Liam Nightly
Who are you?
I mumbled:
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
Hold on, you called me here not knowing who I am?
Liam Nightly
Liam Nightly
Speak up.
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
I'm Chloe Cage. I'm the head of the Programming department.
Liam Nightly
Liam Nightly
I believe that I remember saying to have said to hire the best of the university's class? Not a child-
Chloe Cage
Chloe Cage
For your information, I'm anything but a child. I graduated University at 18 studying programming and business. I was top in both of my classes.
He stated into my eyes and there was a moment where I thought that we were having a no-blinking contest.
Liam Nightly
Liam Nightly
I don't need someone like you working at my company. Leave, now.
-End of Chapter 3-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
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